Miscellaneous Utilities

Miscellaneous Utilities


enum                EAutomaticActionPolicy;
enum                EDateWeekday;
void                (*EForeachFunc)                     (gint model_row,
                                                         gpointer closure);
const gchar *       e_get_accels_filename               (void);
void                e_show_uri                          (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         const gchar *uri);
void                e_display_help                      (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         const gchar *link_id);
enum                ERestoreWindowFlags;
void                e_restore_window                    (GtkWindow *window,
                                                         const gchar *settings_path,
                                                         ERestoreWindowFlags flags);
GtkAction *         e_lookup_action                     (GtkUIManager *ui_manager,
                                                         const gchar *action_name);
GtkActionGroup *    e_lookup_action_group               (GtkUIManager *ui_manager,
                                                         const gchar *group_name);
gint                e_action_compare_by_label           (GtkAction *action1,
                                                         GtkAction *action2);
void                e_action_group_remove_all_actions   (GtkActionGroup *action_group);
GtkRadioAction *    e_radio_action_get_current_action   (GtkRadioAction *radio_action);
void                e_action_group_add_actions_localized
                                                        (GtkActionGroup *action_group,
                                                         const gchar *translation_domain,
                                                         const GtkActionEntry *entries,
                                                         guint n_entries,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
GtkWidget *         e_builder_get_widget                (GtkBuilder *builder,
                                                         const gchar *widget_name);
void                e_load_ui_builder_definition        (GtkBuilder *builder,
                                                         const gchar *basename);
void                e_categories_add_change_hook        (GHookFunc func,
                                                         gpointer object);
gchar *             e_str_without_underscores           (const gchar *string);
gint                e_str_compare                       (gconstpointer x,
                                                         gconstpointer y);
gint                e_str_case_compare                  (gconstpointer x,
                                                         gconstpointer y);
gint                e_collate_compare                   (gconstpointer x,
                                                         gconstpointer y);
gint                e_int_compare                       (gconstpointer x,
                                                         gconstpointer y);
guint32             e_color_to_value                    (GdkColor *color);
guint32             e_rgba_to_value                     (GdkRGBA *rgba);
gchar *             e_format_number                     (gint number);
gint                (*ESortCompareFunc)                 (gconstpointer first,
                                                         gconstpointer second,
                                                         gpointer closure);
void                e_bsearch                           (gconstpointer key,
                                                         gconstpointer base,
                                                         gsize nmemb,
                                                         gsize size,
                                                         ESortCompareFunc compare,
                                                         gpointer closure,
                                                         gsize *start,
                                                         gsize *end);
gsize               e_strftime_fix_am_pm                (gchar *str,
                                                         gsize max,
                                                         const gchar *fmt,
                                                         const struct tm *tm);
gsize               e_utf8_strftime_fix_am_pm           (gchar *str,
                                                         gsize max,
                                                         const gchar *fmt,
                                                         const struct tm *tm);
const gchar *       e_get_month_name                    (GDateMonth month,
                                                         gboolean abbreviated);
const gchar *       e_get_weekday_name                  (GDateWeekday weekday,
                                                         gboolean abbreviated);
GDateWeekday        e_weekday_get_next                  (GDateWeekday weekday);
GDateWeekday        e_weekday_get_prev                  (GDateWeekday weekday);
GDateWeekday        e_weekday_add_days                  (GDateWeekday weekday,
                                                         guint n_days);
GDateWeekday        e_weekday_subtract_days             (GDateWeekday weekday,
                                                         guint n_days);
guint               e_weekday_get_days_between          (GDateWeekday weekday1,
                                                         GDateWeekday weekday2);
gint                e_weekday_to_tm_wday                (GDateWeekday weekday);
GDateWeekday        e_weekday_from_tm_wday              (gint tm_wday);
gdouble             e_flexible_strtod                   (const gchar *nptr,
                                                         gchar **endptr);
#define             E_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE
gchar *             e_ascii_dtostr                      (gchar *buffer,
                                                         gint buf_len,
                                                         const gchar *format,
                                                         gdouble d);
gboolean            e_file_lock_create                  (void);
void                e_file_lock_destroy                 (void);
gboolean            e_file_lock_exists                  (void);
gchar *             e_util_guess_mime_type              (const gchar *filename,
                                                         gboolean localfile);
GSList *            e_util_get_category_filter_options  (void);
GList *             e_util_get_searchable_categories    (void);
gboolean            e_binding_transform_color_to_string (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         gpointer not_used);
gboolean            e_binding_transform_string_to_color (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         gpointer not_used);
gboolean            e_binding_transform_source_to_uid   (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         ESourceRegistry *registry);
gboolean            e_binding_transform_uid_to_source   (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         ESourceRegistry *registry);
GSList *            e_charset_add_radio_actions         (GtkActionGroup *action_group,
                                                         const gchar *action_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *default_charset,
                                                         GCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
EActivity *         e_file_replace_contents_async       (GFile *file,
                                                         const gchar *contents,
                                                         gsize length,
                                                         const gchar *etag,
                                                         gboolean make_backup,
                                                         GFileCreateFlags flags,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
gboolean            e_file_replace_contents_finish      (GFile *file,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gchar **new_etag,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             e_mktemp                            (const gchar *template);
gint                e_mkstemp                           (const gchar *template);
gchar *             e_mkdtemp                           (const gchar *template);



