
PopplerMedia — Media


#include <poppler.h>

gboolean            (*PopplerMediaSaveFunc)             (const gchar *buf,
                                                         gsize count,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GError **error);
const gchar *       poppler_media_get_filename          (PopplerMedia *poppler_media);
const gchar *       poppler_media_get_mime_type         (PopplerMedia *poppler_media);
gboolean            poppler_media_is_embedded           (PopplerMedia *poppler_media);
gboolean            poppler_media_save                  (PopplerMedia *poppler_media,
                                                         const char *filename,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            poppler_media_save_to_callback      (PopplerMedia *poppler_media,
                                                         PopplerMediaSaveFunc save_func,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GError **error);

Object Hierarchy





typedef struct _PopplerMedia PopplerMedia;

PopplerMediaSaveFunc ()

gboolean            (*PopplerMediaSaveFunc)             (const gchar *buf,
                                                         gsize count,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GError **error);

Specifies the type of the function passed to poppler_media_save_to_callback(). It is called once for each block of bytes that is "written" by poppler_media_save_to_callback(). If successful it should return TRUE. If an error occurs it should set error and return FALSE, in which case poppler_media_save_to_callback() will fail with the same error.

buf :

buffer containing bytes to be written. [array length=count][element-type guint8]

count :

number of bytes in buf.

data :

user data passed to poppler_media_save_to_callback(). [closure]

error :

GError to set on error, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE if successful, FALSE (with error set) if failed.

Since 0.14

poppler_media_get_filename ()

const gchar *       poppler_media_get_filename          (PopplerMedia *poppler_media);

Returns the media clip filename, in case of non-embedded media. filename might be a local relative or absolute path or a URI

poppler_media :

a PopplerMedia

Returns :

a filename, return value is owned by PopplerMedia and should not be freed

Since 0.14

poppler_media_get_mime_type ()

const gchar *       poppler_media_get_mime_type         (PopplerMedia *poppler_media);

Returns the media clip mime-type

poppler_media :

a PopplerMedia

Returns :

the mime-type, return value is owned by PopplerMedia and should not be freed

Since 0.14

poppler_media_is_embedded ()

gboolean            poppler_media_is_embedded           (PopplerMedia *poppler_media);

Whether the media clip is embedded in the PDF. If the result is TRUE, the embedded stream can be saved with poppler_media_save() or poppler_media_save_to_callback() function. If the result is FALSE, the media clip filename can be retrieved with poppler_media_get_filename() function.

poppler_media :

a PopplerMedia

Returns :

TRUE if media clip is embedded, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.14

poppler_media_save ()

gboolean            poppler_media_save                  (PopplerMedia *poppler_media,
                                                         const char *filename,
                                                         GError **error);

Saves embedded stream of poppler_media to a file indicated by filename. If error is set, FALSE will be returned. Possible errors include those in the G_FILE_ERROR domain and whatever the save function generates.

poppler_media :

a PopplerMedia

filename :

name of file to save

error :

return location for error, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

TRUE, if the file successfully saved

Since 0.14

poppler_media_save_to_callback ()

gboolean            poppler_media_save_to_callback      (PopplerMedia *poppler_media,
                                                         PopplerMediaSaveFunc save_func,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GError **error);

Saves embedded stream of poppler_media by feeding the produced data to save_func. Can be used when you want to store the media clip stream to something other than a file, such as an in-memory buffer or a socket. If error is set, FALSE will be returned. Possible errors include those in the G_FILE_ERROR domain and whatever the save function generates.

poppler_media :

a PopplerMedia

save_func :

a function that is called to save each block of data that the save routine generates. [scope call]

user_data :

user data to pass to the save function.

error :

return location for error, or NULL. [allow-none]

Returns :

TRUE, if the save successfully completed

Since 0.14