
notify — Notification API


gboolean            notify_init                         (const char *app_name);
void                notify_uninit                       (void);
gboolean            notify_is_initted                   (void);
const char *        notify_get_app_name                 (void);
void                notify_set_app_name                 (const char *app_name);
GList *             notify_get_server_caps              (void);
gboolean            notify_get_server_info              (char **ret_name,
                                                         char **ret_vendor,
                                                         char **ret_version,
                                                         char **ret_spec_version);



notify_init ()

gboolean            notify_init                         (const char *app_name);

Initialized libnotify. This must be called before any other functions.

app_name :

The name of the application initializing libnotify.

Returns :

TRUE if successful, or FALSE on error.

notify_uninit ()

void                notify_uninit                       (void);

Uninitialized libnotify.

This should be called when the program no longer needs libnotify for the rest of its lifecycle, typically just before exitting.

notify_is_initted ()

gboolean            notify_is_initted                   (void);

Gets whether or not libnotify is initialized.

Returns :

TRUE if libnotify is initialized, or FALSE otherwise.

notify_get_app_name ()

const char *        notify_get_app_name                 (void);

Gets the application name registered.

Returns :

The registered application name, passed to notify_init().

notify_set_app_name ()

void                notify_set_app_name                 (const char *app_name);

Sets the application name.

app_name :

The name of the application

notify_get_server_caps ()

GList *             notify_get_server_caps              (void);

Synchronously queries the server for its capabilities and returns them in a GList.

Returns :

a GList of server capability strings. Free the list elements with g_free() and the list itself with g_list_free(). [transfer full][element-type utf8]

notify_get_server_info ()

gboolean            notify_get_server_info              (char **ret_name,
                                                         char **ret_vendor,
                                                         char **ret_version,
                                                         char **ret_spec_version);

Synchronously queries the server for its information, specifically, the name, vendor, server version, and the version of the notifications specification that it is compliant with.

ret_name :

a location to store the server name, or NULL. [out][allow-none][transfer full]

ret_vendor :

a location to store the server vendor, or NULL. [out][allow-none][transfer full]

ret_version :

a location to store the server version, or NULL. [out][allow-none][transfer full]

ret_spec_version :

a location to store the version the service is compliant with, or NULL. [out][allow-none][transfer full]

Returns :

TRUE if successful, and the variables passed will be set, FALSE on error. The returned strings must be freed with g_free