

This class emits notifications about changes, and can be tracked through the GraphUpdated DBus signal.

Class hierarchy

        ╰── nfo:MediaList 
            ╰── nmm:MusicAlbum 

Full-text-indexed properties

nmm:MusicAlbum has the following full-text-indexed properties:


The “nmm:albumPeakGain” property

“nmm:albumPeakGain”          http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer

Peak Gain of album

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): 1

The “nmm:albumGain” property

“nmm:albumGain”          http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer

Gain of album

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): 1

The “nmm:albumDuration” property

“nmm:albumDuration”          http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer

Duration of the album

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): 1

The “nmm:albumTitle” property

“nmm:albumTitle”          http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string

nmm:albumTitle is deprecated, use nie:title instead

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): 1

This property is full-text-indexed, and can be looked up through fts:match.

This property is deprecated.

This property supersedes the following properties from this or parent classes:

The “nmm:albumTrackCount” property

“nmm:albumTrackCount”          http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer

Track count of album

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): 1

The “nmm:albumArtist” property

“nmm:albumArtist”          nmm:Artist

main artists of the album

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited