
PopplerDocument — Information about a document


#include <poppler.h>

enum                PopplerPageLayout;
enum                PopplerPageMode;
enum                PopplerFontType;
enum                PopplerViewerPreferences;
enum                PopplerPermissions;
PopplerDocument *   poppler_document_new_from_file      (const char *uri,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GError **error);
PopplerDocument *   poppler_document_new_from_data      (char *data,
                                                         int length,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GError **error);
PopplerDocument *   poppler_document_new_from_stream    (GInputStream *stream,
                                                         goffset length,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);
PopplerDocument *   poppler_document_new_from_gfile     (GFile *file,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            poppler_document_save               (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const char *uri,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            poppler_document_save_a_copy        (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const char *uri,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            poppler_document_get_id             (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         gchar **permanent_id,
                                                         gchar **update_id);
gchar *             poppler_document_get_pdf_version_string
                                                        (PopplerDocument *document);
void                poppler_document_get_pdf_version    (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         guint *major_version,
                                                         guint *minor_version);
gchar *             poppler_document_get_title          (PopplerDocument *document);
gchar *             poppler_document_get_author         (PopplerDocument *document);
gchar *             poppler_document_get_subject        (PopplerDocument *document);
gchar *             poppler_document_get_keywords       (PopplerDocument *document);
gchar *             poppler_document_get_creator        (PopplerDocument *document);
gchar *             poppler_document_get_producer       (PopplerDocument *document);
time_t              poppler_document_get_creation_date  (PopplerDocument *document);
time_t              poppler_document_get_modification_date
                                                        (PopplerDocument *document);
PopplerPageLayout   poppler_document_get_page_layout    (PopplerDocument *document);
PopplerPageMode     poppler_document_get_page_mode      (PopplerDocument *document);
PopplerPermissions  poppler_document_get_permissions    (PopplerDocument *document);
gchar *             poppler_document_get_metadata       (PopplerDocument *document);
gboolean            poppler_document_is_linearized      (PopplerDocument *document);
int                 poppler_document_get_n_pages        (PopplerDocument *document);
PopplerPage *       poppler_document_get_page           (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         int index);
PopplerPage *       poppler_document_get_page_by_label  (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const char *label);
PopplerDest *       poppler_document_find_dest          (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const gchar *link_name);
guint               poppler_document_get_n_attachments  (PopplerDocument *document);
gboolean            poppler_document_has_attachments    (PopplerDocument *document);
GList *             poppler_document_get_attachments    (PopplerDocument *document);
PopplerFormField *  poppler_document_get_form_field     (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         gint id);
PopplerIndexIter *  poppler_index_iter_new              (PopplerDocument *document);
PopplerIndexIter *  poppler_index_iter_copy             (PopplerIndexIter *iter);
void                poppler_index_iter_free             (PopplerIndexIter *iter);
PopplerIndexIter *  poppler_index_iter_get_child        (PopplerIndexIter *parent);
gboolean            poppler_index_iter_is_open          (PopplerIndexIter *iter);
PopplerAction *     poppler_index_iter_get_action       (PopplerIndexIter *iter);
gboolean            poppler_index_iter_next             (PopplerIndexIter *iter);
PopplerFontInfo *   poppler_font_info_new               (PopplerDocument *document);
gboolean            poppler_font_info_scan              (PopplerFontInfo *font_info,
                                                         int n_pages,
                                                         PopplerFontsIter **iter);
void                poppler_font_info_free              (PopplerFontInfo *font_info);
PopplerFontsIter *  poppler_fonts_iter_copy             (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
void                poppler_fonts_iter_free             (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_name         (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_full_name    (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
PopplerFontType     poppler_fonts_iter_get_font_type    (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_substitute_name
                                                        (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_file_name    (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_encoding     (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
gboolean            poppler_fonts_iter_is_embedded      (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
gboolean            poppler_fonts_iter_is_subset        (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
gboolean            poppler_fonts_iter_next             (PopplerFontsIter *iter);
PopplerLayersIter * poppler_layers_iter_new             (PopplerDocument *document);
PopplerLayersIter * poppler_layers_iter_copy            (PopplerLayersIter *iter);
void                poppler_layers_iter_free            (PopplerLayersIter *iter);
PopplerLayersIter * poppler_layers_iter_get_child       (PopplerLayersIter *parent);
PopplerLayer *      poppler_layers_iter_get_layer       (PopplerLayersIter *iter);
gchar *             poppler_layers_iter_get_title       (PopplerLayersIter *iter);
gboolean            poppler_layers_iter_next            (PopplerLayersIter *iter);
PopplerPSFile *     poppler_ps_file_new                 (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const char *filename,
                                                         int first_page,
                                                         int n_pages);
void                poppler_ps_file_free                (PopplerPSFile *ps_file);
void                poppler_ps_file_set_paper_size      (PopplerPSFile *ps_file,
                                                         double width,
                                                         double height);
void                poppler_ps_file_set_duplex          (PopplerPSFile *ps_file,
                                                         gboolean duplex);

