An Atk::NoOpObject is an Atk::Object which purports to implement all ATK interfaces. More...

#include <atkmm/noopobject.h>

Inheritance diagram for Atk::NoOpObject:

Public Member Functions

 NoOpObject (NoOpObject&& src) noexcept
NoOpObjectoperator= (NoOpObject&& src) noexcept
 ~NoOpObject () noexcept override
AtkNoOpObject* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkNoOpObject* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

AtkNoOpObject* gobj_copy ()
 Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Object
 Object (Object&& src) noexcept
Objectoperator= (Object&& src) noexcept
 ~Object () noexcept override
AtkObject* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkObject* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

AtkObject* gobj_copy ()
 Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs. More...

Glib::ustring get_name () const
 Gets the accessible name of the accessible. More...

Glib::ustring get_description () const
 Gets the accessible description of the accessible. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_parent ()
 Gets the accessible parent of the accessible. More...

int get_n_accessible_children () const
 Gets the number of accessible children of the accessible. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_accessible_child (int i)
 Gets a reference to the specified accessible child of the object. More...

Glib::RefPtr< RelationSetget_relation_set ()
 Gets the Atk::RelationSet associated with the object. More...

Role get_role () const
 Gets the role of the accessible. More...

Glib::RefPtr< StateSetget_state_set ()
 Gets a reference to the state set of the accessible; the caller must unreference it when it is no longer needed. More...

int get_index_in_parent ()
 Gets the 0-based index of this accessible in its parent; returns -1 if the accessible does not have an accessible parent. More...

void set_name (const Glib::ustring& name)
 Sets the accessible name of the accessible. More...

void set_description (const Glib::ustring& description)
 Sets the accessible description of the accessible. More...

void set_parent (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& parent)
 Sets the accessible parent of the accessible. More...

void set_role (Role role)
 Sets the role of the accessible. More...

void notify_state_change (State state, bool value)
 Emits a state-change signal for the specified state. More...

bool add_relationship (Relation::Type relationship, const Glib::RefPtr< Object >& target)
 Adds a relationship of the specified type with the specified target. More...

bool remove_relationship (Relation::Type relationship, const Glib::RefPtr< Object >& target)
 Removes a relationship of the specified type with the specified target. More...

Glib::ustring get_object_locale () const
 Gets a UTF-8 string indicating the POSIX-style LC_MESSAGES locale of accessible. More...

Glib::ustring get_accessible_id () const
 Gets the accessible id of the accessible. More...

void set_accessible_id (const Glib::ustring& name)
 Sets the accessible ID of the accessible. More...

Glib::SignalProxyDetailed< void(guint, gpointer)> signal_children_changed (const Glib::ustring& add_or_remove={})
Glib::SignalProxy< void(bool)> signal_focus_event ()
Glib::SignalProxyDetailed< void(AtkPropertyValues*)> signal_property_change (const Glib::ustring& property_name={})
Glib::SignalProxyDetailed< void(const Glib::ustring&, bool)> signal_state_change (const Glib::ustring& state_name={})
Glib::SignalProxy< void()> signal_visible_data_changed ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void(void**)> signal_active_descendant_changed ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustringproperty_accessible_name ()
 Object instance’s name formatted for assistive technology access. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustringproperty_accessible_name () const
 Object instance’s name formatted for assistive technology access. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustringproperty_accessible_description ()
 Description of an object, formatted for assistive technology access. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustringproperty_accessible_description () const
 Description of an object, formatted for assistive technology access. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_parent ()
 Parent of the current accessible as returned by Atk::Object::get_parent(). More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_parent () const
 Parent of the current accessible as returned by Atk::Object::get_parent(). More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Roleproperty_accessible_role ()
 The accessible role of this object. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Roleproperty_accessible_role () const
 The accessible role of this object. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_accessible_component_layer () const
 The accessible layer of this object. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_accessible_component_mdi_zorder () const
 The accessible MDI value of this object. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_summary ()
 Is used to notify that the table summary has changed. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_summary () const
 Is used to notify that the table summary has changed. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_caption_object ()
 Is used to notify that the table caption has changed. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_caption_object () const
 Is used to notify that the table caption has changed. More...

Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_accessible_hypertext_nlinks () const
 The number of links which the current AtkHypertext has. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Glib::Object
 Object (const Object &)=delete
Objectoperator= (const Object &)=delete
 Object (Object &&src) noexcept
Objectoperator= (Object &&src) noexcept
void * get_data (const QueryQuark &key)
void set_data (const Quark &key, void *data)
void set_data (const Quark &key, void *data, DestroyNotify notify)
void remove_data (const QueryQuark &quark)
void * steal_data (const QueryQuark &quark)
Glib::RefPtr< Glib::Objectwrap (GObject *object, bool take_copy=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Glib::ObjectBase
 ObjectBase (const ObjectBase &)=delete
ObjectBaseoperator= (const ObjectBase &)=delete
void set_property_value (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const Glib::ValueBase &value)
void get_property_value (const Glib::ustring &property_name, Glib::ValueBase &value) const
void set_property (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const PropertyType &value)
void get_property (const Glib::ustring &property_name, PropertyType &value) const
PropertyType get_property (const Glib::ustring &property_name) const
sigc::connection connect_property_changed (const Glib::ustring &property_name, const sigc::slot< void()> &slot)
sigc::connection connect_property_changed (const Glib::ustring &property_name, sigc::slot< void()> &&slot)
void freeze_notify ()
void thaw_notify ()
virtual void reference () const
virtual void unreference () const
GObject * gobj ()
const GObject * gobj () const
GObject * gobj_copy () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from sigc::trackable
 trackable () noexcept
 trackable (const trackable &src) noexcept
 trackable (trackable &&src) noexcept
 ~trackable ()
void add_destroy_notify_callback (notifiable *data, func_destroy_notify func) const
void notify_callbacks ()
trackableoperator= (const trackable &src)
trackableoperator= (trackable &&src) noexcept
void remove_destroy_notify_callback (notifiable *data) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Component
 Component (Component&& src) noexcept
Componentoperator= (Component&& src) noexcept
 ~Component () noexcept override
AtkComponent* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkComponent* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

bool contains (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type) const
 Checks whether the specified point is within the extent of the component. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_accessible_at_point (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type)
 Gets a reference to the accessible child, if one exists, at the coordinate point specified by x and y. More...

void get_extents (int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height, CoordType coord_type) const
 Gets the rectangle which gives the extent of the component. More...

Layer get_layer () const
 Gets the layer of the component. More...

int get_mdi_zorder () const
 Gets the zorder of the component. More...

bool grab_focus ()
 Grabs focus for this component. More...

bool set_extents (int x, int y, int width, int height, CoordType coord_type)
 Sets the extents of component. More...

bool set_position (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type)
 Sets the position of component. More...

bool set_size (int width, int height)
 Set the size of the component in terms of width and height. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Glib::Interface
 Interface ()
 Interface (Interface &&src) noexcept
Interfaceoperator= (Interface &&src) noexcept
 Interface (const Glib::Interface_Class &interface_class)
 Interface (GObject *castitem)
 ~Interface () noexcept override
 Interface (const Interface &)=delete
Interfaceoperator= (const Interface &)=delete
GObject * gobj ()
const GObject * gobj () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Action
 Action (Action&& src) noexcept
Actionoperator= (Action&& src) noexcept
 ~Action () noexcept override
AtkAction* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkAction* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

bool do_action (int i)
 Perform the specified action on the object. More...

int get_n_actions () const
 Gets the number of accessible actions available on the object. More...

Glib::ustring get_description (int i) const
 Returns a description of the specified action of the object. More...

Glib::ustring get_name (int i) const
 Returns the name of the specified action of the object. More...

Glib::ustring get_keybinding (int i)
 Returns a keybinding associated with this action, if one exists. More...

bool set_description (int i, const Glib::ustring& desc)
 Sets a description of the specified action of the object. More...

Glib::ustring get_localized_name (int i)
 Returns the localized name of the specified action of the object. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::EditableText
 EditableText (EditableText&& src) noexcept
EditableTextoperator= (EditableText&& src) noexcept
 ~EditableText () noexcept override
AtkEditableText* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkEditableText* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

bool set_run_attributes (const std::vector< Attribute >& attrib_set, int start_offset, int end_offset)
 Sets the attributes for a specified range. More...

void set_text_contents (const Glib::ustring&string)
 Set text contents of text. More...

void insert_text (const Glib::ustring&string, int length, int& position)
 Insert text at a given position. More...

void copy_text (int start_pos, int end_pos)
 Copy text from start_pos up to, but not including end_pos to the clipboard. More...

void cut_text (int start_pos, int end_pos)
 Copy text from start_pos up to, but not including end_pos to the clipboard and then delete from the widget. More...

void delete_text (int start_pos, int end_pos)
 Delete text start_pos up to, but not including end_pos. More...

void paste_text (int position)
 Paste text from clipboard to specified position. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Image
 Image (Image&& src) noexcept
Imageoperator= (Image&& src) noexcept
 ~Image () noexcept override
AtkImage* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkImage* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

bool set_image_description (const Glib::ustring& description)
 Sets the textual description for this image. More...

