


A role played by a contact. Contacts that denote people, can have many roles (e.g. see the hasAffiliation property and Affiliation class). Contacts that denote Organizations or other Agents usually have one role. Each role can introduce additional contact media.

Class hierarchy 
        ├── nco:Affiliation 
        ├── nco:Contact 
        ╰── nmm:Artist 


The “nco:video” property

“nco:video”          nie:InformationElement

Video avatar of a contact. Note that is an icon/avatar, not a generic 'present in video' property

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): 1

The “nco:hasIMAddress” property

“nco:hasIMAddress”          nco:IMAddress

An address for communication using instant messages with the object specified by this contact.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

This property supersedes the following properties from this or parent classes:

The “nco:hasPostalAddress” property

“nco:hasPostalAddress”          nco:PostalAddress

The default Address for a Contact. An equivalent of the 'ADR' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.2.1.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

This property supersedes the following properties from this or parent classes:

The “nco:blogUrl” property


A Blog url.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

This property supersedes the following properties from this or parent classes:

The “nco:foafUrl” property


The URL of the FOAF file.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

This property supersedes the following properties from this or parent classes:

The “nco:hasEmailAddress” property

“nco:hasEmailAddress”          nco:EmailAddress

An address for electronic mail communication with the object specified by this contact. An equivalent of the 'EMAIL' property as defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.3.1.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

This property supersedes the following properties from this or parent classes:

The “nco:websiteUrl” property


A url of a website.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

This property supersedes the following properties from this or parent classes:

The “nco:hasPhoneNumber” property

“nco:hasPhoneNumber”          nco:PhoneNumber

A number for telephony communication with the object represented by this Contact. An equivalent of the 'TEL' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.3.1

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

This property supersedes the following properties from this or parent classes:

The “nco:url” property


A uniform resource locator associated with the given role of a Contact. Inspired by the 'URL' property defined in RFC 2426 Sec. 3.6.8.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

The “nco:hasContactMedium” property

“nco:hasContactMedium”          nco:ContactMedium

A superProperty for all properties linking a Contact to an instance of a contact medium.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited