cluttermm: Clutter Namespace Reference




class  Actor
class  ActorBox
class  ActorMeta
 Clutter::ActorMeta is an abstract class providing a common API for modifiers of Clutter::Actor activity, appearance or layout. More...

class  Action
 This is the base class for all actions. More...

class  AlignConstraint
 AlignConstraint is a Constraint that aligns the position of the Actor to which it is applied to the size of another Actor using an alignment factor. More...

class  Alpha
class  Animatable
class  Animation
class  Animator
class  Backend
class  Behaviour
class  BehaviourDepth
class  BehaviourEllipse
class  BehaviourOpacity
class  BehaviourPath
class  BehaviourRotate
class  BehaviourScale
class  BinLayout
class  BindConstraint
 BindConstraint is a Constraint that binds the position or the size of the Actor to which it is applied to the the position or the size of another Actor, or "source". More...

class  Box
class  BoxLayout
class  BlurEffect
class  BrightnessContrastEffect
class  Canvas
class  ChildMeta
class  Clone
class  Color
class  ColorizeEffect
class  Constraint
 Constraint is a base abstract class for modifiers of an Actor position or size. More...

class  Container
class  Content
class  DeformEffect
class  DeviceManager
class  DesaturateEffect
class  Effect
class  FixedLayout
class  FlowLayout
class  GridLayout
class  Group
class  Image
class  InputDevice
class  Interval
class  KeyFrameTransition
class  LayoutMeta
class  LayoutManager
class  Media
class  Model
class  ModelIter
class  OffscreenEffect
class  PageTurnEffect
class  PathNode
class  Path
class  PathConstraint
 PathConstraint is a simple constraint that modifies the allocation of the Actor to which it has been applied using a ClutterPath. More...

class  PropertyTransition
class  Rectangle
class  ScrollActor
class  Score
class  Script
class  Scriptable
class  Shader
class  ShaderEffect
class  Size
 A size in 2D space. More...

class  SnapConstraint
 SnapConstraint is a constraint the snaps the edges of two actors together, expanding the actor's allocation if necessary. More...

class  Perspective
class  Stage
 This is a top level 'window' on which child actors are placed and manipulated. More...

class  Text
class  TextBuffer
class  TextureError
 Exception class for Clutter::Texture errors. More...

class  Texture
class  Timeline
class  Transition
 Transition is an abstract subclass of Timeline that computes the interpolation between two values, stored by an Interval. More...

class  InitError
class  Vertex
class  Geometry
class  Point
 A Clutter::Point is a 2D point in space. More...

class  Rect
class  Knot


typedef ClutterMatrix Matrix
typedef ClutterPaintVolume PaintVolume
typedef ClutterFog Fog
typedef ClutterEvent Event
typedef ClutterButtonEvent ButtonEvent
typedef ClutterKeyEvent KeyEvent
typedef ClutterMotionEvent MotionEvent
typedef ClutterScrollEvent ScrollEvent
typedef ClutterCrossingEvent CrossingEvent


enum  ActorAlign {





 Controls how a Clutter::Actor should align itself inside the extra space assigned to it during the allocation. More...

enum  ActorFlags {

  ACTOR_MAPPED = 1 << 1,

  ACTOR_REALIZED = 1 << 2,

  ACTOR_REACTIVE = 1 << 3,

  ACTOR_VISIBLE = 1 << 4,

  ACTOR_NO_LAYOUT = 1 << 5

 Flags used to signal the state of an actor. More...

enum  AllocationFlags {




 Flags passed to the Clutter::ActorClass.allocate() virtual function and to the Clutter::Actor::allocate() function. More...

enum  ContentRepeat {

  REPEAT_NONE = 0x0,

  REPEAT_X_AXIS = 1 << 0,

  REPEAT_Y_AXIS = 1 << 1,


 Content repeat modes. More...

enum  ContentGravity {












 Controls the alignment of the Clutter::Content inside a Clutter::Actor. More...