Object Hierarchy



  "author"                   gchar*                : Read
  "creation-date"            gint                  : Read
  "creator"                  gchar*                : Read
  "format"                   gchar*                : Read
  "format-major"             guint                 : Read
  "format-minor"             guint                 : Read
  "keywords"                 gchar*                : Read
  "linearized"               gboolean              : Read
  "metadata"                 gchar*                : Read
  "mod-date"                 gint                  : Read
  "page-layout"              PopplerPageLayout     : Read
  "page-mode"                PopplerPageMode       : Read
  "permissions"              PopplerPermissions    : Read
  "producer"                 gchar*                : Read
  "subject"                  gchar*                : Read
  "title"                    gchar*                : Read
  "viewer-preferences"       PopplerViewerPreferences  : Read


The PopplerDocument is an object used to refer to a main document.



typedef struct _PopplerDocument PopplerDocument;


typedef struct _PopplerIndexIter PopplerIndexIter;


typedef struct _PopplerFontsIter PopplerFontsIter;


typedef struct _PopplerLayersIter PopplerLayersIter;

enum PopplerPageLayout

typedef enum {
} PopplerPageLayout;

Page layout types


no specific layout set


one page at a time


pages in one column


pages in two columns with odd numbered pages on the left


pages in two columns with odd numbered pages on the right


two pages at a time with odd numbered pages on the left


two pages at a time with odd numbered pages on the right

enum PopplerPageMode

typedef enum {
} PopplerPageMode;

Page modes


no specific mode set


neither document outline nor thumbnails visible


document outline visible


thumbnails visible


full-screen mode


layers panel visible


attachments panel visible


typedef struct {
} PopplerFontInfo;

enum PopplerFontType

typedef enum {
} PopplerFontType;

Font types


unknown font type


Type 1 font type


Type 1 font type embedded in Compact Font Format (CFF) font program


Type 1 font type embedded in OpenType font program


A font type that is defined with PDF graphics operators


TrueType font type


TrueType font type embedded in OpenType font program


CIDFont type based on Type 1 font technology


CIDFont type based on Type 1 font technology embedded in CFF font program


CIDFont type based on Type 1 font technology embedded in OpenType font program


CIDFont type based on TrueType font technology


CIDFont type based on TrueType font technology embedded in OpenType font program


typedef struct {
} PopplerPSFile;

enum PopplerViewerPreferences

typedef enum {
} PopplerViewerPreferences;

Viewer preferences


no preferences set


hider toolbars when document is active


hide menu bar when document is active


hide UI elements in document's window


resize document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page


position the document's window in the center of the screen


display document title in window's title bar


the predominant reading order for text is right to left

enum PopplerPermissions

typedef enum {
} PopplerPermissions;



document can be printer


document contents can be modified


document can be copied


annotations can added to the document


interactive form fields can be filled in


extract text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes). Since 0.18


assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images). Since 0.18


document can be printer at high resolution. Since 0.18


document permits all operations

poppler_document_new_from_file ()

PopplerDocument *   poppler_document_new_from_file      (const char *uri,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a new PopplerDocument. If NULL is returned, then error will be set. Possible errors include those in the POPPLER_ERROR and G_FILE_ERROR domains.

uri :

uri of the file to load

password :

password to unlock the file with, or NULL. [allow-none]

error :

Return location for an error, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

A newly created PopplerDocument, or NULL

poppler_document_new_from_data ()

PopplerDocument *   poppler_document_new_from_data      (char *data,
                                                         int length,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a new PopplerDocument. If NULL is returned, then error will be set. Possible errors include those in the POPPLER_ERROR and G_FILE_ERROR domains.

data :

the pdf data contained in a char array

length :

the length of data

password :

password to unlock the file with, or NULL. [allow-none]

error :

Return location for an error, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

A newly created PopplerDocument, or NULL

poppler_document_new_from_stream ()

PopplerDocument *   poppler_document_new_from_stream    (GInputStream *stream,
                                                         goffset length,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a new PopplerDocument reading the PDF contents from stream. Note that the given GInputStream must be seekable or G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED will be returned. Possible errors include those in the POPPLER_ERROR and G_FILE_ERROR domains.

stream :

a GInputStream to read from

length :

the stream length, or -1 if not known

password :

password to unlock the file with, or NULL. [allow-none]

cancellable :

a GCancellable, or NULL. [allow-none]

error :

Return location for an error, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

a new PopplerDocument, or NULL. [transfer full]

Since 0.22

poppler_document_new_from_gfile ()

PopplerDocument *   poppler_document_new_from_gfile     (GFile *file,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a new PopplerDocument reading the PDF contents from file. Possible errors include those in the POPPLER_ERROR and G_FILE_ERROR domains.

file :

a GFile to load

password :

password to unlock the file with, or NULL. [allow-none]

cancellable :

a GCancellable, or NULL. [allow-none]

error :

Return location for an error, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

a new PopplerDocument, or NULL. [transfer full]

Since 0.22

poppler_document_save ()

gboolean            poppler_document_save               (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const char *uri,
                                                         GError **error);

Saves document. Any change made in the document such as form fields filled, annotations added or modified will be saved. If error is set, FALSE will be returned. Possible errors include those in the G_FILE_ERROR domain.

document :

a PopplerDocument

uri :

uri of file to save

error :

return location for an error, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

TRUE, if the document was successfully saved

poppler_document_save_a_copy ()

gboolean            poppler_document_save_a_copy        (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const char *uri,
                                                         GError **error);

Saves a copy of the original document. Any change made in the document such as form fields filled by the user will not be saved. If error is set, FALSE will be returned. Possible errors include those in the G_FILE_ERROR domain.

document :

a PopplerDocument

uri :

uri of file to save

error :

return location for an error, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

TRUE, if the document was successfully saved

poppler_document_get_id ()

gboolean            poppler_document_get_id             (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         gchar **permanent_id,
                                                         gchar **update_id);

Returns the PDF file identifier represented as two byte string arrays of size 32. permanent_id is the permanent identifier that is built based on the file contents at the time it was originally created, so that this identifer never changes. update_id is the update identifier that is built based on the file contents at the time it was last updated.

Note that returned strings are not null-terminated, they have a fixed size of 32 bytes.

document :

A PopplerDocument

permanent_id :

location to store an allocated string, use g_free() to free the returned string. [out][allow-none]

update_id :

location to store an allocated string, use g_free() to free the returned string. [out][allow-none]

Returns :

TRUE if the document contains an id, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_pdf_version_string ()

gchar *             poppler_document_get_pdf_version_string
                                                        (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the PDF version of document as a string (e.g. PDF-1.6)

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new allocated string containing the PDF version of document, or NULL

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_pdf_version ()

void                poppler_document_get_pdf_version    (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         guint *major_version,
                                                         guint *minor_version);

document :

A PopplerDocument

major_version :

return location for the PDF major version number. [out][allow-none]

minor_version :

return location for the PDF minor version number. [out][allow-none]

