


struct              ETree;
gboolean            e_tree_construct                    (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreeModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_str,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);
GtkWidget *         e_tree_new                          (ETreeModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_str,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);
gboolean            e_tree_construct_from_spec_file     (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreeModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_fn,
                                                         const gchar *state_fn);
GtkWidget *         e_tree_new_from_spec_file           (ETreeModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_fn,
                                                         const gchar *state_fn);
gchar *             e_tree_get_state                    (ETree *e_tree);
void                e_tree_save_state                   (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
ETableState *       e_tree_get_state_object             (ETree *e_tree);
ETableSpecification * e_tree_get_spec                   (ETree *e_tree);
void                e_tree_set_search_column            (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint col);
void                e_tree_set_state                    (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);
void                e_tree_set_state_object             (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETableState *state);
void                e_tree_load_state                   (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
void                e_tree_show_cursor_after_reflow     (ETree *e_tree);
void                e_tree_set_cursor                   (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreePath path);
ETreePath           e_tree_get_cursor                   (ETree *e_tree);
void                e_tree_selected_row_foreach         (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         EForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer closure);
void                e_tree_selected_path_foreach        (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreeForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer closure);
void                e_tree_path_foreach                 (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreeForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer closure);
EPrintable *        e_tree_get_printable                (ETree *e_tree);
gint                e_tree_get_next_row                 (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint model_row);
gint                e_tree_get_prev_row                 (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint model_row);
gint                e_tree_model_to_view_row            (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint model_row);
gint                e_tree_view_to_model_row            (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint view_row);
void                e_tree_get_cell_at                  (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint x,
                                                         gint y,
                                                         gint *row_return,
                                                         gint *col_return);
void                e_tree_get_cell_geometry            (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         gint *x_return,
                                                         gint *y_return,
                                                         gint *width_return,
                                                         gint *height_return);
ETreeModel *        e_tree_get_model                    (ETree *et);
ESelectionModel *   e_tree_get_selection_model          (ETree *et);
ETreeTableAdapter * e_tree_get_table_adapter            (ETree *et);
void                e_tree_drag_get_data                (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkAtom target,
                                                         guint32 time);
void                e_tree_drag_highlight               (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col);
void                e_tree_drag_unhighlight             (ETree *tree);
void                e_tree_drag_dest_set                (ETree *tree,
                                                         GtkDestDefaults flags,
                                                         const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                                                         gint n_targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions);
void                e_tree_drag_dest_set_proxy          (ETree *tree,
                                                         GdkWindow *proxy_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                                                         gboolean use_coordinates);
void                e_tree_drag_dest_unset              (GtkWidget *widget);
void                e_tree_drag_source_set              (ETree *tree,
                                                         GdkModifierType start_button_mask,
                                                         const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                                                         gint n_targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions);
void                e_tree_drag_source_unset            (ETree *tree);
GdkDragContext *    e_tree_drag_begin                   (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         GtkTargetList *targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions,
                                                         gint button,
                                                         GdkEvent *event);
gboolean            e_tree_is_dragging                  (ETree *tree);
gboolean            e_tree_node_is_expanded             (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path);
void                e_tree_node_set_expanded            (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path,
                                                         gboolean expanded);
void                e_tree_node_set_expanded_recurse    (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path,
                                                         gboolean expanded);
void                e_tree_root_node_set_visible        (ETree *et,
                                                         gboolean visible);
ETreePath           e_tree_node_at_row                  (ETree *et,
                                                         gint row);
gint                e_tree_row_of_node                  (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path);
gboolean            e_tree_root_node_is_visible         (ETree *et);
void                e_tree_show_node                    (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path);
void                e_tree_save_expanded_state          (ETree *et,
                                                         gchar *filename);
void                e_tree_load_expanded_state          (ETree *et,
                                                         gchar *filename);
xmlDoc *            e_tree_save_expanded_state_xml      (ETree *et);
void                e_tree_load_expanded_state_xml      (ETree *et,
                                                         xmlDoc *doc);
gint                e_tree_row_count                    (ETree *et);
GtkWidget *         e_tree_get_tooltip                  (ETree *et);
void                e_tree_force_expanded_state         (ETree *et,
                                                         gint state);
enum                ETreeFindNextParams;
gboolean            e_tree_find_next                    (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreeFindNextParams params,
                                                         ETreePathFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);
void                e_tree_right_click_up               (ETree *et);
ETableItem *        e_tree_get_item                     (ETree *et);
GnomeCanvasItem *   e_tree_get_header_item              (ETree *et);
void                e_tree_set_info_message             (ETree *tree,
                                                         const gchar *info_message);
void                e_tree_freeze_state_change          (ETree *table);
void                e_tree_thaw_state_change            (ETree *table);
gboolean            e_tree_is_editing                   (ETree *tree);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

