


struct              tm;
const gchar *       e_get_user_cache_dir                (void);
const gchar *       e_get_user_config_dir               (void);
const gchar *       e_get_user_data_dir                 (void);
gchar *             e_util_strdup_strip                 (const gchar *string);
gchar *             e_util_strstrcase                   (const gchar *haystack,
                                                         const gchar *needle);
gchar *             e_util_unicode_get_utf8             (const gchar *text,
                                                         gunichar *out);
const gchar *       e_util_utf8_strstrcase              (const gchar *haystack,
                                                         const gchar *needle);
const gchar *       e_util_utf8_strstrcasedecomp        (const gchar *haystack,
                                                         const gchar *needle);
gint                e_util_utf8_strcasecmp              (const gchar *s1,
                                                         const gchar *s2);
gchar *             e_util_utf8_remove_accents          (const gchar *str);
gchar *             e_util_utf8_make_valid              (const gchar *str);
gchar *             e_util_utf8_data_make_valid         (const gchar *data,
                                                         gsize data_bytes);
gchar *             e_util_utf8_normalize               (const gchar *str);
const gchar *       e_util_ensure_gdbus_string          (const gchar *str,
                                                         gchar **gdbus_str);
guint64             e_util_gthread_id                   (GThread *thread);
void                e_filename_make_safe                (gchar *string);
gchar *             e_filename_mkdir_encoded            (const gchar *basepath,
                                                         const gchar *fileprefix,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         gint fileindex);
gsize               e_utf8_strftime                     (gchar *string,
                                                         gsize max,
                                                         const gchar *fmt,
                                                         const struct tm *tm);
gsize               e_strftime                          (gchar *string,
                                                         gsize max,
                                                         const gchar *fmt,
                                                         const struct tm *tm);
gchar **            e_util_slist_to_strv                (const GSList *strings);
GSList *            e_util_strv_to_slist                (const gchar * const *strv);
void                e_util_free_nullable_object_slist   (GSList *objects);
void                e_queue_transfer                    (GQueue *src_queue,
                                                         GQueue *dst_queue);
GWeakRef *          e_weak_ref_new                      (gpointer object);
void                e_weak_ref_free                     (GWeakRef *weak_ref);
gboolean            e_file_recursive_delete_sync        (GFile *file,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);
void                e_file_recursive_delete             (GFile *file,
                                                         gint io_priority,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
gboolean            e_file_recursive_delete_finish      (GFile *file,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_binding_transform_enum_value_to_nick
                                                        (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         gpointer not_used);
gboolean            e_binding_transform_enum_nick_to_value
                                                        (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         gpointer not_used);
gboolean            e_enum_from_string                  (GType enum_type,
                                                         const gchar *string,
                                                         gint *enum_value);
const gchar *       e_enum_to_string                    (GType enum_type,
                                                         gint enum_value);
EAsyncClosure *     e_async_closure_new                 (void);
GAsyncResult *      e_async_closure_wait                (EAsyncClosure *closure);
void                e_async_closure_free                (EAsyncClosure *closure);
void                e_async_closure_callback            (GObject *object,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gpointer closure);
const gchar *       e_util_get_prefix                   (void);
const gchar *       e_util_get_cp_prefix                (void);
const gchar *       e_util_get_localedir                (void);
gchar *             e_util_replace_prefix               (const gchar *configure_time_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *runtime_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *configure_time_path);
ENamedParameters *  e_named_parameters_new              (void);
ENamedParameters *  e_named_parameters_new_strv         (const gchar * const *strv);
void                e_named_parameters_free             (ENamedParameters *parameters);
void                e_named_parameters_clear            (ENamedParameters *parameters);
void                e_named_parameters_assign           (ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         const ENamedParameters *from);
void                e_named_parameters_set              (ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *value);
const gchar *       e_named_parameters_get              (const ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         const gchar *name);
gchar **            e_named_parameters_to_strv          (const ENamedParameters *parameters);
gboolean            e_named_parameters_test             (const ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *value,
                                                         gboolean case_sensitively);

void                e_util_free_string_slist            (GSList *strings);
void                e_util_free_object_slist            (GSList *objects);
GSList *            e_util_copy_string_slist            (GSList *copy_to,
                                                         const GSList *strings);
GSList *            e_util_copy_object_slist            (GSList *copy_to,
                                                         const GSList *objects);
gint                e_data_server_util_get_dbus_call_timeout
void                e_data_server_util_set_dbus_call_timeout
                                                        (gint timeout_msec);



struct tm

struct tm;

e_get_user_cache_dir ()

const gchar *       e_get_user_cache_dir                (void);

Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific, non-essential cached data for Evolution or Evolution-Data-Server.

