
Resources — Doing SPARQL queries to tracker-store.


#include <libtracker-client/tracker-client.h>

void                (*TrackerReplyGPtrArray)            (GPtrArray *result,
                                                         GError *error,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                (*TrackerReplyVoid)                 (GError *error,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
GPtrArray *         tracker_resources_sparql_query      (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         GError **error);
guint               tracker_resources_sparql_query_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         TrackerReplyGPtrArray callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                tracker_resources_sparql_update     (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         GError **error);
guint               tracker_resources_sparql_update_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         TrackerReplyVoid callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
GPtrArray *         tracker_resources_sparql_update_blank
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         GError **error);
guint               tracker_resources_sparql_update_blank_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         TrackerReplyGPtrArray callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         GError **error);
guint               tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         TrackerReplyVoid callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                tracker_resources_batch_commit      (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         GError **error);
guint               tracker_resources_batch_commit_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         TrackerReplyVoid callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                tracker_resources_load              (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         GError **error);
guint               tracker_resources_load_async        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         TrackerReplyVoid callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


Tracker uses the SPARQL query language [1] to retrieve data from tracker-store, and the stored information applies to the Nepomuk ontology [2].


TrackerReplyGPtrArray ()

void                (*TrackerReplyGPtrArray)            (GPtrArray *result,
                                                         GError *error,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


TrackerReplyGPtrArray is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

The result is returned as a GPtrArray containing an array of GStrv with the results from the query unless there is an error. If there is an error the error is populated with the details. The user_data is provided in the callback.

TrackerReplyVoid ()

void                (*TrackerReplyVoid)                 (GError *error,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


TrackerReplyVoid is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

The user_data is returned when the query has completed. If there is an error the error is populated with the details.

error :

a GError.

user_data :

a gpointer for user data.

tracker_resources_sparql_query ()

GPtrArray *         tracker_resources_sparql_query      (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         GError **error);


tracker_resources_sparql_query has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_query() in libtracker-sparql instead.

Queries the database using SPARQL. An example query would be:

Example 1. Using tracker_resource_sparql_query()

An example of using tracker_resource_sparql_query() to list all albums by title and include their song count and song total length.
 TrackerClient *client;
 GPtrArray *array;
 GError *error = NULL;
 const gchar *query;

 /* Create D-Bus connection with no warnings and maximum timeout. */
 client = tracker_client_new (0, G_MAXINT);
 query = "SELECT {"
         "  ?album"
         "  ?title"
         "  COUNT(?song) AS songs"
         "  SUM(?length) AS totallength"
         "} WHERE {"
         "  ?album a nmm:MusicAlbum ;"
         "  nie:title ?title ."
         "  ?song nmm:musicAlbum ?album ;"
         "  nfo:duration ?length"
         "} "
         "GROUP BY (?album");

 array = tracker_resources_sparql_query (client, query, &error);

 if (error) {
         g_warning ("Could not query Tracker, %s", error->message);
         g_error_free (error);
         g_object_unref (client);

 /* Do something with the array */

 g_ptr_array_free (array, TRUE);

This API call is completely synchronous so it may block.

client :

a TrackerClient.

query :

a string representing SPARQL.

error :

a GError.

Returns :

A GPtrArray with the query results which must be freed using g_ptr_array_free().

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_sparql_query_async ()

guint               tracker_resources_sparql_query_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         TrackerReplyGPtrArray callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


tracker_resources_sparql_query_async has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_query_async() in libtracker-sparql instead.

Does an asynchronous SPARQL query. See tracker_resources_sparql_query() to see how an SPARLQL query should be like.

client :

a TrackerClient

query :

a string representing SPARQL.

callback :

callback function to be called when the data is ready.

user_data :

user data to pass to callback

Returns :

A guint representing the operation ID. See tracker_cancel_call(). In the event of failure, 0 is returned.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_sparql_update ()

void                tracker_resources_sparql_update     (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         GError **error);


tracker_resources_sparql_update has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_update() in libtracker-sparql instead.

Updates the database using SPARQL.

This API behaves the same way tracker_resources_sparql_query() does but with the difference that it is intended to be used for data updates.

This API call is completely synchronous so it may block.

client :

a TrackerClient.

query :

a string representing SPARQL.

error :

a GError.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_sparql_update_async ()

guint               tracker_resources_sparql_update_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         TrackerReplyVoid callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


tracker_resources_sparql_update_async has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_update_async() in libtracker-sparql instead.

client :

a TrackerClient.

query :

a string representing SPARQL.

callback :

function to be called when the blank update has been performed.

user_data :

user data to pass to callback.

Returns :

A guint representing the operation ID. See tracker_cancel_call(). In the event of failure, 0 is returned.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_sparql_update_blank ()

GPtrArray *         tracker_resources_sparql_update_blank
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         GError **error);


tracker_resources_sparql_update_blank has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. There is no replacement for this in libtracker-sparql

client :

a TrackerClient.

query :

a string representing SPARQL.

error :

return location for errors.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_sparql_update_blank_async ()

guint               tracker_resources_sparql_update_blank_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         TrackerReplyGPtrArray callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


tracker_resources_sparql_update_blank_async has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. There is no replacement for this in libtracker-sparql

client :

a TrackerClient.

query :

a string representing SPARQL.

callback :

function to be called when the blank update has been performed.

user_data :

user data to pass to callback.

Returns :

A guint representing the operation ID. See tracker_cancel_call(). In the event of failure, 0 is returned.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update ()

void                tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         GError **error);


tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_update() in libtracker-sparql instead.

Updates the database using SPARQL. Updates done this way have to be committed explicitly through tracker_resources_batch_commit() or tracker_resources_batch_commit_async(). This API call is synchronous so it may block.

client :

a TrackerClient.

query :

a string representing SPARQL.

error :

return location for errors.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update_async ()

guint               tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *query,
                                                         TrackerReplyVoid callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update_async has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_update_async() in libtracker-sparql instead.

Updates the database using SPARQL. see tracker_resources_batch_sparql_update().

client :

a TrackerClient.

query :

a string representing SPARQL.

callback :

function to be called when the batch update has been performed.

user_data :

user data to pass to callback.

Returns :

A guint representing the operation ID. See tracker_cancel_call(). In the event of failure, 0 is returned.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_batch_commit ()

void                tracker_resources_batch_commit      (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         GError **error);


tracker_resources_batch_commit has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_update_commit() in libtracker-sparql instead.

Commits a batch of already issued SPARQL updates. This API call is synchronous so it may block.

client :

a TrackerClient.

error :

return location for errors.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_batch_commit_async ()

guint               tracker_resources_batch_commit_async
                                                        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         TrackerReplyVoid callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


tracker_resources_batch_commit_async has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_update_commit_async() in libtracker-sparql instead.

Commits a batch of already issued SPARQL updates.

client :

a TrackerClient.

callback :

callback to be called when the operation is finished.

user_data :

user data to pass to callback.

Returns :

A guint representing the operation ID. See tracker_cancel_call(). In the event of failure, 0 is returned.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_load ()

void                tracker_resources_load              (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         GError **error);


tracker_resources_load has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use tracker_sparql_import() in libtracker-sparql instead.

Imports SPARQL into the database from a file specified by uri

client :

a TrackerClient.

uri :

a string representing a Turtle file

error :

a GError.

Since 0.8

tracker_resources_load_async ()

guint               tracker_resources_load_async        (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         TrackerReplyVoid callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


tracker_resources_load_async is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

[1] SPARQL query language for RDF (W3C)

[2] Nepomuk - The social semantic desktop