
SeahorseContext — This is where all the action in a Seahorse process comes together.


#include <libseahorse/seahorse-context.h>

struct              SeahorseContext;
void                (*SeahorseObjectFunc)               (struct _SeahorseObject *obj,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
#define             SCTX_APP
SeahorseContext *     seahorse_context_for_app          (void);
SeahorseContext *     seahorse_context_new              (guint flags);
void                seahorse_context_destroy            (SeahorseContext *sctx);
#define             seahorse_context_is_daemon          (ctx)
void                seahorse_context_add_source         (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc);
void                seahorse_context_take_source        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc);
void                seahorse_context_remove_source      (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc);
SeahorseSource *      seahorse_context_find_source      (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         SeahorseLocation location);
GSList *              seahorse_context_find_sources     (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         SeahorseLocation location);
SeahorseSource *      seahorse_context_remote_source    (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         const gchar *uri);
void                seahorse_context_add_object         (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObject *sobj);
void                seahorse_context_take_object        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObject *sobj);
guint               seahorse_context_get_count          (SeahorseContext *sctx);
struct _SeahorseObject *      seahorse_context_get_object
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc,
                                                         GQuark id);
GList *               seahorse_context_get_objects      (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc);
struct _SeahorseObject *      seahorse_context_find_object
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark id,
                                                         SeahorseLocation location);
GList *               seahorse_context_find_objects     (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         SeahorseUsage usage,
                                                         SeahorseLocation location);
GList *               seahorse_context_find_objects_full
                                                        (SeahorseContext *self,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObjectPredicate *skpred);
void                seahorse_context_for_objects_full   (SeahorseContext *self,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObjectPredicate *skpred,
                                                         SeahorseObjectFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                seahorse_context_verify_objects     (SeahorseContext *self);
void                seahorse_context_remove_object      (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObject *sobj);
SeahorseServiceDiscovery * seahorse_context_get_discovery
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx);
struct _SeahorseObject * seahorse_context_get_default_key
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx);
void                seahorse_context_refresh_auto       (SeahorseContext *sctx);
SeahorseOperation *   seahorse_context_search_remote    (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         const gchar *search);
SeahorseOperation *   seahorse_context_transfer_objects (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GList *objs,
                                                         SeahorseSource *to);
SeahorseOperation *   seahorse_context_retrieve_objects (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         GSList *ids,
                                                         SeahorseSource *to);
GList *               seahorse_context_discover_objects (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         GSList *ids);
struct _SeahorseObject *      seahorse_context_object_from_dbus
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         const gchar *dbusid);
gchar *               seahorse_context_object_to_dbus   (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObject *sobj);
gchar *               seahorse_context_id_to_dbus       (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark id);
GQuark              (*SeahorseCanonizeFunc)             (const gchar *id);
GQuark              seahorse_context_canonize_id        (GQuark ktype,
                                                         const gchar *id);




typedef struct _SeahorseContextPrivate SeahorseContextPrivate;

struct SeahorseContext

struct SeahorseContext {
	GObject parent;

	gboolean is_daemon;

This is where all the action in a Seahorse process comes together.

- Usually there's only one SeahorseContext per process created by passing SEAHORSE_CONTEXT_APP to seahorse_context_new(), and accessed via the SCTX_APP macro. - Retains the list of all valid struct _SeahorseObject objects. - Has a collection of SeahorseSource objects which add objects to the SeahorseContext.

Signals: added: A object was added to the context. removed: A object was removed from the context. changed: A object changed. destroy: The context was destroyed.

GObject parent;

The parent GtkObject

gboolean is_daemon;

a gboolean indicating whether the context is being used in a program that is daemonized

SeahorseObjectFunc ()

void                (*SeahorseObjectFunc)               (struct _SeahorseObject *obj,
                                                         gpointer user_data);


#define             SCTX_APP()                          (seahorse_context_for_app ())

seahorse_context_for_app ()

SeahorseContext *     seahorse_context_for_app          (void);

Returns :

the application main context as SeahorseContext

seahorse_context_new ()

SeahorseContext *     seahorse_context_new              (guint flags);

Creates a new SeahorseContext. Flags: SEAHORSE_CONTEXT_DAEMON: internal daemon flag will be set SEAHORSE_CONTEXT_APP: will support DNS-SD discovery and remote key sources

flags :

Flags define the type of the context to create.

