
PopplerPage — Information about a page in a document


#include <poppler.h>

enum                PopplerPageTransitionType;
enum                PopplerPageTransitionAlignment;
enum                PopplerPageTransitionDirection;
enum                PopplerSelectionStyle;
int                 poppler_page_get_index              (PopplerPage *page);
gchar *             poppler_page_get_label              (PopplerPage *page);
void                poppler_page_get_size               (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         double *width,
                                                         double *height);
void                poppler_page_get_crop_box           (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *rect);
double              poppler_page_get_duration           (PopplerPage *page);
PopplerPageTransition * poppler_page_get_transition     (PopplerPage *page);
gboolean            poppler_page_get_thumbnail_size     (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         int *width,
                                                         int *height);
cairo_surface_t *   poppler_page_get_thumbnail          (PopplerPage *page);
void                poppler_page_render                 (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         cairo_t *cairo);
void                poppler_page_render_for_printing    (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         cairo_t *cairo);
void                poppler_page_render_for_printing_with_options
                                                        (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         cairo_t *cairo,
                                                         PopplerPrintFlags options);
void                poppler_page_render_to_ps           (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerPSFile *ps_file);
void                poppler_page_render_selection       (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         cairo_t *cairo,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *selection,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *old_selection,
                                                         PopplerSelectionStyle style,
                                                         PopplerColor *glyph_color,
                                                         PopplerColor *background_color);
cairo_region_t *    poppler_page_get_selected_region    (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         gdouble scale,
                                                         PopplerSelectionStyle style,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *selection);
GList *             poppler_page_get_selection_region   (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         gdouble scale,
                                                         PopplerSelectionStyle style,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *selection);
void                poppler_page_selection_region_free  (GList *region);
char *              poppler_page_get_selected_text      (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerSelectionStyle style,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *selection);
GList *             poppler_page_find_text              (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         const char *text);
GList *             poppler_page_find_text_with_options (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         const char *text,
                                                         PopplerFindFlags options);
char *              poppler_page_get_text               (PopplerPage *page);
gboolean            poppler_page_get_text_layout        (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerRectangle **rectangles,
                                                         guint *n_rectangles);
GList *             poppler_page_get_text_attributes    (PopplerPage *page);
void                poppler_page_free_text_attributes   (GList *list);
GList *             poppler_page_get_link_mapping       (PopplerPage *page);
void                poppler_page_free_link_mapping      (GList *list);
GList *             poppler_page_get_image_mapping      (PopplerPage *page);
cairo_surface_t *   poppler_page_get_image              (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         gint image_id);
void                poppler_page_free_image_mapping     (GList *list);
GList *             poppler_page_get_form_field_mapping (PopplerPage *page);
void                poppler_page_free_form_field_mapping
                                                        (GList *list);
GList *             poppler_page_get_annot_mapping      (PopplerPage *page);
void                poppler_page_free_annot_mapping     (GList *list);
void                poppler_page_add_annot              (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerAnnot *annot);
void                poppler_page_remove_annot           (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerAnnot *annot);
PopplerRectangle *  poppler_rectangle_new               (void);
PopplerRectangle *  poppler_rectangle_copy              (PopplerRectangle *rectangle);
void                poppler_rectangle_free              (PopplerRectangle *rectangle);
PopplerPageTransition * poppler_page_transition_new     (void);
PopplerPageTransition * poppler_page_transition_copy    (PopplerPageTransition *transition);
void                poppler_page_transition_free        (PopplerPageTransition *transition);
PopplerLinkMapping * poppler_link_mapping_new           (void);
PopplerLinkMapping * poppler_link_mapping_copy          (PopplerLinkMapping *mapping);
void                poppler_link_mapping_free           (PopplerLinkMapping *mapping);
PopplerImageMapping * poppler_image_mapping_new         (void);
PopplerImageMapping * poppler_image_mapping_copy        (PopplerImageMapping *mapping);
void                poppler_image_mapping_free          (PopplerImageMapping *mapping);
PopplerFormFieldMapping * poppler_form_field_mapping_new
PopplerFormFieldMapping * poppler_form_field_mapping_copy
                                                        (PopplerFormFieldMapping *mapping);
void                poppler_form_field_mapping_free     (PopplerFormFieldMapping *mapping);
PopplerAnnotMapping * poppler_annot_mapping_new         (void);
PopplerAnnotMapping * poppler_annot_mapping_copy        (PopplerAnnotMapping *mapping);
void                poppler_annot_mapping_free          (PopplerAnnotMapping *mapping);
PopplerTextAttributes * poppler_text_attributes_new     (void);
PopplerTextAttributes * poppler_text_attributes_copy    (PopplerTextAttributes *text_attrs);
void                poppler_text_attributes_free        (PopplerTextAttributes *text_attrs);

