
E2kUri — URI utility routines


E2kUri *            e2k_uri_new                         (const gchar *uri_string);
void                e2k_uri_free                        (E2kUri *uri);

const gchar *       e2k_uri_get_param                   (E2kUri *uri,
                                                         const gchar *name);

void                e2k_uri_decode                      (gchar *part);
gchar *             e2k_uri_encode                      (const gchar *in,
                                                         gboolean wss_encode,
                                                         const gchar *extra_enc_chars);
void                e2k_uri_append_encoded              (GString *str,
                                                         const gchar *in,
                                                         gboolean wss_encode,
                                                         const gchar *extra_enc_chars);

const gchar *       e2k_uri_path                        (const gchar *uri_string);
gchar *             e2k_uri_concat                      (const gchar *uri_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *tail);
const gchar *       e2k_uri_relative                    (const gchar *uri_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *uri);




typedef struct {
	gchar  *protocol;
	gchar  *user;
	gchar  *domain;
	gchar  *authmech;
	gchar  *passwd;
	gchar  *host;
	gint    port;
	gchar  *path;
	GData *params;
	gchar  *query;
	gchar  *fragment;
} E2kUri;

e2k_uri_new ()

E2kUri *            e2k_uri_new                         (const gchar *uri_string);

Parses uri_string.

uri_string :

the URI

Returns :

a parsed E2kUri

e2k_uri_free ()

void                e2k_uri_free                        (E2kUri *uri);

Frees uri

uri :

an E2kUri

e2k_uri_get_param ()

const gchar *       e2k_uri_get_param                   (E2kUri *uri,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Fetches a parameter from uri

uri :

an E2kUri

name :

name of the parameter

Returns :

the value of name, or NULL if it is not set

e2k_uri_decode ()

void                e2k_uri_decode                      (gchar *part);

Undoes URI-escaping in part in-place.

part :

a piece of a URI

e2k_uri_encode ()

gchar *             e2k_uri_encode                      (const gchar *in,
                                                         gboolean wss_encode,
                                                         const gchar *extra_enc_chars);

Encodes URI-unsafe characters as in e2k_uri_append_encoded()

in :

data to encode

wss_encode :

whether or not to use the special Web Storage System encoding rules

extra_enc_chars :

additional characters beyond the normal URI-reserved characters to encode when appending to str

Returns :

the encoded string

e2k_uri_append_encoded ()

void                e2k_uri_append_encoded              (GString *str,
                                                         const gchar *in,
                                                         gboolean wss_encode,
                                                         const gchar *extra_enc_chars);

Appends in to str, encoding URI-unsafe characters as needed (optionally including some Exchange-specific encodings).

When appending a path, you must append each segment separately; e2k_uri_append_encoded() will encode any "/"s passed in.

str :

a GString containing part of a URI

in :

data to append to str

wss_encode :

whether or not to use the special Web Storage System encoding rules

extra_enc_chars :

additional characters beyond the normal URI-reserved characters to encode when appending to str

e2k_uri_path ()

const gchar *       e2k_uri_path                        (const gchar *uri_string);

Returns the path component of uri_string, including the initial "/". (The return value is actually a pointer into the passed-in string, meaning this will only really work if the URI has no query/fragment/etc.)

uri_string :

a well-formed absolute URI

Returns :

the path component of uri_string.

e2k_uri_concat ()

gchar *             e2k_uri_concat                      (const gchar *uri_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *tail);

Constructs a new URI consisting of the concatenation of uri_prefix and tail. If uri_prefix does not end with a "/", one will be inserted between uri_prefix and tail.

uri_prefix :

an absolute URI

tail :

a relative path

Returns :

the new URI

e2k_uri_relative ()

const gchar *       e2k_uri_relative                    (const gchar *uri_prefix,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Returns a URI describing uri's relation to uri_prefix; either a relative URI consisting of the subpath of uri underneath uri_prefix, or all of uri if it is not a sub-uri of uri_prefix.

uri_prefix :

an absolute URI

uri :

another URI, presumably a child of uri_prefix

Returns :

the relative URI