enum EAutomaticActionPolicy

typedef enum {
} EAutomaticActionPolicy;

Used for automatable actions based on the user's preference. The user is initially asked whether to perform the action automatically, and is given either-or choices like "Yes, Always" or "No, Never". The user's response is then remembered for future sessions.


Ask the user whether to perform the action.


Perform the action without interrupting the user.


Do not perform the action and do not interrupt the user.

enum EDateWeekday

typedef enum {
} EDateWeekday;

Enumeration representing a day of the week; E_DATE_MONDAY, E_DATE_TUESDAY, etc. G_DATE_BAD_WEEKDAY is an invalid weekday.

This enum type is intentionally compatible with GDateWeekday. It exists only because GLib does not provide a GEnumClass for GDateWeekday. If that ever changes, this enum can go away.


Invalid value















EForeachFunc ()

void                (*EForeachFunc)                     (gint model_row,
                                                         gpointer closure);

e_get_accels_filename ()

const gchar *       e_get_accels_filename               (void);

Returns the name of the user data file containing custom keyboard accelerator specifications.

Returns :

filename for accelerator specifications

e_show_uri ()

void                e_show_uri                          (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Launches the default application to show the given URI. The URI must be of a form understood by GIO. If the URI cannot be shown, it presents a dialog describing the error. The dialog is set as transient to parent if parent is non-NULL.

parent :

a parent GtkWindow or NULL

uri :

the URI to show

e_display_help ()

void                e_display_help                      (GtkWindow *parent,
                                                         const gchar *link_id);

Opens the user documentation to the section given by link_id, or to the table of contents if link_id is NULL. If the user documentation cannot be opened, it presents a dialog describing the error. The dialog is set as transient to parent if parent is non-NULL.

parent :

a parent GtkWindow or NULL

link_id :

help section to present or NULL

enum ERestoreWindowFlags

typedef enum {
	E_RESTORE_WINDOW_SIZE     = 1 << 0,
} ERestoreWindowFlags;

e_restore_window ()

void                e_restore_window                    (GtkWindow *window,
                                                         const gchar *settings_path,
                                                         ERestoreWindowFlags flags);

This function can restore one of or both a window's size and position using GSettings keys at settings_path which conform to the relocatable schema "org.gnome.evolution.window".

If E_RESTORE_WINDOW_SIZE is present in flags, restore window's previously recorded size and maximize state.

If E_RESTORE_WINDOW_POSITION is present in flags, move window to the previously recorded screen coordinates.

The respective GSettings values will be updated when the window is resized and/or moved.

window :

a GtkWindow

settings_path :

a GSettings path

flags :

flags indicating which window features to restore

e_lookup_action ()

GtkAction *         e_lookup_action                     (GtkUIManager *ui_manager,
                                                         const gchar *action_name);

Returns the first GtkAction named action_name by traversing the list of action groups in ui_manager. If no such action exists, the function emits a critical warning before returning NULL, since this probably indicates a programming error and most code is not prepared to deal with lookup failures.

ui_manager :

a GtkUIManager

action_name :

the name of an action

Returns :

the first GtkAction named action_name

e_lookup_action_group ()

GtkActionGroup *    e_lookup_action_group               (GtkUIManager *ui_manager,
                                                         const gchar *group_name);

Returns the GtkActionGroup in ui_manager named group_name. If no such action group exists, the function emits a critical warnings before returning NULL, since this probably indicates a programming error and most code is not prepared to deal with lookup failures.

ui_manager :

a GtkUIManager

group_name :

the name of an action group

Returns :

the GtkActionGroup named group_name

e_action_compare_by_label ()

gint                e_action_compare_by_label           (GtkAction *action1,
                                                         GtkAction *action2);