The returned string is owned by libedataserver and must not be modified or freed.

Returns :

base directory for user-specific, non-essential data

Since 2.32

e_get_user_config_dir ()

const gchar *       e_get_user_config_dir               (void);

Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific configuration information for Evolution or Evolution-Data-Server.

The returned string is owned by libedataserver and must not be modified or freed.

Returns :

base directory for user-specific configuration information

Since 2.32

e_get_user_data_dir ()

const gchar *       e_get_user_data_dir                 (void);

Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific data for Evolution or Evolution-Data-Server.

The returned string is owned by libedataserver and must not be modified or freed.

Returns :

base directory for user-specific data

Since 2.32

e_util_strdup_strip ()

gchar *             e_util_strdup_strip                 (const gchar *string);

Duplicates string and strips off any leading or trailing whitespace. The resulting string is returned unless it is empty or NULL, in which case the function returns NULL.

Free the returned string with g_free().

string :

a string value, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

a newly-allocated, stripped copy of string, or NULL

Since 3.6

e_util_strstrcase ()

gchar *             e_util_strstrcase                   (const gchar *haystack,
                                                         const gchar *needle);

Find the first instance of needle in haystack, ignoring case for bytes that are ASCII characters.

haystack :

The string to search in.

needle :

The string to search for.

Returns :

A pointer to the start of needle in haystack, or NULL if needle is not found.

e_util_unicode_get_utf8 ()

gchar *             e_util_unicode_get_utf8             (const gchar *text,
                                                         gunichar *out);

Get a UTF-8 character from the beginning of text.

text :

The string to take the UTF-8 character from.

out :

The location to store the UTF-8 character in.

Returns :

A pointer to the next character in text after out.

e_util_utf8_strstrcase ()

const gchar *       e_util_utf8_strstrcase              (const gchar *haystack,
                                                         const gchar *needle);

Find the first instance of needle in haystack, ignoring case. (No proper case folding or decomposing is done.) Both needle and haystack are UTF-8 strings.

haystack :

The string to search in.

needle :

The string to search for.

Returns :

A pointer to the first instance of needle in haystack, or NULL if no match is found, or if either of the strings are not legal UTF-8 strings.

e_util_utf8_strstrcasedecomp ()

const gchar *       e_util_utf8_strstrcasedecomp        (const gchar *haystack,
                                                         const gchar *needle);

Find the first instance of needle in haystack, where both needle and haystack are UTF-8 strings. Both strings are stripped and decomposed for comparison, and case is ignored.

haystack :

The string to search in.

needle :

The string to search for.

Returns :

A pointer to the first instance of needle in haystack, or NULL if either of the strings are not legal UTF-8 strings.

e_util_utf8_strcasecmp ()

gint                e_util_utf8_strcasecmp              (const gchar *s1,
                                                         const gchar *s2);

Compares two UTF-8 strings using approximate case-insensitive ordering.

s1 :

a UTF-8 string

s2 :

another UTF-8 string

Returns :

< 0 if s1 compares before s2, 0 if they compare equal, > 0 if s1 compares after s2

e_util_utf8_remove_accents ()

gchar *             e_util_utf8_remove_accents          (const gchar *str);

Returns a newly-allocated copy of str with accents removed.

str :

a UTF-8 string, or NULL

Returns :

a newly-allocated string

Since 2.28

e_util_utf8_make_valid ()

gchar *             e_util_utf8_make_valid              (const gchar *str);

Returns a newly-allocated copy of str, with invalid characters replaced by Unicode replacement characters (U+FFFD). For NULL str returns newly allocated empty string ("").

str :

a UTF-8 string

Returns :

a newly-allocated string

Since 3.0

e_util_utf8_data_make_valid ()

gchar *             e_util_utf8_data_make_valid         (const gchar *data,
                                                         gsize data_bytes);

