


Expresses the compound value of a byday part of a recurrence rule. It stores the weekday and the integer modifier. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10

Class hierarchy 


The “ncal:bydayWeekday” property

“ncal:bydayWeekday”          ncal:Weekday

Connects a BydayRulePath with a weekday.

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited

The “ncal:bydayModifier” property


A n integer modifier for the BYDAY rule part. Each BYDAY value can also be preceded by a positive (+n) or negative (-n) integer. If present, this indicates the nth occurrence of the specific day within the MONTHLY or YEARLY RRULE. For example, within a MONTHLY rule, +1MO (or simply 1MO) represents the first Monday within the month, whereas -1MO represents the last Monday of the month. If an integer modifier is not present, it means all days of this type within the specified frequency. For example, within a MONTHLY rule, MO represents all Mondays within the month. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10

Number of possible elements per resource (Cardinality): Unlimited