


enum                ETableCursorLoc;
struct              ETable;
ETable *            e_table_construct                   (ETable *e_table,
                                                         ETableModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_str,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);
GtkWidget *         e_table_new                         (ETableModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_str,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);
ETable *            e_table_construct_from_spec_file    (ETable *e_table,
                                                         ETableModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_fn,
                                                         const gchar *state_fn);
GtkWidget *         e_table_new_from_spec_file          (ETableModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_fn,
                                                         const gchar *state_fn);
gchar *             e_table_get_state                   (ETable *e_table);
void                e_table_save_state                  (ETable *e_table,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
ETableState *       e_table_get_state_object            (ETable *e_table);
void                e_table_set_state                   (ETable *e_table,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);
void                e_table_set_state_object            (ETable *e_table,
                                                         ETableState *state);
void                e_table_load_state                  (ETable *e_table,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
void                e_table_set_cursor_row              (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint row);
gint                e_table_get_cursor_row              (ETable *e_table);
void                e_table_selected_row_foreach        (ETable *e_table,
                                                         EForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer closure);
gint                e_table_selected_count              (ETable *e_table);
EPrintable *        e_table_get_printable               (ETable *e_table);
gint                e_table_get_next_row                (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint model_row);
gint                e_table_get_prev_row                (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint model_row);
gint                e_table_model_to_view_row           (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint model_row);
gint                e_table_view_to_model_row           (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint view_row);
void                e_table_get_cell_at                 (ETable *table,
                                                         gint x,
                                                         gint y,
                                                         gint *row_return,
                                                         gint *col_return);
void                e_table_get_mouse_over_cell         (ETable *table,
                                                         gint *row,
                                                         gint *col);
void                e_table_get_cell_geometry           (ETable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         gint *x_return,
                                                         gint *y_return,
                                                         gint *width_return,
                                                         gint *height_return);
ESelectionModel *   e_table_get_selection_model         (ETable *table);
void                e_table_drag_get_data               (ETable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkAtom target,
                                                         guint32 time);
void                e_table_drag_highlight              (ETable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col);
void                e_table_drag_unhighlight            (ETable *table);
void                e_table_drag_dest_set               (ETable *table,
                                                         GtkDestDefaults flags,
                                                         const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                                                         gint n_targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions);
void                e_table_drag_dest_set_proxy         (ETable *table,
                                                         GdkWindow *proxy_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                                                         gboolean use_coordinates);
void                e_table_drag_dest_unset             (GtkWidget *widget);
void                e_table_drag_source_set             (ETable *table,
                                                         GdkModifierType start_button_mask,
                                                         const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                                                         gint n_targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions);
void                e_table_drag_source_unset           (ETable *table);
GdkDragContext *    e_table_drag_begin                  (ETable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         GtkTargetList *targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions,
                                                         gint button,
                                                         GdkEvent *event);
void                e_table_select_all                  (ETable *table);
void                e_table_invert_selection            (ETable *table);
void                e_table_right_click_up              (ETable *table);
void                e_table_commit_click_to_add         (ETable *table);
void                e_table_freeze_state_change         (ETable *table);
void                e_table_thaw_state_change           (ETable *table);
gboolean            e_table_is_editing                  (ETable *table);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

ETable implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkScrollable.


  "always-search"            gboolean              : Read / Write
  "is-editing"               gboolean              : Read
  "length-threshold"         gint                  : Write
  "model"                    ETableModel*          : Read
  "uniform-row-height"       gboolean              : Read / Write
  "use-click-to-add"         gboolean              : Read / Write

Style Properties

  "vertical-spacing"         gint                  : Read


  "click"                                          : Run Last
  "cursor-activated"                               : Run Last
  "cursor-change"                                  : Run Last
  "double-click"                                   : Run Last
  "key-press"                                      : Run Last
  "right-click"                                    : Run Last
  "selection-change"                               : Run Last
  "start-drag"                                     : Run Last
  "state-change"                                   : Run Last
  "table-drag-begin"                               : Run Last
  "table-drag-data-delete"                         : Run Last
  "table-drag-data-get"                            : Run Last
  "table-drag-data-received"                       : Run Last
  "table-drag-drop"                                : Run Last
  "table-drag-end"                                 : Run Last
  "table-drag-leave"                               : Run Last
  "table-drag-motion"                              : Run Last
  "white-space-event"                              : Run Last




typedef struct _ETableDragSourceSite ETableDragSourceSite;

enum ETableCursorLoc

typedef enum {
} ETableCursorLoc;

struct ETable

struct ETable;

e_table_construct ()

ETable *            e_table_construct                   (ETable *e_table,
                                                         ETableModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_str,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);

This is the internal implementation of e_table_new() for use by subclasses or language bindings. See e_table_new() for details.

e_table :

The newly created ETable object.

etm :

The model for this table.

ete :

An optional ETableExtras. (NULL is valid.)

spec_str :

The spec.

state_str :

An optional state. (NULL is valid.)

