
OobsIfacePPP — Object that represents an individual PPP interface


enum                OobsModemVolume;
enum                OobsDialType;
GType               oobs_dial_type_get_type             (void);
GType               oobs_iface_ppp_get_type             ();
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_connection_type  (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *type);
const gchar *       oobs_iface_ppp_get_connection_type  (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_login            (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *login);
const gchar*        oobs_iface_ppp_get_login            (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_password         (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *password);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_phone_number     (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *phone_number);
const gchar*        oobs_iface_ppp_get_phone_number     (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_phone_prefix     (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *phone_prefix);
const gchar*        oobs_iface_ppp_get_phone_prefix     (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_default_gateway  (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         gboolean default_gw);
gboolean            oobs_iface_ppp_get_default_gateway  (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_use_peer_dns     (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         gboolean use_peer_dns);
gboolean            oobs_iface_ppp_get_use_peer_dns     (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_persistent       (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         gboolean persistent);
gboolean            oobs_iface_ppp_get_persistent       (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_peer_noauth      (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         gboolean use_peer_dns);
gboolean            oobs_iface_ppp_get_peer_noauth      (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_serial_port      (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *serial_port);
const gchar*        oobs_iface_ppp_get_serial_port      (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_volume           (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         OobsModemVolume volume);
OobsModemVolume     oobs_iface_ppp_get_volume           (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_dial_type        (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         OobsDialType dial_type);
OobsDialType        oobs_iface_ppp_get_dial_type        (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_ethernet         (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         OobsIfaceEthernet *ethernet);
OobsIfaceEthernet * oobs_iface_ppp_get_ethernet         (OobsIfacePPP *iface);
void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_apn              (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *apn);
const gchar *       oobs_iface_ppp_get_apn              (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Object Hierarchy



  "apn"                      gchar*                : Read / Write
  "connection-type"          gchar*                : Read / Write
  "default-gateway"          gboolean              : Read / Write
  "dial-type"                OobsDialType          : Read / Write
  "ethernet"                 OobsIfaceEthernet*    : Read / Write
  "iface-section"            gchar*                : Read / Write
  "login"                    gchar*                : Read / Write
  "password"                 gchar*                : Read / Write
  "peer-noauth"              gboolean              : Read / Write
  "persistent"               gboolean              : Read / Write
  "phone-number"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "phone-prefix"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "serial-port"              gchar*                : Read / Write
  "use-peer-dns"             gboolean              : Read / Write
  "volume"                   OobsModemVolume       : Read / Write



enum OobsModemVolume

typedef enum {
} OobsModemVolume;

enum OobsDialType

typedef enum {
} OobsDialType;


typedef struct _OobsIfacePPP OobsIfacePPP;


typedef struct {
  OobsIfaceClass parent_class;

  void (*_oobs_padding1) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding2) (void);
} OobsIfacePPPClass;

oobs_dial_type_get_type ()

GType               oobs_dial_type_get_type             (void);

Returns :

oobs_iface_ppp_get_type ()

GType               oobs_iface_ppp_get_type             ();

Returns :

oobs_iface_ppp_set_connection_type ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_connection_type  (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *type);

Sets the connection type for the PPP interface. The list of possible values can be obtained through oobs_ifaces_config_get_available_ppp_types().

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP

type :

A string defining the connection type.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_connection_type ()

const gchar *       oobs_iface_ppp_get_connection_type  (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Gets the connection type for the PPP interface.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP

Returns :

A string defining the connection type. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_login ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_login            (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *login);

Sets a new login for the PPP connection, overwriting the previous one.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

login :

a new login for the PPP connection.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_login ()

const gchar*        oobs_iface_ppp_get_login            (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns the login used for this PPP connection.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

A pointer to the login. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_password ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_password         (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *password);

Sets a new password for the PPP connection, overwriting the previous one.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

password :

a new password for the PPP connection.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_phone_number ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_phone_number     (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *phone_number);

Sets a new phone number for the PPP connection, overwriting the previous one.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

phone_number :

a new phone number for the PPP connection.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_phone_number ()

const gchar*        oobs_iface_ppp_get_phone_number     (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns the phone number used for this PPP connection.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

A pointer to the phone number. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_phone_prefix ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_phone_prefix     (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *phone_prefix);

Sets a new phone number prefix for the PPP connection, overwriting the previous one.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

phone_prefix :

a new phone number prefix for the PPP connection.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_phone_prefix ()

const gchar*        oobs_iface_ppp_get_phone_prefix     (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns the phone number prefix used for this PPP connection.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

A pointer to the phone number prefix. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_default_gateway ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_default_gateway  (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         gboolean default_gw);

Sets whether the interface is the default gateway to Internet.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

default_gw :

TRUE to make this interface the default gateway to Internet.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_default_gateway ()

gboolean            oobs_iface_ppp_get_default_gateway  (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns whether the interface is the default gateway to Internet.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

