This documentation describes liboobs 2.32.0 .

Common API
OobsSession — Manager of the connection to the backends
OobsObject — Base object for all configuration objects
OobsList — Object to deal with several configuration elements
OobsError — Error codes
Users and groups management
OobsGroupsConfig — Object that represents groups configuration
OobsUsersConfig — Object that represents users configuration
OobsSelfConfig — Object that represents the current user
OobsGroup — Object that represents an individual group
OobsUser — Object that represents an individual user
Shared folders management
OobsSMBConfig — Object that represents SMB configuration
OobsNFSConfig — Object that represents NFS configuration
OobsShare — Base object for shared folders
OobsShareNFS — Object that represents NFS configuration
OobsShareSMB — Object that represents SMB configuration.
Date and time management
OobsTimeConfig — Object that represents time configuration
OobsNTPConfig — Object that represents NTP configuration
OobsNTPServer — Object that represents an individual NTP server
System boot management
OobsServicesConfig — Object that represents the configuration of services that start/stop during init/shutdown
OobsService — Object that represents an individual init.d service
Network interfaces management
OobsIfacesConfig — Object that represents network interfaces configuration
OobsIface — Base object for network interfaces
OobsIfaceEthernet — Object that represents an individual Ethernet interface
OobsIfaceIRLan — Object that represents an individual IRLan interface
OobsIfacePlip — Object that represents an individual Plip interface
OobsIfacePPP — Object that represents an individual PPP interface
OobsIfaceWireless — Object that represents an individual Wireless interface
Hosts resolution management
OobsHostsConfig — Object that represents hosts resolution configuration
OobsStaticHost — Object that represents an individual static host settings