enum  OffscreenRedirect {



 Possible flags to pass to Clutter::Actor::set_offscreen_redirect(). More...

enum  Orientation {



 Represents the orientation of actors or layout managers. More...

enum  AlignAxis {




 Specifies the axis on which Clutter::AlignConstraint should maintain the alignment. More...

enum  Interpolation {



 The mode of interpolation between key frames. More...

enum  BinAlignment {






 The alignment policies available on each axis for Clutter::BinLayout. More...

enum  BindCoordinate {








 Specifies which property should be used in a binding. More...

enum  BoxAlignment {




 The alignment policies available on each axis of the Clutter::BoxLayout. More...

enum  StaticColor {














































 Named colors, for accessing global colors defined by Clutter. More...

enum  FlowOrientation {



 The direction of the arrangement of the children inside a Clutter::FlowLayout. More...

enum  GridPosition {





 Grid position modes. More...

 Error enumeration for Clutter::Image. More...

enum  InputAxis {










 The type of axes Clutter recognizes on a Clutter::InputDevice. More...

enum  InputMode {




 The mode for input devices available. More...

enum  InputDeviceType {












 The types of input devices available. More...

enum  ModifierType {

  SHIFT_MASK = 1 << 0,

  LOCK_MASK = 1 << 1,

  CONTROL_MASK = 1 << 2,

  MOD1_MASK = 1 << 3,

  MOD2_MASK = 1 << 4,

  MOD3_MASK = 1 << 5,

  MOD4_MASK = 1 << 6,

  MOD5_MASK = 1 << 7,

  BUTTON1_MASK = 1 << 8,

  BUTTON2_MASK = 1 << 9,

  BUTTON3_MASK = 1 << 10,

  BUTTON4_MASK = 1 << 11,

  BUTTON5_MASK = 1 << 12,














  SUPER_MASK = 1 << 26,

  HYPER_MASK = 1 << 27,

  META_MASK = 1 << 28,


  RELEASE_MASK = 1 << 30,

  MODIFIER_MASK = 0x5c001fff

 Masks applied to a Clutter::Event by modifiers. More...

enum  PathNodeType {








enum  ScrollMode {

  SCROLL_NONE = 0x0,




 Scroll modes. More...

enum  ShaderType {



 The type of GLSL shader program. More...

enum  SnapEdge {





 The edge to snap. More...

enum  PickMode {




 Controls the paint cycle of the scene graph when in pick mode. More...

enum  TextureFlags {





 Flags for Clutter::Texture::set_from_rgb_data() and Clutter::Texture::set_from_yuv_data(). More...

enum  TextureQuality {




 Enumaration controlling the texture quality. More...

enum  TimelineDirection {



 The direction of a Clutter::Timeline. More...

enum  AnimationMode {










































 The animation modes used by Clutter::Alpha and Clutter::Animation. More...

enum  RotateDirection {



 Direction of a rotation. More...

enum  RotateAxis {




 Axis of a rotation. More...

enum  Gravity {











 Gravity of the scaling operations. More...

enum  RequestMode {



 Specifies the type of requests for a Clutter::Actor. More...

enum  FontFlags {

  FONT_MIPMAPPING = (1 << 0),

  FONT_HINTING = (1 << 1)

 Runtime flags to change the font quality. More...

enum  ScalingFilter {




 The scaling filters to be used with the Clutter::Actor::property_minification_filter() and Clutter::Actor::property_magnification_filter() properties. More...

enum  TextDirection {




 The text direction to be used by Clutter::Actors. More...