Returns :

The passed in value e_table or NULL if there's an error.

e_table_new ()

GtkWidget *         e_table_new                         (ETableModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_str,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);

This function creates an ETable from the given parameters. The ETableModel is a table model to be represented. The ETableExtras is an optional set of pixbufs, cells, and sorting functions to be used when interpreting the spec. If you pass in NULL it uses the default ETableExtras. (See e_table_extras_new()).

spec is the specification of the set of viewable columns and the default sorting state and such. state is an optional string specifying the current sorting state and such. If state is NULL, then the default state from the spec will be used.

etm :

The model for this table.

ete :

An optional ETableExtras. (NULL is valid.)

spec_str :

The spec.

state_str :

An optional state. (NULL is valid.)

Returns :

The newly created ETable or NULL if there's an error.

e_table_construct_from_spec_file ()

ETable *            e_table_construct_from_spec_file    (ETable *e_table,
                                                         ETableModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_fn,
                                                         const gchar *state_fn);

This is the internal implementation of e_table_new_from_spec_file() for use by subclasses or language bindings. See e_table_new_from_spec_file() for details.

e_table :

The newly created ETable object.

etm :

The model for this table.

ete :

An optional ETableExtras. (NULL is valid.)

spec_fn :

The filename of the spec.

state_fn :

An optional state file. (NULL is valid.)

Returns :

The passed in value e_table or NULL if there's an error.

e_table_new_from_spec_file ()

GtkWidget *         e_table_new_from_spec_file          (ETableModel *etm,
                                                         ETableExtras *ete,
                                                         const gchar *spec_fn,
                                                         const gchar *state_fn);

This is very similar to e_table_new(), except instead of passing in strings you pass in the file names of the spec and state to load.

spec_fn is the filename of the spec to load. If this file doesn't exist, e_table_new_from_spec_file will return NULL.

state_fn is the filename of the initial state to load. If this is NULL or if the specified file doesn't exist, the default state from the spec file is used.

etm :

The model for this table.

ete :

An optional ETableExtras. (NULL is valid.)

spec_fn :

The filename of the spec.

state_fn :

An optional state file. (NULL is valid.)

Returns :

The newly created ETable or NULL if there's an error.

e_table_get_state ()

gchar *             e_table_get_state                   (ETable *e_table);

Builds a state object based on the current state and returns the string corresponding to that state.

e_table :

The ETable to act on.

Returns :

A string describing the current state of the ETable.

e_table_save_state ()

void                e_table_save_state                  (ETable *e_table,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

Saves the state of the e_table object into the file pointed by filename.

e_table :

The ETable to act on

filename :

name of the file to save to

e_table_get_state_object ()

ETableState *       e_table_get_state_object            (ETable *e_table);

Builds an ETableState corresponding to the current state of the ETable.

e_table :

ETable object to act on

Returns :

The ETableState object generated.

e_table_set_state ()

void                e_table_set_state                   (ETable *e_table,
                                                         const gchar *state_str);

This routine sets the state of the ETable from a string.

e_table :

The ETable object to modify

state_str :

a string representing an ETableState

e_table_set_state_object ()

void                e_table_set_state_object            (ETable *e_table,
                                                         ETableState *state);

This routine sets the state of the ETable from the given ETableState.

e_table :

The ETable object to modify

state :

The ETableState to use

e_table_load_state ()

void                e_table_load_state                  (ETable *e_table,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

This routine sets the state of the ETable from a file.

e_table :

The ETable object to modify

filename :

name of the file to use

e_table_set_cursor_row ()

void                e_table_set_cursor_row              (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint row);

Sets the cursor row and the selection to the given row number.

e_table :

The ETable to set the cursor row of

row :

The row number

e_table_get_cursor_row ()

gint                e_table_get_cursor_row              (ETable *e_table);

Calculates the cursor row. -1 means that we don't have a cursor.

e_table :

The ETable to query

Returns :

Cursor row

e_table_selected_row_foreach ()

void                e_table_selected_row_foreach        (ETable *e_table,
                                                         EForeachFunc callback,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Calls the given callback function once for every selected row.