ETree implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkScrollable.


  "ETreeTableAdapter"        ETreeTableAdapter*    : Read
  "always-search"            gboolean              : Read / Write
  "drawfocus"                gboolean              : Write
  "horizontal-draw-grid"     gboolean              : Write
  "is-editing"               gboolean              : Read
  "length-threshold"         gint                  : Write
  "uniform-row-height"       gboolean              : Read / Write
  "vertical-draw-grid"       gboolean              : Write

Style Properties

  "expander-size"            gint                  : Read
  "vertical-spacing"         gint                  : Read


  "click"                                          : Run Last
  "cursor-activated"                               : Run Last
  "cursor-change"                                  : Run Last
  "double-click"                                   : Run Last
  "key-press"                                      : Run Last
  "right-click"                                    : Run Last
  "selection-change"                               : Run Last
  "start-drag"                                     : Run Last
  "state-change"                                   : Run Last
  "tree-drag-begin"                                : Run Last
  "tree-drag-data-delete"                          : Run Last
  "tree-drag-data-get"                             : Run Last
  "tree-drag-data-received"                        : Run Last
  "tree-drag-drop"                                 : Run Last
  "tree-drag-end"                                  : Run Last
  "tree-drag-leave"                                : Run Last
  "tree-drag-motion"                               : Run Last
  "white-space-event"                              : Run Last



struct ETree

struct ETree;

e_tree_construct ()

gboolean            e_tree_construct                    (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreeModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_str,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);

This is the internal implementation of e_tree_new() for use by subclasses or language bindings. See e_tree_new() for details.

e_tree :

The newly created ETree object.

etm :

The model for this table.

ete :

An optional ETableExtras. (NULL is valid.)

spec_str :

The spec.

state_str :

An optional state. (NULL is valid.)

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE if an error occurred

e_tree_new ()

GtkWidget *         e_tree_new                          (ETreeModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_str,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);

This function creates an ETree from the given parameters. The ETreeModel is a tree model to be represented. The ETableExtras is an optional set of pixbufs, cells, and sorting functions to be used when interpreting the spec. If you pass in NULL it uses the default ETableExtras. (See e_table_extras_new()).

spec is the specification of the set of viewable columns and the default sorting state and such. state is an optional string specifying the current sorting state and such. If state is NULL, then the default state from the spec will be used.

etm :

The model for this tree

ete :

An optional ETableExtras (NULL is valid.)

spec_str :

The spec

state_str :

An optional state (NULL is valid.)

Returns :

The newly created ETree or NULL if there's an error.

e_tree_construct_from_spec_file ()

gboolean            e_tree_construct_from_spec_file     (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreeModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_fn,
                                                         const gchar *state_fn);

This is the internal implementation of e_tree_new_from_spec_file() for use by subclasses or language bindings. See e_tree_new_from_spec_file() for details.

e_tree :

The newly created ETree object.

etm :

The model for this tree

ete :

An optional ETableExtras (NULL is valid.)

spec_fn :

The filename of the spec

state_fn :

An optional state file (NULL is valid.)

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE if an error occurred

e_tree_new_from_spec_file ()

GtkWidget *         e_tree_new_from_spec_file           (ETreeModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_fn,
                                                         const gchar *state_fn);

This is very similar to e_tree_new(), except instead of passing in strings you pass in the file names of the spec and state to load.

spec_fn is the filename of the spec to load. If this file doesn't exist, e_tree_new_from_spec_file will return NULL.

state_fn is the filename of the initial state to load. If this is NULL or if the specified file doesn't exist, the default state from the spec file is used.

etm :

The model for this tree.

ete :

An optional ETableExtras. (NULL is valid.)

spec_fn :

The filename of the spec.

state_fn :

An optional state file. (NULL is valid.)