ActorFlags operator| (ActorFlags lhs, ActorFlags rhs)
ActorFlags operator& (ActorFlags lhs, ActorFlags rhs)
ActorFlags operator^ (ActorFlags lhs, ActorFlags rhs)
ActorFlags operator~ (ActorFlags flags)
ActorFlagsoperator|= (ActorFlags& lhs, ActorFlags rhs)
ActorFlagsoperator&= (ActorFlags& lhs, ActorFlags rhs)
ActorFlagsoperator^= (ActorFlags& lhs, ActorFlags rhs)
AllocationFlags operator| (AllocationFlags lhs, AllocationFlags rhs)
AllocationFlags operator& (AllocationFlags lhs, AllocationFlags rhs)
AllocationFlags operator^ (AllocationFlags lhs, AllocationFlags rhs)
AllocationFlags operator~ (AllocationFlags flags)
AllocationFlagsoperator|= (AllocationFlags& lhs, AllocationFlags rhs)
AllocationFlagsoperator&= (AllocationFlags& lhs, AllocationFlags rhs)
AllocationFlagsoperator^= (AllocationFlags& lhs, AllocationFlags rhs)
ContentRepeat operator| (ContentRepeat lhs, ContentRepeat rhs)
ContentRepeat operator& (ContentRepeat lhs, ContentRepeat rhs)
ContentRepeat operator^ (ContentRepeat lhs, ContentRepeat rhs)
ContentRepeat operator~ (ContentRepeat flags)
ContentRepeatoperator|= (ContentRepeat& lhs, ContentRepeat rhs)
ContentRepeatoperator&= (ContentRepeat& lhs, ContentRepeat rhs)
ContentRepeatoperator^= (ContentRepeat& lhs, ContentRepeat rhs)
OffscreenRedirect operator| (OffscreenRedirect lhs, OffscreenRedirect rhs)
OffscreenRedirect operator& (OffscreenRedirect lhs, OffscreenRedirect rhs)
OffscreenRedirect operator^ (OffscreenRedirect lhs, OffscreenRedirect rhs)
OffscreenRedirect operator~ (OffscreenRedirect flags)
OffscreenRedirectoperator|= (OffscreenRedirect& lhs, OffscreenRedirect rhs)
OffscreenRedirectoperator&= (OffscreenRedirect& lhs, OffscreenRedirect rhs)
OffscreenRedirectoperator^= (OffscreenRedirect& lhs, OffscreenRedirect rhs)
ModifierType operator| (ModifierType lhs, ModifierType rhs)
ModifierType operator& (ModifierType lhs, ModifierType rhs)
ModifierType operator^ (ModifierType lhs, ModifierType rhs)
ModifierType operator~ (ModifierType flags)
ModifierTypeoperator|= (ModifierType& lhs, ModifierType rhs)
ModifierTypeoperator&= (ModifierType& lhs, ModifierType rhs)
ModifierTypeoperator^= (ModifierType& lhs, ModifierType rhs)
ScrollMode operator| (ScrollMode lhs, ScrollMode rhs)
ScrollMode operator& (ScrollMode lhs, ScrollMode rhs)
ScrollMode operator^ (ScrollMode lhs, ScrollMode rhs)
ScrollMode operator~ (ScrollMode flags)
ScrollModeoperator|= (ScrollMode& lhs, ScrollMode rhs)
ScrollModeoperator&= (ScrollMode& lhs, ScrollMode rhs)
ScrollModeoperator^= (ScrollMode& lhs, ScrollMode rhs)
TextureFlags operator| (TextureFlags lhs, TextureFlags rhs)
TextureFlags operator& (TextureFlags lhs, TextureFlags rhs)
TextureFlags operator^ (TextureFlags lhs, TextureFlags rhs)
TextureFlags operator~ (TextureFlags flags)
TextureFlagsoperator|= (TextureFlags& lhs, TextureFlags rhs)
TextureFlagsoperator&= (TextureFlags& lhs, TextureFlags rhs)
TextureFlagsoperator^= (TextureFlags& lhs, TextureFlags rhs)
FontFlags operator| (FontFlags lhs, FontFlags rhs)
FontFlags operator& (FontFlags lhs, FontFlags rhs)
FontFlags operator^ (FontFlags lhs, FontFlags rhs)
FontFlags operator~ (FontFlags flags)
FontFlagsoperator|= (FontFlags& lhs, FontFlags rhs)
FontFlagsoperator&= (FontFlags& lhs, FontFlags rhs)
FontFlagsoperator^= (FontFlags& lhs, FontFlags rhs)
bool events_pending ()
 Checks if events are pending in the event queue. More...

