
MMLocationCdmaBs — Helper object to handle CDMA Base Station location information.


The MMLocationCdmaBs is an object handling the location information of the CDMA base station in which the modem is registered.

This object is retrieved with either mm_modem_location_get_cdma_bs(), mm_modem_location_get_cdma_bs_sync(), mm_modem_location_get_full() or mm_modem_location_get_full_sync().


struct MMLocationCdmaBs

struct MMLocationCdmaBs {

The MMLocationCdmaBs structure contains private data and should only be accessed using the provided API.

mm_location_cdma_bs_get_latitude ()

gdouble             mm_location_cdma_bs_get_latitude    (MMLocationCdmaBs *self);

Gets the latitude, in the [-90,90] range.

self :

a MMLocationCdmaBs.

Returns :

the latitude, or MM_LOCATION_LATITUDE_UNKNOWN if unknown.

mm_location_cdma_bs_get_longitude ()

gdouble             mm_location_cdma_bs_get_longitude   (MMLocationCdmaBs *self);

Gets the longitude, in the [-180,180] range.

self :

a MMLocationCdmaBs.

Returns :

the longitude, or MM_LOCATION_LONGITUDE_UNKNOWN if unknown.