
GnomeThemeFile — APIs to parse icon theme files.


#include <libgnomeui/libgnomeui.h>

void                (*GnomeThemeFileSectionFunc)        (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         gpointer data);
enum                GnomeThemeFileParseError;
void                (*GnomeThemeFileLineFunc)           (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *key,
                                                         const char *locale,
                                                         const char *value,
                                                         gpointer data);
GnomeThemeFile *    gnome_theme_file_new_from_string    (char *data,
                                                         GError **error);
char *              gnome_theme_file_to_string          (GnomeThemeFile *df);
void                gnome_theme_file_free               (GnomeThemeFile *df);
void                gnome_theme_file_foreach_section    (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         GnomeThemeFileSectionFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                gnome_theme_file_foreach_key        (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         gboolean include_localized,
                                                         GnomeThemeFileLineFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
gboolean            gnome_theme_file_get_raw            (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         const char *keyname,
                                                         const char *locale,
                                                         char **val);
gboolean            gnome_theme_file_get_integer        (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         const char *keyname,
                                                         int *val);
gboolean            gnome_theme_file_get_string         (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         const char *keyname,
                                                         char **val);
gboolean            gnome_theme_file_get_locale_string  (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         const char *keyname,
                                                         char **val);
#define             GNOME_THEME_FILE_PARSE_ERROR
GQuark              gnome_theme_file_parse_error_quark  (void);




typedef struct _GnomeThemeFile GnomeThemeFile;


GnomeThemeFile is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

A GnomeThemeFile contains information about the number of sections, pointers to the sections and information about the current locale.

GnomeThemeFileSectionFunc ()

void                (*GnomeThemeFileSectionFunc)        (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         gpointer data);


GnomeThemeFileSectionFunc is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

enum GnomeThemeFileParseError

typedef enum 
} GnomeThemeFileParseError;


GnomeThemeFileParseError is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

GnomeThemeFileLineFunc ()

void                (*GnomeThemeFileLineFunc)           (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *key,
                                                         const char *locale,
                                                         const char *value,
                                                         gpointer data);


GnomeThemeFileLineFunc is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

gnome_theme_file_new_from_string ()

GnomeThemeFile *    gnome_theme_file_new_from_string    (char *data,
                                                         GError **error);


gnome_theme_file_new_from_string is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Creates a GnomeThemeFile from the data string passed.

data :

the string used to create a GnomeThemeFile.

error :

location to store the error occuring, or NULL to ignore errors

Returns :

a GnomeThemeFile.

Since 2.2

gnome_theme_file_to_string ()

char *              gnome_theme_file_to_string          (GnomeThemeFile *df);


gnome_theme_file_to_string is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This function retrieves the string representing the GnomeThemeFile.

df :

A GnomeThemeFile

Returns :

a char *.

Since 2.2

gnome_theme_file_free ()

void                gnome_theme_file_free               (GnomeThemeFile *df);


gnome_theme_file_free is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Frees the GnomeThemeFile structure.

df :

a GnomeThemeFile.

Since 2.2

gnome_theme_file_foreach_section ()

void                gnome_theme_file_foreach_section    (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         GnomeThemeFileSectionFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


gnome_theme_file_foreach_section is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Calls func for each section in the GnomeThemeFile with user_data.

df :

a GnomeThemeFile.

func :

a GnomeThemeFileSectionFunc

user_data :

a pointer to the user data.

Since 2.2

gnome_theme_file_foreach_key ()

void                gnome_theme_file_foreach_key        (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         gboolean include_localized,
                                                         GnomeThemeFileLineFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


gnome_theme_file_foreach_key is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Looks for the section section_name. If found, this function calls func for each line in the section with fields of line and user_data.

df :

a GnomeThemeFile.

section :

name of the section

include_localized :

a boolean value

func :

a GnomeThemeFileLineFunc.

user_data :

a pointer to user_data.

Since 2.2

gnome_theme_file_get_raw ()

gboolean            gnome_theme_file_get_raw            (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         const char *keyname,
                                                         const char *locale,
                                                         char **val);


gnome_theme_file_get_raw is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Searches section name and line in the GnomeThemeFile data structure. If found, sets the val to value field in GnomeThemeFileLine and returns a boolean value.

df :

A GnomeThemeFile.

section :

the string representing the section name

keyname :

the string representing the key name.

locale :

the string representing the locale.

val :

a char**.

Returns :

TRUE if section and line were found in the GnomeThemeFile, FALSE otherwise.

Since 2.2

gnome_theme_file_get_integer ()

gboolean            gnome_theme_file_get_integer        (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         const char *keyname,
                                                         int *val);


gnome_theme_file_get_integer is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This function calls gnome_theme_file_get_raw() with the parameters. If gnome_theme_file_get_raw returns TRUE, then converts the value string filled in by the function to an integer and writes it in val.

df :

a GnomeThemeFile.

section :

the section name.

keyname :

the key name.

val :

an int*.

Returns :

TRUE if gnome_theme_file_get_raw returns TRUE, FALSE otherwise.

Since 2.2

gnome_theme_file_get_string ()

gboolean            gnome_theme_file_get_string         (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         const char *keyname,
                                                         char **val);


gnome_theme_file_get_string is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This function calls gnome_theme_file_get_raw() with the parameters and returns the boolean value.

df :

A GnomeThemeFile.

section :

the section name.

keyname :

the key name.

val :

a char**.

Returns :

a gboolean value.

Since 2.2

gnome_theme_file_get_locale_string ()

gboolean            gnome_theme_file_get_locale_string  (GnomeThemeFile *df,
                                                         const char *section,
                                                         const char *keyname,
                                                         char **val);


gnome_theme_file_get_locale_string is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Calculates the locale if the current_locale field of df is NULL. Then calls gnome_theme_file_get_raw() with the parameters and returns the boolean value obtained.

df :

A GnomeThemeFile

section :

the section name.

keyname :

the keyname.

val :

a char **.

Returns :

a gboolean value.

Since 2.2


#define GNOME_THEME_FILE_PARSE_ERROR gnome_theme_file_parse_error_quark()


GNOME_THEME_FILE_PARSE_ERROR is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

gnome_theme_file_parse_error_quark ()

GQuark              gnome_theme_file_parse_error_quark  (void);


gnome_theme_file_parse_error_quark is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

This function gets a GQuark representing the error string.

Returns :

a GQuark.

Since 2.2