Returns :

the major and minor PDF version numbers

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_title ()

gchar *             poppler_document_get_title          (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the document's title

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new allocated string containing the title of document, or NULL

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_author ()

gchar *             poppler_document_get_author         (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the author of the document

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new allocated string containing the author of document, or NULL

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_subject ()

gchar *             poppler_document_get_subject        (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the subject of the document

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new allocated string containing the subject of document, or NULL

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_keywords ()

gchar *             poppler_document_get_keywords       (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the keywords associated to the document

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new allocated string containing keywords associated to document, or NULL

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_creator ()

gchar *             poppler_document_get_creator        (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the creator of the document. If the document was converted from another format, the creator is the name of the product that created the original document from which it was converted.

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new allocated string containing the creator of document, or NULL

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_producer ()

gchar *             poppler_document_get_producer       (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the producer of the document. If the document was converted from another format, the producer is the name of the product that converted it to PDF

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new allocated string containing the producer of document, or NULL

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_creation_date ()

time_t              poppler_document_get_creation_date  (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the date the document was created as seconds since the Epoch

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

the date the document was created, or -1

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_modification_date ()

time_t              poppler_document_get_modification_date
                                                        (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the date the document was most recently modified as seconds since the Epoch

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

the date the document was most recently modified, or -1

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_page_layout ()

PopplerPageLayout   poppler_document_get_page_layout    (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the page layout that should be used when the document is opened

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a PopplerPageLayout that should be used when the document is opened

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_page_mode ()

PopplerPageMode     poppler_document_get_page_mode      (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns a PopplerPageMode representing how the document should be initially displayed when opened.

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a PopplerPageMode that should be used when document is opened

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_permissions ()

PopplerPermissions  poppler_document_get_permissions    (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the flags specifying which operations are permitted when the document is opened.

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a set of falgs from PopplerPermissions enumeration

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_metadata ()

gchar *             poppler_document_get_metadata       (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the XML metadata string of the document

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new allocated string containing the XML metadata, or NULL

Since 0.16

poppler_document_is_linearized ()

gboolean            poppler_document_is_linearized      (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns whether document is linearized or not. Linearization of PDF enables efficient incremental access of the PDF file in a network environment.

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

TRUE if document is linearized, FALSE otherwhise

Since 0.16

poppler_document_get_n_pages ()

int                 poppler_document_get_n_pages        (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the number of pages in a loaded document.

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

Number of pages

poppler_document_get_page ()

PopplerPage *       poppler_document_get_page           (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         int index);

Returns the PopplerPage indexed at index. This object is owned by the caller.

document :

A PopplerDocument

index :

a page index

Returns :

(transfer full) : The PopplerPage at index

poppler_document_get_page_by_label ()

PopplerPage *       poppler_document_get_page_by_label  (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const char *label);

Returns the PopplerPage reference by label. This object is owned by the caller. label is a human-readable string representation of the page number, and can be document specific. Typically, it is a value such as "iii" or "3".

By default, "1" refers to the first page.

document :

A PopplerDocument

label :

a page label

Returns :

(transfer full) :The PopplerPage referenced by label

poppler_document_find_dest ()

PopplerDest *       poppler_document_find_dest          (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const gchar *link_name);

Finds named destination link_name in document

document :

A PopplerDocument

link_name :

a named destination

Returns :

The PopplerDest destination or NULL if link_name is not a destination. Returned value must be freed with poppler_dest_free

poppler_document_get_n_attachments ()

guint               poppler_document_get_n_attachments  (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the number of attachments in a loaded document. See also poppler_document_get_attachments()

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

Number of attachments

Since 0.18

poppler_document_has_attachments ()

gboolean            poppler_document_has_attachments    (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns TRUE of document has any attachments.