Returns a newly-allocated NULL-terminated string with invalid characters replaced by Unicode replacement characters (U+FFFD). For NULL data returns newly allocated empty string ("").

data :

UTF-8 binary data

data_bytes :

length of the binary data

Returns :

a newly-allocated string

Since 3.6

e_util_utf8_normalize ()

gchar *             e_util_utf8_normalize               (const gchar *str);

Normalizes str by making it all lower case and removing any accents from it.

str :

a UTF-8 string

Returns :

The normalized version of str, or NULL if str was not valid UTF-8

Since 3.8

e_util_ensure_gdbus_string ()

const gchar *       e_util_ensure_gdbus_string          (const gchar *str,
                                                         gchar **gdbus_str);

If str is a valid UTF-8 string, the function returns str and does not set gdbus_str.

If str is an invalid UTF-8 string, the function calls e_util_utf8_make_valid() and points gdbus_str to the newly-allocated, valid UTF-8 string, and also returns it. The caller should free the string pointed to by gdbus_str with g_free().

If str is NULL, the function returns an empty string and does not set gdbus_str.

Admittedly, the function semantics are a little awkward. The example below illustrates the easiest way to cope with the gdbus_str argument:

const gchar *trusted_utf8;
gchar *allocated = NULL;

trusted_utf8 = e_util_ensure_gdbus_string (untrusted_utf8, &allocated);

Do stuff with trusted_utf8, then clear it.

trusted_utf8 = NULL;

g_free (allocated);
allocated = NULL;

str :

a possibly invalid UTF-8 string, or NULL

gdbus_str :

return location for the corrected string

Returns :

a valid UTF-8 string

Since 3.0

e_util_gthread_id ()

guint64             e_util_gthread_id                   (GThread *thread);

Returns a 64-bit integer hopefully uniquely identifying the thread. To be used in debugging output and logging only. The returned value is just a cast of a pointer to the 64-bit integer.

There is no guarantee that calling e_util_gthread_id() on one thread first and later after that thread has dies on another won't return the same integer.

On Linux and Win32, known to really return a unique id for each thread existing at a certain time. No guarantee that ids won't be reused after a thread has terminated, though.

thread :

A GThread pointer

Returns :

A 64-bit integer.

Since 2.32

e_filename_make_safe ()

void                e_filename_make_safe                (gchar *string);

e_filename_mkdir_encoded ()

gchar *             e_filename_mkdir_encoded            (const gchar *basepath,
                                                         const gchar *fileprefix,
                                                         const gchar *filename,
                                                         gint fileindex);

Creates a local path constructed from basepath / fileprefix + "-" + filename, and makes sure the path basepath exists. If creation of the path fails, then NULL is returned.

basepath :

base path of a file name; this is left unchanged

fileprefix :

prefix for the filename; this is encoded

filename :

file name to use; this is encoded; can be NULL

fileindex :

used when filename is NULL, then the filename is generated as "file" + fileindex

Returns :

Full local path like g_build_filename() except that fileprefix and filename are encoded to create a proper file elements for a file system. Free returned pointer with g_free().

Since 3.4

e_utf8_strftime ()

gsize               e_utf8_strftime                     (gchar *string,
                                                         gsize max,
                                                         const gchar *fmt,
                                                         const struct tm *tm);

The UTF-8 equivalent of e_strftime().

string :

The string array to store the result in.

max :

The size of array s.

fmt :

The formatting to use on tm.

tm :

The time value to format.

Returns :

The number of characters placed in s.

e_strftime ()

gsize               e_strftime                          (gchar *string,
                                                         gsize max,
                                                         const gchar *fmt,
                                                         const struct tm *tm);

This function is a wrapper around the strftime (3) function, which converts the %l and %k (12h and 24h) format variables if necessary.

string :

The string array to store the result in.

max :

The size of array s.

fmt :

The formatting to use on tm.

tm :

The time value to format.

