


struct              ECalComponent;
enum                ECalComponentVType;
enum                ECalComponentField;
enum                ECalComponentClassification;
enum                ECalComponentPeriodType;
enum                ECalComponentRangeType;
enum                ECalComponentTransparency;
gchar *             e_cal_component_gen_uid             (void);
ECalComponent *     e_cal_component_new                 (void);
ECalComponent *     e_cal_component_new_from_string     (const gchar *calobj);
ECalComponent *     e_cal_component_new_from_icalcomponent
                                                        (icalcomponent *icalcomp);
ECalComponent *     e_cal_component_clone               (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_set_new_vtype       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentVType type);
icalcomponent *     e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent   (ECalComponent *comp);
gboolean            e_cal_component_set_icalcomponent   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         icalcomponent *icalcomp);
void                e_cal_component_rescan              (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_strip_errors        (ECalComponent *comp);
ECalComponentVType  e_cal_component_get_vtype           (ECalComponent *comp);
gchar *             e_cal_component_get_as_string       (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_commit_sequence     (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_abort_sequence      (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_get_uid             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar **uid);
void                e_cal_component_set_uid             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *uid);
ECalComponentId *   e_cal_component_get_id              (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_free_id             (ECalComponentId *id);
ECalComponentId *   e_cal_component_id_new              (const gchar *uid,
                                                         const gchar *rid);
ECalComponentId *   e_cal_component_id_copy             (const ECalComponentId *id);
guint               e_cal_component_id_hash             (const ECalComponentId *id);
gboolean            e_cal_component_id_equal            (const ECalComponentId *id1,
                                                         const ECalComponentId *id2);
void                e_cal_component_get_categories      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar **categories);
void                e_cal_component_set_categories      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *categories);
void                e_cal_component_get_categories_list (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **categ_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_categories_list (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *categ_list);
void                e_cal_component_get_classification  (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentClassification *classif);
void                e_cal_component_set_classification  (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentClassification classif);
void                e_cal_component_get_comment_list    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **text_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_comment_list    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *text_list);
void                e_cal_component_get_completed       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype **t);
void                e_cal_component_set_completed       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);
void                e_cal_component_get_contact_list    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **text_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_contact_list    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *text_list);
void                e_cal_component_get_created         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype **t);
void                e_cal_component_set_created         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);
void                e_cal_component_get_description_list
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **text_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_description_list
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *text_list);
void                e_cal_component_get_dtend           (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);
void                e_cal_component_set_dtend           (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);
void                e_cal_component_get_dtstamp         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);
void                e_cal_component_set_dtstamp         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);
void                e_cal_component_get_dtstart         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);
void                e_cal_component_set_dtstart         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);
void                e_cal_component_get_due             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);
void                e_cal_component_set_due             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);
void                e_cal_component_get_exdate_list     (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **exdate_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_exdate_list     (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *exdate_list);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_exdates         (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_get_exrule_list     (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **recur_list);
void                e_cal_component_get_exrule_property_list
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **recur_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_exrule_list     (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *recur_list);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_exrules         (ECalComponent *comp);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_exceptions      (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_get_geo             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icalgeotype **geo);
void                e_cal_component_set_geo             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icalgeotype *geo);
void                e_cal_component_get_last_modified   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype **t);
void                e_cal_component_set_last_modified   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);
void                e_cal_component_get_organizer       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentOrganizer *organizer);
void                e_cal_component_set_organizer       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentOrganizer *organizer);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_organizer       (ECalComponent *comp);
gint                e_cal_component_get_percent_as_int  (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_set_percent_as_int  (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint percent);
void                e_cal_component_get_percent         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint **percent);
void                e_cal_component_set_percent         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint *percent);
void                e_cal_component_get_priority        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint **priority);
void                e_cal_component_set_priority        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint *priority);
void                e_cal_component_get_recurid         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentRange *recur_id);
gchar *             e_cal_component_get_recurid_as_string
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_set_recurid         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentRange *recur_id);
void                e_cal_component_get_rdate_list      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **period_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_rdate_list      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *period_list);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_rdates          (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_get_rrule_list      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **recur_list);
void                e_cal_component_get_rrule_property_list
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **recur_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_rrule_list      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *recur_list);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_rrules          (ECalComponent *comp);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_recurrences     (ECalComponent *comp);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_simple_recurrence
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp);
gboolean            e_cal_component_is_instance         (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_get_sequence        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint **sequence);
void                e_cal_component_set_sequence        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint *sequence);
void                e_cal_component_get_status          (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         icalproperty_status *status);
void                e_cal_component_set_status          (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         icalproperty_status status);
void                e_cal_component_get_summary         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentText *summary);
void                e_cal_component_set_summary         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentText *summary);
void                e_cal_component_get_transparency    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentTransparency *transp);
void                e_cal_component_set_transparency    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentTransparency transp);
void                e_cal_component_get_url             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar **url);
void                e_cal_component_set_url             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *url);
void                e_cal_component_get_attendee_list   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **attendee_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_attendee_list   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *attendee_list);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_attendees       (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_get_location        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar **location);
void                e_cal_component_set_location        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *location);
void                e_cal_component_get_attachment_list (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **attachment_list);
void                e_cal_component_set_attachment_list (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *attachment_list);
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_attachments     (ECalComponent *comp);
gint                e_cal_component_get_num_attachments (ECalComponent *comp);
gboolean            e_cal_component_event_dates_match   (ECalComponent *comp1,
                                                         ECalComponent *comp2);
void                e_cal_component_free_categories_list
                                                        (GSList *categ_list);
void                e_cal_component_free_datetime       (ECalComponentDateTime *dt);
void                e_cal_component_free_range          (ECalComponentRange *range);
void                e_cal_component_free_exdate_list    (GSList *exdate_list);
void                e_cal_component_free_geo            (struct icalgeotype *geo);
void                e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype   (struct icaltimetype *t);
void                e_cal_component_free_percent        (gint *percent);
void                e_cal_component_free_priority       (gint *priority);
void                e_cal_component_free_period_list    (GSList *period_list);
void                e_cal_component_free_recur_list     (GSList *recur_list);
void                e_cal_component_free_sequence       (gint *sequence);
void                e_cal_component_free_text_list      (GSList *text_list);
void                e_cal_component_free_attendee_list  (GSList *attendee_list);
enum                ECalComponentAlarmAction;
enum                ECalComponentAlarmTriggerType;
gboolean            e_cal_component_has_alarms          (ECalComponent *comp);
void                e_cal_component_add_alarm           (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);
void                e_cal_component_remove_alarm        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *auid);
void                e_cal_component_remove_all_alarms   (ECalComponent *comp);
GList *             e_cal_component_get_alarm_uids      (ECalComponent *comp);
ECalComponentAlarm * e_cal_component_get_alarm          (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *auid);
void                e_cal_component_alarms_free         (ECalComponentAlarms *alarms);
ECalComponentAlarm * e_cal_component_alarm_new          (void);
ECalComponentAlarm * e_cal_component_alarm_clone        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_free          (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);
const gchar *       e_cal_component_alarm_get_uid       (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_action    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmAction *action);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_action    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmAction action);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_attach    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         icalattach **attach);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_attach    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         icalattach *attach);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_description
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentText *description);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_description
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentText *description);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_repeat    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmRepeat *repeat);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_repeat    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmRepeat repeat);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_trigger   (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmTrigger *trigger);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_trigger   (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmTrigger trigger);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_attendee_list
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         GSList **attendee_list);
void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_attendee_list
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         GSList *attendee_list);
gboolean            e_cal_component_alarm_has_attendees (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);
icalcomponent *     e_cal_component_alarm_get_icalcomponent
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);

