
SeahorseWidget — wrapping gtk-builder widgets to simplify usage.


#include <seahorse-widget.h>

struct              SeahorseWidget;
SeahorseWidget *    seahorse_widget_new                 (const gchar *name,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent);
SeahorseWidget *    seahorse_widget_new_allow_multiple  (const gchar *name,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent);
SeahorseWidget *    seahorse_widget_find                (const gchar *name);
const gchar *       seahorse_widget_get_name            (SeahorseWidget *swidget);
GtkWidget *         seahorse_widget_get_toplevel        (SeahorseWidget *swidget);
GtkWidget *         seahorse_widget_get_widget          (SeahorseWidget *swidget,
                                                         const char *identifier);
void                seahorse_widget_show                (SeahorseWidget *swidget);
void                seahorse_widget_show_help           (SeahorseWidget *swidget);
void                seahorse_widget_set_visible         (SeahorseWidget *swidget,
                                                         const char *identifier,
                                                         gboolean visible);
void                seahorse_widget_set_sensitive       (SeahorseWidget *swidget,
                                                         const char *identifier,
                                                         gboolean sensitive);
void                seahorse_widget_destroy             (SeahorseWidget *swidget);



struct SeahorseWidget

struct SeahorseWidget {
	GObject parent;

	GtkBuilder *gtkbuilder;
	gchar *name;

A window created from a gtkbuilder file.

- All SeahorseWidget objects are destroyed when the SeahorseContext goes bye-bye. - Implements fun GtkUIManager stuff.

Signals: destroy: The window was destroyed.

Properties: name: (gchar*) The name of the gtkbuilder file to load.

GObject parent;

The parent GtkObject

GtkBuilder *gtkbuilder;

The GtkBuilder object for the SeahorseWidget

gchar *name;

The name of the gtkbuilder file

seahorse_widget_new ()

SeahorseWidget *    seahorse_widget_new                 (const gchar *name,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent);

Creates a new SeahorseWidget. Date is read from the gtk-builder file seahorse-name%.xml

name :

Name of widget, filename part of gtkbuilder file, and name of main window

parent :

GtkWindow to make the parent of the new swidget

Returns :

The new SeahorseWidget, or NULL if the widget already exists

seahorse_widget_new_allow_multiple ()

SeahorseWidget *    seahorse_widget_new_allow_multiple  (const gchar *name,
                                                         GtkWindow *parent);

Creates a new SeahorseWidget without checking if it already exists.

name :

Name of widget, filename part of gtkbuilder file, and name of main window

parent :

GtkWindow to make the parent of the new swidget

Returns :

The new SeahorseWidget

seahorse_widget_find ()

SeahorseWidget *    seahorse_widget_find                (const gchar *name);

name :

The name to look for

Returns :

The widget with the name or NULL if not found

seahorse_widget_get_name ()

const gchar *       seahorse_widget_get_name            (SeahorseWidget *swidget);

swidget :

The widget to get the name for

Returns :

The name of the widget

seahorse_widget_get_toplevel ()

GtkWidget *         seahorse_widget_get_toplevel        (SeahorseWidget *swidget);

Return the top level widget in this seahorse widget

swidget :

The seahorse widget

Returns :

The top level widget

seahorse_widget_get_widget ()

GtkWidget *         seahorse_widget_get_widget          (SeahorseWidget *swidget,
                                                         const char *identifier);

swidget :

a SeahorseWidget

identifier :

the name of the widget to get

Returns :

the widget named identifier in swidget

seahorse_widget_show ()

void                seahorse_widget_show                (SeahorseWidget *swidget);

Show the toplevel widget in the gtkbuilder file.

swidget :

SeahorseWidget to show

seahorse_widget_show_help ()

void                seahorse_widget_show_help           (SeahorseWidget *swidget);

Show help appropriate for the top level widget.

swidget :

The SeahorseWidget.

seahorse_widget_set_visible ()

void                seahorse_widget_set_visible         (SeahorseWidget *swidget,
                                                         const char *identifier,
                                                         gboolean visible);

swidget :

the SeahorseWidget

identifier :

The identifier of the widget to set visibility for

visible :

TRUE to show the widget, FALSE to hide it

seahorse_widget_set_sensitive ()

void                seahorse_widget_set_sensitive       (SeahorseWidget *swidget,
                                                         const char *identifier,
                                                         gboolean sensitive);

Sets the widget identifier 's sensitivity to sensitive

swidget :

the SeahorseWidget to find the widget identifier in

identifier :

the name of the widget to set sensitive

sensitive :

TRUE if the widget should be switched to sensitive

seahorse_widget_destroy ()

void                seahorse_widget_destroy             (SeahorseWidget *swidget);

Unrefs swidget.

swidget :

SeahorseWidget to destroy