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

TRUE, if document has attachments.

poppler_document_get_attachments ()

GList *             poppler_document_get_attachments    (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns a GList containing PopplerAttachments. These attachments are unowned, and must be unreffed, and the list must be freed with g_list_free().

document :

A PopplerDocument

Returns :

a list of available attachments. [element-type PopplerAttachment][transfer full]

poppler_document_get_form_field ()

PopplerFormField *  poppler_document_get_form_field     (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         gint id);

Returns the PopplerFormField for the given id. It must be freed with g_object_unref()

document :

a PopplerDocument

id :

an id of a PopplerFormField

Returns :

a new PopplerFormField or NULL if not found. [transfer full]

poppler_index_iter_new ()

PopplerIndexIter *  poppler_index_iter_new              (PopplerDocument *document);

Returns the root PopplerIndexIter for document, or NULL. This must be freed with poppler_index_iter_free().

Certain documents have an index associated with them. This index can be used to help the user navigate the document, and is similar to a table of contents. Each node in the index will contain a PopplerAction that can be displayed to the user — typically a POPPLER_ACTION_GOTO_DEST or a POPPLER_ACTION_URI.

Here is a simple example of some code that walks the full index:

static void
walk_index (PopplerIndexIter *iter)
      /* Get the the action and do something with it */
      PopplerIndexIter *child = poppler_index_iter_get_child (iter);
      if (child)
        walk_index (child);
      poppler_index_iter_free (child);
  while (poppler_index_iter_next (iter));
  iter = poppler_index_iter_new (document);
  walk_index (iter);
  poppler_index_iter_free (iter);

document :

a PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new PopplerIndexIter

poppler_index_iter_copy ()

PopplerIndexIter *  poppler_index_iter_copy             (PopplerIndexIter *iter);

Creates a new PopplerIndexIter as a copy of iter. This must be freed with poppler_index_iter_free().

iter :

a PopplerIndexIter

Returns :

a new PopplerIndexIter

poppler_index_iter_free ()

void                poppler_index_iter_free             (PopplerIndexIter *iter);

Frees iter.

iter :

a PopplerIndexIter

poppler_index_iter_get_child ()

PopplerIndexIter *  poppler_index_iter_get_child        (PopplerIndexIter *parent);

Returns a newly created child of parent, or NULL if the iter has no child. See poppler_index_iter_new() for more information on this function.

parent :

a PopplerIndexIter

Returns :

a new PopplerIndexIter

poppler_index_iter_is_open ()

gboolean            poppler_index_iter_is_open          (PopplerIndexIter *iter);

Returns whether this node should be expanded by default to the user. The document can provide a hint as to how the document's index should be expanded initially.

iter :

a PopplerIndexIter

Returns :

TRUE, if the document wants iter to be expanded

poppler_index_iter_get_action ()

PopplerAction *     poppler_index_iter_get_action       (PopplerIndexIter *iter);

Returns the PopplerAction associated with iter. It must be freed with poppler_action_free().

iter :

a PopplerIndexIter

Returns :

a new PopplerAction

poppler_index_iter_next ()

gboolean            poppler_index_iter_next             (PopplerIndexIter *iter);

Sets iter to point to the next action at the current level, if valid. See poppler_index_iter_new() for more information.

iter :

a PopplerIndexIter

Returns :

TRUE, if iter was set to the next action

poppler_font_info_new ()

PopplerFontInfo *   poppler_font_info_new               (PopplerDocument *document);

Creates a new PopplerFontInfo object

document :

a PopplerDocument

Returns :

a new PopplerFontInfo instance

poppler_font_info_scan ()

gboolean            poppler_font_info_scan              (PopplerFontInfo *font_info,
                                                         int n_pages,
                                                         PopplerFontsIter **iter);

Scans the document associated with font_info for fonts. At most n_pages will be scanned starting from the current iterator. iter will point to the first font scanned.

