


struct              ETableGroupLeaf;
ETableGroup *       e_table_group_leaf_new              (GnomeCanvasGroup *parent,
                                                         ETableHeader *full_header,
                                                         ETableHeader *header,
                                                         ETableModel *model,
                                                         ETableSortInfo *sort_info);
gboolean            e_table_group_leaf_is_editing       (ETableGroupLeaf *etgl);

Object Hierarchy



  "alternating-row-colors"   gboolean              : Write
  "cursor-mode"              gint                  : Write
  "drawfocus"                gboolean              : Write
  "frozen"                   gboolean              : Read / Write
  "height"                   gdouble               : Read
  "horizontal-draw-grid"     gboolean              : Write
  "length-threshold"         gint                  : Write
  "minimum-width"            gdouble               : Read / Write
  "selection-model"          ESelectionModel*      : Write
  "uniform-row-height"       gboolean              : Read / Write
  "vertical-draw-grid"       gboolean              : Write
  "width"                    gdouble               : Read / Write



struct ETableGroupLeaf

struct ETableGroupLeaf;

e_table_group_leaf_new ()

ETableGroup *       e_table_group_leaf_new              (GnomeCanvasGroup *parent,
                                                         ETableHeader *full_header,
                                                         ETableHeader *header,
                                                         ETableModel *model,
                                                         ETableSortInfo *sort_info);

ETableGroupLeaf is an ETableGroup which simply contains an ETableItem.

parent :

The GnomeCanvasGroup to create a child of.

full_header :

The full header of the ETable.

header :

The current header of the ETable.

model :

The ETableModel of the ETable.

sort_info :

The ETableSortInfo of the ETable.

Returns :

The new ETableGroupLeaf.

e_table_group_leaf_is_editing ()

gboolean            e_table_group_leaf_is_editing       (ETableGroupLeaf *etgl);

Property Details

The "alternating-row-colors" property

  "alternating-row-colors"   gboolean              : Write

Alternating Row Colors.

Default value: FALSE

The "cursor-mode" property

  "cursor-mode"              gint                  : Write

Cursor mode.

Allowed values: [0,2]

Default value: 0

The "drawfocus" property

  "drawfocus"                gboolean              : Write

Draw focus.

Default value: FALSE

The "frozen" property

  "frozen"                   gboolean              : Read / Write


Default value: FALSE

The "height" property

  "height"                   gdouble               : Read


Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "horizontal-draw-grid" property

  "horizontal-draw-grid"     gboolean              : Write

Horizontal Draw Grid.

Default value: FALSE

The "length-threshold" property

  "length-threshold"         gint                  : Write

Length Threshold.

Allowed values: >= G_MAXULONG

Default value: 0

The "minimum-width" property

  "minimum-width"            gdouble               : Read / Write

Minimum Width.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "selection-model" property

  "selection-model"          ESelectionModel*      : Write

Selection model.

The "uniform-row-height" property

  "uniform-row-height"       gboolean              : Read / Write

Uniform row height.

Default value: FALSE

The "vertical-draw-grid" property

  "vertical-draw-grid"       gboolean              : Write

Vertical Draw Grid.

Default value: FALSE

The "width" property

  "width"                    gdouble               : Read / Write


Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0