Object Hierarchy




struct ECalComponent

struct ECalComponent;


typedef struct {
	gchar *uid;
	gchar *rid;
} ECalComponentId;

enum ECalComponentVType

typedef enum {
} ECalComponentVType;







enum ECalComponentField

typedef enum {
	E_CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_CATEGORIES, /* concatenation of categories */
	E_CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_HAS_ALARMS, /* not a real field */
	E_CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_ICON,		/* not a real field */
	E_CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_COMPLETE,		/* not a real field */
	E_CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_RECURRING, /* not a real field */
	E_CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_OVERDUE,		/* not a real field */
	E_CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_COLOR,		/* not a real field */
	E_CAL_COMPONENT_FIELD_COMPONENT, /* not a real field */
} ECalComponentField;























enum ECalComponentClassification

typedef enum {
} ECalComponentClassification;







typedef struct {
	/* Actual date/time value */
	struct icaltimetype *value;

	/* Timezone ID */
	const gchar *tzid;
} ECalComponentDateTime;

enum ECalComponentPeriodType

typedef enum {
} ECalComponentPeriodType;




typedef struct {
	ECalComponentPeriodType type;

	struct icaltimetype start;

	union {
		struct icaltimetype end;
		struct icaldurationtype duration;
	} u;
} ECalComponentPeriod;

enum ECalComponentRangeType

typedef enum {
} ECalComponentRangeType;





typedef struct {
	ECalComponentRangeType type;

	ECalComponentDateTime datetime;
} ECalComponentRange;


typedef struct {
	/* Description string */
	const gchar *value;

	/* Alternate representation URI */
	const gchar *altrep;
} ECalComponentText;

enum ECalComponentTransparency

typedef enum {
} ECalComponentTransparency;






typedef struct {
	const gchar *value;

	const gchar *member;
	icalparameter_cutype cutype;
	icalparameter_role role;
	icalparameter_partstat status;
	gboolean rsvp;

	const gchar *delto;
	const gchar *delfrom;
	const gchar *sentby;
	const gchar *cn;
	const gchar *language;
} ECalComponentAttendee;


typedef struct {
	const gchar *value;
	const gchar *sentby;
	const gchar *cn;
	const gchar *language;
} ECalComponentOrganizer;

e_cal_component_gen_uid ()

gchar *             e_cal_component_gen_uid             (void);

Generates a unique identifier suitable for calendar components.

Returns :

A unique identifier string. Every time this function is called a different string is returned.

e_cal_component_new ()

ECalComponent *     e_cal_component_new                 (void);

Creates a new empty calendar component object. Once created, you should set it from an existing icalcomponent structure by using e_cal_component_set_icalcomponent() or with a new empty component type by using e_cal_component_set_new_vtype().

Returns :

A newly-created calendar component object.

e_cal_component_new_from_string ()

ECalComponent *     e_cal_component_new_from_string     (const gchar *calobj);

Creates a new calendar component object from the given iCalendar string.

calobj :

A string representation of an iCalendar component.