Compares the labels for action1 and action2 using g_utf8_collate().

action1 :

a GtkAction

action2 :

a GtkAction

Returns :

< 0 if action1 compares before action2, 0 if they compare equal, > 0 if action1 compares after action2

e_action_group_remove_all_actions ()

void                e_action_group_remove_all_actions   (GtkActionGroup *action_group);

Removes all actions from the action group.

action_group :

a GtkActionGroup

e_radio_action_get_current_action ()

GtkRadioAction *    e_radio_action_get_current_action   (GtkRadioAction *radio_action);

Returns the currently active member of the group to which radio_action belongs.

radio_action :

a GtkRadioAction

Returns :

the currently active group member

e_action_group_add_actions_localized ()

void                e_action_group_add_actions_localized
                                                        (GtkActionGroup *action_group,
                                                         const gchar *translation_domain,
                                                         const GtkActionEntry *entries,
                                                         guint n_entries,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Adds GtkAction-s defined by entries to action_group, with action's label and tooltip localized in the given translation domain, instead of the domain set on the action_group.

action_group :

a GtkActionGroup to add entries to

translation_domain :

a translation domain to use to translate label and tooltip strings in entries

entries :

an array of action descriptions. [array length=n_entries]

n_entries :

the number of entries

user_data :

data to pass to the action callbacks

Since 3.4

e_builder_get_widget ()

GtkWidget *         e_builder_get_widget                (GtkBuilder *builder,
                                                         const gchar *widget_name);

Gets the widget named widget_name. Note that this function does not increment the reference count of the returned widget. If widget_name could not be found in the builder's object tree, a run-time warning is emitted since this usually indicates a programming error.

This is a convenience function to work around the awkwardness of GtkBuilder returning GObject pointers, when the vast majority of the time you want a GtkWidget pointer.

If you need something from builder other than a GtkWidget, or you want to test for the existence of some widget name without incurring a run-time warning, use gtk_builder_get_object().

builder :

a GtkBuilder

widget_name :

name of a widget in builder

Returns :

the widget named widget_name, or NULL

e_load_ui_builder_definition ()

void                e_load_ui_builder_definition        (GtkBuilder *builder,
                                                         const gchar *basename);

Loads a UI definition into builder from Evolution's UI directory. Failure here is fatal, since the application can't function without its UI definitions.

builder :

a GtkBuilder

basename :

basename of the UI definition file

e_categories_add_change_hook ()

void                e_categories_add_change_hook        (GHookFunc func,
                                                         gpointer object);

A saner alternative to e_categories_register_change_listener().

Adds a hook function to be called when a category is added, removed or modified. If object is not NULL, the hook function is automatically removed when object is finalized.

func :

a hook function

object :

a GObject to be passed to func, or NULL

e_str_without_underscores ()

gchar *             e_str_without_underscores           (const gchar *string);

Strips underscores from a string in the same way gtk_label_new_with_mnemonics does. The returned string should be freed using g_free().

string :

the string to strip underscores from

Returns :

a newly-allocated string without underscores

e_str_compare ()

gint                e_str_compare                       (gconstpointer x,
                                                         gconstpointer y);

e_str_case_compare ()

gint                e_str_case_compare                  (gconstpointer x,
                                                         gconstpointer y);

e_collate_compare ()

gint                e_collate_compare                   (gconstpointer x,
                                                         gconstpointer y);

e_int_compare ()

gint                e_int_compare                       (gconstpointer x,
                                                         gconstpointer y);

e_color_to_value ()

guint32             e_color_to_value                    (GdkColor *color);

Converts a GdkColor to a 24-bit RGB color value.

color :

a GdkColor

Returns :

a 24-bit color value

e_rgba_to_value ()

guint32             e_rgba_to_value                     (GdkRGBA *rgba);

Converts GdkRGBA to a 24-bit RGB color value

rgba :


Returns :

a 24-bit color value

e_format_number ()

gchar *             e_format_number                     (gint number);

ESortCompareFunc ()

gint                (*ESortCompareFunc)                 (gconstpointer first,
                                                         gconstpointer second,
                                                         gpointer closure);

e_bsearch ()

void                e_bsearch                           (gconstpointer key,
                                                         gconstpointer base,
                                                         gsize nmemb,
                                                         gsize size,
                                                         ESortCompareFunc compare,
                                                         gpointer closure,
                                                         gsize *start,
                                                         gsize *end);

e_strftime_fix_am_pm ()

gsize               e_strftime_fix_am_pm                (gchar *str,
                                                         gsize max,
                                                         const gchar *fmt,
                                                         const struct tm *tm);

e_utf8_strftime_fix_am_pm ()

gsize               e_utf8_strftime_fix_am_pm           (gchar *str,
                                                         gsize max,
                                                         const gchar *fmt,
                                                         const struct tm *tm);

e_get_month_name ()

const gchar *       e_get_month_name                    (GDateMonth month,
                                                         gboolean abbreviated);