Object Hierarchy



  "label"                    gchar*                : Read




typedef struct _PopplerPage PopplerPage;


typedef struct {
  gdouble x1;
  gdouble y1;
  gdouble x2;
  gdouble y2;
} PopplerRectangle;

A PopplerRectangle is used to describe locations on a page and bounding boxes

gdouble x1;

x coordinate of lower left corner

gdouble y1;

y coordinate of lower left corner

gdouble x2;

x coordinate of upper right corner

gdouble y2;

y coordinate of upper right corner


typedef struct {
  PopplerPageTransitionType type;
  PopplerPageTransitionAlignment alignment;
  PopplerPageTransitionDirection direction;
  gint duration;
  gint angle;
  gdouble scale;
  gboolean rectangular;
} PopplerPageTransition;

A PopplerPageTransition structures describes a visual transition to use when moving between pages during a presentation

PopplerPageTransitionType type;

the type of transtition

PopplerPageTransitionAlignment alignment;

the dimension in which the transition effect shall occur. Only for POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_SPLIT and POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_BLINDS transition types

PopplerPageTransitionDirection direction;

the direccion of motion for the transition effect. Only for POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_SPLIT, POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_BOX and POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_FLY transition types

gint duration;

the duration of the transition effect

gint angle;

the direction in which the specified transition effect shall moves, expressed in degrees counterclockwise starting from a left-to-right direction. Only for POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_WIPE, POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_GLITTER, POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_FLY, POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_COVER, POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_UNCOVER and POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_PUSH transition types

gdouble scale;

the starting or ending scale at which the changes shall be drawn. Only for POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_FLY transition type

gboolean rectangular;

whether the area that will be flown is rectangular and opaque. Only for POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_FLY transition type


typedef struct {
  PopplerRectangle area;
  PopplerAction *action;
} PopplerLinkMapping;

A PopplerLinkMapping structure represents the location of action on the page

PopplerRectangle area;

a PopplerRectangle representing an area of the page

PopplerAction *action;

a PopplerAction


typedef struct {
  PopplerRectangle area;
  gint image_id;	
} PopplerImageMapping;

A PopplerImageMapping structure represents the location of an image on the page

PopplerRectangle area;

a PopplerRectangle representing an area of the page

gint image_id;

an image identifier


typedef struct {
  PopplerRectangle area;
  PopplerFormField *field;
} PopplerFormFieldMapping;

A PopplerFormFieldMapping structure represents the location of field on the page

PopplerRectangle area;

a PopplerRectangle representing an area of the page

PopplerFormField *field;

a PopplerFormField


typedef struct {
  PopplerRectangle area;
  PopplerAnnot *annot;
} PopplerAnnotMapping;

A PopplerAnnotMapping structure represents the location of annot on the page

PopplerRectangle area;

a PopplerRectangle representing an area of the page

PopplerAnnot *annot;

a PopplerAnnot

enum PopplerPageTransitionType

typedef enum {
} PopplerPageTransitionType;

Page transition types


the new page replace the old one


two lines sweep across the screen, revealing the new page


multiple lines, evenly spaced across the screen, synchronously sweep in the same direction to reveal the new page


a rectangular box sweeps inward from the edges of the page or outward from the center revealing the new page


a single line sweeps across the screen from one edge to the other revealing the new page


the old page dissolves gradually to reveal the new one


similar to POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_DISSOLVE, except that the effect sweeps across the page in a wide band moving from one side of the screen to the other


changes are flown out or in to or from a location that is offscreen


the old page slides off the screen while the new page slides in


the new page slides on to the screen covering the old page


the old page slides off the screen uncovering the new page


the new page gradually becomes visible through the old one

enum PopplerPageTransitionAlignment

typedef enum {
} PopplerPageTransitionAlignment;

Page transition alignment types for POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_SPLIT and POPPLER_PAGE_TRANSITION_BLINDS transition types


horizontal dimension


vertical dimension

enum PopplerPageTransitionDirection

typedef enum {
} PopplerPageTransitionDirection;



inward from the edges of the page


outward from the center of the page

enum PopplerSelectionStyle

typedef enum {
} PopplerSelectionStyle;