Here is a simple example of code to scan fonts in a document

font_info = poppler_font_info_new (document);
while (poppler_font_info_scan (font_info, 20, &fonts_iter)) {
        if (!fonts_iter)
                continue; /* No fonts found in these 20 pages */
        do {
                /* Do something with font iter */
                g_print ("Font Name: %s\n", poppler_fonts_iter_get_name (fonts_iter));
        } while (poppler_fonts_iter_next (fonts_iter));
        poppler_fonts_iter_free (fonts_iter);

font_info :

a PopplerFontInfo

n_pages :

number of pages to scan

iter :

return location for a PopplerFontsIter. [out]

Returns :

TRUE, if there are more fonts left to scan

poppler_font_info_free ()

void                poppler_font_info_free              (PopplerFontInfo *font_info);

poppler_fonts_iter_copy ()

PopplerFontsIter *  poppler_fonts_iter_copy             (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Creates a copy of iter

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter to copy

Returns :

a new allocated copy of iter

poppler_fonts_iter_free ()

void                poppler_fonts_iter_free             (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Frees the given PopplerFontsIter

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

poppler_fonts_iter_get_name ()

const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_name         (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Returns the name of the font associated with iter

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

the font name

poppler_fonts_iter_get_full_name ()

const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_full_name    (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Returns the full name of the font associated with iter

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

the font full name

poppler_fonts_iter_get_font_type ()

PopplerFontType     poppler_fonts_iter_get_font_type    (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Returns the type of the font associated with iter

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

the font type

poppler_fonts_iter_get_substitute_name ()

const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_substitute_name
                                                        (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

The name of the substitute font of the font associated with iter or NULL if the font is embedded

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

the name of the substitute font or NULL if font is embedded

Since 0.20

poppler_fonts_iter_get_file_name ()

const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_file_name    (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

The filename of the font associated with iter or NULL if the font is embedded

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

the filename of the font or NULL if font is embedded

poppler_fonts_iter_get_encoding ()

const char *        poppler_fonts_iter_get_encoding     (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Returns the encoding of the font associated with iter

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

the font encoding

Since 0.20

poppler_fonts_iter_is_embedded ()

gboolean            poppler_fonts_iter_is_embedded      (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Returns whether the font associated with iter is embedded in the document

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

TRUE if font is emebdded, FALSE otherwise

poppler_fonts_iter_is_subset ()

gboolean            poppler_fonts_iter_is_subset        (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Returns whether the font associated with iter is a subset of another font

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

TRUE if font is a subset, FALSE otherwise

poppler_fonts_iter_next ()

gboolean            poppler_fonts_iter_next             (PopplerFontsIter *iter);

Sets iter to point to the next font

iter :

a PopplerFontsIter

Returns :

TRUE, if iter was set to the next font

poppler_layers_iter_new ()

PopplerLayersIter * poppler_layers_iter_new             (PopplerDocument *document);

document :

a PopplerDocument

Since 0.12

poppler_layers_iter_copy ()

PopplerLayersIter * poppler_layers_iter_copy            (PopplerLayersIter *iter);

Creates a new PopplerLayersIter as a copy of iter. This must be freed with poppler_layers_iter_free().

iter :

a PopplerLayersIter

Returns :

a new PopplerLayersIter Since 0.12

poppler_layers_iter_free ()

void                poppler_layers_iter_free            (PopplerLayersIter *iter);

Frees iter.

iter :

a PopplerLayersIter

Since 0.12

poppler_layers_iter_get_child ()

PopplerLayersIter * poppler_layers_iter_get_child       (PopplerLayersIter *parent);

Returns a newly created child of parent, or NULL if the iter has no child. See poppler_layers_iter_new() for more information on this function.

parent :

a PopplerLayersIter

Returns :

a new PopplerLayersIter, or NULL

Since 0.12

poppler_layers_iter_get_layer ()

PopplerLayer *      poppler_layers_iter_get_layer       (PopplerLayersIter *iter);

Returns the PopplerLayer associated with iter.

iter :

a PopplerLayersIter

Returns :

a new PopplerLayer, or NULL if there isn't any layer associated with iter. [transfer full]

Since 0.12

poppler_layers_iter_get_title ()

gchar *             poppler_layers_iter_get_title       (PopplerLayersIter *iter);

Returns the title associated with iter. It must be freed with g_free().

iter :

a PopplerLayersIter

Returns :

a new string containing the iter's title or NULL if iter doesn't have a title. The returned string should be freed with g_free() when no longer needed.