Glib::ustring get_image_description () const
 Get a textual description of this image. More...

void get_image_size (int& width, int& height) const
 Get the width and height in pixels for the specified image. More...

void get_image_position (int& x, int& y, CoordType coord_type) const
 Gets the position of the image in the form of a point specifying the images top-left corner. More...

- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Selection
 Selection (Selection&& src) noexcept
Selectionoperator= (Selection&& src) noexcept
 ~Selection () noexcept override
AtkSelection* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkSelection* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

bool add_selection (int i)
 Adds the specified accessible child of the object to the object's selection. More...

bool clear_selection ()
 Clears the selection in the object so that no children in the object are selected. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_selection (int i)
 Gets a reference to the accessible object representing the specified selected child of the object. More...

int get_selection_count () const
 Gets the number of accessible children currently selected. More...

bool is_child_selected (int i) const
 Determines if the current child of this object is selected. More...

bool remove_selection (int i)
 Removes the specified child of the object from the object's selection. More...

bool select_all_selection ()
 Causes every child of the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections. More...

Glib::SignalProxy< void()> signal_selection_changed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Table
 Table (Table&& src) noexcept
Tableoperator= (Table&& src) noexcept
 ~Table () noexcept override
AtkTable* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkTable* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_at (int row, int column)
 Get a reference to the table cell at row, column. More...

Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_at (int row, int column) const
 Get a reference to the table cell at row, column. More...

int get_n_columns () const
 Gets the number of columns in the table. More...

int get_n_rows () const
 Gets the number of rows in the table. More...

int get_column_extent_at (int row, int column) const
 Gets the number of columns occupied by the accessible object at the specified row and column in the table. More...

int get_row_extent_at (int row, int column) const
 Gets the number of rows occupied by the accessible object at a specified row and column in the table. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_caption ()
 Gets the caption for the table. More...

Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_caption () const
 Gets the caption for the table. More...

Glib::ustring get_column_description (int column) const
 Gets the description text of the specified column in the table. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_column_header (int column)
 Gets the column header of a specified column in an accessible table. More...

Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_column_header (int column) const
 Gets the column header of a specified column in an accessible table. More...

Glib::ustring get_row_description (int row) const
 Gets the description text of the specified row in the table. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_row_header (int row)
 Gets the row header of a specified row in an accessible table. More...

Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_row_header (int row) const
 Gets the row header of a specified row in an accessible table. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_summary ()
 Gets the summary description of the table. More...

Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_summary () const
 Gets the summary description of the table. More...

void set_caption (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& caption)
 Sets the caption for the table. More...

void set_column_description (int column, const Glib::ustring& description)
 Sets the description text for the specified column of the table. More...

void set_column_header (int column, const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& header)
 Sets the specified column header to header. More...

void set_row_description (int row, const Glib::ustring& description)
 Sets the description text for the specified row of table. More...

void set_row_header (int row, const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& header)
 Sets the specified row header to header. More...

void set_summary (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& accessible)
 Sets the summary description of the table. More...

std::vector< int > get_selected_columns () const
std::vector< int > get_selected_rows () const
bool is_column_selected (int column) const
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is selected. More...

bool is_row_selected (int row) const
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the specified row is selected. More...

bool is_selected (int row, int column) const
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the accessible object at the specified row and column is selected. More...

bool add_row_selection (int row)
 Adds the specified row to the selection. More...

bool remove_row_selection (int row)
 Removes the specified row from the selection. More...

bool add_column_selection (int column)
 Adds the specified column to the selection. More...

bool remove_column_selection (int column)
 Adds the specified column to the selection. More...

