Simple upgrades via HTTP

First, the most basic model OSTree supports is one where it replicates pre-generated filesystem trees from a server over HTTP, tracking exactly one ref, which is stored in the .origin file for the deployment. The command ostree admin upgrade implements this.

To begin a simple upgrade, OSTree fetches the contents of the ref from the remote server. Suppose we're tracking a ref named gnome-ostree/buildmaster/x86_64-runtime. OSTree fetches the URL, which contains a SHA256 checksum. This determines the tree to deploy, and /etc will be merged from currently booted tree.

If we do not have this commit, then, then we perform a pull process. At present (without static deltas), this involves quite simply just fetching each individual object that we do not have, asynchronously. Put in other words, we only download changed files (zlib-compressed). Each object has its checksum validated and is stored in /ostree/repo/objects/.

Once the pull is complete, we have all the objects locally we need to perform a deployment.