Returns the localized name for month. If abbreviated is TRUE, returns the locale's abbreviated month name.

month :

month index

abbreviated :

if TRUE, abbreviate the month name

Returns :

localized month name

e_get_weekday_name ()

const gchar *       e_get_weekday_name                  (GDateWeekday weekday,
                                                         gboolean abbreviated);

Returns the localized name for weekday. If abbreviated is TRUE, returns the locale's abbreviated weekday name.

weekday :

weekday index

abbreviated :

if TRUE, abbreviate the weekday name

Returns :

localized weekday name

e_weekday_get_next ()

GDateWeekday        e_weekday_get_next                  (GDateWeekday weekday);

Returns the GDateWeekday after weekday.

weekday :

a GDateWeekday

Returns :

the day after weekday

e_weekday_get_prev ()

GDateWeekday        e_weekday_get_prev                  (GDateWeekday weekday);

Returns the GDateWeekday before weekday.

weekday :

a GDateWeekday

Returns :

the day before weekday

e_weekday_add_days ()

GDateWeekday        e_weekday_add_days                  (GDateWeekday weekday,
                                                         guint n_days);

Increments weekday by n_days.

weekday :

a GDateWeekday

n_days :

number of days to add

Returns :

a GDateWeekday

e_weekday_subtract_days ()

GDateWeekday        e_weekday_subtract_days             (GDateWeekday weekday,
                                                         guint n_days);

Decrements weekday by n_days.

weekday :

a GDateWeekday

n_days :

number of days to subtract

Returns :

a GDateWeekday

e_weekday_get_days_between ()

guint               e_weekday_get_days_between          (GDateWeekday weekday1,
                                                         GDateWeekday weekday2);

Counts the number of days starting at weekday1 and ending at weekday2.

weekday1 :

a GDateWeekday

weekday2 :

a GDateWeekday

Returns :

the number of days

e_weekday_to_tm_wday ()

gint                e_weekday_to_tm_wday                (GDateWeekday weekday);

Converts a GDateWeekday to the numbering used in struct tm.

weekday :

a GDateWeekday

Returns :

number of days since Sunday (0 - 6)

e_weekday_from_tm_wday ()

GDateWeekday        e_weekday_from_tm_wday              (gint tm_wday);

Converts a weekday in the numbering used in struct tm to a GDateWeekday.

tm_wday :

number of days since Sunday (0 - 6)

Returns :

a GDateWeekday

e_flexible_strtod ()

gdouble             e_flexible_strtod                   (const gchar *nptr,
                                                         gchar **endptr);

Converts a string to a gdouble value. This function detects strings either in the standard C locale or in the current locale.

This function is typically used when reading configuration files or other non-user input that should not be locale dependent, but may have been in the past. To handle input from the user you should normally use the locale-sensitive system strtod function.

To convert from a double to a string in a locale-insensitive way, use g_ascii_dtostr.

nptr :

the string to convert to a numeric value.

endptr :

if non-NULL, it returns the character after the last character used in the conversion.

Returns :

the gdouble value


#define E_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE (DBL_DIG + 12 + 10)

e_ascii_dtostr ()

gchar *             e_ascii_dtostr                      (gchar *buffer,
                                                         gint buf_len,
                                                         const gchar *format,
                                                         gdouble d);

Converts a double to a string, using the '.' as decimal_point. To format the number you pass in a printf-style formating string. Allowed conversion specifiers are eEfFgG.

If you want to generates enough precision that converting the string back using g_strtod gives the same machine-number (on machines with IEEE compatible 64bit doubles) use the format string "%.17g". If you do this it is guaranteed that the size of the resulting string will never be larger than G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE bytes.

buffer :

A buffer to place the resulting string in

buf_len :

The length of the buffer.

format :

The printf-style format to use for the code to use for converting.

d :

The double to convert

Returns :

the pointer to the buffer with the converted string

e_file_lock_create ()

gboolean            e_file_lock_create                  (void);

e_file_lock_destroy ()

void                e_file_lock_destroy                 (void);

e_file_lock_exists ()

gboolean            e_file_lock_exists                  (void);

e_util_guess_mime_type ()

gchar *             e_util_guess_mime_type              (const gchar *filename,
                                                         gboolean localfile);