guint key_event_get_symbol (KeyEvent* keyev)
 Retrieves the value of the key that caused keyev. More...

guint16 key_event_get_code (KeyEvent* keyev)
 Retrieves the keycode of the key that caused keyev. More...

guint32 key_event_get_unicode (KeyEvent* keyev)
 Retrieves the unicode value for the key that caused keyev. More...

guint32 keysym_to_unicode (guint keyval)
 Convert from a Clutter key symbol to the corresponding ISO10646 (Unicode) character. More...

sigc::connection frame_source_add (const sigc::slot< bool >& callback, guint interval, int priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
 Sets a function to be called at regular intervals with the given priority. More...

void init (int* argc, gchar** argv[])
 It will initialise everything needed to operate with Clutter and parses some standard command line options. More...

void init (int& argc, gchar**& argv)
 It will initialise everything needed to operate with Clutter and parses some standard command line options. More...

void add_clutter_option_group (Glib::OptionContext& option_context)
 Adds a Glib::OptionGroup for the command line arguments recognized by Clutter to the given context. More...

void main ()
 Starts the Clutter mainloop. More...

void main_quit ()
 Terminates the Clutter mainloop. More...

int main_level ()
 Retrieves the depth of the Clutter mainloop. More...

bool get_debug_enabled ()
 Check if clutter has debugging turned on. More...

bool get_show_fps ()
 Returns whether Clutter should print out the frames per second on the console. More...

gulong get_timestamp ()
 Returns the approximate number of microseconds passed since clutter was intialised. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Actorget_actor_by_gid (guint32 id)
 Retrieves the Actor with id. More...

void set_default_frame_rate (guint frames_per_sec)
 Sets the default frame rate to be used when creating Timeline objects. More...

guint get_default_frame_rate ()
 Retrieves the default frame rate used when creating ClutterTimelines. More...

void set_motion_events_enabled (bool enable)
 Sets whether per-actor motion events should be enabled or not (the default is to enable them). More...

bool get_motion_events_enabled ()
 Gets whether the per-actor motion events are enabled. More...

void clear_glyph_cache ()
 Clears the internal cache of glyphs used by the Pango renderer. More...

void set_font_flags (FontFlags flags)
FontFlags get_font_flags ()
Glib::RefPtr< Pango::FontMap > get_font_map ()
Glib::RefPtr< Actorget_keyboard_grab ()
 Queries the current keyboard grab of clutter. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Actorget_pointer_grab ()
 Queries the current pointer grab of clutter. More...

void grab_keyboard (const Glib::RefPtr< Actor >& actor)
 Grabs keyboard events, after the grab is done keyboard events ("key-press-event" and "key-release-event") are delivered to this actor directly. More...

void grab_pointer (const Glib::RefPtr< Actor >& actor)
 Grabs pointer events, after the grab is done all pointer related events (press, motion, release, enter, leave and scroll) are delivered to this actor directly. More...

void ungrab_keyboard ()
 Removes an existing grab of the keyboard. More...

void ungrab_pointer ()
 Removes an existing grab of the pointer. More...

void grab_pointer_for_device (const Glib::RefPtr< Actor >& actor, int id)
 Grabs all the pointer events coming from the device id for actor. More...

void ungrab_pointer_for_device (int id)
 Removes an existing grab of the pointer events for device id. More...

void threads_init ()
 Initialises the Clutter threading mechanism, so that Clutter API can be called by multiple threads, using threads_enter() and threads_leave() to mark the critical sections. More...

void threads_enter ()
 Locks the Clutter thread lock. More...

void threads_leave ()
 Unlocks the Clutter thread lock. More...

sigc::connection threads_add_idle (const sigc::slot< bool >& callback, int priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE)
 Adds a function to be called whenever there are no higher priority events pending. More...

sigc::connection threads_add_timeout (const sigc::slot< bool >& callback, guint interval, gint priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
 Sets a function to be called at regular intervals holding the Clutter lock, with the given priority. More...

sigc::connection threads_add_frame_source (const sigc::slot< bool >& callback, guint interval, gint priority=Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
 Sets a function to be called at regular intervals holding the Clutter lock, with the given priority. More...