If you change the selection or delete or add rows to the table during these callbacks, problems can occur. A standard thing to do is to create a list of rows or objects the function is called upon and then act upon that list. (In inverse order if it's rows.)

e_table :

The ETable to act on

callback :

The callback function to call

closure :

The value passed to the callback's closure argument

e_table_selected_count ()

gint                e_table_selected_count              (ETable *e_table);

Counts the number of selected rows.

e_table :

The ETable to query

Returns :

The number of rows selected.

e_table_get_printable ()

EPrintable *        e_table_get_printable               (ETable *e_table);

Used for printing your ETable.

e_table :

ETable to query

Returns :

The EPrintable to print.

e_table_get_next_row ()

gint                e_table_get_next_row                (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint model_row);

This function is used when your table is sorted, but you're using model row numbers. It returns the next row in sorted order as a model row.

e_table :

The ETable to query

model_row :

The model row to go from

Returns :

The model row number.

e_table_get_prev_row ()

gint                e_table_get_prev_row                (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint model_row);

This function is used when your table is sorted, but you're using model row numbers. It returns the previous row in sorted order as a model row.

e_table :

The ETable to query

model_row :

The model row to go from

Returns :

The model row number.

e_table_model_to_view_row ()

gint                e_table_model_to_view_row           (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint model_row);

Turns a model row into a view row.

e_table :

The ETable to query

model_row :

The model row number

Returns :

The view row number.

e_table_view_to_model_row ()

gint                e_table_view_to_model_row           (ETable *e_table,
                                                         gint view_row);

Turns a view row into a model row.

e_table :

The ETable to query

view_row :

The view row number

Returns :

The model row number.

e_table_get_cell_at ()

void                e_table_get_cell_at                 (ETable *table,
                                                         gint x,
                                                         gint y,
                                                         gint *row_return,
                                                         gint *col_return);

Return the row and column for the cell in which the pixel at (x, y) is contained.

table :

An ETable widget

x :

X coordinate for the pixel

y :

Y coordinate for the pixel

row_return :

Pointer to return the row value

col_return :

Pointer to return the column value

e_table_get_mouse_over_cell ()

void                e_table_get_mouse_over_cell         (ETable *table,
                                                         gint *row,
                                                         gint *col);

Similar to e_table_get_cell_at, only here we check based on the mouse motion information in the group.

e_table_get_cell_geometry ()

void                e_table_get_cell_geometry           (ETable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         gint *x_return,
                                                         gint *y_return,
                                                         gint *width_return,
                                                         gint *height_return);

table :

The ETable.

row :

The row to get the geometry of.

col :

The col to get the geometry of.

x_return :

Returns the x coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the cell with respect to the widget.

y_return :

Returns the y coordinate of the upper left hand corner of the cell with respect to the widget.

width_return :

Returns the width of the cell.

height_return :

Returns the height of the cell.

Returns :

the x, y, width, and height of the given cell. These can all be NULL and they just won't be set.

e_table_get_selection_model ()

ESelectionModel *   e_table_get_selection_model         (ETable *table);

Returns the table's ESelectionModel in case you want to access it directly.

table :

The ETable to query

Returns :

The ESelectionModel.

e_table_drag_get_data ()

void                e_table_drag_get_data               (ETable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         GdkDragContext *context,
                                                         GdkAtom target,
                                                         guint32 time);

e_table_drag_highlight ()

void                e_table_drag_highlight              (ETable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col);

Set col to -1 to highlight the entire row. If row is -1, this is identical to e_table_drag_unhighlight().

table :

The ETable to highlight

row :

The row number of the cell to highlight

col :

The column number of the cell to highlight

e_table_drag_unhighlight ()

void                e_table_drag_unhighlight            (ETable *table);

Removes the highlight from an ETable.

table :

The ETable to unhighlight

e_table_drag_dest_set ()

void                e_table_drag_dest_set               (ETable *table,
                                                         GtkDestDefaults flags,
                                                         const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                                                         gint n_targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions);

e_table_drag_dest_set_proxy ()

void                e_table_drag_dest_set_proxy         (ETable *table,
                                                         GdkWindow *proxy_window,
                                                         GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                                                         gboolean use_coordinates);

e_table_drag_dest_unset ()

void                e_table_drag_dest_unset             (GtkWidget *widget);

e_table_drag_source_set ()

void                e_table_drag_source_set             (ETable *table,
                                                         GdkModifierType start_button_mask,
                                                         const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                                                         gint n_targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions);

Registers this table as a drag site, and possibly adds default behaviors.

table :

The ETable to set up as a drag site

start_button_mask :