Glib::SignalProxy< void(int, int)> signal_row_inserted ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void(int, int)> signal_column_inserted ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void(int, int)> signal_row_deleted ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void(int, int)> signal_column_deleted ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void()> signal_row_reordered ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void()> signal_column_reordered ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void()> signal_model_changed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Text
 Text (Text&& src) noexcept
Textoperator= (Text&& src) noexcept
 ~Text () noexcept override
AtkText* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkText* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

Glib::ustring get_text (int start_offset, int end_offset) const
 Gets the specified text. More...

gunichar get_character_at_offset (int offset) const
 Gets the specified text. More...

Glib::ustring get_string_at_offset (int offset, Granularity granularity, int& start_offset, int& end_offset)
 Gets a portion of the text exposed through an Atk::Text according to a given offset and a specific granularity, along with the start and end offsets defining the boundaries of such a portion of text. More...

int get_caret_offset () const
 Gets the offset of the position of the caret (cursor). More...

void get_character_extents (int offset, int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height, CoordType coords) const
 If the extent can not be obtained (e.g. missing support), all of x, y, width, height are set to -1. More...

std::vector< Attributeget_run_attributes (int offset, int& start_offset, int& end_offset) const
 Creates an Atk::AttributeSet which consists of the attributes explicitly set at the position offset in the text. More...

std::vector< Attributeget_default_attributes () const
 Creates an Atk::AttributeSet which consists of the default values of attributes for the text. More...

int get_character_count () const
 Gets the character count. More...

int get_offset_at_point (int x, int y, CoordType coords) const
 Gets the offset of the character located at coordinates x and y. More...

int get_n_selections () const
 Gets the number of selected regions. More...

Glib::ustring get_selection (int selection_num, int& start_offset, int& end_offset) const
 Gets the text from the specified selection. More...

bool add_selection (int start_offset, int end_offset)
 Adds a selection bounded by the specified offsets. More...

bool remove_selection (int selection_num)
 Removes the specified selection. More...

bool set_selection (int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)
 Changes the start and end offset of the specified selection. More...

bool set_caret_offset (int offset)
 Sets the caret (cursor) position to the specified offset. More...

void get_range_extents (int start_offset, int end_offset, CoordType coord_type, Rectangle& rect)
 Get the bounding box for text within the specified range. More...

AtkTextRange** get_bounded_ranges (const Rectangle& rect, CoordType coord_type, ClipType x_clip_type, ClipType y_clip_type)
 Get the ranges of text in the specified bounding box. More...

Glib::SignalProxyDetailed< void(int, int)> signal_text_changed (const Glib::ustring& insert_or_delete={})
Glib::SignalProxyDetailed< void(int, int, const Glib::ustring&)> signal_text_insert (const Glib::ustring& system={})
Glib::SignalProxyDetailed< void(int, int, const Glib::ustring&)> signal_text_remove (const Glib::ustring& system={})
Glib::SignalProxy< void(int)> signal_text_caret_moved ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void()> signal_text_selection_changed ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void()> signal_text_attributes_changed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Hypertext
 Hypertext (Hypertext&& src) noexcept
Hypertextoperator= (Hypertext&& src) noexcept
 ~Hypertext () noexcept override
AtkHypertext* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkHypertext* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

Glib::RefPtr< Hyperlinkget_link (int link_index)
 Gets the link in this hypertext document at index link_index. More...

Glib::RefPtr< const Hyperlinkget_link (int link_index) const
 Gets the link in this hypertext document at index link_index. More...

int get_n_links () const
 Gets the number of links within this hypertext document. More...

int get_link_index (int char_index) const
 Gets the index into the array of hyperlinks that is associated with the character specified by char_index. More...

Glib::SignalProxy< void(int)> signal_link_selected ()
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Hyperlinkget_link_vfunc (int link_index)
virtual int get_n_links_vfunc () const
virtual int get_link_index_vfunc (int char_index) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Value
 Value (Value&& src) noexcept
Valueoperator= (Value&& src) noexcept
 ~Value () noexcept override
AtkValue* gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

const AtkValue* gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...

void get_value_and_text (double& value, Glib::ustring& text)
 Gets the current value and the human readable text alternative. More...

Range get_range () const
 Gets the range of this object. More...

double get_increment ()
 Gets the minimum increment by which the value of this object may be changed. More...

void set_value (const gdouble new_value)
 Sets the value of this object. More...

Glib::SignalProxy< void(double, const Glib::ustring&)> signal_value_changed ()

Static Public Member Functions

static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Object
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Component
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Action
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::EditableText
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Image
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Selection
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Table
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Text
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Hypertext
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Value
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...


Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::NoOpObjectwrap (AtkNoOpObject* object, bool take_copy=false)
 A Glib::wrap() method for this object. More...


Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Glib::Object
typedef void(*)(gpointer data DestroyNotify)
- Public Types inherited from sigc::trackable
typedef internal::func_destroy_notify func_destroy_notify
- Public Types inherited from sigc::notifiable
typedef internal::func_destroy_notify func_destroy_notify
- Public Types inherited from Atk::Text
enum  ClipType {





 Describes the type of clipping required. More...

enum  Granularity {






 Text granularity types used for specifying the granularity of the region of text we are interested in. More...

typedef AtkTextRectangle Rectangle
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Object
virtual void on_children_changed (guint change_index, gpointer changed_child)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_children_changed(). More...

virtual void on_focus_event (bool focus_in)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_focus_event(). More...

virtual void on_property_change (AtkPropertyValues* values)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_property_change(). More...

virtual void on_state_change (const Glib::ustring& name, bool state_set)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_state_change(). More...

virtual void on_visible_data_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_visible_data_changed(). More...

virtual void on_active_descendant_changed (void** child)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_active_descendant_changed(). More...

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Glib::Object
 Object ()
 Object (const Glib::ConstructParams &construct_params)
 Object (GObject *castitem)
 ~Object () noexcept override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Glib::ObjectBase
 ObjectBase ()
 ObjectBase (const char *custom_type_name)
 ObjectBase (const std::type_info &custom_type_info)
 ObjectBase (ObjectBase &&src) noexcept
ObjectBaseoperator= (ObjectBase &&src) noexcept
virtual ~ObjectBase () noexcept=0
void initialize (GObject *castitem)
void initialize_move (GObject *castitem, Glib::ObjectBase *previous_wrapper)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Component
 Component ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual guint add_focus_handler_vfunc (AtkFocusHandler handler)
virtual bool contains_vfunc (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type) const
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_accessible_at_point_vfunc (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type)
virtual void get_extents_vfunc (int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height, CoordType coord_type) const
virtual Layer get_layer_vfunc () const
virtual int get_mdi_zorder_vfunc () const
virtual bool grab_focus_vfunc ()
virtual bool set_extents_vfunc (int x, int y, int width, int height, CoordType coord_type)
virtual bool set_position_vfunc (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type)
virtual bool set_size_vfunc (int width, int height)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Action
 Action ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual bool do_action_vfunc (int i)
virtual int get_n_actions_vfunc () const
virtual const char* get_description_vfunc (int i) const
virtual const char* get_name_vfunc (int i) const
virtual const char* get_keybinding_vfunc (int i) const
virtual bool set_description_vfunc (int i, const Glib::ustring& desc)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::EditableText
 EditableText ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual bool set_run_attributes_vfunc (AtkAttributeSet* attrib_set, int start_offset, int end_offset)
virtual void set_text_contents_vfunc (const Glib::ustring&string)
virtual void insert_text_vfunc (const Glib::ustring&string, int length, int& position)
virtual void copy_text_vfunc (int start_pos, int end_pos)
virtual void cut_text_vfunc (int start_pos, int end_pos)
virtual void delete_text_vfunc (int start_pos, int end_pos)
virtual void paste_text_vfunc (int position)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Image
 Image ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual bool set_image_description_vfunc (const Glib::ustring& description)
virtual const char* get_image_description_vfunc () const
virtual void get_image_position_vfunc (int& x, int& y, CoordType coord_type) const
virtual void get_image_size_vfunc (int& width, int& height) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Selection
 Selection ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual bool add_selection_vfunc (int i)
virtual bool clear_selection_vfunc ()
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_selection_vfunc (int i)
virtual int get_selection_count_vfunc () const
virtual bool is_child_selected_vfunc (int i) const
virtual bool remove_selection_vfunc (int i)
virtual bool select_all_selection_vfunc ()
virtual void on_selection_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_selection_changed(). More...

