
OobsHostsConfig — Object that represents hosts resolution configuration

Object Hierarchy





typedef struct _OobsHostsConfig OobsHostsConfig;


typedef struct {
  OobsObjectClass parent_class;

  void (*_oobs_padding1) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding2) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding3) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding4) (void);
} OobsHostsConfigClass;

oobs_hosts_config_get ()

OobsObject*         oobs_hosts_config_get               (void);

Returns the OobsHostsConfig singleton, this object represents the hosts resolution configuration.

Returns :

the singleton OobsHostsConfig.

oobs_hosts_config_get_hostname ()

const gchar*        oobs_hosts_config_get_hostname      (OobsHostsConfig *config);

Returns the hostname for the machine.

config :

An OobsHostsConfig.

Returns :

A pointer to the hostname as a string. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

oobs_hosts_config_set_hostname ()

void                oobs_hosts_config_set_hostname      (OobsHostsConfig *config,
                                                         const gchar *hostname);

Sets a new hostname, overwriting the previous one.

config :

An OobsHostsConfig.

hostname :

A new hostname.

oobs_hosts_config_get_domainname ()

const gchar*        oobs_hosts_config_get_domainname    (OobsHostsConfig *config);

Returns the domain name for the machine.

config :

An OobsHostsConfig.

Returns :

A pointer to the domain name as a string. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

oobs_hosts_config_set_domainname ()

void                oobs_hosts_config_set_domainname    (OobsHostsConfig *config,
                                                         const gchar *domainname);

Sets a new domain name, overwriting the previous one.

config :

An OobsHostsConfig.

domainname :

A new domain name.

oobs_hosts_config_get_static_hosts ()

OobsList*           oobs_hosts_config_get_static_hosts  (OobsHostsConfig *config);

Returns an OobsList containing objects of type OobsStaticHost.

config :

An OobsHostsConfig.

Returns :

An OobsList containing the static hosts configuration.

oobs_hosts_config_get_dns_servers ()

GList*              oobs_hosts_config_get_dns_servers   (OobsHostsConfig *config);

Returns a GList containing the IP addresses of the DNS servers. The returned list must be freed with g_list_free().

config :

An OobsHostsConfig.

Returns :

a GList of gchar pointers

oobs_hosts_config_set_dns_servers ()

void                oobs_hosts_config_set_dns_servers   (OobsHostsConfig *config,
                                                         GList *dns_list);

Overwrites the list of DNS servers. The previous list and its contents will be freed, so any merging will have to be done by hand.

config :

An OobsHostsConfig.

dns_list :

a GList containing strings with the IP addresses of the DNS servers.

oobs_hosts_config_get_search_domains ()

GList*              oobs_hosts_config_get_search_domains
                                                        (OobsHostsConfig *config);

Returns a GList containing the search domains. The returned list musts be freed with g_list_free().

config :

An OobsHostsConfig.

Returns :

a GList of gchar pointers.

oobs_hosts_config_set_search_domains ()

void                oobs_hosts_config_set_search_domains
                                                        (OobsHostsConfig *config,
                                                         GList *search_domains_list);

Overwrites the list of search domains. The previous list and its contents will be freed, so any merging will have to be done by hand.

config :

An OobsHostsConfig

search_domains_list :

a GList containing strings with the search domains.

See Also