Returns :

A calendar component representing the given iCalendar string on success, NULL if there was an error.

e_cal_component_new_from_icalcomponent ()

ECalComponent *     e_cal_component_new_from_icalcomponent
                                                        (icalcomponent *icalcomp);

Creates a new ECalComponent which will has set icalcomp as an inner icalcomponent. The newly created ECalComponent takes ownership of the icalcomp, and if the call to e_cal_component_set_icalcomponent() fails, then icalcomp is freed.

icalcomp :

An icalcomponent to use

Returns :

An ECalComponet with icalcomp assigned on success, NULL if the icalcomp cannot be assigned to ECalComponent.

Since 3.4

e_cal_component_clone ()

ECalComponent *     e_cal_component_clone               (ECalComponent *comp);

Creates a new calendar component object by copying the information from another one.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

A newly-created calendar component with the same values as the original one. [transfer full]

e_cal_component_set_new_vtype ()

void                e_cal_component_set_new_vtype       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentVType type);

Clears any existing component data from a calendar component object and creates a new icalcomponent of the specified type for it. The only property that will be set in the new component will be its unique identifier.

comp :

A calendar component object.

type :

Type of calendar component to create.

e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent ()

icalcomponent *     e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent   (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries the icalcomponent structure that a calendar component object is wrapping.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

An icalcomponent structure, or NULL if the comp has no icalcomponent set to it.

e_cal_component_set_icalcomponent ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_set_icalcomponent   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         icalcomponent *icalcomp);

Sets the contents of a calendar component object from an icalcomponent structure. If the comp already had an icalcomponent set into it, it will will be freed automatically if the icalcomponent does not have a parent component itself.

Supported component types are VEVENT, VTODO, VJOURNAL, VFREEBUSY, and VTIMEZONE.

comp :

A calendar component object.

icalcomp :

An icalcomponent. [type long]

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE if icalcomp is an unsupported component type.

e_cal_component_rescan ()

void                e_cal_component_rescan              (ECalComponent *comp);

Rescans the icalcomponent being wrapped by the given calendar component. This would replace any value that was changed in the wrapped icalcomponent.

comp :

A calendar component object.

e_cal_component_strip_errors ()

void                e_cal_component_strip_errors        (ECalComponent *comp);

Strips all error messages from the calendar component. Those error messages are added to the iCalendar string representation whenever an invalid is used for one of its fields.

comp :

A calendar component object.

e_cal_component_get_vtype ()

ECalComponentVType  e_cal_component_get_vtype           (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries the type of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

The type of the component, as defined by RFC 2445.

e_cal_component_get_as_string ()

gchar *             e_cal_component_get_as_string       (ECalComponent *comp);

Gets the iCalendar string representation of a calendar component. You should call e_cal_component_commit_sequence() before this function to ensure that the component's sequence number is consistent with the state of the object.

comp :

A calendar component.

Returns :

String representation of the calendar component according to RFC 2445.

e_cal_component_commit_sequence ()

void                e_cal_component_commit_sequence     (ECalComponent *comp);

Increments the sequence number property in a calendar component object if it needs it. This needs to be done when any of a number of properties listed in RFC 2445 change values, such as the start and end dates of a component.

This function must be called before calling e_cal_component_get_as_string() to ensure that the component is fully consistent.

comp :

A calendar component object.

e_cal_component_abort_sequence ()

void                e_cal_component_abort_sequence      (ECalComponent *comp);

Aborts the sequence change needed in the given calendar component, which means it will not require a sequence commit (via e_cal_component_commit_sequence()) even if the changes done require a sequence increment.

comp :

A calendar component object.

e_cal_component_get_uid ()

void                e_cal_component_get_uid             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar **uid);

Queries the unique identifier of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

uid :

Return value for the UID string.

e_cal_component_set_uid ()

void                e_cal_component_set_uid             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *uid);

Sets the unique identifier string of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

uid :

Unique identifier.

e_cal_component_get_id ()

ECalComponentId *   e_cal_component_get_id              (ECalComponent *comp);

Get the ID of the component as a ECalComponentId. The return value should be freed with e_cal_component_free_id() when you have finished with it.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

the id of the component

e_cal_component_free_id ()

void                e_cal_component_free_id             (ECalComponentId *id);

Frees the id.

id :

an ECalComponentId

e_cal_component_id_new ()

ECalComponentId *   e_cal_component_id_new              (const gchar *uid,
                                                         const gchar *rid);

Creates a new ECalComponentId from uid and rid, which should be freed with e_cal_component_free_id().

uid :

a unique ID string

rid :

an optional recurrence ID string. [allow-none]

Returns :

an ECalComponentId

Since 3.10

e_cal_component_id_copy ()

ECalComponentId *   e_cal_component_id_copy             (const ECalComponentId *id);

Returns a newly-allocated copy of id, which should be freed with e_cal_component_free_id().

id :

an ECalComponentId

Returns :

a newly-allocated copy of id

Since 3.10

e_cal_component_id_hash ()

guint               e_cal_component_id_hash             (const ECalComponentId *id);

Generates a hash value for id.

id :

an ECalComponentId

Returns :

a hash value for id

Since 3.10

e_cal_component_id_equal ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_id_equal            (const ECalComponentId *id1,
                                                         const ECalComponentId *id2);

