


#include <libgnomeui/libgnomeui.h>

gboolean            gnome_url_show_on_screen            (const char *url,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            gnome_help_display_on_screen        (const char *file_name,
                                                         const char *link_id,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            gnome_help_display_with_doc_id_on_screen
                                                        (GnomeProgram *program,
                                                         const char *doc_id,
                                                         const char *file_name,
                                                         const char *link_id,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            gnome_help_display_desktop_on_screen
                                                        (GnomeProgram *program,
                                                         const char *doc_id,
                                                         const char *file_name,
                                                         const char *link_id,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            gnome_help_display_uri_on_screen    (const char *help_uri,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);



gnome_url_show_on_screen ()

gboolean            gnome_url_show_on_screen            (const char *url,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);

Like gnome_url_show(), but ensures that the viewer application appears on screen.

url :

The url to display. Should begin with the protocol to use (e.g. "http:", "ghelp:", etc)

screen :

a GdkScreen.

error :

Used to store any errors that result from trying to display the url.

Returns :

TRUE if everything went fine, FALSE otherwise (in which case error will contain the actual error).

Since 2.6

gnome_help_display_on_screen ()

gboolean            gnome_help_display_on_screen        (const char *file_name,
                                                         const char *link_id,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);

Like gnome_help_display(), but ensures that the help viewer application appears on screen.

file_name :

The name of the help document to display.

link_id :

Can be NULL. If set, refers to an anchor or section id within the requested document.

screen :

a GdkScreen.

error :

A GError instance that will hold the specifics of any error which occurs during processing, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case error will contain the actual error).

Since 2.6

gnome_help_display_with_doc_id_on_screen ()

gboolean            gnome_help_display_with_doc_id_on_screen
                                                        (GnomeProgram *program,
                                                         const char *doc_id,
                                                         const char *file_name,
                                                         const char *link_id,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);

Like gnome_help_display_with_doc_id(), but ensures that the help viewer application appears on screen.

program :

The current application object, or NULL for the default one.

doc_id :

The document identifier, or NULL to default to the application ID (app_id) of the specified program.

file_name :

The name of the help document to display.

link_id :

Can be NULL. If set, refers to an anchor or section id within the requested document.

screen :

a GdkScreen.

error :

A GError instance that will hold the specifics of any error which occurs during processing, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case error will contain the actual error).

Since 2.6

gnome_help_display_desktop_on_screen ()

gboolean            gnome_help_display_desktop_on_screen
                                                        (GnomeProgram *program,
                                                         const char *doc_id,
                                                         const char *file_name,
                                                         const char *link_id,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);

Like gnome_help_display_desktop(), but ensures that the help viewer application appears on screen.

program :

The current application object, or NULL for the default one.

doc_id :

The name of the help file relative to the system's help domain (GNOME_FILE_DOMAIN_HELP).

file_name :

The name of the help document to display.

link_id :

Can be NULL. If set, refers to an anchor or section id within the requested document.

screen :

a GdkScreen.

error :

A GError instance that will hold the specifics of any error which occurs during processing, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case error will contain the actual error).

Since 2.6

gnome_help_display_uri_on_screen ()

gboolean            gnome_help_display_uri_on_screen    (const char *help_uri,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen,
                                                         GError **error);

Like gnome_help_display_uri(), but ensures that the help viewer application appears on screen.

help_uri :

The URI to display.

screen :

a GdkScreen.

error :

A GError instance that will hold the specifics of any error which occurs during processing, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case error will contain the actual error).

Since 2.6