
GdaVproviderDataModel — Virtual provider for connections based on a list of GdaDataModel

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated

Object Hierarchy

    ╰── GdaServerProvider
        ╰── GdaSqliteProvider
            ╰── GdaVirtualProvider
                ╰── GdaVproviderDataModel
                    ╰── GdaVproviderHub


This provider is used to create virtual connections in which each GdaDataModel data model can be added as a table in the connection. Using gda_virtual_connection_open() with this provider as argument will generate a GdaVconnectionDataModel connection object, from which data models can be added.


gda_vprovider_data_model_new ()

GdaVirtualProvider *
gda_vprovider_data_model_new (void);

Creates a new GdaVirtualProvider object which allows one to add and remove GdaDataModel objects as tables within a connection


a new GdaVirtualProvider object.

Types and Values

See Also

See also the introduction to virtual connections