Returns :

The new context

seahorse_context_destroy ()

void                seahorse_context_destroy            (SeahorseContext *sctx);

Emits the destroy signal for sctx.

sctx :

SeahorseContext to destroy


#define             seahorse_context_is_daemon(ctx)     ((ctx)->is_daemon)

seahorse_context_add_source ()

void                seahorse_context_add_source         (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc);

Adds sksrc to the sctx. If sctx is NULL it will use the application context. It also adds a reference to the new added source.

sctx :

A context to add a source to, can be NULL

sksrc :

The source to add

seahorse_context_take_source ()

void                seahorse_context_take_source        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc);

Adds sksrc to the sctx. If sctx is NULL it will use the application context.

sctx :

A context to add a source to, can be NULL

sksrc :

The source to add

seahorse_context_remove_source ()

void                seahorse_context_remove_source      (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc);

Remove all objects from source sksrc from the SeahorseContext sctx

sctx :

Context to remove objects from

sksrc :

The source to remove

seahorse_context_find_source ()

SeahorseSource *      seahorse_context_find_source      (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         SeahorseLocation location);

Finds a context where ktype and location match

sctx :

A SeahorseContext

ktype :

A seahorse tag (SEAHORSE_TAG_INVALID is wildcard)

location :

A location (SEAHORSE_LOCATION_INVALID is wildcard)

Returns :

The context

seahorse_context_find_sources ()

GSList *              seahorse_context_find_sources     (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         SeahorseLocation location);

sctx :

the context to work with

ktype :

the type of the key to match. Or SEAHORSE_TAG_INVALID

location :

the location to match. Or SEAHORSE_LOCATION_INVALID

Returns :

A list of seahorse sources matching ktype and location as GSList. Must be freed with g_slist_free

seahorse_context_remote_source ()

SeahorseSource *      seahorse_context_remote_source    (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Add a remote source to the Context sctx. If it already exists, the source object will be returned.

sctx :

the context to add the source to (can be NULL)

uri :

An URI to add as remote source

Returns :

The SeahorseSource with this URI

seahorse_context_add_object ()

void                seahorse_context_add_object         (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObject *sobj);

Adds sobj to sctx. References sobj

sctx :

The context to add the object to

sobj :

The object to add

seahorse_context_take_object ()

void                seahorse_context_take_object        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObject *sobj);

Adds sobj to sctx. If a similar object exists, it will be overwritten. Emits the "added" signal.

sctx :

The SeahorseContext context to add an object to

sobj :

The SeahorseObject object to add

seahorse_context_get_count ()

guint               seahorse_context_get_count          (SeahorseContext *sctx);

sctx :

The context. If NULL is passed it will take the application context

Returns :

The number of objects in this context

seahorse_context_get_object ()

struct _SeahorseObject *      seahorse_context_get_object
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc,
                                                         GQuark id);

Finds the object with the source sksrc and id in the context and returns it

sctx :

The SeahorseContext to look in

sksrc :

The source to match

id :

the id to match

Returns :

The matching object

seahorse_context_get_objects ()

GList *               seahorse_context_get_objects      (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         SeahorseSource *sksrc);

Returns :

A GList of objects from self that match the source source

seahorse_context_find_object ()

struct _SeahorseObject *      seahorse_context_find_object
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark id,
                                                         SeahorseLocation location);

Finds the object with the id id at location location or better. Local is better than remote...

sctx :

The SeahorseContext to work with (can be NULL)

id :

The id to look for

location :

The location to look for (at least)

Returns :

the matching SeahorseObject or NULL if none is found

seahorse_context_find_objects ()

GList *               seahorse_context_find_objects     (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         SeahorseUsage usage,
                                                         SeahorseLocation location);

sctx :

A SeahorseContext to look in (can be NULL)

ktype :

The tag to look for

usage :

the usage (SeahorseUsage)

location :

the location to look for

Returns :

A list of matching objects

seahorse_context_find_objects_full ()