Returns :

The newly created ETree or NULL if there's an error.

e_tree_get_state ()

gchar *             e_tree_get_state                    (ETree *e_tree);

Builds a state object based on the current state and returns the string corresponding to that state.

e_tree :

The ETree to act on

Returns :

A string describing the current state of the ETree.

e_tree_save_state ()

void                e_tree_save_state                   (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

Saves the state of the e_tree object into the file pointed by filename.

e_tree :

The ETree to act on

filename :

name of the file to save to

e_tree_get_state_object ()

ETableState *       e_tree_get_state_object             (ETree *e_tree);

Builds an ETableState corresponding to the current state of the ETree.

e_tree :

ETree object to act on

Returns :

The ETableState object generated.

e_tree_get_spec ()

ETableSpecification * e_tree_get_spec                   (ETree *e_tree);

Returns the specification object.

e_tree :

The ETree to query

e_tree_set_search_column ()

void                e_tree_set_search_column            (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint col);

This routine sets the current search column to be used for keypress searches of the ETree. If -1 is passed in for column, the current search column is cleared.

e_tree :

ETree object that will be modified

col :

Column index to use for searches

e_tree_set_state ()

void                e_tree_set_state                    (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);

This routine sets the state (as described by ETableState) of the ETree object.

e_tree :

ETree object that will be modified

state_str :

a string with the XML representation of the ETableState.

e_tree_set_state_object ()

void                e_tree_set_state_object             (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETableState *state);

e_tree_load_state ()

void                e_tree_load_state                   (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

An ETableState will be loaded form the file pointed by filename into the e_tree object.

e_tree :

ETree object that will be modified

filename :

name of the file containing the state to be loaded into the ETree

e_tree_show_cursor_after_reflow ()

void                e_tree_show_cursor_after_reflow     (ETree *e_tree);

e_tree_set_cursor ()

void                e_tree_set_cursor                   (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreePath path);

e_tree_get_cursor ()

ETreePath           e_tree_get_cursor                   (ETree *e_tree);

e_tree_selected_row_foreach ()

void                e_tree_selected_row_foreach         (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         EForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer closure);

e_tree_selected_path_foreach ()

void                e_tree_selected_path_foreach        (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreeForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer closure);

e_tree_path_foreach ()

void                e_tree_path_foreach                 (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         ETreeForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer closure);

e_tree_get_printable ()

EPrintable *        e_tree_get_printable                (ETree *e_tree);

e_tree_get_next_row ()

gint                e_tree_get_next_row                 (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint model_row);

e_tree_get_prev_row ()

gint                e_tree_get_prev_row                 (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint model_row);

e_tree_model_to_view_row ()

gint                e_tree_model_to_view_row            (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint model_row);

e_tree_view_to_model_row ()

gint                e_tree_view_to_model_row            (ETree *e_tree,
                                                         gint view_row);

e_tree_get_cell_at ()

void                e_tree_get_cell_at                  (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint x,
                                                         gint y,
                                                         gint *row_return,
                                                         gint *col_return);

Return the row and column for the cell in which the pixel at (x, y) is contained.

tree :

An ETree widget

x :

X coordinate for the pixel

y :

Y coordinate for the pixel

row_return :

Pointer to return the row value

col_return :

Pointer to return the column value

e_tree_get_cell_geometry ()

void                e_tree_get_cell_geometry            (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         gint *x_return,
                                                         gint *y_return,
                                                         gint *width_return,
                                                         gint *height_return);

Computes the data about this cell.

tree :

The tree.

row :

The row to get the geometry of.

col :

The col to get the geometry of.

x_return :

Returns the x coordinate of the upper right hand corner of the cell with respect to the widget.

y_return :

Returns the y coordinate of the upper right hand corner of the cell with respect to the widget.

width_return :

Returns the width of the cell.

height_return :

Returns the height of the cell.

e_tree_get_model ()

ETreeModel *        e_tree_get_model                    (ETree *et);

Returns the model upon which this ETree is based.

et :

the ETree

Returns :

the model

e_tree_get_selection_model ()

ESelectionModel *   e_tree_get_selection_model          (ETree *et);