Compares two ECalComponentId structs for equality.

id1 :

the first ECalComponentId

id2 :

the second ECalComponentId

Returns :

TRUE if id1 and id2 are equal

Since 3.10

e_cal_component_get_categories ()

void                e_cal_component_get_categories      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar **categories);

Queries the categories of the given calendar component. The categories are returned in the categories argument, which, on success, will contain a comma-separated list of all categories set in the component.

comp :

A calendar component object.

categories :

Return holder for the categories.

e_cal_component_set_categories ()

void                e_cal_component_set_categories      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *categories);

Sets the list of categories for a calendar component.

comp :

A calendar component object.

categories :

Comma-separated list of categories.

e_cal_component_get_categories_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_categories_list (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **categ_list);

Queries the list of categories of a calendar component object. Each element in the returned categ_list is a string with the corresponding category.

comp :

A calendar component object.

categ_list :

Return value for the list of strings, where each string is a category. This should be freed using e_cal_component_free_categories_list(). [out][transfer full][element-type utf8]

e_cal_component_set_categories_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_categories_list (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *categ_list);

Sets the list of categories of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

categ_list :

List of strings, one for each category. [element-type utf8]

e_cal_component_get_classification ()

void                e_cal_component_get_classification  (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentClassification *classif);

Queries the classification of a calendar component object. If the classification property is not set on this component, this function returns E_CAL_COMPONENT_CLASS_NONE.

comp :

A calendar component object.

classif :

Return value for the classification.

e_cal_component_set_classification ()

void                e_cal_component_set_classification  (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentClassification classif);

Sets the classification property of a calendar component object. To unset the property, specify E_CAL_COMPONENT_CLASS_NONE for classif.

comp :

A calendar component object.

classif :

Classification to use.

e_cal_component_get_comment_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_comment_list    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **text_list);

Queries the comments of a calendar component object. The comment property can appear several times inside a calendar component, and so a list of ECalComponentText is returned.

comp :

A calendar component object.

text_list :

Return value for the comment properties and their parameters, as a list of ECalComponentText structures. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_text_list() function. [out][transfer full][element-type ECalComponentText]

e_cal_component_set_comment_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_comment_list    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *text_list);

Sets the comments of a calendar component object. The comment property can appear several times inside a calendar component, and so a list of ECalComponentText structures is used.

comp :

A calendar component object.

text_list :

List of ECalComponentText structures. [element-type ECalComponentText]

e_cal_component_get_completed ()

void                e_cal_component_get_completed       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype **t);

Queries the date at which a calendar compoment object was completed.

comp :

A calendar component object.

t :

Return value for the completion date. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype() function.

e_cal_component_set_completed ()

void                e_cal_component_set_completed       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);

Sets the date at which a calendar component object was completed.

comp :

A calendar component object.

t :

Value for the completion date.

e_cal_component_get_contact_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_contact_list    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **text_list);

Queries the contact of a calendar component object. The contact property can appear several times inside a calendar component, and so a list of ECalComponentText is returned.

comp :

A calendar component object.

text_list :

Return value for the contact properties and their parameters, as a list of ECalComponentText structures. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_text_list() function. [out][transfer full][element-type ECalComponentText]

e_cal_component_set_contact_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_contact_list    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *text_list);

Sets the contact of a calendar component object. The contact property can appear several times inside a calendar component, and so a list of ECalComponentText structures is used.

comp :

A calendar component object.

text_list :

List of ECalComponentText structures. [element-type ECalComponentText]

e_cal_component_get_created ()

void                e_cal_component_get_created         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype **t);

Queries the date in which a calendar component object was created in the calendar store.

comp :

A calendar component object.

t :

Return value for the creation date. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype() function.

e_cal_component_set_created ()

void                e_cal_component_set_created         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);

Sets the date in which a calendar component object is created in the calendar store. This should only be used inside a calendar store application, i.e. not by calendar user agents.

comp :

A calendar component object.

t :

Value for the creation date.

e_cal_component_get_description_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_description_list
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **text_list);

Queries the description of a calendar component object. Journal components may have more than one description, and as such this function returns a list of ECalComponentText structures. All other types of components can have at most one description.

comp :

A calendar component object.

text_list :

Return value for the description properties and their parameters, as a list of ECalComponentText structures. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_text_list() function. [out][transfer full][element-type ECalComponentText]

e_cal_component_set_description_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_description_list
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *text_list);

Sets the description of a calendar component object. Journal components may have more than one description, and as such this function takes in a list of ECalComponentDescription structures. All other types of components can have at most one description.

comp :

A calendar component object.

text_list :

List of ECalComponentSummary structures. [element-type ECalComponentSummary]

e_cal_component_get_dtend ()

void                e_cal_component_get_dtend           (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);

Queries the date/time end of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

dt :

Return value for the date/time end. This should be freed with the e_cal_component_free_datetime() function.

e_cal_component_set_dtend ()

void                e_cal_component_set_dtend           (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);

Sets the date/time end property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

dt :

End date/time.

e_cal_component_get_dtstamp ()

void                e_cal_component_get_dtstamp         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);

Queries the date/timestamp property of a calendar component object, which is the last time at which the object was modified by a calendar user agent.

comp :

A calendar component object.

t :

A value for the date/timestamp.

e_cal_component_set_dtstamp ()

void                e_cal_component_set_dtstamp         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);

