Network Passwords

Network Passwords — Saving of network passwords.


void                gnome_keyring_network_password_free (GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData *data);
void                gnome_keyring_network_password_list_free
                                                        (GList *list);
gpointer            gnome_keyring_find_network_password (const char *user,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *server,
                                                         const char *object,
                                                         const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *authtype,
                                                         guint32 port,
                                                         GnomeKeyringOperationGetListCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_data);
GnomeKeyringResult  gnome_keyring_find_network_password_sync
                                                        (const char *user,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *server,
                                                         const char *object,
                                                         const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *authtype,
                                                         guint32 port,
                                                         GList **results);
gpointer            gnome_keyring_set_network_password  (const char *keyring,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *server,
                                                         const char *object,
                                                         const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *authtype,
                                                         guint32 port,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GnomeKeyringOperationGetIntCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_data);
GnomeKeyringResult  gnome_keyring_set_network_password_sync
                                                        (const char *keyring,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *server,
                                                         const char *object,
                                                         const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *authtype,
                                                         guint32 port,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         guint32 *item_id);


Networks passwords are a simple way of saving passwords associated with a certain user/server/protocol and other fields.



typedef struct {
	char *keyring;
	guint32 item_id;

	char *protocol;
	char *server;
	char *object;
	char *authtype;
	guint32 port;

	char *user;
	char *domain;
	char *password;
} GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData;

Network password info.

char *keyring;

Keyring item stored in.

guint32 item_id;

The identifier of the item.

char *protocol;

Network protocol or scheme.

char *server;

Server or host name.

char *object;

Share or other object on server.

char *authtype;

Type of authentication.

guint32 port;

TCP port.

char *user;

User name.

char *domain;

User domain

char *password;

The password.

gnome_keyring_network_password_free ()

void                gnome_keyring_network_password_free (GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData *data);

Free a network password data pointer. If NULL is passed in, nothing happens.

data :

A GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData pointer. [allow-none]

gnome_keyring_network_password_list_free ()

void                gnome_keyring_network_password_list_free
                                                        (GList *list);

Free a list of network password data.

list :

A list of GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData pointers. [element-type GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData]

gnome_keyring_find_network_password ()

gpointer            gnome_keyring_find_network_password (const char *user,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *server,
                                                         const char *object,
                                                         const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *authtype,
                                                         guint32 port,
                                                         GnomeKeyringOperationGetListCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_data);

Find a previously stored network password. Searches all keyrings.

A GList of GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData structures are passed to the callback. The list and structures are freed after the callback returns.

The user may have been prompted to unlock necessary keyrings, and user will have been prompted for access to the items if needed.

Network passwords are items with the item type GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD

user :

The user name or NULL for any user. [allow-none]

domain :

The domain name or NULL for any domain. [allow-none]

server :

The server or NULL for any server. [allow-none]

object :

The remote object or NULL for any object. [allow-none]

protocol :

The network protocol or NULL for any protocol. [allow-none]

authtype :

The authentication type or NULL for any type. [allow-none]

port :

The network port or zero for any port.

callback :

Callback which is called when the operation completes

data :

Data to be passed to callback. [allow-none]

destroy_data :

Function to be called when data is no longer needed.

Returns :

The asynchronous request, which can be passed to gnome_keyring_cancel_request(). [transfer none]

gnome_keyring_find_network_password_sync ()

GnomeKeyringResult  gnome_keyring_find_network_password_sync
                                                        (const char *user,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *server,
                                                         const char *object,
                                                         const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *authtype,
                                                         guint32 port,
                                                         GList **results);

Find a previously stored network password. Searches all keyrings.

A GList of GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData structures are returned in the out_list argument. The list should be freed with gnome_keyring_network_password_list_free()

The user may have been prompted to unlock necessary keyrings, and user will have been prompted for access to the items if needed.

Network passwords are items with the item type GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD

user :

The user name or NULL. [allow-none]

domain :

The domain name or NULL. [allow-none]

server :

The server or NULL. [allow-none]

object :

The remote object or NULL. [allow-none]

protocol :

The network protocol or NULL. [allow-none]

authtype :

The authentication type or NULL. [allow-none]

port :

The network port or zero.

results :

A location to return a GList of GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData pointers. [out][element-type GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData]

Returns :

GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK if the operation was succcessful or an error result otherwise.

gnome_keyring_set_network_password ()

gpointer            gnome_keyring_set_network_password  (const char *keyring,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *server,
                                                         const char *object,
                                                         const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *authtype,
                                                         guint32 port,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         GnomeKeyringOperationGetIntCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_data);

Store a network password.

If an item already exists for with this network info (ie: user, server etc...) then it will be updated.

Whether a new item is created or not, id of the item will be passed to the callback.

Network passwords are items with the item type GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD

keyring :

The keyring to store the password in, or NULL for the default keyring. [allow-none]

user :

The user name or NULL. [allow-none]

domain :

The domain name or NULL. [allow-none]

server :

The server or NULL. [allow-none]

object :

The remote object or NULL. [allow-none]

protocol :

The network protocol or NULL. [allow-none]

authtype :

The authentication type or NULL. [allow-none]

port :

The network port or zero.

password :

The password to store, must not be NULL.

callback :

Callback which is called when the operation completes

data :

Data to be passed to callback. [allow-none]

destroy_data :

Function to be called when data is no longer needed.

Returns :

The asynchronous request, which can be passed to gnome_keyring_cancel_request(). [transfer none]

gnome_keyring_set_network_password_sync ()

GnomeKeyringResult  gnome_keyring_set_network_password_sync
                                                        (const char *keyring,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *server,
                                                         const char *object,
                                                         const char *protocol,
                                                         const char *authtype,
                                                         guint32 port,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         guint32 *item_id);

Store a network password.

If an item already exists for with this network info (ie: user, server etc...) then it will be updated.

The created or updated item id will be returned in item_id.

Network passwords are items with the item type GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_NETWORK_PASSWORD

keyring :

The keyring to store the password in, or NULL for the default keyring. [allow-none]

user :

The user name or NULL. [allow-none]

domain :

The domain name or NULL. [allow-none]

server :

The server or NULL. [allow-none]

object :

The remote object or NULL. [allow-none]

protocol :

The network protocol or NULL. [allow-none]

authtype :

The authentication type or NULL. [allow-none]

port :

The network port or zero.

password :

The password to store, must not be NULL.

item_id :

A location to store the resulting item's id. [out]

Returns :

GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK if the operation was succcessful or an error result otherwise.