Selection styles


glyph is the minimum unit for selection


word is the minimum unit for selection


line is the minimum unit for selection


typedef struct {
  gchar *font_name;
  gdouble font_size;
  gboolean is_underlined;
  PopplerColor color;

  gint start_index;
  gint end_index;
} PopplerTextAttributes;

A PopplerTextAttributes is used to describe text attributes of a range of text

gchar *font_name;

font name

gdouble font_size;

font size

gboolean is_underlined;

if text is underlined

PopplerColor color;

a PopplerColor, the foreground color

gint start_index;

start position this text attributes apply

gint end_index;

end position this text text attributes apply

Since 0.18

poppler_page_get_index ()

int                 poppler_page_get_index              (PopplerPage *page);

Returns the index of page

page :

a PopplerPage

Returns :

index value of page

poppler_page_get_label ()

gchar *             poppler_page_get_label              (PopplerPage *page);

Returns the label of page. Note that page labels and page indices might not coincide.

page :

a PopplerPage

Returns :

a new allocated string containing the label of page, or NULL if page doesn't have a label

Since 0.16

poppler_page_get_size ()

void                poppler_page_get_size               (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         double *width,
                                                         double *height);

Gets the size of page at the current scale and rotation.

page :

A PopplerPage

width :

return location for the width of page. [out][allow-none]

height :

return location for the height of page. [out][allow-none]

poppler_page_get_crop_box ()

void                poppler_page_get_crop_box           (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *rect);

Retrurns the crop box of page

page :

a PopplerPage

rect :

a PopplerRectangle to fill. [out]

poppler_page_get_duration ()

double              poppler_page_get_duration           (PopplerPage *page);

Returns the duration of page

page :

a PopplerPage

Returns :

duration in seconds of page or -1.

poppler_page_get_transition ()

PopplerPageTransition * poppler_page_get_transition     (PopplerPage *page);

Returns the transition effect of page

page :

a PopplerPage

Returns :

a PopplerPageTransition or NULL.

poppler_page_get_thumbnail_size ()

gboolean            poppler_page_get_thumbnail_size     (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         int *width,
                                                         int *height);

Returns TRUE if page has a thumbnail associated with it. It also fills in width and height with the width and height of the thumbnail. The values of width and height are not changed if no appropriate thumbnail exists.

page :

A PopplerPage

width :

(out) return location for width

height :

(out) return location for height

Returns :

TRUE, if page has a thumbnail associated with it.

poppler_page_get_thumbnail ()

cairo_surface_t *   poppler_page_get_thumbnail          (PopplerPage *page);

Get the embedded thumbnail for the specified page. If the document doesn't have an embedded thumbnail for the page, this function returns NULL.

page :

the PopplerPage to get the thumbnail for

Returns :

the tumbnail as a cairo_surface_t or NULL if the document doesn't have a thumbnail for this page.

poppler_page_render ()

void                poppler_page_render                 (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         cairo_t *cairo);

Render the page to the given cairo context. This function is for rendering a page that will be displayed. If you want to render a page that will be printed use poppler_page_render_for_printing() instead

page :

the page to render from

cairo :

cairo context to render to

poppler_page_render_for_printing ()

void                poppler_page_render_for_printing    (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         cairo_t *cairo);

Render the page to the given cairo context for printing.

page :

the page to render from

cairo :

cairo context to render to

poppler_page_render_for_printing_with_options ()

void                poppler_page_render_for_printing_with_options
                                                        (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         cairo_t *cairo,
                                                         PopplerPrintFlags options);

Render the page to the given cairo context for printing with the specified options

page :

the page to render from

cairo :

cairo context to render to

options :

print options

Since 0.16

poppler_page_render_to_ps ()

void                poppler_page_render_to_ps           (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerPSFile *ps_file);

Render the page on a postscript file

page :

a PopplerPage

ps_file :

the PopplerPSFile to render to

poppler_page_render_selection ()

void                poppler_page_render_selection       (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         cairo_t *cairo,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *selection,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *old_selection,
                                                         PopplerSelectionStyle style,
                                                         PopplerColor *glyph_color,
                                                         PopplerColor *background_color);

Render the selection specified by selection for page to the given cairo context. The selection will be rendered, using glyph_color for the glyphs and background_color for the selection background.

