
Cancellations — Cancelling requests.


#include <libtracker-client/tracker-client.h>

gboolean            tracker_cancel_call                 (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         guint call_id);
gboolean            tracker_cancel_last_call            (TrackerClient *client);


Tracker allows you to cancel any request that has not been processed yet. Aditionally, for fully synchronous requests, there is helper API to cancel the last request.


tracker_cancel_call ()

gboolean            tracker_cancel_call                 (TrackerClient *client,
                                                         guint call_id);


tracker_cancel_call has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. There is no replacement for this in libtracker-sparql

The call_id is a guint which increments with each asynchronous API call made using libtracker-client. For synchronous API calls, see tracker_cancel_last_call() which is more useful.

client :

a TrackerClient.

call_id :

a guint id for the API call you want to cancel.

Returns :

A gboolean indicating if the call was cancelled or not.

tracker_cancel_last_call ()

gboolean            tracker_cancel_last_call            (TrackerClient *client);


tracker_cancel_last_call has been deprecated since version 0.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. There is no replacement for this in libtracker-sparql

Cancels the last API call made using tracker_cancel_call(). the last API call ID is always tracked so you don't have to provide it with this API.

client :

a TrackerClient.

Returns :

A gboolean indicating if the call was cancelled or not.