
EBackend — An abstract base class for backends


#include <libebackend/libebackend.h>

struct              EBackend;
gboolean            e_backend_get_online                (EBackend *backend);
void                e_backend_set_online                (EBackend *backend,
                                                         gboolean online);
ESource *           e_backend_get_source                (EBackend *backend);
GSocketConnectable * e_backend_ref_connectable          (EBackend *backend);
void                e_backend_set_connectable           (EBackend *backend,
                                                         GSocketConnectable *connectable);
GMainContext *      e_backend_ref_main_context          (EBackend *backend);
gboolean            e_backend_authenticate_sync         (EBackend *backend,
                                                         ESourceAuthenticator *auth,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);
void                e_backend_authenticate              (EBackend *backend,
                                                         ESourceAuthenticator *auth,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
gboolean            e_backend_authenticate_finish       (EBackend *backend,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **error);
struct _EUserPrompter * e_backend_get_user_prompter     (EBackend *backend);
ETrustPromptResponse e_backend_trust_prompt_sync        (EBackend *backend,
                                                         const ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);
void                e_backend_trust_prompt              (EBackend *backend,
                                                         const ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
ETrustPromptResponse e_backend_trust_prompt_finish      (EBackend *backend,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_backend_get_destination_address   (EBackend *backend,
                                                         gchar **host,
                                                         guint16 *port);
gboolean            e_backend_is_destination_reachable  (EBackend *backend,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);

Object Hierarchy



  "connectable"              GSocketConnectable*   : Read / Write
  "main-context"             GMainContext*         : Read
  "online"                   gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct
  "source"                   ESource*              : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "user-prompter"            EUserPrompter*        : Read


An EBackend is paired with an ESource to facilitate performing actions on the local or remote resource described by the ESource.

In other words, whereas a certain backend type knows how to talk to a certain type of server or data store, the ESource fills in configuration details such as host name, user name, resource path, etc.

All EBackend instances are created by an EBackendFactory.


struct EBackend

struct EBackend;

Contains only private data that should be read and manipulated using the functions below.

Since 3.4

e_backend_get_online ()

gboolean            e_backend_get_online                (EBackend *backend);

Returns the online state of backend: TRUE if backend is online, FALSE if offline.

If the "connectable" property is non-NULL, the backend will automatically determine whether the network service should be reachable, and hence whether the backend is "online". But subclasses may override the online state if, for example, a connection attempt fails.

backend :

an EBackend

Returns :

the online state

Since 3.4

e_backend_set_online ()

void                e_backend_set_online                (EBackend *backend,
                                                         gboolean online);

Sets the online state of backend: TRUE if backend is online, FALSE if offline.

If the "connectable" property is non-NULL, the backend will automatically determine whether the network service should be reachable, and hence whether the backend is "online". But subclasses may override the online state if, for example, a connection attempt fails.

backend :

an EBackend

online :

the online state

Since 3.4

e_backend_get_source ()

ESource *           e_backend_get_source                (EBackend *backend);

Returns the ESource to which backend is paired.

backend :

an EBackend

Returns :

the ESource to which backend is paired

Since 3.4

e_backend_ref_connectable ()

GSocketConnectable * e_backend_ref_connectable          (EBackend *backend);

Returns the socket endpoint for the network service to which backend is a client, or NULL if backend does not use network sockets.

The initial value of the "connectable" property is derived from the ESourceAuthentication extension of the backend's "source" property, if the extension is present.

The returned GSocketConnectable is referenced for thread-safety and must be unreferenced with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

backend :

an EBackend

Returns :

a GSocketConnectable, or NULL

Since 3.8

e_backend_set_connectable ()

void                e_backend_set_connectable           (EBackend *backend,
                                                         GSocketConnectable *connectable);

Sets the socket endpoint for the network service to which backend is a client. This can be NULL if backend does not use network sockets.

The initial value of the "connectable" property is derived from the ESourceAuthentication extension of the backend's "source" property, if the extension is present.

backend :

an EBackend

connectable :

a GSocketConnectable, or NULL

Since 3.8

e_backend_ref_main_context ()

GMainContext *      e_backend_ref_main_context          (EBackend *backend);

Returns the GMainContext on which event sources for backend are to be attached.

The returned GMainContext is referenced for thread-safety and must be unreferenced with g_main_context_unref() when finished with it.

backend :

an EBackend

Returns :

a GMainContext. [transfer full]

Since 3.8

e_backend_authenticate_sync ()

gboolean            e_backend_authenticate_sync         (EBackend *backend,
                                                         ESourceAuthenticator *auth,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);

Convenience function providing a consistent authentication interface for backends running in either the registry service itself or a client process communicating with the registry service over D-Bus.

Authenticates backend's "source", using auth to handle authentication attempts. The backend and auth arguments may be one and the same if backend implements the ESourceAuthenticator interface. The operation loops until authentication is successful or the user aborts further authentication attempts. If an error occurs, the function will set error and return FALSE.

backend :

an EBackend

auth :

an ESourceAuthenticator

cancellable :

optional GCancellable object, or NULL

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure

Since 3.6

e_backend_authenticate ()

void                e_backend_authenticate              (EBackend *backend,
                                                         ESourceAuthenticator *auth,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Convenience function providing a consistent authentication interface for backends running in either the registry service itself or a client process communicating with the registry service over D-Bus.