If non-NULL, old_selection specifies the selection that is already rendered to cairo, in which case this function will (some day) only render the changed part of the selection.

page :

the PopplerPage for which to render selection

cairo :

cairo context to render to

selection :

start and end point of selection as a rectangle

old_selection :

previous selection

style :

a PopplerSelectionStyle

glyph_color :

color to use for drawing glyphs

background_color :

color to use for the selection background

poppler_page_get_selected_region ()

cairo_region_t *    poppler_page_get_selected_region    (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         gdouble scale,
                                                         PopplerSelectionStyle style,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *selection);

Returns a region containing the area that would be rendered by poppler_page_render_selection(). The returned region must be freed with cairo_region_destroy()

page :

a PopplerPage

scale :

scale specified as pixels per point

style :

a PopplerSelectionStyle

selection :

start and end point of selection as a rectangle

Returns :

a cairo_region_t. [transfer full]

Since 0.16

poppler_page_get_selection_region ()

GList *             poppler_page_get_selection_region   (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         gdouble scale,
                                                         PopplerSelectionStyle style,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *selection);


poppler_page_get_selection_region has been deprecated since version 0.16 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use poppler_page_get_selected_region() instead.

Returns a region containing the area that would be rendered by poppler_page_render_selection() as a GList of PopplerRectangle. The returned list must be freed with poppler_page_selection_region_free().

page :

a PopplerPage

scale :

scale specified as pixels per point

style :

a PopplerSelectionStyle

selection :

start and end point of selection as a rectangle

Returns :

a GList of PopplerRectangle. [element-type PopplerRectangle][transfer full]

poppler_page_selection_region_free ()

void                poppler_page_selection_region_free  (GList *region);


poppler_page_selection_region_free is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 0.16

Frees region

region :

a GList of PopplerRectangle. [element-type PopplerRectangle]

poppler_page_get_selected_text ()

char *              poppler_page_get_selected_text      (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerSelectionStyle style,
                                                         PopplerRectangle *selection);

Retrieves the contents of the specified selection as text.

page :

a PopplerPage

style :

a PopplerSelectionStyle

selection :

the PopplerRectangle including the text

Returns :

a pointer to the contents of the selection as a string

Since 0.16

poppler_page_find_text ()

GList *             poppler_page_find_text              (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         const char *text);

Finds text in page with the default options (POPPLER_FIND_DEFAULT) and returns a GList of rectangles for each occurance of the text on the page. The coordinates are in PDF points.

page :

a PopplerPage

text :

the text to search for (UTF-8 encoded)

Returns :

a GList of PopplerRectangle,. [element-type PopplerRectangle][transfer full]

poppler_page_find_text_with_options ()

GList *             poppler_page_find_text_with_options (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         const char *text,
                                                         PopplerFindFlags options);

Finds text in page with the given PopplerFindFlags options and returns a GList of rectangles for each occurance of the text on the page. The coordinates are in PDF points.

page :

a PopplerPage

text :

the text to search for (UTF-8 encoded)

options :

find options

Returns :

a GList of PopplerRectangle,. [element-type PopplerRectangle][transfer full]

Since 0.22

poppler_page_get_text ()

char *              poppler_page_get_text               (PopplerPage *page);

Retrieves the text of page.

page :

a PopplerPage

Returns :

a pointer to the text of the page as a string

Since 0.16

poppler_page_get_text_layout ()

gboolean            poppler_page_get_text_layout        (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerRectangle **rectangles,
                                                         guint *n_rectangles);

Obtains the layout of the text as a list of PopplerRectangle This array must be freed with g_free() when done.

The position in the array represents an offset in the text returned by poppler_page_get_text()

page :

A PopplerPage

rectangles :

return location for an array of PopplerRectangle. [out][array length=n_rectangles][transfer container]

n_rectangles :

(out) length of returned array

Returns :

TRUE if the page contains text, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.16

poppler_page_get_text_attributes ()

GList *             poppler_page_get_text_attributes    (PopplerPage *page);

Obtains the attributes of the text as a GList of PopplerTextAttributes. This list must be freed with poppler_page_free_text_attributes() when done.

