
OobsShareNFS — Object that represents NFS configuration

Object Hierarchy





typedef struct _OobsShareNFS OobsShareNFS;


typedef struct {
  OobsShareClass parent_class;

  void (*_oobs_padding1) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding2) (void);
} OobsShareNFSClass;


typedef struct {
  gchar    *element;
  gboolean  read_only;
} OobsShareAclElement;

oobs_share_nfs_new ()

OobsShare*          oobs_share_nfs_new                  (const gchar *path);

Returns a new NFS share for the given path.

path :

share path.

Returns :

A newly allocated OobsShareNFS.

oobs_share_nfs_add_acl_element ()

void                oobs_share_nfs_add_acl_element      (OobsShareNFS *share,
                                                         const gchar *element,
                                                         gboolean read_only);

Adds an ACL entry for a host, element may be a host name, an IP address or a combination in the form "IP address/Network mask".

share :

An OobsShareNFS.

element :

Host in the share ACL.

read_only :

Whether the share is read only for the element.

oobs_share_nfs_set_acl ()

void                oobs_share_nfs_set_acl              (OobsShareNFS *share,
                                                         GSList *acl);

Overwrites the list of ACL entries for the share. The previous list and its contents will be free, so any merging will have to be done by hand. Alternatively, you can use oobs_share_nfs_add_acl_element().

share :

An OobsShareNFS.

acl :

A GList of OobsShareAclElement.

oobs_share_nfs_get_acl ()

GSList*             oobs_share_nfs_get_acl              (OobsShareNFS *share);

Returns the ACL defined for this share.

share :

An OobsShareNFS.

Returns :

A GList containing OobsShareAclElement structs, this list must be freed with g_list_free().