TRUE if the interface is the default gateway.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_use_peer_dns ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_use_peer_dns     (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         gboolean use_peer_dns);

Sets whether to use the DNS servers that the ISP specifies.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

use_peer_dns :

TRUE to use DNS servers specified by the ISP.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_use_peer_dns ()

gboolean            oobs_iface_ppp_get_use_peer_dns     (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns whether the DNS servers specified by the ISP will be used.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

TRUE if the DNS servers will be used.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_persistent ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_persistent       (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         gboolean persistent);

Sets whether the interface will try to reconnect if the connection fails.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

persistent :

TRUE to try to reconnect if the connection fails.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_persistent ()

gboolean            oobs_iface_ppp_get_persistent       (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns whether the interface will try to reconnect if the connection fails.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

TRUE if the interface will try to reconnect.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_peer_noauth ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_peer_noauth      (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         gboolean use_peer_dns);

Sets whether the peer has to authenticate itself.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

use_peer_dns :

TRUE if the peer has to authenticate itself.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_peer_noauth ()

gboolean            oobs_iface_ppp_get_peer_noauth      (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns whether the peer is required to authenticate itself.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

TRUE if the peer is required to authenticate itself.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_serial_port ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_serial_port      (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *serial_port);

Sets a serial port to connect with the modem device.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

serial_port :

a new serial port for the interface.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_serial_port ()

const gchar*        oobs_iface_ppp_get_serial_port      (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns the serial port used to communicate with the modem device.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

A pointer to the serial port as a string. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_volume ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_volume           (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         OobsModemVolume volume);

Sets the modem volume.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

volume :

the modem volume.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_volume ()

OobsModemVolume     oobs_iface_ppp_get_volume           (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns the modem volume.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

the modem volume.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_dial_type ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_dial_type        (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         OobsDialType dial_type);

Sets the dialing type for the modem connection.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

dial_type :

dialing type for the modem connection.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_dial_type ()

OobsDialType        oobs_iface_ppp_get_dial_type        (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns the dialing type for the modem connection.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP.

Returns :

the dialing type.

oobs_iface_ppp_set_ethernet ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_ethernet         (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         OobsIfaceEthernet *ethernet);

Sets the ethernet interface that will be used if the PPP interface is configured as PPPoE.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP

ethernet :

An OobsIfaceEthernet to use in the PPPoE setup.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_ethernet ()

OobsIfaceEthernet * oobs_iface_ppp_get_ethernet         (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns the ethernet interface used by the PPP interface if it's configured as PPPoE, or NULL if none is set. You must not unref this.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP

Returns :

An OobsIfaceEthernet

oobs_iface_ppp_set_apn ()

void                oobs_iface_ppp_set_apn              (OobsIfacePPP *iface,
                                                         const gchar *apn);

Sets the Access point name that will be used if the PPP interface is configured as GPRS.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP

apn :

Access point name of the GPRS provider.

oobs_iface_ppp_get_apn ()

const gchar *       oobs_iface_ppp_get_apn              (OobsIfacePPP *iface);

Returns the Access point name for the GPRS provider.

iface :

An OobsIfacePPP

Returns :

The Access point name. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

Property Details

The "apn" property

  "apn"                      gchar*                : Read / Write

Access provider name used for GPRS.

Default value: NULL

The "connection-type" property

  "connection-type"          gchar*                : Read / Write

PPP connection type.

Default value: NULL

The "default-gateway" property

  "default-gateway"          gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether to use the iface as the default gateway.

Default value: TRUE

The "dial-type" property

  "dial-type"                OobsDialType          : Read / Write

Modem dial type.


The "ethernet" property

  "ethernet"                 OobsIfaceEthernet*    : Read / Write

Ethernet interface used for PPPoE.

The "iface-section" property

  "iface-section"            gchar*                : Read / Write

Name of the wvdial section or the provider name.

Default value: NULL

The "login" property

  "login"                    gchar*                : Read / Write

Login for the connection.

Default value: NULL

The "password" property

  "password"                 gchar*                : Read / Write

Password for the connection.

Default value: NULL

The "peer-noauth" property

  "peer-noauth"              gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether the ISP has to authenticate itself or not.

Default value: TRUE

The "persistent" property

  "persistent"               gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether to persist if the connection fails.

Default value: FALSE

The "phone-number" property

  "phone-number"             gchar*                : Read / Write

Phone number for the connection.

Default value: NULL

The "phone-prefix" property

  "phone-prefix"             gchar*                : Read / Write

Phone prefix for the connection.

Default value: NULL

The "serial-port" property

  "serial-port"              gchar*                : Read / Write

Serial port for the connection.

Default value: NULL

The "use-peer-dns" property

  "use-peer-dns"             gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether to use the ISP DNS.

Default value: TRUE

The "volume" property

  "volume"                   OobsModemVolume       : Read / Write

Modem volume.