


struct              ETableSpecification;
ETableSpecification * e_table_specification_new         (void);
gboolean            e_table_specification_load_from_file
                                                        (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
gboolean            e_table_specification_load_from_string
                                                        (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         const gchar *xml);
void                e_table_specification_load_from_node
                                                        (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         const xmlNode *node);
gint                e_table_specification_save_to_file  (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
gchar *             e_table_specification_save_to_string
                                                        (ETableSpecification *specification);
xmlNode *           e_table_specification_save_to_node  (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         xmlDoc *doc);
ETableSpecification * e_table_specification_duplicate   (ETableSpecification *specification);

Object Hierarchy




struct ETableSpecification

struct ETableSpecification;

e_table_specification_new ()

ETableSpecification * e_table_specification_new         (void);

Creates a new ETableSpecification object. This object is used to hold the information about the rendering information for ETable.

Returns :

a newly created ETableSpecification object.

e_table_specification_load_from_file ()

gboolean            e_table_specification_load_from_file
                                                        (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

This routine modifies specification to reflect the state described by the file filename.

specification :

An ETableSpecification that you want to modify

filename :

a filename that contains an ETableSpecification

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

e_table_specification_load_from_string ()

gboolean            e_table_specification_load_from_string
                                                        (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         const gchar *xml);

This routine modifies specification to reflect the state described by xml. xml is typically returned by e_table_specification_save_to_string or it can be embedded in your source code.

specification :

An ETableSpecification that you want to modify

xml :

a stringified representation of an ETableSpecification description.

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

e_table_specification_load_from_node ()

void                e_table_specification_load_from_node
                                                        (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         const xmlNode *node);

This routine modifies specification to reflect the state described by node.

specification :

An ETableSpecification that you want to modify

node :

an xmlNode with an XML ETableSpecification description.

e_table_specification_save_to_file ()

gint                e_table_specification_save_to_file  (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

This routine stores the specification into filename.

specification :

An ETableSpecification that you want to save

filename :

a file name to store the specification.

Returns :

0 on success or -1 on error.

e_table_specification_save_to_string ()

gchar *             e_table_specification_save_to_string
                                                        (ETableSpecification *specification);

Saves the state of specification to a string.

specification :

An ETableSpecification that you want to stringify

Returns :

an g_alloc() allocated string containing the stringified representation of specification. This stringified representation uses XML as a convenience.

e_table_specification_save_to_node ()

xmlNode *           e_table_specification_save_to_node  (ETableSpecification *specification,
                                                         xmlDoc *doc);

This routine saves the ETableSpecification state in the object specification into the xmlDoc represented by doc.

specification :

An ETableSpecification that you want to store.

doc :

Node where the specification is saved

Returns :

The node that has been attached to doc with the contents of the ETableSpecification.

e_table_specification_duplicate ()

ETableSpecification * e_table_specification_duplicate   (ETableSpecification *specification);

This creates a copy of the ETableSpecification specification.

specification :

specification to duplicate

Returns :

The duplicated ETableSpecification.