Sets the date/timestamp of a calendar component object. This should be called whenever a calendar user agent makes a change to a component's properties.

comp :

A calendar component object.

t :

Date/timestamp value.

e_cal_component_get_dtstart ()

void                e_cal_component_get_dtstart         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);

Queries the date/time start of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

dt :

Return value for the date/time start. This should be freed with the e_cal_component_free_datetime() function.

e_cal_component_set_dtstart ()

void                e_cal_component_set_dtstart         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);

Sets the date/time start property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

dt :

Start date/time.

e_cal_component_get_due ()

void                e_cal_component_get_due             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);

Queries the due date/time of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

dt :

Return value for the due date/time. This should be freed with the e_cal_component_free_datetime() function.

e_cal_component_set_due ()

void                e_cal_component_set_due             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentDateTime *dt);

Sets the due date/time property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

dt :

End date/time.

e_cal_component_get_exdate_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_exdate_list     (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **exdate_list);

Queries the list of exception date properties in a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

exdate_list :

Return value for the list of exception dates, as a list of ECalComponentDateTime structures. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_exdate_list() function. [out][transfer full][element-type ECalComponentDateTime]

e_cal_component_set_exdate_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_exdate_list     (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *exdate_list);

Sets the list of exception dates in a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

exdate_list :

List of ECalComponentDateTime structures. [element-type ECalComponentDateTime]

e_cal_component_has_exdates ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_exdates         (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries whether a calendar component object has any exception dates defined for it.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if the component has exception dates, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_get_exrule_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_exrule_list     (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **recur_list);

Queries the list of exception rule properties of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

recur_list :

List of exception rules as struct icalrecurrencetype structures. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_recur_list() function. [out][element-type icalrecurrencetype][transfer full]

e_cal_component_get_exrule_property_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_exrule_property_list
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **recur_list);

comp :

A calendar component object.

recur_list :

. [out][transfer none][element-type icalrecurrencetype]

Returns :

a list of exception rule properties Queries the list of exception rule properties of a calendar component object.

e_cal_component_set_exrule_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_exrule_list     (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *recur_list);

Sets the list of exception rules in a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

recur_list :

List of struct icalrecurrencetype structures. [element-type icalrecurrencetype]

e_cal_component_has_exrules ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_exrules         (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries whether a calendar component object has any exception rules defined for it.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if the component has exception rules, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_has_exceptions ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_exceptions      (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries whether a calendar component object has any exception dates or exception rules.

comp :

A calendar component object

Returns :

TRUE if the component has exceptions, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_get_geo ()

void                e_cal_component_get_geo             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icalgeotype **geo);

Gets the geographic position property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

geo :

Return value for the geographic position property. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_geo() function.

e_cal_component_set_geo ()

void                e_cal_component_set_geo             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icalgeotype *geo);

Sets the geographic position property on a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

geo :

Value for the geographic position property.

e_cal_component_get_last_modified ()

void                e_cal_component_get_last_modified   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype **t);

Queries the time at which a calendar component object was last modified in the calendar store.

comp :

A calendar component object.

t :

Return value for the last modified time value.

e_cal_component_set_last_modified ()

void                e_cal_component_set_last_modified   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         struct icaltimetype *t);

Sets the time at which a calendar component object was last stored in the calendar store. This should not be called by plain calendar user agents.

comp :

A calendar component object.

t :

Value for the last time modified.

e_cal_component_get_organizer ()

void                e_cal_component_get_organizer       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentOrganizer *organizer);

Queries the organizer property of a calendar component object

comp :

A calendar component object

organizer :

A value for the organizer

e_cal_component_set_organizer ()

void                e_cal_component_set_organizer       (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentOrganizer *organizer);

Sets the organizer of a calendar component object

comp :

A calendar component object.

organizer :

Value for the organizer property

e_cal_component_has_organizer ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_organizer       (ECalComponent *comp);

Check whether a calendar component object has an organizer or not.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if there is an organizer, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_get_percent_as_int ()

gint                e_cal_component_get_percent_as_int  (ECalComponent *comp);

Since 2.28

e_cal_component_set_percent_as_int ()

void                e_cal_component_set_percent_as_int  (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint percent);

Since 2.28

e_cal_component_get_percent ()

void                e_cal_component_get_percent         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint **percent);

Queries the percent-complete property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

percent :

Return value for the percent-complete property. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_percent() function.

e_cal_component_set_percent ()

void                e_cal_component_set_percent         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint *percent);

Sets the percent-complete property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

percent :

Value for the percent-complete property.

e_cal_component_get_priority ()

void                e_cal_component_get_priority        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint **priority);

Queries the priority property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

priority :

Return value for the priority property. This should be freed using the e_cal_component_free_priority() function.

e_cal_component_set_priority ()

void                e_cal_component_set_priority        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint *priority);

Sets the priority property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

priority :

Value for the priority property.

e_cal_component_get_recurid ()

void                e_cal_component_get_recurid         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentRange *recur_id);

Queries the recurrence id property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

recur_id :

Return value for the recurrence id property

e_cal_component_get_recurid_as_string ()

gchar *             e_cal_component_get_recurid_as_string
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp);

Gets the recurrence ID property as a string.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

the recurrence ID as a string.

e_cal_component_set_recurid ()

void                e_cal_component_set_recurid         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentRange *recur_id);

