
OobsGroup — Object that represents an individual group

Object Hierarchy



  "gid"                      guint                 : Read / Write
  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "password"                 gchar*                : Read / Write




typedef struct _OobsGroup OobsGroup;


typedef struct {
  OobsObjectClass parent_class;
  void (*_oobs_padding1) (void);
  void (*_oobs_padding2) (void);
} OobsGroupClass;

oobs_group_new ()

OobsGroup*          oobs_group_new                      (const gchar *name);

Returns a newly allocated OobsGroup with the name specified by name.

name :

group name.

Returns :

A new OobsGroup.

oobs_group_get_name ()

const gchar*        oobs_group_get_name                 (OobsGroup *group);

Returns the name of the group represented by group.

group :

An OobsGroup.

Returns :

A pointer to the group name as a string. This string must not be freed, modified or stored.

oobs_group_set_password ()

void                oobs_group_set_password             (OobsGroup *group,
                                                         const gchar *password);

group :

password :

oobs_group_get_gid ()

gid_t               oobs_group_get_gid                  (OobsGroup *group);

Returns the group ID (GID) associated to OobsGroup

group :

An OobsGroup.

Returns :

the group GID.

oobs_group_set_gid ()

void                oobs_group_set_gid                  (OobsGroup *group,
                                                         gid_t gid);

Sets the group ID (GID) of group to be gid.

group :

An OobsGroup.

gid :

A new GID for group.

oobs_group_get_users ()

GList *             oobs_group_get_users                (OobsGroup *group);

Returns a GList containing pointers to the OobsUser objects that represent the users represented by the group.

group :

An OobsGroup.

Returns :

a newly allocated GList, use g_list_free() to free it.

oobs_group_clear_users ()

void                oobs_group_clear_users              (OobsGroup *group);

group :

oobs_group_add_user ()

void                oobs_group_add_user                 (OobsGroup *group,
                                                         OobsUser *user);

Adds a new user to the group. If the user is already in the group, it does nothing.

group :

An OobsGroup.

user :

An OobsUser to add to the group.

oobs_group_remove_user ()

void                oobs_group_remove_user              (OobsGroup *group,
                                                         OobsUser *user);

Removes an user from the group. If the user isn't a member of this group, this function does nothing.

group :

An OobsGroup.

user :

An OobsUser to remove from the group.

oobs_group_is_root ()

gboolean            oobs_group_is_root                  (OobsGroup *group);

Checks whether a group is the root group, according to its name.

group :

An OobsGroup.

Returns :

TRUE if group is the root group, FALSE otherwise.

Property Details

The "gid" property

  "gid"                      guint                 : Read / Write

Main group GID for the group.

Allowed values: <= G_MAXLONG

Default value: 2147483647

The "name" property

  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

Name for the group.

Default value: NULL

The "password" property

  "password"                 gchar*                : Read / Write

Password for the group.

Default value: NULL

See Also
