
OobsList — Object to deal with several configuration elements

Object Hierarchy



  "contained-type"           gpointer              : Write / Construct Only




#define OOBS_TYPE_LIST_ITER    (oobs_list_iter_get_type ())


typedef struct _OobsList OobsList;


typedef struct {
  GObjectClass parent_class;

  void (*_oobs_padding1) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding2) (void);
} OobsListClass;


typedef struct {
  guint stamp;
  gpointer data;
} OobsListIter;

oobs_list_iter_get_type ()

GType               oobs_list_iter_get_type             (void);

Returns :

oobs_list_get_iter_first ()

gboolean            oobs_list_get_iter_first            (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter);

Initializes iter the iterator pointing to the first element in list. if list is empty, then FALSE is returned, and iter is not initialized.

list :

An OobsList

iter :

An uninitialized OobsListIter

Returns :

TRUE if iter was set

oobs_list_iter_next ()

gboolean            oobs_list_iter_next                 (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter);

Sets iter to point to the element following it. If there's no next iter, of if iter was invalid for list, FALSE is returned, and iter is set to invalid.

list :

An OobsList

iter :

A valid OobsListIter pointing to an element in list

Returns :

TRUE if iter has been correctly changed to the next element

oobs_list_remove ()

gboolean            oobs_list_remove                    (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter);

Removes an element pointed by iter from list. This function will not be effective if list is locked, or if iter doesn't point to an element contained in list.

list :

An OobsList

iter :

A valid OobsListIter pointing to an element in list

Returns :

TRUE if the element was correctly removed

oobs_list_append ()

void                oobs_list_append                    (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter);

Appends a new element to list. iter will be changed to point to this element, to fill in values, you need to call oobs_list_set().

list :

An OobsList

iter :

An unset OobsListIter to set to the new element

oobs_list_prepend ()

void                oobs_list_prepend                   (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter);

Prepends a new element to list. iter will be changed to point to this element, to fill in values, you need to call oobs_list_set().

list :

An OobsList

iter :

An unset OobsListIter to set to the new element

oobs_list_insert_after ()

void                oobs_list_insert_after              (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *anchor,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter);

Inserts a new element after anchor. iter will be changed to point to this element, to fill in values, you need to call oobs_list_set().

list :

An OobsList

anchor :

A valid OobsListIter

iter :

An unset OobsListIter to set to the new element

oobs_list_insert_before ()

void                oobs_list_insert_before             (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *anchor,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter);

Inserts a new element before anchor. iter will be changed to point to this element, to fill in values, you need to call oobs_list_set().

list :

An OobsList

anchor :

A valid OobsListIter

iter :

An unset OobsListIter to set to the new element

oobs_list_get ()

GObject*            oobs_list_get                       (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter);

Retrieves a reference to the element referenced by OobsListIter.

list :

an OobsList

iter :

a valid OobsListIter for the element being get

Returns :

the element referenced by iter

oobs_list_set ()

void                oobs_list_set                       (OobsList *list,
                                                         OobsListIter *iter,
                                                         gpointer data);

Sets the data for the element referenced by OobsListIter. This function will not be effective if the list is locked, or if data GType is different to the data contained in OobsList.

list :

an OobsList

iter :

a valid OobsListIter for the element being set

data :

a pointer to the data being set

oobs_list_clear ()

void                oobs_list_clear                     (OobsList *list);

Removes all contents from an OobsList. This function will not be effective if the list is locked.

list :

an OobsList

oobs_list_get_n_items ()

gint                oobs_list_get_n_items               (OobsList *list);

Returns the number of elements that the list contains.

list :

An OobsList.

Returns :

the number of elements.

oobs_list_iter_copy ()

OobsListIter *      oobs_list_iter_copy                 (OobsListIter *iter);

Returns a newly allocated copy of the given iterator. This function is not intended for use in applications, because you can just copy the structs by value (OobsListIter new_iter = iter;). You must free this iter with oobs_list_iter_free().

iter :

An OobsListIter.

Returns :

A newly allocated iterator.

oobs_list_iter_free ()

void                oobs_list_iter_free                 (OobsListIter *iter);

Frees an iterator that has been allocated in the heap.

iter :

An OobsListIter.

Property Details

The "contained-type" property

  "contained-type"           gpointer              : Write / Construct Only

GType contained in the list.

See Also