Sets the recurrence id property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

recur_id :

Value for the recurrence id property.

e_cal_component_get_rdate_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_rdate_list      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **period_list);

Queries the list of recurrence date properties in a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

period_list :

Return value for the list of recurrence dates, as a list of ECalComponentPeriod structures. This should be freed using e_cal_component_free_period_list(). [out][transfer full][element-type ECalComponentPeriod]

e_cal_component_set_rdate_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_rdate_list      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *period_list);

Sets the list of recurrence dates in a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

period_list :

List of ECalComponentPeriod structures. [element-type ECalComponentPeriod]

e_cal_component_has_rdates ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_rdates          (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries whether a calendar component object has any recurrence dates defined for it.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if the component has recurrence dates, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_get_rrule_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_rrule_list      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **recur_list);

Queries the list of recurrence rule properties of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

recur_list :

List of recurrence rules as struct icalrecurrencetype structures. This should be freed using e_cal_component_free_recur_list(). [out][transfer full][element-type icalrecurrencetype]

e_cal_component_get_rrule_property_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_rrule_property_list
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **recur_list);

Queries a list of recurrence rule properties of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

recur_list :

Returns a list of recurrence rule properties. [out][transfer none][element-type icalrecurrencetype]

e_cal_component_set_rrule_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_rrule_list      (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *recur_list);

Sets the list of recurrence rules in a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

recur_list :

List of struct icalrecurrencetype structures. [element-type icalrecurrencetype]

e_cal_component_has_rrules ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_rrules          (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries whether a calendar component object has any recurrence rules defined for it.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if the component has recurrence rules, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_has_recurrences ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_recurrences     (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries whether a calendar component object has any recurrence dates or recurrence rules.

comp :

A calendar component object

Returns :

TRUE if the component has recurrences, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_has_simple_recurrence ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_simple_recurrence
                                                        (ECalComponent *comp);

Checks whether the given calendar component object has simple recurrence rules or more complicated ones.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if it has a simple recurrence rule, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_is_instance ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_is_instance         (ECalComponent *comp);

Checks whether a calendar component object is an instance of a recurring event.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if it is an instance, FALSE if not.

e_cal_component_get_sequence ()

void                e_cal_component_get_sequence        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint **sequence);

Queries the sequence number of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

sequence :

Return value for the sequence number. This should be freed using e_cal_component_free_sequence().

e_cal_component_set_sequence ()

void                e_cal_component_set_sequence        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         gint *sequence);

Sets the sequence number of a calendar component object. Normally this function should not be called, since the sequence number is incremented automatically at the proper times.

comp :

A calendar component object.

sequence :

Sequence number value.

e_cal_component_get_status ()

void                e_cal_component_get_status          (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         icalproperty_status *status);

Queries the status property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

status :

Return value for the status value. It is set to ICAL_STATUS_NONE if the component has no status property. [out]

e_cal_component_set_status ()

void                e_cal_component_set_status          (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         icalproperty_status status);

Sets the status property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

status :

Status value. You should use ICAL_STATUS_NONE if you want to unset this property.

e_cal_component_get_summary ()

void                e_cal_component_get_summary         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentText *summary);

Queries the summary of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

summary :

Return value for the summary property and its parameters.

e_cal_component_set_summary ()

void                e_cal_component_set_summary         (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentText *summary);

Sets the summary of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

summary :

Summary property and its parameters.

e_cal_component_get_transparency ()

void                e_cal_component_get_transparency    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentTransparency *transp);

Queries the time transparency of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

transp :

Return value for the time transparency.

e_cal_component_set_transparency ()

void                e_cal_component_set_transparency    (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentTransparency transp);

Sets the time transparency of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

transp :

Time transparency value.

e_cal_component_get_url ()

void                e_cal_component_get_url             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar **url);

Queries the uniform resource locator property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

url :

Return value for the URL.

e_cal_component_set_url ()

void                e_cal_component_set_url             (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *url);

Sets the uniform resource locator property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

url :

URL value.

e_cal_component_get_attendee_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_attendee_list   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **attendee_list);

Queries the attendee properties of the calendar component object

comp :

A calendar component object.

attendee_list :

Return value for the attendee property. This should be freed using e_cal_component_free_attendee_list(). [out][transfer full][element-type ECalComponentAttendee]

e_cal_component_set_attendee_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_attendee_list   (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *attendee_list);

Sets the attendees of a calendar component object

comp :

A calendar component object.

attendee_list :

Values for attendee properties. [element-type ECalComponentAttendee]

e_cal_component_has_attendees ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_attendees       (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries a calendar component object for the existence of attendees.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if there are attendees, FALSE if not.

e_cal_component_get_location ()

void                e_cal_component_get_location        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar **location);

Queries the location property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object

location :

Return value for the location.

e_cal_component_set_location ()

void                e_cal_component_set_location        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *location);

Sets the location property of a calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

location :

Location value.

e_cal_component_get_attachment_list ()

void                e_cal_component_get_attachment_list (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList **attachment_list);

Queries the attachment properties of the calendar component object. When done, the attachment_list should be freed by calling g_slist_free().

comp :

A calendar component object

attachment_list :

Return list of URIs to attachments. [out][transfer full][element-type utf8]

e_cal_component_set_attachment_list ()

void                e_cal_component_set_attachment_list (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         GSList *attachment_list);

This currently handles only attachments that are URIs in the file system - not inline binaries.