Each list element is a PopplerTextAttributes struct where start_index and end_index indicates the range of text (as returned by poppler_page_get_text()) to which text attributes apply.

page :

A PopplerPage

Returns :

A GList of PopplerTextAttributes. [element-type PopplerTextAttributes][transfer full]

Since 0.18

poppler_page_free_text_attributes ()

void                poppler_page_free_text_attributes   (GList *list);

Frees a list of PopplerTextAttributess allocated by poppler_page_get_text_attributes().

list :

A list of PopplerTextAttributess. [element-type PopplerTextAttributes]

Since 0.18

poppler_page_get_link_mapping ()

GList *             poppler_page_get_link_mapping       (PopplerPage *page);

Returns a list of PopplerLinkMapping items that map from a location on page to a PopplerAction. This list must be freed with poppler_page_free_link_mapping() when done.

page :

A PopplerPage

Returns :

A GList of PopplerLinkMapping. [element-type PopplerLinkMapping][transfer full]

poppler_page_free_link_mapping ()

void                poppler_page_free_link_mapping      (GList *list);

Frees a list of PopplerLinkMappings allocated by poppler_page_get_link_mapping(). It also frees the PopplerActions that each mapping contains, so if you want to keep them around, you need to copy them with poppler_action_copy().

list :

A list of PopplerLinkMappings. [element-type PopplerLinkMapping]

poppler_page_get_image_mapping ()

GList *             poppler_page_get_image_mapping      (PopplerPage *page);

Returns a list of PopplerImageMapping items that map from a location on page to an image of the page. This list must be freed with poppler_page_free_image_mapping() when done.

page :

A PopplerPage

Returns :

A GList of PopplerImageMapping. [element-type PopplerImageMapping][transfer full]

poppler_page_get_image ()

cairo_surface_t *   poppler_page_get_image              (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         gint image_id);

Returns a cairo surface for the image of the page

page :

A PopplerPage

image_id :

The image identifier

Returns :

A cairo surface for the image

poppler_page_free_image_mapping ()

void                poppler_page_free_image_mapping     (GList *list);

Frees a list of PopplerImageMappings allocated by poppler_page_get_image_mapping().

list :

A list of PopplerImageMappings. [element-type PopplerImageMapping]

poppler_page_get_form_field_mapping ()

GList *             poppler_page_get_form_field_mapping (PopplerPage *page);

Returns a list of PopplerFormFieldMapping items that map from a location on page to a form field. This list must be freed with poppler_page_free_form_field_mapping() when done.

page :

A PopplerPage

Returns :

A GList of PopplerFormFieldMapping. [element-type PopplerFormFieldMapping][transfer full]

poppler_page_free_form_field_mapping ()

void                poppler_page_free_form_field_mapping
                                                        (GList *list);

Frees a list of PopplerFormFieldMappings allocated by poppler_page_get_form_field_mapping().

list :

A list of PopplerFormFieldMappings. [element-type PopplerFormFieldMapping]

poppler_page_get_annot_mapping ()

GList *             poppler_page_get_annot_mapping      (PopplerPage *page);

Returns a list of PopplerAnnotMapping items that map from a location on page to a PopplerAnnot. This list must be freed with poppler_page_free_annot_mapping() when done.

page :

A PopplerPage

Returns :

A GList of PopplerAnnotMapping. [element-type PopplerAnnotMapping][transfer full]

poppler_page_free_annot_mapping ()

void                poppler_page_free_annot_mapping     (GList *list);

Frees a list of PopplerAnnotMappings allocated by poppler_page_get_annot_mapping(). It also unreferences the PopplerAnnots that each mapping contains, so if you want to keep them around, you need to reference them with g_object_ref().

list :

A list of PopplerAnnotMappings. [element-type PopplerAnnotMapping]

poppler_page_add_annot ()

void                poppler_page_add_annot              (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerAnnot *annot);

Adds annotation annot to page.

page :

a PopplerPage

annot :

a PopplerAnnot to add

Since 0.16

poppler_page_remove_annot ()

void                poppler_page_remove_annot           (PopplerPage *page,
                                                         PopplerAnnot *annot);

Removes annotation annot from page

page :

a PopplerPage

annot :

a PopplerAnnot to remove

Since 0.22

poppler_rectangle_new ()

PopplerRectangle *  poppler_rectangle_new               (void);

Creates a new PopplerRectangle

Returns :

a new PopplerRectangle, use poppler_rectangle_free() to free it

poppler_rectangle_copy ()

PopplerRectangle *  poppler_rectangle_copy              (PopplerRectangle *rectangle);

Creates a copy of rectangle

rectangle :

a PopplerRectangle to copy

Returns :

a new allocated copy of rectangle

poppler_rectangle_free ()

void                poppler_rectangle_free              (PopplerRectangle *rectangle);

