Category Utilities

Category Utilities


gboolean            e_categories_config_get_icon_for    (const gchar *category,
                                                         GdkPixbuf **pixbuf);
void                e_categories_config_open_dialog_for_entry
                                                        (GtkEntry *entry);



e_categories_config_get_icon_for ()

gboolean            e_categories_config_get_icon_for    (const gchar *category,
                                                         GdkPixbuf **pixbuf);

Returns the icon configured for the given category.

category :

Category for which to get the icon.

pixbuf :

A pointer to where the pixbuf will be returned.

Returns :

the icon configured for the given category

e_categories_config_open_dialog_for_entry ()

void                e_categories_config_open_dialog_for_entry
                                                        (GtkEntry *entry);

This is a self-contained function that lets you open a popup dialog for the user to select a list of categories.

The entry parameter is used, at initialization time, as the list of initial categories that are selected in the categories selection dialog. Then, when the user commits its changes, the list of selected categories is put back on the entry widget.

entry :

a GtkEntry on which to get/set the categories list