Typedef Documentation

typedef ClutterButtonEvent Clutter::ButtonEvent
typedef ClutterCrossingEvent Clutter::CrossingEvent
typedef ClutterEvent Clutter::Event
typedef ClutterFog Clutter::Fog
Fog settings are ignored.
typedef ClutterKeyEvent Clutter::KeyEvent
typedef ClutterMatrix Clutter::Matrix
typedef ClutterMotionEvent Clutter::MotionEvent
typedef ClutterPaintVolume Clutter::PaintVolume
typedef ClutterScrollEvent Clutter::ScrollEvent

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

void Clutter::add_clutter_option_group ( Glib::OptionContext option_context)

Adds a Glib::OptionGroup for the command line arguments recognized by Clutter to the given context.

This is useful if you are using Glib::OptionContext::parse() to parse your commandline arguments.

option_contexta Glib::OptionContext to add the clutter option group to.
void Clutter::clear_glyph_cache ( )

Clears the internal cache of glyphs used by the Pango renderer.

This will free up some memory and GL texture resources. The cache will be automatically refilled as more text is drawn.

Use get_font_map() and cogl_pango_font_map_clear_glyph_cache() instead.
bool Clutter::events_pending ( )

Checks if events are pending in the event queue.

true if there are pending events, false otherwise.
sigc::connection Clutter::frame_source_add ( const sigc::slot< bool > &  callback,
guint  interval,
int  priority = Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT 

Sets a function to be called at regular intervals with the given priority.

The function is called repeatedly until it returns false, at which point the timeout is automatically destroyed and the function will not be called again. The first call to the function will be at the end of the first interval.

This function is similar to Glib::SignalTimeout except that it will try to compensate for delays. For example, if func takes half the interval time to execute then the function will be called again half the interval time after it finished. In contrast Glib::SignalTimeout would not fire until a full interval after the function completes so the delay between calls would be interval * 1.5. This function does not however try to invoke the function multiple times to catch up missing frames if callback takes more than interval ms to execute.

callbackfunction to call
intervalthe time between calls to the function, in milliseconds
thepriority of the timeout source. Typically this will be in the range between Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT and Glib::PRIORITY_HIGH.
A sigc::connection that can be used to disconnect the callback from the timeout source.
This method is no longer useful.
Glib::RefPtr<Actor> Clutter::get_actor_by_gid ( guint32  id)

Retrieves the Actor with id.

idan Actor ID.
the actor with the passed id or a NULL RefPtr.
The id is not used any longer.
bool Clutter::get_debug_enabled ( )

Check if clutter has debugging turned on.

true if debugging is turned on, false otherwise.
guint Clutter::get_default_frame_rate ( )

Retrieves the default frame rate used when creating ClutterTimelines.

This value is also used to compute the default frequency of motion events.

the default frame rate
FontFlags Clutter::get_font_flags ( )
Use Backend::get_font_options() and the cairo_font_option_t API.
Glib::RefPtr<Pango::FontMap> Clutter::get_font_map ( )
Glib::RefPtr<Actor> Clutter::get_keyboard_grab ( )

Queries the current keyboard grab of clutter.

the actor currently holding the keyboard grab, or an empty Glib::RefPtr if there is no grab.
bool Clutter::get_motion_events_enabled ( )

Gets whether the per-actor motion events are enabled.

true if the motion events are enabled.
Use Stage::get_motion_events_enabled() instead.
Glib::RefPtr<Actor> Clutter::get_pointer_grab ( )

Queries the current pointer grab of clutter.

the actor currently holding the pointer grab, or am empty Glib::RefPtr if there is no grab.
bool Clutter::get_show_fps ( )

Returns whether Clutter should print out the frames per second on the console.