Since 0.12

poppler_layers_iter_next ()

gboolean            poppler_layers_iter_next            (PopplerLayersIter *iter);

Sets iter to point to the next action at the current level, if valid. See poppler_layers_iter_new() for more information.

iter :

a PopplerLayersIter

Returns :

TRUE, if iter was set to the next action

Since 0.12

poppler_ps_file_new ()

PopplerPSFile *     poppler_ps_file_new                 (PopplerDocument *document,
                                                         const char *filename,
                                                         int first_page,
                                                         int n_pages);

Create a new postscript file to render to

document :

a PopplerDocument

filename :

the path of the output filename

first_page :

the first page to print

n_pages :

the number of pages to print

Returns :

a PopplerPSFile

poppler_ps_file_free ()

void                poppler_ps_file_free                (PopplerPSFile *ps_file);

Frees ps_file

ps_file :

a PopplerPSFile

poppler_ps_file_set_paper_size ()

void                poppler_ps_file_set_paper_size      (PopplerPSFile *ps_file,
                                                         double width,
                                                         double height);

Set the output paper size. These values will end up in the DocumentMedia, the BoundingBox DSC comments and other places in the generated PostScript.

ps_file :

a PopplerPSFile which was not yet printed to.

width :

the paper width in 1/72 inch

height :

the paper height in 1/72 inch

poppler_ps_file_set_duplex ()

void                poppler_ps_file_set_duplex          (PopplerPSFile *ps_file,
                                                         gboolean duplex);

Enable or disable Duplex printing.

ps_file :

a PopplerPSFile which was not yet printed to

duplex :

whether to force duplex printing (on printers which support this)

Property Details

The "author" property

  "author"                   gchar*                : Read

The author of the document

Default value: NULL

The "creation-date" property

  "creation-date"            gint                  : Read

The date the document was created as seconds since the Epoch, or -1

Allowed values: >= -1

Default value: -1

The "creator" property

  "creator"                  gchar*                : Read

The creator of the document. See also poppler_document_get_creator()

Default value: NULL

The "format" property

  "format"                   gchar*                : Read

The PDF version as string. See also poppler_document_get_pdf_version_string()

Default value: NULL

The "format-major" property

  "format-major"             guint                 : Read

The PDF major version number. See also poppler_document_get_pdf_version()

Default value: 1

The "format-minor" property

  "format-minor"             guint                 : Read

The PDF minor version number. See also poppler_document_get_pdf_version()

Default value: 0

The "keywords" property

  "keywords"                 gchar*                : Read

The keywords associated to the document

Default value: NULL

The "linearized" property

  "linearized"               gboolean              : Read

Whether document is linearized. See also poppler_document_is_linearized()

Default value: FALSE

The "metadata" property

  "metadata"                 gchar*                : Read

Document metadata in XML format, or NULL

Default value: NULL

The "mod-date" property

  "mod-date"                 gint                  : Read

The date the document was most recently modified as seconds since the Epoch, or -1

Allowed values: >= -1

Default value: -1

The "page-layout" property

  "page-layout"              PopplerPageLayout     : Read

The page layout that should be used when the document is opened


The "page-mode" property

  "page-mode"                PopplerPageMode       : Read

The mode that should be used when the document is opened


The "permissions" property

  "permissions"              PopplerPermissions    : Read

Flags specifying which operations are permitted when the document is opened


The "producer" property

  "producer"                 gchar*                : Read

The producer of the document. See also poppler_document_get_producer()

Default value: NULL

The "subject" property

  "subject"                  gchar*                : Read

The subject of the document

Default value: NULL

The "title" property

  "title"                    gchar*                : Read

The document's title or NULL

Default value: NULL

The "viewer-preferences" property

  "viewer-preferences"       PopplerViewerPreferences  : Read

Viewer Preferences.