Sets the attachments of a calendar component object

comp :

A calendar component object

attachment_list :

list of URIs to attachment pointers. [element-type utf8]

e_cal_component_has_attachments ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_attachments     (ECalComponent *comp);

Queries the component to see if it has attachments.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if there are attachments, FALSE otherwise.

e_cal_component_get_num_attachments ()

gint                e_cal_component_get_num_attachments (ECalComponent *comp);

Get the number of attachments to this calendar component object.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

the number of attachments.

e_cal_component_event_dates_match ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_event_dates_match   (ECalComponent *comp1,
                                                         ECalComponent *comp2);

Checks if the DTSTART and DTEND properties of the 2 components match. Note that the events may have different recurrence properties which are not taken into account here.

comp1 :

A calendar component object.

comp2 :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if the DTSTART and DTEND properties of the 2 components match.

e_cal_component_free_categories_list ()

void                e_cal_component_free_categories_list
                                                        (GSList *categ_list);

Frees a list of category strings.

categ_list :

List of category strings. [element-type utf8]

e_cal_component_free_datetime ()

void                e_cal_component_free_datetime       (ECalComponentDateTime *dt);

Frees a date/time structure.

dt :

A date/time structure.

e_cal_component_free_range ()

void                e_cal_component_free_range          (ECalComponentRange *range);

Frees an ECalComponentRange structure.

range :

A ECalComponentRange.

e_cal_component_free_exdate_list ()

void                e_cal_component_free_exdate_list    (GSList *exdate_list);

Frees a list of ECalComponentDateTime structures as returned by the e_cal_component_get_exdate_list() function.

exdate_list :

List of ECalComponentDateTime structures. [element-type ECalComponentDateTime]

e_cal_component_free_geo ()

void                e_cal_component_free_geo            (struct icalgeotype *geo);

Frees a struct icalgeotype structure as returned by the calendar component functions.

geo :

An icalgeotype structure.

e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype ()

void                e_cal_component_free_icaltimetype   (struct icaltimetype *t);

Frees a struct icaltimetype value as returned by the calendar component functions.

t :

An icaltimetype structure.

e_cal_component_free_percent ()

void                e_cal_component_free_percent        (gint *percent);

Frees a percent value as returned by the e_cal_component_get_percent() function.

percent :

Percent value.

e_cal_component_free_priority ()

void                e_cal_component_free_priority       (gint *priority);

Frees a priority value as returned by the e_cal_component_get_priority() function.

priority :

Priority value.

e_cal_component_free_period_list ()

void                e_cal_component_free_period_list    (GSList *period_list);

Frees a list of ECalComponentPeriod structures.

period_list :

List of ECalComponentPeriod structures. [element-type ECalComponentPeriod]

e_cal_component_free_recur_list ()

void                e_cal_component_free_recur_list     (GSList *recur_list);

Frees a list of struct icalrecurrencetype structures.

recur_list :

List of struct icalrecurrencetype structures. [element-type icalrecurrencetype]

e_cal_component_free_sequence ()

void                e_cal_component_free_sequence       (gint *sequence);

Frees a sequence number value.

sequence :

Sequence number value.

e_cal_component_free_text_list ()

void                e_cal_component_free_text_list      (GSList *text_list);

Frees a list of ECalComponentText structures. This function should only be used to free lists of text values as returned by the other getter functions of ECalComponent.

text_list :

List of ECalComponentText structures. [element-type ECalComponentText]

e_cal_component_free_attendee_list ()

void                e_cal_component_free_attendee_list  (GSList *attendee_list);

Frees a list of ECalComponentAttendee structures.

attendee_list :

List of attendees. [element-type ECalComponentAttendee]


typedef struct _ECalComponentAlarm ECalComponentAlarm;


typedef struct {
	/* UID of the alarm that triggered */
	gchar *auid;

	/* Trigger time, i.e. "5 minutes before the appointment" */
	time_t trigger;

	/* Actual event occurrence to which this trigger corresponds */
	time_t occur_start;
	time_t occur_end;
} ECalComponentAlarmInstance;


typedef struct {
	/* The actual component */
	ECalComponent *comp;

	/* List of ECalComponentAlarmInstance structures */
	GSList *alarms;
} ECalComponentAlarms;

enum ECalComponentAlarmAction

typedef enum {
} ECalComponentAlarmAction;







enum ECalComponentAlarmTriggerType

typedef enum {
} ECalComponentAlarmTriggerType;






typedef struct {
	ECalComponentAlarmTriggerType type;

	union {
		struct icaldurationtype rel_duration;
		struct icaltimetype abs_time;
	} u;
} ECalComponentAlarmTrigger;


typedef struct {
	/* Number of extra repetitions, zero for none */
	gint repetitions;

	/* Interval between repetitions */
	struct icaldurationtype duration;
} ECalComponentAlarmRepeat;

e_cal_component_has_alarms ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_has_alarms          (ECalComponent *comp);

Checks whether the component has any alarms.

comp :

A calendar component object.

