gtksourceviewmm: Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBufferBuffer object for View
 CCompletionMain Completion Object
 CCompletionInfoCalltips object
 CCompletionProposalCompletion proposal object
 CCompletionProviderCompletion provider interface
 CCompletionWordsWords completion provider
 CGutterGutter object for View
 CLanguageObject representing a syntax highlighted language
 CLanguageManagerClass which provides access to SourceLanguages
 CMarkMark class for Buffer
 CMarkupIt is just a class holding markup string
 CPrintCompositorCompose a Buffer for printing
 CStyleClass representing a style
 CStyleSchemeObject controlling appearance of View
 CStyleSchemeManagerClass providing access to SourceStyleSchemes
 CUndoManagerUndo manager interface for View
 CViewThe view object