
GdaSqlParser — SQL parser

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


gint column-error Read
gint line-error Read
gint mode Read / Write
gint tokenizer-flavour Read / Write

Object Hierarchy

    ├── GdaSqlParserError
    ├── GdaSqlParserFlavour
    ╰── GdaSqlParserMode
    ╰── GdaSqlParser


The GdaSqlParser is an object dedicated to creating GdaStatement and GdaBatch objects from SQL strings. The actual contents of the parsed statements is represented as GdaSqlStatement structures (which can be obtained from any GdaStatement through the "structure" property).

GdaSqlParser parsers can be created by calling gda_server_provider_create_parser() for a provider adapted SQL parser, or using gda_sql_parser_new() for a general purpose SQL parser.

The GdaSqlParser can either work in "parse" mode where it will try to parse the SQL string, or in "delimiter" mode where it will only attempt at delimiting SQL statements in a string which may contain several SQL statements (usually separated by a semi column). If operating in "parser" mode, and the parser can't correctly parse the string, then it will switch to the "delimiter" mode for the next statement in the string to parse (and create a GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_UNKNOWN statement).

The GdaSqlParser object parses and analyzes SQL statements and reports the following statement types:

  • SELECT (and COMPOUND select), INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE SQL statements should be completely parsed.

  • Transaction related statements (corresponding to the BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK SAVEPOINT and DELETE SAVEPOINT) are parsed and a minimalist structure is created to extract some information (that structure is not enough per-se to re-create the complete SQL statement).

  • Any other type of SQL statement (CREATE TABLE, ...) creates a GdaStatement of type GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_UNKNOWN, and it only able to locate place holders (variables) and end of statement marks.

NOTE: Any SQL of a type which should be parsed which but which creates a GdaStatement of type GDA_SQL_STATEMENT_UNKNOWN (check with gda_statement_get_statement_type()) should be reported as a bug.

The GdaSqlParser object recognizes place holders (variables), which can later be queried and valued using gda_statement_get_parameters(). The following syntax are recognized (other syntaxes might be recognized for specific database providers if the GdaSqlParser is created using gda_server_provider_create_parser() but for portability reasons it's better to avoid them):

  • ##NAME[::TYPE[::NULL]]]

    : for a variable named NAME with the optional type TYPE (which can be a GType name or a custom database type name), and with the optional "::NULL" to instruct that the variable can be NULL.

  • ## /* name:NAME [type:TYPE] [nullok:[TRUE|FALSE]] [descr:DESCR] */

    for a variable named NAME with the optional type TYPE (which can be a GType name or a custom database type name), with the optional "nullok" attribute and an optional description DESCR. Note that the NAME, TYPE and DESCR literals here must be quoted (simple or double quotes) if they include non alphanumeric characters, and that there must always be at least a space between the ## and the opening and closing comments (C style).

Note that the type string must be a type recognized by the

gda_g_type_from_string() function (all valid GType names

plus a few synonyms). Examples of correct place holders definitions are:

## /* name:"+0" type:gchararray */
## /* name:'-5' type:string */
## /*name:myvar type:gint descr:ToBeDefined nullok:FALSE*/
## /*name:myvar type:int descr:"A long description"*/

Also note that variables should not be used when an SQL identifier is expected. For example the following examples should be avoided because they may not work properly (depending on the database being used):

SELECT * FROM ##tablename::string;
DELETE FROM mytable WHERE ##tcol::string = 5;
ALTER GROUP mygroup ADD USER ##name::gchararray;

The GdaSqlParser object internally uses a LEMON generated parser (the same as the one used by SQLite).

The GdaSqlParser object implements its own locking mechanism so it is thread-safe.


gda_sql_parser_error_quark ()

gda_sql_parser_error_quark (void);

gda_sql_parser_new ()

GdaSqlParser *
gda_sql_parser_new (void);

Creates a new GdaSqlParser object


the new object

gda_sql_parser_parse_string ()

GdaStatement *
gda_sql_parser_parse_string (GdaSqlParser *parser,
                             const gchar *sql,
                             const gchar **remain,
                             GError **error);

Parses sql and creates a GdaStatement statement from the first SQL statement contained in sql : if sql contains more than one statement, then the remaining part of the string is not parsed at all, and remain (if not NULL) will point at the first non parsed character.

To include variables in the sql string, see the

GdaSqlParser's object description.



a GdaSqlParser object



the SQL string to parse



location to store a pointer to remaining part of sql in case sql has multiple statement, or NULL.



location to store error, or NULL



a new GdaStatement object, or NULL if an error occurred.

[transfer full][allow-none]

gda_sql_parser_parse_string_as_batch ()

GdaBatch *
gda_sql_parser_parse_string_as_batch (GdaSqlParser *parser,
                                      const gchar *sql,
                                      const gchar **remain,
                                      GError **error);

Parse sql and creates a GdaBatch object which contains all the GdaStatement objects created while parsing (one object per SQL statement). Empty statements (composed of spaces only) do not appear in the resulting object.

sql is parsed and GdaStatement objects are created as long as no error is found in sql . If an error is found at some point, then the parsing stops and remain may contain a non NULL pointer, error may be set, and NULL is returned.

if sql is NULL, then the returned GdaBatch object will contain no statement.

To include variables in the sql string, see the

GdaSqlParser's object description.



a GdaSqlParser object



the SQL string to parse



location to store a pointer to remaining part of sql in case an error occurred while parsing sql , or NULL.



location to store error, or NULL



a new GdaBatch object, or NULL if an error occurred.

[transfer full][allow-none]

gda_sql_parser_parse_file_as_batch ()

GdaBatch *
gda_sql_parser_parse_file_as_batch (GdaSqlParser *parser,
                                    const gchar *filename,
                                    GError **error);

Parse filename 's contents and creates a GdaBatch object which contains all the GdaStatement objects created while parsing (one object per SQL statement).

filename 's contents are parsed and GdaStatement objects are created as long as no error is found. If an error is found at some point, then the parsing stops, error may be set and NULL is returned

if sql is NULL, then the returned GdaBatch object will contain no statement.



a GdaSqlParser object



name of the file to parse



location to store error, or NULL



a new GdaBatch object, or NULL if an error occurred.

[transfer full][allow-none]

gda_sql_parser_set_syntax_error ()

gda_sql_parser_set_syntax_error (GdaSqlParser *parser);

gda_sql_parser_set_overflow_error ()

gda_sql_parser_set_overflow_error (GdaSqlParser *parser);

Types and Values


#define GDA_SQL_PARSER_ERROR gda_sql_parser_error_quark ()

enum GdaSqlParserError








enum GdaSqlParserMode






enum GdaSqlParserFlavour












Property Details

The “column-error” property

  “column-error”             gint

Flags: Read

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The “line-error” property

  “line-error”               gint

Flags: Read

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The “mode” property

  “mode”                     gint

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [0,1]

Default value: 0

The “tokenizer-flavour” property

  “tokenizer-flavour”        gint

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: [0,4]

Default value: 0