Returns the selection model of this ETree.

et :

the ETree

Returns :

the selection model

e_tree_get_table_adapter ()

ETreeTableAdapter * e_tree_get_table_adapter            (ETree *et);

Returns the table adapter this ETree uses.

et :

the ETree

Returns :

the model

e_tree_drag_get_data ()

void                e_tree_drag_get_data                (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkAtom target,
                                                         guint32 time);

e_tree_drag_highlight ()

void                e_tree_drag_highlight               (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col);

Set col to -1 to highlight the entire row. Set row to -1 to turn off the highlight.

e_tree_drag_unhighlight ()

void                e_tree_drag_unhighlight             (ETree *tree);

e_tree_drag_dest_set ()

void                e_tree_drag_dest_set                (ETree *tree,
                                                         GtkDestDefaults flags,
                                                         const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                                                         gint n_targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions);

e_tree_drag_dest_set_proxy ()

void                e_tree_drag_dest_set_proxy          (ETree *tree,
                                                         GdkWindow *proxy_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                                                         gboolean use_coordinates);

e_tree_drag_dest_unset ()

void                e_tree_drag_dest_unset              (GtkWidget *widget);

e_tree_drag_source_set ()

void                e_tree_drag_source_set              (ETree *tree,
                                                         GdkModifierType start_button_mask,
                                                         const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                                                         gint n_targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions);

e_tree_drag_source_unset ()

void                e_tree_drag_source_unset            (ETree *tree);

e_tree_drag_begin ()

GdkDragContext *    e_tree_drag_begin                   (ETree *tree,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         GtkTargetList *targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions,
                                                         gint button,
                                                         GdkEvent *event);

e_tree_is_dragging ()

gboolean            e_tree_is_dragging                  (ETree *tree);

tree :

An ETree widget

Returns :

whether is tree in a drag&drop operation.

e_tree_node_is_expanded ()

gboolean            e_tree_node_is_expanded             (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path);

e_tree_node_set_expanded ()

void                e_tree_node_set_expanded            (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path,
                                                         gboolean expanded);

e_tree_node_set_expanded_recurse ()

void                e_tree_node_set_expanded_recurse    (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path,
                                                         gboolean expanded);

e_tree_root_node_set_visible ()

void                e_tree_root_node_set_visible        (ETree *et,
                                                         gboolean visible);

e_tree_node_at_row ()

ETreePath           e_tree_node_at_row                  (ETree *et,
                                                         gint row);

e_tree_row_of_node ()

gint                e_tree_row_of_node                  (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path);

e_tree_root_node_is_visible ()

gboolean            e_tree_root_node_is_visible         (ETree *et);

e_tree_show_node ()

void                e_tree_show_node                    (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreePath path);

e_tree_save_expanded_state ()

void                e_tree_save_expanded_state          (ETree *et,
                                                         gchar *filename);

e_tree_load_expanded_state ()

void                e_tree_load_expanded_state          (ETree *et,
                                                         gchar *filename);

e_tree_save_expanded_state_xml ()

xmlDoc *            e_tree_save_expanded_state_xml      (ETree *et);

e_tree_load_expanded_state_xml ()

void                e_tree_load_expanded_state_xml      (ETree *et,
                                                         xmlDoc *doc);

e_tree_row_count ()

gint                e_tree_row_count                    (ETree *et);

e_tree_get_tooltip ()

GtkWidget *         e_tree_get_tooltip                  (ETree *et);

e_tree_force_expanded_state ()

void                e_tree_force_expanded_state         (ETree *et,
                                                         gint state);

enum ETreeFindNextParams

typedef enum {
} ETreeFindNextParams;

e_tree_find_next ()

gboolean            e_tree_find_next                    (ETree *et,
                                                         ETreeFindNextParams params,
                                                         ETreePathFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);

e_tree_right_click_up ()

void                e_tree_right_click_up               (ETree *et);

e_tree_get_item ()

ETableItem *        e_tree_get_item                     (ETree *et);

e_tree_get_header_item ()

GnomeCanvasItem *   e_tree_get_header_item              (ETree *et);

e_tree_set_info_message ()

void                e_tree_set_info_message             (ETree *tree,
                                                         const gchar *info_message);

Creates an info message in table area, or removes old.

tree :

ETree instance

info_message :

Message to set. Can be NULL.

e_tree_freeze_state_change ()

void                e_tree_freeze_state_change          (ETree *table);

e_tree_thaw_state_change ()

void                e_tree_thaw_state_change            (ETree *table);

e_tree_is_editing ()

gboolean            e_tree_is_editing                   (ETree *tree);

Property Details

The "ETreeTableAdapter" property

  "ETreeTableAdapter"        ETreeTableAdapter*    : Read

ETree table adapter.