You can enable this setting either using the CLUTTER_SHOW_FPS environment variable or passing the –clutter-show-fps command line argument.

true if Clutter should show the FPS.
Use the environment variable or the configuration file to determine whether Clutter should print out the FPS counter on the console.
gulong Clutter::get_timestamp ( )

Returns the approximate number of microseconds passed since clutter was intialised.

Number of microseconds since clutter_init() was called.
Use Glib::Timer or g_get_monotonic_time() for a proper timing source.
void Clutter::grab_keyboard ( const Glib::RefPtr< Actor > &  actor)

Grabs keyboard events, after the grab is done keyboard events ("key-press-event" and "key-release-event") are delivered to this actor directly.

The source set in the event will be the actor that would have received the event if the keyboard grab was not in effect.

actorAn Actor
void Clutter::grab_pointer ( const Glib::RefPtr< Actor > &  actor)

Grabs pointer events, after the grab is done all pointer related events (press, motion, release, enter, leave and scroll) are delivered to this actor directly.

The source set in the event will be the actor that would have received the event if the pointer grab was not in effect.

If you wish to grab all the pointer events for a specific input device, you should use grab_pointer_for_device().

actorAn Actor
void Clutter::grab_pointer_for_device ( const Glib::RefPtr< Actor > &  actor,
int  id 

Grabs all the pointer events coming from the device id for actor.

If id is -1 then this function is equivalent to grab_pointer().

actorAn Actor.
ida device id, or -1
Use InputDevice::grab() instead.
void Clutter::init ( int *  argc,
gchar **  argv[] 

It will initialise everything needed to operate with Clutter and parses some standard command line options.

argc and argv are adjusted accordingly so your own code will never see those standard arguments.

argca pointer to the number of command line arguments
argva pointer to the array of comman line arguments
void Clutter::init ( int &  argc,
gchar **&  argv 

It will initialise everything needed to operate with Clutter and parses some standard command line options.

argc and argv are adjusted accordingly so your own code will never see those standard arguments.

argca reference to the number of command line arguments
argva reference to the array of comman line arguments
guint16 Clutter::key_event_get_code ( KeyEvent *  keyev)

Retrieves the keycode of the key that caused keyev.

keyevA KeyEvent.
The keycode representing the key
guint Clutter::key_event_get_symbol ( KeyEvent *  keyev)

Retrieves the value of the key that caused keyev.

keyevA KeyEvent.
The keysym representing the key.
guint32 Clutter::key_event_get_unicode ( KeyEvent *  keyev)

Retrieves the unicode value for the key that caused keyev.

keyevA KeyEvent
The unicode value representing the key
guint32 Clutter::keysym_to_unicode ( guint  keyval)

Convert from a Clutter key symbol to the corresponding ISO10646 (Unicode) character.

keyvala clutter key symbol
the corresponding unicode character, or 0 if there is no corresponding character.
void Clutter::main ( )

Starts the Clutter mainloop.

int Clutter::main_level ( )

Retrieves the depth of the Clutter mainloop.

The level of the mainloop.
void Clutter::main_quit ( )

Terminates the Clutter mainloop.

void Clutter::set_default_frame_rate ( guint  frames_per_sec)

Sets the default frame rate to be used when creating Timeline objects.

frames_per_secthe new default frame rate.
This function does not do anything any more.
void Clutter::set_font_flags ( FontFlags  flags)
Use Backend::set_font_options() and the cairo_font_option_t API.
void Clutter::set_motion_events_enabled ( bool  enable)

Sets whether per-actor motion events should be enabled or not (the default is to enable them).