Returns :

The number of characters placed in s.

e_util_slist_to_strv ()

gchar **            e_util_slist_to_strv                (const GSList *strings);

Convert list of strings into NULL-terminates array of strings.

strings :

a GSList of strings (const gchar *). [element-type utf8]

Returns :

Newly allocated NULL-terminated array of strings. Returned pointer should be freed with g_strfreev(). Note: Pair function for this is e_util_strv_to_slist(). [transfer full]

Since 3.4

e_util_strv_to_slist ()

GSList *            e_util_strv_to_slist                (const gchar * const *strv);

Convert NULL-terminated array of strings to a list of strings.

strv :

a NULL-terminated array of strings (const gchar *)

Returns :

Newly allocated GSList of newly allocated strings. The returned pointer should be freed with e_util_free_string_slist(). Note: Pair function for this is e_util_slist_to_strv(). [transfer full][element-type utf8]

Since 3.4

e_util_free_nullable_object_slist ()

void                e_util_free_nullable_object_slist   (GSList *objects);

Calls g_object_unref() on each member of objects if non-NULL and then frees also objects itself.

objects :

a GSList of nullable GObjects. [element-type GObject]

Since 3.6

e_queue_transfer ()

void                e_queue_transfer                    (GQueue *src_queue,
                                                         GQueue *dst_queue);

Transfers the contents of src_queue to the tail of dst_queue. When the operation is complete, src_queue will be empty.

src_queue :

a source GQueue

dst_queue :

a destination GQueue

Since 3.8

e_weak_ref_new ()

GWeakRef *          e_weak_ref_new                      (gpointer object);

Allocates a new GWeakRef and calls g_weak_ref_set() with object.

Free the returned GWeakRef with e_weak_ref_free().

object :

a GObject or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

a new GWeakRef

Since 3.10

e_weak_ref_free ()

void                e_weak_ref_free                     (GWeakRef *weak_ref);

Frees a GWeakRef created by e_weak_ref_new().

weak_ref :

a GWeakRef

Since 3.10

e_file_recursive_delete_sync ()

gboolean            e_file_recursive_delete_sync        (GFile *file,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **error);

Deletes file. If file is a directory, its contents are deleted recursively before file itself is deleted. The recursive delete operation will stop on the first error.

If cancellable is not NULL, then the operation can be cancelled by triggering the cancellable object from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned.

file :

a GFile to delete

cancellable :

optional GCancellable object, or NULL

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE if the file was deleted, FALSE otherwise

Since 3.6

e_file_recursive_delete ()

void                e_file_recursive_delete             (GFile *file,
                                                         gint io_priority,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Asynchronously deletes file. If file is a directory, its contents are deleted recursively before file itself is deleted. The recursive delete operation will stop on the first error.

If cancellable is not NULL, then the operation can be cancelled by triggering the cancellable object before the operation finishes.

When the operation is finished, callback will be called. You can then call e_file_recursive_delete_finish() to get the result of the operation.

file :

a GFile to delete

io_priority :

the I/O priority of the request

cancellable :

optional GCancellable object, or NULL

callback :

a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

user_data :

data to pass to the callback function

Since 3.6

e_file_recursive_delete_finish ()

gboolean            e_file_recursive_delete_finish      (GFile *file,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **error);

Finishes the operation started with e_file_recursive_delete().

If the operation was cancelled, the error G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned.

file :

a GFile to delete

result :

a GAsyncResult

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE if the file was deleted, FALSE otherwise

Since 3.6

e_binding_transform_enum_value_to_nick ()

gboolean            e_binding_transform_enum_value_to_nick
                                                        (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         gpointer not_used);

Transforms an enumeration value to its corresponding nickname.

binding :

a GBinding

source_value :

a GValue whose type is derived from G_TYPE_ENUM

target_value :

a GValue of type G_TYPE_STRING

not_used :

not used

Returns :

TRUE if the enum value has a corresponding nickname

Since 3.4

e_binding_transform_enum_nick_to_value ()

gboolean            e_binding_transform_enum_nick_to_value
                                                        (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         gpointer not_used);

Transforms an enumeration nickname to its corresponding value.

binding :

a GBinding

source_value :

a GValue of type G_TYPE_STRING

target_value :

a GValue whose type is derived from G_TYPE_ENUM

not_used :

not used

Returns :

TRUE if the enum nickname has a corresponding value

Since 3.4

e_enum_from_string ()

gboolean            e_enum_from_string                  (GType enum_type,
                                                         const gchar *string,
                                                         gint *enum_value);

Fetches the appropriate enumeration value for string in the given enum type type and stores the result in enum_value

enum_type :

The enum type

string :

The string containing the enum value or nick

enum_value :

A return location to store the result

Returns :

TRUE if the string was a valid name or nick for the given type, FALSE if the conversion failed.

