


#define             ENCRYPTSELF_KEY
#define             MULTI_EXTENSION_KEY
#define             MULTI_SEPERATE_KEY
#define             KEYSERVER_KEY
#define             AUTORETRIEVE_KEY
#define             AUTOSYNC_KEY
#define             LASTSEARCH_KEY
#define             LASTSERVERS_KEY
#define             PUBLISH_TO_KEY
#define             SEAHORSE_SCHEMAS
#define             WINDOW_SIZE
void                seahorse_gconf_disconnect           ();
void                seahorse_gconf_set_boolean          (const char *key,
                                                         gboolean boolean_value);
gboolean            seahorse_gconf_get_boolean          (const char *key);
void                seahorse_gconf_set_integer          (const char *key,
                                                         int int_value);
int                 seahorse_gconf_get_integer          (const char *key);
void                seahorse_gconf_set_string           (const char *key,
                                                         const char *string_value);
char *              seahorse_gconf_get_string           (const char *key);
void                seahorse_gconf_set_string_list      (const char *key,
                                                         const GSList *slist);
GSList *            seahorse_gconf_get_string_list      (const char *key);
GConfEntry *        seahorse_gconf_get_entry            (const char *key);
guint               seahorse_gconf_notify               (const char *key,
                                                         GConfClientNotifyFunc notification_callback,
                                                         gpointer callback_data);
void                seahorse_gconf_notify_lazy          (const char *key,
                                                         GConfClientNotifyFunc notification_callback,
                                                         gpointer callback_data,
                                                         gpointer lifetime);
void                seahorse_gconf_unnotify             (guint notification_id);










#define KEYSERVER_KEY SEAHORSE_DESKTOP_KEYS "/keyservers/all_keyservers"


#define AUTORETRIEVE_KEY SEAHORSE_DESKTOP_KEYS "/keyservers/auto_retrieve"


#define AUTOSYNC_KEY SEAHORSE_DESKTOP_KEYS "/keyservers/auto_sync"


#define LASTSEARCH_KEY SEAHORSE_DESKTOP_KEYS "/keyservers/search_text"


#define LASTSERVERS_KEY SEAHORSE_DESKTOP_KEYS "/keyservers/search_keyservers"


#define PUBLISH_TO_KEY SEAHORSE_DESKTOP_KEYS "/keyservers/publish_to"


#define SEAHORSE_SCHEMAS            "/apps/seahorse"


#define WINDOW_SIZE                SEAHORSE_SCHEMAS "/windows/"

seahorse_gconf_disconnect ()

void                seahorse_gconf_disconnect           ();

Remove registered dirs and free the global gconf client

seahorse_gconf_set_boolean ()

void                seahorse_gconf_set_boolean          (const char *key,
                                                         gboolean boolean_value);

Set a value for a boolean key in the GConf storage

Errors are handled internally and are mapped to a warning

key :

The key

boolean_value :

The value to set

seahorse_gconf_get_boolean ()

gboolean            seahorse_gconf_get_boolean          (const char *key);

Read a boolean key from the GConf storage

key :

The key to read

Returns :

It returns the read value. On error it returns FALSE

seahorse_gconf_set_integer ()

void                seahorse_gconf_set_integer          (const char *key,
                                                         int int_value);

Set a value for an integer key in the GConf storage

Errors are handled internally and are mapped to a warning

key :

The key

int_value :

The value to set

seahorse_gconf_get_integer ()

int                 seahorse_gconf_get_integer          (const char *key);

Read an integer key from the GConf storage

key :

The key to read

Returns :

It returns the read value. On error it returns 0.

seahorse_gconf_set_string ()

void                seahorse_gconf_set_string           (const char *key,
                                                         const char *string_value);

Set a value for a string key in the GConf storage

Errors are handled internally and are mapped to a warning

key :

The key

string_value :

The value to set

seahorse_gconf_get_string ()

char *              seahorse_gconf_get_string           (const char *key);

Read a string key from the GConf storage

key :

The key to read

Returns :

It returns the read value. On error it returns "". The returned string should be freed with g_free when no longer needed.

seahorse_gconf_set_string_list ()

void                seahorse_gconf_set_string_list      (const char *key,
                                                         const GSList *slist);

Set a value for a string list (linked list of strings) key in the GConf storage

Errors are handled internally and are mapped to a warning

key :

The key

slist :

The list to set

seahorse_gconf_get_string_list ()

GSList *            seahorse_gconf_get_string_list      (const char *key);

Read a string list (linked list of strings) key from the GConf storage

key :

The key to read

Returns :

It returns the read value. On error it returns NULL. Each returned string should be freed with g_free when no longer needed. The list must be freed with g_slist_free

seahorse_gconf_get_entry ()

GConfEntry *        seahorse_gconf_get_entry            (const char *key);

Get an entry key from the GConf storage

key :

The key to read

Returns :

It returns the read value. On error it returns NULL. Must be freed with gconf_entry_free

seahorse_gconf_notify ()

guint               seahorse_gconf_notify               (const char *key,
                                                         GConfClientNotifyFunc notification_callback,
                                                         gpointer callback_data);

key :

The key to add the notification for

notification_callback :

The callback function to add

callback_data :

user data to pass to the callback function

Returns :

The connection ID. On error it returns 0

seahorse_gconf_notify_lazy ()

void                seahorse_gconf_notify_lazy          (const char *key,
                                                         GConfClientNotifyFunc notification_callback,
                                                         gpointer callback_data,
                                                         gpointer lifetime);

The callback is bound to the object (g_object_set_data_full) and the notification is automatically unnotified as soon as the object is destroyed

key :

The key to add the notification for

notification_callback :

The callback function to add

callback_data :

user data to pass to the callback function

lifetime :

a GObject to bind the callback to

seahorse_gconf_unnotify ()

void                seahorse_gconf_unnotify             (guint notification_id);

Removes a notification identified by the ID

notification_id :

ID to remove