If enable is false the following events will not work:

  • ClutterActor::motion-event, unless on the ClutterStage
  • ClutterActor::enter-event
  • ClutterActor::leave-event
enabletrue to enable per-actor motion events.
Use Stage::set_motion_events_enabled() instead.
sigc::connection Clutter::threads_add_frame_source ( const sigc::slot< bool > &  callback,
guint  interval,
gint  priority = Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT 

Sets a function to be called at regular intervals holding the Clutter lock, with the given priority.

The function is called repeatedly until it returns false, at which point the timeout is automatically destroyed and the function will not be called again. The first call to the function will be at the end of the first interval.

This function is similar to threads_add_timeout_full() except that it will try to compensate for delays. For example, if func takes half the interval time to execute then the function will be called again half the interval time after it finished. In contrast threads_add_timeout() would not fire until a full interval after the function completes so the delay between calls would be interval* 1.5. This function does not however try to invoke the function multiple times to catch up missing frames if func takes more than interval ms to execute.

This variant of frame_source_add() can be thought of a MT-safe version for Clutter actors.

callbackfunction to call
intervalthe time between calls to the function, in milliseconds
thepriority of the timeout source. Typically this will be in the range between Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT and Glib::PRIORITY_HIGH.
A sigc::connection that can be used to disconnect the callback from the timeout source.
This function is no longer useful.
sigc::connection Clutter::threads_add_idle ( const sigc::slot< bool > &  callback,
int  priority = Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE 

Adds a function to be called whenever there are no higher priority events pending.

If the function returns false it is automatically removed from the list of event sources and will not be called again.

This variant of Glib::signal_idle calls function with the Clutter lock held. It can be thought of a MT-safe version for Clutter actors for the use case where you have to worry about idle_callback() running in thread A and accessing self after it has been finalized in thread B.

callbackfunction to call
prioritythe priority of the timeout source. Typically this will be in the range between Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE and Glib::PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE
A sigc::connection that can be used to disconnect the callback from the idle source.
sigc::connection Clutter::threads_add_timeout ( const sigc::slot< bool > &  callback,
guint  interval,
gint  priority = Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT 

Sets a function to be called at regular intervals holding the Clutter lock, with the given priority.

The function is called repeatedly until it returns false, at which point the timeout is automatically destroyed and the function will not be called again. The first call to the function will be at the end of the first interval.

Note that timeout functions may be delayed, due to the processing of other event sources. Thus they should not be relied on for precise timing. After each call to the timeout function, the time of the next timeout is recalculated based on the current time and the given interval (it does not try to 'catch up' time lost in delays).

This variant of Glib::SignalTimeout can be thought of a MT-safe version for Clutter actors. See also threads_add_idle().

callbackfunction to call
intervalthe time between calls to the function, in milliseconds
prioritythe priority of the timeout source. Typically this will be in the range between Glib::PRIORITY_DEFAULT and Glib::PRIORITY_HIGH.
A sigc::connection that can be used to disconnect the callback from the timeout source.
void Clutter::threads_enter ( )

Locks the Clutter thread lock.

This function should not be used by application code. Marking critical sections is not portable on various platforms. Instead of acquiring the Clutter lock, schedule UI updates from the main loop using threads_add_idle() or threads_add_timeout().
void Clutter::threads_init ( )

Initialises the Clutter threading mechanism, so that Clutter API can be called by multiple threads, using threads_enter() and threads_leave() to mark the critical sections.

You must call Glib::thread_init() before this function.

This function must be called before init().

This function does not do anything. Threading support is initialized when Clutter is initialized.
void Clutter::threads_leave ( )

Unlocks the Clutter thread lock.

This function should not be used by application code. Marking critical sections is not portable on various platforms. Instead of acquiring the Clutter lock, schedule UI updates from the main loop using threads_add_idle() or threads_add_timeout().
void Clutter::ungrab_keyboard ( )

Removes an existing grab of the keyboard.

void Clutter::ungrab_pointer ( )

Removes an existing grab of the pointer.

void Clutter::ungrab_pointer_for_device ( int  id)

Removes an existing grab of the pointer events for device id.

adevice id
Use InputDevice::ungrab() instead.