



cryptui_key_combo_new ()

GtkComboBox *       cryptui_key_combo_new               (CryptUIKeyStore *ckstore);

Creates a combobox containing the keys in ckstore

ckstore :

key store containing keys to be listed in the combo

Returns :

the new CryptUIKeyCombo

cryptui_key_combo_setup ()

void                cryptui_key_combo_setup             (GtkComboBox *combo,
                                                         CryptUIKeyStore *ckstore);

Populates an existing GtkComboBox with keys from a CryptUIKeyStore

combo :

a GtkComboBox

ckstore :

key store containing keys to be listed in the combo

cryptui_key_combo_get_key_store ()

CryptUIKeyStore *   cryptui_key_combo_get_key_store     (GtkComboBox *ckcombo);

Gets the key store from a CryptUiCombo

ckcombo :

a CryptUICombo

Returns :

the key store

cryptui_key_combo_get_keyset ()

CryptUIKeyset *     cryptui_key_combo_get_keyset        (GtkComboBox *ckcombo);

Gets the keyset stored in the combo's key store.

ckcombo :

a CryptUICombo

Returns :

a CryptuiKeyset

cryptui_key_combo_set_key ()

void                cryptui_key_combo_set_key           (GtkComboBox *ckcombo,
                                                         const gchar *key);

Sets the combo's selection to the indicated key

ckcombo :

a CryptUICombo

key :

a CryptUI Key

cryptui_key_combo_get_key ()

const gchar *       cryptui_key_combo_get_key           (GtkComboBox *ckcombo);

Gets the first selected key from the combo

ckcombo :

a CryptUICombo

Returns :

the first selected key