
OobsGroupsConfig — Object that represents groups configuration

Object Hierarchy



  "maximum-gid"              gint                  : Read / Write
  "minimum-gid"              gint                  : Read / Write




typedef struct _OobsGroupsConfig OobsGroupsConfig;


typedef struct {
  OobsObjectClass parent_class;

  void (*_oobs_padding1) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding2) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding3) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding4) (void);
} OobsGroupsConfigClass;

oobs_groups_config_get ()

OobsObject*         oobs_groups_config_get              (void);

Returns the OobsGroupsConfig singleton, which represents the groups configuration.

Returns :

the singleton OobsGoupsConfig

oobs_groups_config_get_groups ()

OobsList*           oobs_groups_config_get_groups       (OobsGroupsConfig *config);

Returns an OobsList containing objects of type OobsGroup.

config :

An OobsGroupsConfig.

Returns :

An OobsList containing the groups configuration.

oobs_groups_config_add_group ()

OobsResult          oobs_groups_config_add_group        (OobsGroupsConfig *config,
                                                         OobsGroup *group);

Add a group to the configuration, immediately committing changes to the system. On success, group will be appended to the groups list.

config :

An OobsGroupsConfig.

group :

An Oobsgroup.

Returns :

an OobsResult enum with the error code.

oobs_groups_config_delete_group ()

OobsResult          oobs_groups_config_delete_group     (OobsGroupsConfig *config,
                                                         OobsGroup *group);

Delete an group from the configuration, immediately committing changes to the system. On success, group will be removed from the groups list.

config :

An OobsGroupsConfig.

group :

An OobsGroup.

Returns :

an OobsResult enum with the error code.

oobs_groups_config_get_from_name ()

OobsGroup*          oobs_groups_config_get_from_name    (OobsGroupsConfig *config,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Gets the (first) group called name. This is a convenience function to avoid walking manually over the groups list.

config :

An OobsGroupsConfig.

name :

the name of the wanted group.

Returns :

an OobsGroup corresponding to the passed named, or NULL if no such group exists. Don't forget to unref group when you're done.

oobs_groups_config_get_from_gid ()

OobsGroup*          oobs_groups_config_get_from_gid     (OobsGroupsConfig *config,
                                                         gid_t gid);

config :

gid :

Returns :

oobs_groups_config_is_name_used ()

gboolean            oobs_groups_config_is_name_used     (OobsGroupsConfig *config,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Check whether name is already used by an existing group or not. This is a convenience function to avoid walking manually over the groups list.

config :

An OobsGroupsConfig.

name :

the name to check.

Returns :

TRUE if a group called name already exists, FALSE otherwise.

oobs_groups_config_is_gid_used ()

gboolean            oobs_groups_config_is_gid_used      (OobsGroupsConfig *config,
                                                         gid_t gid);

Check whether gid is already used by an existing group or not. This is a convenience function to avoid walking manually over the groups list.

config :

An OobsGroupsConfig.

gid :

the gid to check.

Returns :

TRUE if an group with such an gid already exists, FALSE otherwise.

oobs_groups_config_find_free_gid ()

gid_t               oobs_groups_config_find_free_gid    (OobsGroupsConfig *config,
                                                         gid_t gid_min,
                                                         gid_t gid_max);

config :

gid_min :

gid_max :

Returns :

Property Details

The "maximum-gid" property

  "maximum-gid"              gint                  : Read / Write

Maximum GID for non-system groups.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 2147483647

The "minimum-gid" property

  "minimum-gid"              gint                  : Read / Write

Minimum GID for non-system groups.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 2147483647

See Also