Mask of allowed buttons to start drag

targets :

Table of targets for this source

n_targets :

Number of targets in targets

actions :

Actions allowed for this source

e_table_drag_source_unset ()

void                e_table_drag_source_unset           (ETable *table);

Unregisters this ETable as a drag site.

table :

The ETable to un set up as a drag site

e_table_drag_begin ()

GdkDragContext *    e_table_drag_begin                  (ETable *table,
                                                         gint row,
                                                         gint col,
                                                         GtkTargetList *targets,
                                                         GdkDragAction actions,
                                                         gint button,
                                                         GdkEvent *event);

Start a drag from this cell.

table :

The ETable to drag from

row :

The row number of the cell

col :

The col number of the cell

targets :

The list of targets supported by the drag

actions :

The available actions supported by the drag

button :

The button held down for the drag

event :

The event that initiated the drag

Returns :

The drag context.

e_table_select_all ()

void                e_table_select_all                  (ETable *table);

Selects all the rows in table.

table :

The ETable to modify

e_table_invert_selection ()

void                e_table_invert_selection            (ETable *table);

Inverts the selection in table.

table :

The ETable to modify

e_table_right_click_up ()

void                e_table_right_click_up              (ETable *table);

Call this function when you're done handling the right click if you return TRUE from the "right_click" signal.

table :

The ETable to modify.

e_table_commit_click_to_add ()

void                e_table_commit_click_to_add         (ETable *table);

Commits the current values in the click to add to the table.

table :

The ETable to modify

e_table_freeze_state_change ()

void                e_table_freeze_state_change         (ETable *table);

e_table_thaw_state_change ()

void                e_table_thaw_state_change           (ETable *table);

e_table_is_editing ()

gboolean            e_table_is_editing                  (ETable *table);

Property Details

The "always-search" property

  "always-search"            gboolean              : Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The "is-editing" property

  "is-editing"               gboolean              : Read

Whether is in an editing mode.

Default value: FALSE

The "length-threshold" property

  "length-threshold"         gint                  : Write

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "model" property

  "model"                    ETableModel*          : Read

The "uniform-row-height" property

  "uniform-row-height"       gboolean              : Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The "use-click-to-add" property

  "use-click-to-add"         gboolean              : Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

Style Property Details

The "vertical-spacing" style property

  "vertical-spacing"         gint                  : Read

Vertical space between rows. It is added to top and to bottom of a row.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 3

Signal Details

The "click" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETable   *etable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg3,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "cursor-activated" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable  *etable,
                                                        gint     arg1,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

The "cursor-change" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable  *etable,
                                                        gint     arg1,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

The "double-click" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable   *etable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg3,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "key-press" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETable   *etable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg3,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "right-click" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETable   *etable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg3,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "selection-change" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable  *etable,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

The "start-drag" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETable   *etable,
                                                        gint      arg1,
                                                        gint      arg2,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg3,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last

The "state-change" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable  *etable,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

The "table-drag-begin" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable         *etable,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gint            arg2,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg3,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "table-drag-data-delete" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable         *etable,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gint            arg2,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg3,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "table-drag-data-get" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable           *etable,
                                                        gint              arg1,
                                                        gint              arg2,
                                                        GdkDragContext   *arg3,
                                                        GtkSelectionData *arg4,
                                                        guint             arg5,
                                                        guint             arg6,
                                                        gpointer          user_data)      : Run Last

The "table-drag-data-received" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable           *etable,
                                                        gint              arg1,
                                                        gint              arg2,
                                                        GdkDragContext   *arg3,
                                                        gint              arg4,
                                                        gint              arg5,
                                                        GtkSelectionData *arg6,
                                                        guint             arg7,
                                                        guint             arg8,
                                                        gpointer          user_data)      : Run Last

The "table-drag-drop" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETable         *etable,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gint            arg2,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg3,
                                                        gint            arg4,
                                                        gint            arg5,
                                                        guint           arg6,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "table-drag-end" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable         *etable,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gint            arg2,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg3,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "table-drag-leave" signal

void                user_function                      (ETable         *etable,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gint            arg2,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg3,
                                                        guint           arg4,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "table-drag-motion" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETable         *etable,
                                                        gint            arg1,
                                                        gint            arg2,
                                                        GdkDragContext *arg3,
                                                        gint            arg4,
                                                        gint            arg5,
                                                        guint           arg6,
                                                        gpointer        user_data)      : Run Last

The "white-space-event" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (ETable   *etable,
                                                        GdkEvent *arg1,
                                                        gpointer  user_data)      : Run Last