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Table
 Table ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_at_vfunc (int row, int column)
virtual int get_index_at_vfunc (int row, int column) const
virtual int get_column_at_index_vfunc (int index) const
virtual int get_row_at_index_vfunc (int index) const
virtual int get_n_columns_vfunc () const
virtual int get_n_rows_vfunc () const
virtual int get_column_extent_at_vfunc (int row, int column) const
virtual int get_row_extent_at_vfunc (int row, int column) const
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_caption_vfunc ()
virtual const char* get_column_description_vfunc (int column) const
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_column_header_vfunc (int column)
virtual const char* get_row_description_vfunc (int row) const
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_row_header_vfunc (int row)
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_summary_vfunc ()
virtual void set_caption_vfunc (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& caption)
virtual void set_column_description_vfunc (int column, const char* description)
virtual void set_column_header_vfunc (int column, const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& header)
virtual void set_row_description_vfunc (int row, const char* description)
virtual void set_row_header_vfunc (int row, const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& header)
virtual void set_summary_vfunc (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object >& accessible)
virtual bool is_column_selected_vfunc (int column) const
virtual bool is_row_selected_vfunc (int row) const
virtual bool is_selected_vfunc (int row, int column) const
virtual bool add_row_selection_vfunc (int row)
virtual bool remove_row_selection_vfunc (int row)
virtual bool add_column_selection_vfunc (int column)
virtual bool remove_column_selection_vfunc (int column)
virtual int get_selected_columns_vfunc (int** selected) const
virtual int get_selected_rows_vfunc (int** selected) const
virtual void on_row_inserted (int row, int num_inserted)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_inserted(). More...

virtual void on_column_inserted (int column, int num_inserted)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_column_inserted(). More...

virtual void on_row_deleted (int row, int num_deleted)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_deleted(). More...

virtual void on_column_deleted (int column, int num_deleted)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_column_deleted(). More...

virtual void on_row_reordered ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_reordered(). More...

virtual void on_column_reordered ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_column_reordered(). More...

virtual void on_model_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_model_changed(). More...

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Text
 Text ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual Glib::ustring get_text_vfunc (int start_offset, int end_offset) const
virtual gunichar get_character_at_offset_vfunc (int offset) const
virtual int get_caret_offset_vfunc () const
virtual void get_character_extents_vfunc (int offset, int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height, CoordType coords) const
virtual AtkAttributeSet* get_run_attributes_vfunc (int offset, int& start_offset, int& end_offset) const
virtual AtkAttributeSet* get_default_attributes_vfunc () const
virtual int get_character_count_vfunc () const
virtual int get_offset_at_point_vfunc (int x, int y, CoordType coords) const
virtual int get_n_selections_vfunc () const
virtual Glib::ustring get_selection_vfunc (int selection_num, int& start_offset, int& end_offset) const
virtual bool add_selection_vfunc (int start_offset, int end_offset)
virtual bool remove_selection_vfunc (int selection_num)
virtual bool set_selection_vfunc (int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)
virtual bool set_caret_offset_vfunc (int offset)
virtual void on_text_changed (int position, int length)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_text_changed(). More...

virtual void on_text_caret_moved (int location)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_text_caret_moved(). More...

virtual void on_text_selection_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_text_selection_changed(). More...

virtual void on_text_attributes_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_text_attributes_changed(). More...

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Hypertext
 Hypertext ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual void on_link_selected (int link_index)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_link_selected(). More...

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Value
 Value ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...

virtual void get_current_value_vfunc (Glib::ValueBase& value) const
virtual void get_maximum_value_vfunc (Glib::ValueBase& value) const
virtual void get_minimum_value_vfunc (Glib::ValueBase& value) const

Detailed Description

An Atk::NoOpObject is an Atk::Object which purports to implement all ATK interfaces.

It is the type of Atk::Object which is created if an accessible object is requested for an object type for which no factory type is specified.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Atk::NoOpObject::NoOpObject ( NoOpObject&&  src)
Atk::NoOpObject::~NoOpObject ( )

Member Function Documentation

static GType Atk::NoOpObject::get_type ( )

Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.

AtkNoOpObject* Atk::NoOpObject::gobj ( )

Provides access to the underlying C GObject.

const AtkNoOpObject* Atk::NoOpObject::gobj ( ) const

Provides access to the underlying C GObject.

AtkNoOpObject* Atk::NoOpObject::gobj_copy ( )

Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.

NoOpObject& Atk::NoOpObject::operator= ( NoOpObject&&  src)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::NoOpObject > wrap ( AtkNoOpObject *  object,
bool  take_copy = false 

A Glib::wrap() method for this object.

objectThe C instance.
take_copyFalse if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.