Tries to determine the MIME type for filename. Free the returned string with g_free().

filename :

a local file name, or URI

localfile :

TRUE to check the file content, FALSE to check only the name

Returns :

the MIME type of filename, or NULL if the the MIME type could not be determined

e_util_get_category_filter_options ()

GSList *            e_util_get_category_filter_options  (void);

e_util_get_searchable_categories ()

GList *             e_util_get_searchable_categories    (void);

Returns :

list of searchable categories only. The list should be freed with g_list_free() when done with it, but the items are internal strings, names of categories, which should not be touched in other than read-only way, in other words the same restrictions as for e_categories_get_list() applies here too.

e_binding_transform_color_to_string ()

gboolean            e_binding_transform_color_to_string (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         gpointer not_used);

Transforms a GdkColor value to a color string specification.

binding :

a GBinding

source_value :

a GValue of type GDK_TYPE_COLOR

target_value :

a GValue of type G_TYPE_STRING

not_used :

not used

Returns :

TRUE always

e_binding_transform_string_to_color ()

gboolean            e_binding_transform_string_to_color (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         gpointer not_used);

Transforms a color string specification to a GdkColor.

binding :

a GBinding

source_value :

a GValue of type G_TYPE_STRING

target_value :

a GValue of type GDK_TYPE_COLOR

not_used :

not used

Returns :

TRUE if color string specification was valid

e_binding_transform_source_to_uid ()

gboolean            e_binding_transform_source_to_uid   (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         ESourceRegistry *registry);

Transforms an ESource object to its UID string.

binding :

a GBinding

source_value :

a GValue of type E_TYPE_SOURCE

target_value :

a GValue of type G_TYPE_STRING

registry :

an ESourceRegistry

Returns :

TRUE if source_value was an ESource object

e_binding_transform_uid_to_source ()

gboolean            e_binding_transform_uid_to_source   (GBinding *binding,
                                                         const GValue *source_value,
                                                         GValue *target_value,
                                                         ESourceRegistry *registry);

Transforms an ESource UID string to the corresponding ESource object in registry.

binding :

a GBinding

source_value :

a GValue of type G_TYPE_STRING

target_value :

a GValue of type E_TYPE_SOURCe

registry :

an ESourceRegistry

Returns :

TRUE if registry had an ESource object with a matching UID string

e_charset_add_radio_actions ()

GSList *            e_charset_add_radio_actions         (GtkActionGroup *action_group,
                                                         const gchar *action_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *default_charset,
                                                         GCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Adds a set of GtkRadioActions for available character sets to action_group. The default_charset (or locale character set if default_charset is NULL) will be added first, and selected by default (except that ISO-8859-1 will always be used instead of US-ASCII). Any other character sets of the same language class as the default will be added next, followed by the remaining character sets.

action_group :

a GtkActionGroup

action_prefix :

a prefix for action names, or NULL

default_charset :

the default character set, or NULL to use the locale character set

callback :

a callback function for actions in the group, or NULL

user_data :

user data to be passed to callback, or NULL

Returns :

the radio action group

e_file_replace_contents_async ()

EActivity *         e_file_replace_contents_async       (GFile *file,
                                                         const gchar *contents,
                                                         gsize length,
                                                         const gchar *etag,
                                                         gboolean make_backup,
                                                         GFileCreateFlags flags,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

This is a wrapper for g_file_replace_contents_async() that also returns an EActivity to track the file operation. Cancelling the activity will cancel the file operation. See g_file_replace_contents_async() for more details.

file :

input GFile

contents :

string of contents to replace the file with

length :

the length of contents in bytes

etag :

a new entity tag for the file, or NULL

make_backup :

TRUE if a backup should be created

flags :

a set of GFileCreateFlags

callback :

a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

user_data :

the data to pass to the callback function

Returns :

an EActivity for the file operation

e_file_replace_contents_finish ()

gboolean            e_file_replace_contents_finish      (GFile *file,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gchar **new_etag,
                                                         GError **error);

Finishes an asynchronous replace of the given file. See e_file_replace_contents_async(). Sets new_etag to the new entity tag for the document, if present. Free it with g_free() when it is no longer needed.

file :

input GFile

result :

a GAsyncResult

new_etag :

return location for a new entity tag

error :

return location for a GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure

e_mktemp ()

gchar *             e_mktemp                            (const gchar *template);

e_mkstemp ()

gint                e_mkstemp                           (const gchar *template);

e_mkdtemp ()

gchar *             e_mkdtemp                           (const gchar *template);