Returns :

TRUE if the component has any alarms.

e_cal_component_add_alarm ()

void                e_cal_component_add_alarm           (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);

Adds an alarm subcomponent to a calendar component. You should have created the alarm by using e_cal_component_alarm_new(); it is invalid to use a ECalComponentAlarm structure that came from e_cal_component_get_alarm(). After adding the alarm, the alarm structure is no longer valid because the internal structures may change and you should get rid of it by using e_cal_component_alarm_free().

comp :

A calendar component.

alarm :

An alarm.

e_cal_component_remove_alarm ()

void                e_cal_component_remove_alarm        (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *auid);

Removes an alarm subcomponent from a calendar component. If the alarm that corresponds to the specified auid had been fetched with e_cal_component_get_alarm(), then those alarm structures will be invalid; you should get rid of them with e_cal_component_alarm_free() before using this function.

comp :

A calendar component.

auid :

UID of the alarm to remove.

e_cal_component_remove_all_alarms ()

void                e_cal_component_remove_all_alarms   (ECalComponent *comp);

Remove all alarms from the calendar component

comp :

A calendar component

e_cal_component_get_alarm_uids ()

GList *             e_cal_component_get_alarm_uids      (ECalComponent *comp);

Builds a list of the unique identifiers of the alarm subcomponents inside a calendar component.

comp :

A calendar component.

Returns :

List of unique identifiers for alarms. This should be freed using cal_obj_uid_list_free(). [element-type utf8][transfer full]

e_cal_component_get_alarm ()

ECalComponentAlarm * e_cal_component_get_alarm          (ECalComponent *comp,
                                                         const gchar *auid);

Queries a particular alarm subcomponent of a calendar component.

comp :

A calendar component.

auid :

Unique identifier for the sought alarm subcomponent.

Returns :

The alarm subcomponent that corresponds to the specified auid, or NULL if no alarm exists with that UID. This should be freed using e_cal_component_alarm_free().

e_cal_component_alarms_free ()

void                e_cal_component_alarms_free         (ECalComponentAlarms *alarms);

Frees a ECalComponentAlarms structure.

alarms :

Component alarms structure.

e_cal_component_alarm_new ()

ECalComponentAlarm * e_cal_component_alarm_new          (void);

Create a new alarm object.

Returns :

a new alarm component

e_cal_component_alarm_clone ()

ECalComponentAlarm * e_cal_component_alarm_clone        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);

Creates a new alarm subcomponent by copying the information from another one.

alarm :

An alarm subcomponent.

Returns :

A newly-created alarm subcomponent with the same values as the original one. Should be freed with e_cal_component_alarm_free().

e_cal_component_alarm_free ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_free          (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);

Frees an alarm structure.

alarm :

A calendar alarm.

e_cal_component_alarm_get_uid ()

const gchar *       e_cal_component_alarm_get_uid       (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);

Queries the unique identifier of an alarm subcomponent.

alarm :

An alarm subcomponent.

Returns :

UID of the alarm.

e_cal_component_alarm_get_action ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_action    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmAction *action);

Queries the action type of an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

action :

Return value for the alarm's action type.

e_cal_component_alarm_set_action ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_action    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmAction action);

Sets the action type for an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

action :

Action type.

e_cal_component_alarm_get_attach ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_attach    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         icalattach **attach);

Queries the attachment property of an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

attach :

Return value for the attachment; should be freed using icalattach_unref().

e_cal_component_alarm_set_attach ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_attach    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         icalattach *attach);

Sets the attachment property of an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

attach :

Attachment property or NULL to remove an existing property.

e_cal_component_alarm_get_description ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_description
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentText *description);

Queries the description property of an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

description :

Return value for the description property and its parameters.

e_cal_component_alarm_set_description ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_description
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentText *description);

Sets the description property of an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

description :

Description property and its parameters, or NULL for no description.

e_cal_component_alarm_get_repeat ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_repeat    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmRepeat *repeat);

Queries the repeat/duration properties of an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

repeat :

Return value for the repeat/duration properties.

e_cal_component_alarm_set_repeat ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_repeat    (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmRepeat repeat);

Sets the repeat/duration values for an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

repeat :

Repeat/duration values. To remove any repetitions from the alarm, set the repeat.repetitions to 0.

e_cal_component_alarm_get_trigger ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_trigger   (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmTrigger *trigger);

Queries the trigger time for an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

trigger :

Return value for the trigger time.

e_cal_component_alarm_set_trigger ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_trigger   (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         ECalComponentAlarmTrigger trigger);

Sets the trigger time of an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

trigger :

Trigger time structure.

e_cal_component_alarm_get_attendee_list ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_get_attendee_list
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         GSList **attendee_list);

Gets the list of attendees associated with an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

attendee_list :

Return value for the list of attendees. [out][transfer full][element-type ECalComponentAttendee]

e_cal_component_alarm_set_attendee_list ()

void                e_cal_component_alarm_set_attendee_list
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm,
                                                         GSList *attendee_list);

Sets the list of attendees for an alarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

attendee_list :

List of attendees. [element-type ECalComponentAttendee]

e_cal_component_alarm_has_attendees ()

gboolean            e_cal_component_alarm_has_attendees (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);

Queries an alarm to see if it has attendees associated with it.

alarm :

An alarm.

Returns :

TRUE if there are attendees in the alarm, FALSE if not.

e_cal_component_alarm_get_icalcomponent ()

icalcomponent *     e_cal_component_alarm_get_icalcomponent
                                                        (ECalComponentAlarm *alarm);

Get the icalcomponent associated with the given ECalComponentAlarm.

alarm :

An alarm.

Returns :

the icalcomponent.