The "always-search" property

  "always-search"            gboolean              : Read / Write

Always search.

Default value: FALSE

The "drawfocus" property

  "drawfocus"                gboolean              : Write

Draw focus.

Default value: FALSE

The "horizontal-draw-grid" property

  "horizontal-draw-grid"     gboolean              : Write

Horizontal Draw Grid.

Default value: FALSE

The "is-editing" property

  "is-editing"               gboolean              : Read

Whether is in an editing mode.

Default value: FALSE

The "length-threshold" property

  "length-threshold"         gint                  : Write

Length Threshold.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "uniform-row-height" property

  "uniform-row-height"       gboolean              : Read / Write

Uniform row height.

Default value: FALSE

The "vertical-draw-grid" property

  "vertical-draw-grid"       gboolean              : Write

Vertical Draw Grid.

Default value: FALSE

Style Property Details

The "expander-size" style property

  "expander-size"            gint                  : Read

Size of the expander arrow.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 10

The "vertical-spacing" style property

  "vertical-spacing"         gint                  : Read

Vertical space between rows. It is added to top and to bottom of a row.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 3

Signal Details

The "click" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETree    *etree,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gpointer  arg2,
                                                        gint      arg3,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg4,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "cursor-activated" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree   *etree,
                                                        gint     arg1,
                                                        gpointer arg2,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

The "cursor-change" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree   *etree,
                                                        gint     arg1,
                                                        gpointer arg2,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

The "double-click" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree    *etree,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gpointer  arg2,
                                                        gint      arg3,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg4,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "key-press" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETree    *etree,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gpointer  arg2,
                                                        gint      arg3,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg4,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "right-click" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETree    *etree,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gpointer  arg2,
                                                        gint      arg3,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg4,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "selection-change" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree   *etree,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

The "start-drag" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree    *etree,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gpointer  arg2,
                                                        gint      arg3,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg4,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "state-change" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree   *etree,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

The "tree-drag-begin" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree          *etree,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gpointer        arg2,
                                                        gint            arg3,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg4,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "tree-drag-data-delete" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree          *etree,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gpointer        arg2,
                                                        gint            arg3,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg4,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "tree-drag-data-get" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree            *etree,
                                                        gint              arg1,
                                                        gpointer          arg2,
                                                        gint              arg3,
                                                        GdkDragContext   *arg4,
                                                        GtkSelectionData *arg5,
                                                        guint             arg6,
                                                        guint             arg7,
                                                        gpointer          user_data)      : Run Last

The "tree-drag-data-received" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree            *etree,
                                                        gint              arg1,
                                                        gpointer          arg2,
                                                        gint              arg3,
                                                        GdkDragContext   *arg4,
                                                        gint              arg5,
                                                        gint              arg6,
                                                        GtkSelectionData *arg7,
                                                        guint             arg8,
                                                        guint             arg9,
                                                        gpointer          user_data)      : Run Last

The "tree-drag-drop" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETree          *etree,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gpointer        arg2,
                                                        gint            arg3,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg4,
                                                        gint            arg5,
                                                        gint            arg6,
                                                        guint           arg7,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "tree-drag-end" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree          *etree,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gpointer        arg2,
                                                        gint            arg3,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg4,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "tree-drag-leave" signal

void                user_function                      (ETree          *etree,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gpointer        arg2,
                                                        gint            arg3,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg4,
                                                        guint           arg5,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "tree-drag-motion" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETree          *etree,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gpointer        arg2,
                                                        gint            arg3,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg4,
                                                        gint            arg5,
                                                        gint            arg6,
                                                        guint           arg7,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "white-space-event" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETree    *etree,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg1,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last