libgda-uimm: Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Gnome::GdaUI::BasicFormBasicForm - Form widget mapping the values contained in a Gnome::Gda::Set
Gnome::GdaUI::CloudCloud - Cloud widget
Gnome::GdaUI::ComboCombo - Combo box to choose from the contents of a Gnome::Gda::DataModel
Gnome::GdaUI::DataEntryDataEntry - Data entry widget
Gnome::GdaUI::DataFilterDataFilter - Entrer rules to filter the rows in a DataProxy
Gnome::GdaUI::DataProxyDataProxy - Modifying data in a Gome::Gda::DataModel
Gnome::GdaUI::DataProxyInfoDataProxyInfo - Shows information and actions about a DataProxy widget
Gnome::GdaUI::DataSelectorDataSelector - Selecting data in a Gnome::Gda::DataModel
Gnome::GdaUI::DataStoreDataStore - Bridge between a Gnome::Gda::DataModel and a Gtk::TreeModel
Gnome::GdaUI::FormForm - Form widget to manipulate data in a Gnome::Gda::DataModel, with decorations
Gnome::GdaUI::GridGrid - Grid widget to manipulate data in a Gnome::Gda::DataModel, with decorations
Gnome::GdaUI::LoginLogin - Connection opening dialog
Gnome::GdaUI::ProviderSelectorProviderSelector - Select a database provider from a combo box
Gnome::GdaUI::RawFormRawForm - Form widget to manipulate data in a Gnome::Gda::DataModel, with decorations
Gnome::GdaUI::RawGridRawGrid - Grid widget to manipulate data in a Gnome::Gda::DataModel
Gnome::GdaUI::RtEditorRtEditor - Rich text editor which uses a subset of the txt2tags markup
Gnome::GdaUI::ServerOperationServerOperation - Entrer information to perform a DDL query