Frees the given PopplerRectangle

rectangle :

a PopplerRectangle

poppler_page_transition_new ()

PopplerPageTransition * poppler_page_transition_new     (void);

Creates a new PopplerPageTransition

Returns :

a new PopplerPageTransition, use poppler_page_transition_free() to free it

poppler_page_transition_copy ()

PopplerPageTransition * poppler_page_transition_copy    (PopplerPageTransition *transition);

Creates a copy of transition

transition :

a PopplerPageTransition to copy

Returns :

a new allocated copy of transition

poppler_page_transition_free ()

void                poppler_page_transition_free        (PopplerPageTransition *transition);

Frees the given PopplerPageTransition

transition :

a PopplerPageTransition

poppler_link_mapping_new ()

PopplerLinkMapping * poppler_link_mapping_new           (void);

Creates a new PopplerLinkMapping

Returns :

a new PopplerLinkMapping, use poppler_link_mapping_free() to free it

poppler_link_mapping_copy ()

PopplerLinkMapping * poppler_link_mapping_copy          (PopplerLinkMapping *mapping);

Creates a copy of mapping

mapping :

a PopplerLinkMapping to copy

Returns :

a new allocated copy of mapping

poppler_link_mapping_free ()

void                poppler_link_mapping_free           (PopplerLinkMapping *mapping);

Frees the given PopplerLinkMapping

mapping :

a PopplerLinkMapping

poppler_image_mapping_new ()

PopplerImageMapping * poppler_image_mapping_new         (void);

Creates a new PopplerImageMapping

Returns :

a new PopplerImageMapping, use poppler_image_mapping_free() to free it

poppler_image_mapping_copy ()

PopplerImageMapping * poppler_image_mapping_copy        (PopplerImageMapping *mapping);

Creates a copy of mapping

mapping :

a PopplerImageMapping to copy

Returns :

a new allocated copy of mapping

poppler_image_mapping_free ()

void                poppler_image_mapping_free          (PopplerImageMapping *mapping);

Frees the given PopplerImageMapping

mapping :

a PopplerImageMapping

poppler_form_field_mapping_new ()

PopplerFormFieldMapping * poppler_form_field_mapping_new

Creates a new PopplerFormFieldMapping

poppler_form_field_mapping_copy ()

PopplerFormFieldMapping * poppler_form_field_mapping_copy
                                                        (PopplerFormFieldMapping *mapping);

Creates a copy of mapping

mapping :

a PopplerFormFieldMapping to copy

Returns :

a new allocated copy of mapping

poppler_form_field_mapping_free ()

void                poppler_form_field_mapping_free     (PopplerFormFieldMapping *mapping);

Frees the given PopplerFormFieldMapping

poppler_annot_mapping_new ()

PopplerAnnotMapping * poppler_annot_mapping_new         (void);

Creates a new PopplerAnnotMapping

Returns :

a new PopplerAnnotMapping, use poppler_annot_mapping_free() to free it

poppler_annot_mapping_copy ()

PopplerAnnotMapping * poppler_annot_mapping_copy        (PopplerAnnotMapping *mapping);

Creates a copy of mapping

mapping :

a PopplerAnnotMapping to copy

Returns :

a new allocated copy of mapping

poppler_annot_mapping_free ()

void                poppler_annot_mapping_free          (PopplerAnnotMapping *mapping);

Frees the given PopplerAnnotMapping

mapping :

a PopplerAnnotMapping

poppler_text_attributes_new ()

PopplerTextAttributes * poppler_text_attributes_new     (void);

Creates a new PopplerTextAttributes

Returns :

a new PopplerTextAttributes, use poppler_text_attributes_free() to free it

Since 0.18

poppler_text_attributes_copy ()

PopplerTextAttributes * poppler_text_attributes_copy    (PopplerTextAttributes *text_attrs);

Creates a copy of text_attrs

text_attrs :

a PopplerTextAttributes to copy

Returns :

a new allocated copy of text_attrs

Since 0.18

poppler_text_attributes_free ()

void                poppler_text_attributes_free        (PopplerTextAttributes *text_attrs);

Frees the given PopplerTextAttributes

text_attrs :

a PopplerTextAttributes

Since 0.18

Property Details

The "label" property

  "label"                    gchar*                : Read

The label of the page or NULL. See also poppler_page_get_label()

Default value: NULL