Since 3.8

e_enum_to_string ()

const gchar *       e_enum_to_string                    (GType enum_type,
                                                         gint enum_value);

Converts an enum value to a string using strings from the GType system.

enum_type :

An enum type

enum_value :

The enum value to convert

Returns :

the string representing eval

Since 3.8


typedef struct _EAsyncClosure EAsyncClosure;

EAsyncClosure provides a simple way to run an asynchronous function synchronously without blocking a running GMainLoop or using threads.

1) Create an EAsyncClosure with e_async_closure_new().

2) Call the asynchronous function passing e_async_closure_callback() as the GAsyncReadyCallback argument and the EAsyncClosure as the data argument.

3) Call e_async_closure_wait() and collect the GAsyncResult.

4) Call the corresponding asynchronous "finish" function, passing the GAsyncResult returned by e_async_closure_wait().

5) If needed, repeat steps 2-4 for additional asynchronous functions using the same EAsyncClosure.

6) Finally, free the EAsyncClosure with e_async_closure_free().

Since 3.6

e_async_closure_new ()

EAsyncClosure *     e_async_closure_new                 (void);

Creates a new EAsyncClosure for use with asynchronous functions.

Returns :

a new EAsyncClosure

Since 3.6

e_async_closure_wait ()

GAsyncResult *      e_async_closure_wait                (EAsyncClosure *closure);

Call this function immediately after starting an asynchronous operation. The function waits for the asynchronous operation to complete and returns its GAsyncResult to be passed to the operation's "finish" function.

This function can be called repeatedly on the same EAsyncClosure to easily string together multiple asynchronous operations.

closure :

an EAsyncClosure

Returns :

a GAsyncResult which is owned by the closure. [transfer none]

Since 3.6

e_async_closure_free ()

void                e_async_closure_free                (EAsyncClosure *closure);

Frees the closure and the resources it holds.

closure :

an EAsyncClosure

Since 3.6

e_async_closure_callback ()

void                e_async_closure_callback            (GObject *object,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Pass this function as the GAsyncReadyCallback argument of an asynchronous function, and the EAsyncClosure as the data argument.

This causes e_async_closure_wait() to terminate and return result.

object :

a GObject or NULL, it is not used by the function at all

result :

a GAsyncResult

closure :

an EAsyncClosure

Since 3.6

e_util_get_prefix ()

const gchar *       e_util_get_prefix                   (void);

e_util_get_cp_prefix ()

const gchar *       e_util_get_cp_prefix                (void);

e_util_get_localedir ()

const gchar *       e_util_get_localedir                (void);

e_util_replace_prefix ()

gchar *             e_util_replace_prefix               (const gchar *configure_time_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *runtime_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *configure_time_path);


typedef struct _ENamedParameters ENamedParameters;

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_new ()

ENamedParameters *  e_named_parameters_new              (void);

Creates a new instance of an ENamedParameters. This should be freed with e_named_parameters_free(), when no longer needed. Names are compared case insensitively.

The structure is not thread safe, if the caller requires thread safety, then it should provide it on its own.

Returns :

newly allocated ENamedParameters

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_new_strv ()

ENamedParameters *  e_named_parameters_new_strv         (const gchar * const *strv);

Creates a new instance of an ENamedParameters, with initial content being taken from strv. This should be freed with e_named_parameters_free(), when no longer needed. Names are compared case insensitively.

The structure is not thread safe, if the caller requires thread safety, then it should provide it on its own.

strv :

NULL-terminated string array to be used as a content of a newly created ENamedParameters

Returns :

newly allocated ENamedParameters

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_free ()

void                e_named_parameters_free             (ENamedParameters *parameters);

Frees an instance of ENamedParameters, previously allocated with e_named_parameters_new(). Function does nothing, if parameters is NULL.

parameters :

an ENamedParameters

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_clear ()

void                e_named_parameters_clear            (ENamedParameters *parameters);

Removes all stored parameters from parameters.

parameters :

an ENamedParameters

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_assign ()

void                e_named_parameters_assign           (ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         const ENamedParameters *from);

Makes content of the parameters the same as from. Functions clears content of parameters if from is NULL.

parameters :

an ENamedParameters to assign values to

from :

an ENamedParameters to get values from, or NULL. [allow-none]

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_set ()

void                e_named_parameters_set              (ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *value);

Sets parameter named name to value value. If value is NULL, then the parameter is removed. value can be an empty string.

