
TotemPlPlaylist — playlist object

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated

Object Hierarchy



TotemPlPlaylist represents a playlist, provides API to either navigate through the playlist elements, or perform additions or modifications. See also totem_pl_parser_save().



typedef struct _TotemPlPlaylist TotemPlPlaylist;

All the fields in the TotemPlPlaylist structure are private and should never be accessed directly.


typedef struct {
        GObjectClass parent_class;
} TotemPlPlaylistClass;

All the fields in the TotemPlPlaylistClass structure are private and should never be accessed directly.

GObjectClass parent_class;

the parent class

totem_pl_playlist_new ()

TotemPlPlaylist *   totem_pl_playlist_new               (void);

Creates a new TotemPlPlaylist object.

Returns :

The newly created TotemPlPlaylist

totem_pl_playlist_size ()

guint               totem_pl_playlist_size              (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist);

Returns the number of elements in playlist.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

Returns :

The number of elements

totem_pl_playlist_prepend ()

void                totem_pl_playlist_prepend           (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter);

Prepends a new empty element to playlist, and modifies iter so it points to it. To fill in values, you need to call totem_pl_playlist_set() or totem_pl_playlist_set_value().

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

an unset TotemPlPlaylistIter for returning the location

totem_pl_playlist_append ()

void                totem_pl_playlist_append            (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter);

Appends a new empty element to playlist, and modifies iter so it points to it. To fill in values, you need to call totem_pl_playlist_set() or totem_pl_playlist_set_value().

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

an unset TotemPlPlaylistIter for returning the location

totem_pl_playlist_insert ()

void                totem_pl_playlist_insert            (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         gint position,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter);

Inserts a new empty element to playlist at position, and modifies iter so it points to it. To fill in values, you need to call totem_pl_playlist_set() or totem_pl_playlist_set_value().

position may be minor than 0 to prepend elements, or bigger than the current playlist size to append elements.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

position :

position in the playlist

iter :

an unset TotemPlPlaylistIter for returning the location

totem_pl_playlist_iter_first ()

gboolean            totem_pl_playlist_iter_first        (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter);

Modifies iter so it points to the first element in playlist.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

an unset TotemPlPlaylistIter for returning the location

Returns :

TRUE if there is such first element.

totem_pl_playlist_iter_next ()

gboolean            totem_pl_playlist_iter_next         (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter);

Modifies iter so it points to the next element it previously pointed to. This function will return FALSE if there was no next element, or iter didn't actually point to any element in playlist.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

a TotemPlPlaylistIter pointing to some item in playlist

Returns :

TRUE if there was next element.

totem_pl_playlist_iter_prev ()

gboolean            totem_pl_playlist_iter_prev         (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter);

Modifies iter so it points to the previous element it previously pointed to. This function will return FALSE if there was no previous element, or iter didn't actually point to any element in playlist.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

a TotemPlPlaylistIter pointing to some item in playlist

Returns :

TRUE if there was previous element.

totem_pl_playlist_get_value ()

gboolean            totem_pl_playlist_get_value         (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         GValue *value);

Gets the value for key (Such as TOTEM_PL_PARSER_FIELD_URI) in the playlist item pointed by iter.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

a TotemPlPlaylistIter pointing to some item in playlist

key :

data key

value :

an empty GValue to set

Returns :

TRUE if iter contains data for key.

totem_pl_playlist_get_valist ()

void                totem_pl_playlist_get_valist        (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter,
                                                         va_list args);

See totem_pl_playlist_get(), this function takes a va_list.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

a TotemPlPlaylistIter pointing to some item in playlist

args :

a va_list

totem_pl_playlist_get ()

void                totem_pl_playlist_get               (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter,

Gets the value for one or more keys from the element pointed by iter.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

a TotemPlPlaylistIter pointing to some item in playlist

... :

pairs of key/return location for value, terminated by NULL

totem_pl_playlist_set_value ()

gboolean            totem_pl_playlist_set_value         (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter,
                                                         const gchar *key,
                                                         GValue *value);

Sets the value for key in the element pointed by iter.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

a TotemPlPlaylistIter pointing to some item in playlist

key :

key to set the value for

value :

GValue containing the key value

Returns :

TRUE if the value could be stored in playlist

totem_pl_playlist_set_valist ()

void                totem_pl_playlist_set_valist        (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter,
                                                         va_list args);

See totem_pl_playlist_set(), this function takes a va_list.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

a TotemPlPlaylistIter pointing to some item in playlist

args :

a va_list

totem_pl_playlist_set ()

void                totem_pl_playlist_set               (TotemPlPlaylist *playlist,
                                                         TotemPlPlaylistIter *iter,

Sets the value for one or several keys in the element pointed by iter.

playlist :

a TotemPlPlaylist

iter :

a TotemPlPlaylistIter pointing to some item in playlist

... :

key/value string pairs, terminated with NULL