GList *               seahorse_context_find_objects_full
                                                        (SeahorseContext *self,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObjectPredicate *skpred);

Finds matching objects and adds them to the list

self :

The SeahorseContext to match objects in

Returns :

a GList list containing the matching objects

seahorse_context_for_objects_full ()

void                seahorse_context_for_objects_full   (SeahorseContext *self,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObjectPredicate *skpred,
                                                         SeahorseObjectFunc func,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Calls func for every object in self matching the criteria in pred. user_data is passed to this function

self :

SeahorseContext to work with

func :

Function to call for matching objects

user_data :

Data to pass to this function

seahorse_context_verify_objects ()

void                seahorse_context_verify_objects     (SeahorseContext *self);

Verifies each key in the given context. An assertion handles failure.

self :

A SeahorseContext to verify

seahorse_context_remove_object ()

void                seahorse_context_remove_object      (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObject *sobj);

Removes the object from the context

sctx :

The SeahorseContext (can be NULL)

sobj :

The SeahorseObject to remove

seahorse_context_get_discovery ()

SeahorseServiceDiscovery * seahorse_context_get_discovery
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx);


seahorse_context_get_discovery is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. No replacement

Gets the Service Discovery object for this context.

sctx :

SeahorseContext object

Returns :

The Service Discovery object.

seahorse_context_get_default_key ()

struct _SeahorseObject * seahorse_context_get_default_key
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx);


seahorse_context_get_default_key is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. No replacement

sctx :

Current SeahorseContext

Returns :

the secret key that's the default key

seahorse_context_refresh_auto ()

void                seahorse_context_refresh_auto       (SeahorseContext *sctx);

Starts a new refresh operation and emits the "refreshing" signal

sctx :

A SeahorseContext (can be NULL)

seahorse_context_search_remote ()

SeahorseOperation *   seahorse_context_search_remote    (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         const gchar *search);

Searches for the key matching search o the remote servers

sctx :

A SeahorseContext (can be NULL)

search :

a keyword (name, email address...) to search for

Returns :

The created search operation

seahorse_context_transfer_objects ()

SeahorseOperation *   seahorse_context_transfer_objects (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GList *objs,
                                                         SeahorseSource *to);

sctx :

The SeahorseContext (can be NULL)

to :

a source to import to (can be NULL)

Returns :

A transfer operation

seahorse_context_retrieve_objects ()

SeahorseOperation *   seahorse_context_retrieve_objects (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         GSList *ids,
                                                         SeahorseSource *to);

Copies remote objects to a local source

sctx :

A SeahorsecContext

ktype :

The type of the keys to transfer

ids :

The key ids to transfer

to :

A SeahorseSource. If NULL, it will use ktype to find a source

Returns :

A SeahorseOperation

seahorse_context_discover_objects ()

GList *               seahorse_context_discover_objects (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark ktype,
                                                         GSList *ids);

Downloads a list of keys from the keyserver

sctx :

the context to work with (can be NULL)

ktype :

the type of key to discover

Returns :

The imported keys

seahorse_context_object_from_dbus ()

struct _SeahorseObject *      seahorse_context_object_from_dbus
                                                        (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         const gchar *dbusid);

Finds an object basing on the key

sctx :

A SeahorseContext

Returns :

The SeahorseObject found. NULL on not found.

seahorse_context_object_to_dbus ()

gchar *               seahorse_context_object_to_dbus   (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         struct _SeahorseObject *sobj);

Translates an object to a string id

sctx :

A seahorse context

sobj :

the object

Returns :

The string id of the object. Free with g_free

seahorse_context_id_to_dbus ()

gchar *               seahorse_context_id_to_dbus       (SeahorseContext *sctx,
                                                         GQuark id);

Translates an id to a dbus compatible string

sctx :


id :

the id to translate

Returns :

A string, free with g_free

SeahorseCanonizeFunc ()

GQuark              (*SeahorseCanonizeFunc)             (const gchar *id);

seahorse_context_canonize_id ()

GQuark              seahorse_context_canonize_id        (GQuark ktype,
                                                         const gchar *id);

ktype :

a keytype defining the canonization function

id :

The id to canonize

Returns :

A canonized GQuark