Note: There is a restriction on parameter names, it cannot be empty or contain a colon character (':'), otherwise it can be pretty much anything.

parameters :

an ENamedParameters

name :

name of a parameter to set

value :

value to set, or NULL to unset. [allow-none]

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_get ()

const gchar *       e_named_parameters_get              (const ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Returns current value of a parameter with name name. If not such exists, then returns NULL.

parameters :

an ENamedParameters

name :

name of a parameter to get

Returns :

value of a parameter named name, or NULL.

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_to_strv ()

gchar **            e_named_parameters_to_strv          (const ENamedParameters *parameters);

parameters :

an ENamedParameters

Returns :

Contents of parameters as a null-terminated strv. [transfer full]

Since 3.8

e_named_parameters_test ()

gboolean            e_named_parameters_test             (const ENamedParameters *parameters,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         const gchar *value,
                                                         gboolean case_sensitively);

Compares current value of parameter named name with given value and returns whether they are equal, either case sensitively or insensitively, based on case_sensitively argument. Function returns FALSE, if no such parameter exists.

parameters :

an ENamedParameters

name :

name of a parameter to test

value :

value to test

case_sensitively :

whether to compare case sensitively

Returns :

Whether parameter of given name has stored value of given value.

Since 3.8

e_util_free_string_slist ()

void                e_util_free_string_slist            (GSList *strings);


e_util_free_string_slist has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use g_slist_free_full() instead.

Frees memory previously allocated by e_util_strv_to_slist().

strings :

a GSList of strings (gchar *). [element-type utf8]

Since 3.4

e_util_free_object_slist ()

void                e_util_free_object_slist            (GSList *objects);


e_util_free_object_slist has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use g_slist_free_full() instead.

Calls g_object_unref() on each member of objects and then frees also objects itself.

objects :

a GSList of GObjects. [element-type GObject]

Since 3.4

e_util_copy_string_slist ()

GSList *            e_util_copy_string_slist            (GSList *copy_to,
                                                         const GSList *strings);


e_util_copy_string_slist has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use g_slist_copy_deep() instead, and optionally g_slist_concat() to concatenate the copied list to another GSList.

Copies GSList of strings at the end of copy_to.

copy_to :

Where to copy; can be NULL. [element-type utf8][allow-none]

strings :

GSList of strings to be copied. [element-type utf8]

Returns :

New head of copy_to. Returned pointer can be freed with e_util_free_string_slist(). [transfer full][element-type utf8]

Since 3.4

e_util_copy_object_slist ()

GSList *            e_util_copy_object_slist            (GSList *copy_to,
                                                         const GSList *objects);


e_util_copy_object_slist has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use g_slist_copy_deep() instead, and optionally g_slist_concat() to concatenate the copied list to another GSList.

Copies GSList of GObjects at the end of copy_to.

copy_to :

Where to copy; can be NULL. [element-type GObject][allow-none]

objects :

GSList of GObjects to be copied. [element-type GObject]

Returns :

New head of copy_to. Returned pointer can be freed with e_util_free_object_slist(). [transfer full][element-type GObject]

Since 3.4

e_data_server_util_get_dbus_call_timeout ()

gint                e_data_server_util_get_dbus_call_timeout


e_data_server_util_get_dbus_call_timeout has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. This value is not used anywhere.

Returns the value set by e_data_server_util_set_dbus_call_timeout().

Returns :

the D-Bus call timeout in milliseconds

Since 3.0

e_data_server_util_set_dbus_call_timeout ()

void                e_data_server_util_set_dbus_call_timeout
                                                        (gint timeout_msec);


e_data_server_util_set_dbus_call_timeout has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. This value is not used anywhere.

Sets default timeout, in milliseconds, for calls of g_dbus_proxy_call() family functions.

-1 means the default value as set by D-Bus itself. G_MAXINT means no timeout at all.

Default value is set also by configure option --with-dbus-call-timeout=ms and -1 is used when not set.

timeout_msec :

default timeout for D-Bus calls in miliseconds

Since 3.0