Asynchronously authenticates backend's "source", using auth to handle authentication attempts. The backend and auth arguments may be one and the same if backend implements the ESourceAuthenticator interface. The operation loops until authentication is succesful or the user aborts further authentication attempts.

When the operation is finished, callback will be called. You can then call e_backend_authenticate_finish() to get the result of the operation.

backend :

an EBackend

auth :

an ESourceAuthenticator

cancellable :

optional GCancellable object, or NULL

callback :

a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

user_data :

data to pass to the callback function

Since 3.6

e_backend_authenticate_finish ()

gboolean            e_backend_authenticate_finish       (EBackend *backend,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **error);

Finishes the operation started with e_backend_authenticate(). If an error occurred, the function will set error and return FALSE.

backend :

an EBackend

result :

a GAsyncResult

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure

Since 3.6

e_backend_get_user_prompter ()

struct _EUserPrompter * e_backend_get_user_prompter     (EBackend *backend);

Gets an instance of EUserPrompter, associated with this backend. The instance is owned by the backend.

backend :

an EBackend

Returns :

an EUserPrompter instance. [transfer-none]

Since 3.8

e_backend_trust_prompt_sync ()

ETrustPromptResponse e_backend_trust_prompt_sync        (EBackend *backend,
                                                         const ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);

Asks a user a trust prompt with given parameters, and returns what user responded. This blocks until the response is delivered.

backend :

an EBackend

parameters :

an ENamedParameters with values for the trust prompt

cancellable :

optional GCancellable object, or NULL. [allow-none]

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

an ETrustPromptResponse what user responded Note: The function can return also E_TRUST_PROMPT_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN, it's on error or if user closes the trust prompt dialog with other than the offered buttons. Usual behaviour in such case is to treat it as a temporary reject.

Since 3.8

e_backend_trust_prompt ()

void                e_backend_trust_prompt              (EBackend *backend,
                                                         const ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Initiates a user trust prompt with given parameters.

When the operation is finished, callback will be called. You can then call e_backend_trust_prompt_finish() to get the result of the operation.

backend :

an EBackend

parameters :

an ENamedParameters with values for the trust prompt

cancellable :

optional GCancellable object, or NULL. [allow-none]

callback :

a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

user_data :

data to pass to the callback function

Since 3.8

e_backend_trust_prompt_finish ()

ETrustPromptResponse e_backend_trust_prompt_finish      (EBackend *backend,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **error);

Finishes the operation started with e_backend_trust_prompt(). If an error occurred, the function will set error and return E_TRUST_PROMPT_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN.

backend :

an EBackend

result :

a GAsyncResult

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

an ETrustPromptResponse what user responded Note: The function can return also E_TRUST_PROMPT_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN, it's on error or if user closes the trust prompt dialog with other than the offered buttons. Usual behaviour in such case is to treat it as a temporary reject.

Since 3.8

e_backend_get_destination_address ()

gboolean            e_backend_get_destination_address   (EBackend *backend,
                                                         gchar **host,
                                                         guint16 *port);

Provides destination server host name and port to which the backend connects. This is used to determine required connection point for e_backend_destination_is_reachable(). The host is a newly allocated string, which will be freed with g_free(). When backend sets both host and port, then it should return TRUE, indicating it's a remote backend. Default implementation returns FALSE, which is treated like the backend is local, no checking for server reachability is possible.

backend :

an EBackend instance

host :

destination server host name. [out]

port :

destination server port. [out]

Returns :

TRUE, when it's a remote backend and provides both host and port; FALSE otherwise.

Since 3.8

e_backend_is_destination_reachable ()

gboolean            e_backend_is_destination_reachable  (EBackend *backend,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);

Checks whether the backend's destination server, as returned by e_backend_get_destination_address(), is reachable. If the e_backend_get_destination_address() returns FALSE, this function returns TRUE, meaning the destination is always reachable. This uses GNetworkMonitor's g_network_monitor_can_reach() for reachability tests.

backend :

an EBackend instance

cancellable :

a GCancellable instance, or NULL

error :

a GError for errors, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE, when destination server address is reachable or the backend doesn't provide destination address; FALSE if the backend destination server cannot be reached currently.

Since 3.8

Property Details

The "connectable" property

  "connectable"              GSocketConnectable*   : Read / Write

Socket endpoint of a network service.

The "main-context" property

  "main-context"             GMainContext*         : Read

The main loop context on which to attach event sources.

The "online" property

  "online"                   gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct

Whether the backend is online.

Default value: TRUE

The "source" property

  "source"                   ESource*              : Read / Write / Construct Only

The data source being acted upon.

The "user-prompter" property

  "user-prompter"            EUserPrompter*        : Read

User prompter instance.