


struct              EMap;
struct              EMapPoint;
EMap *              e_map_new                           (void);
void                e_map_freeze                        (EMap *map);
void                e_map_thaw                          (EMap *map);
void                e_map_window_to_world               (EMap *map,
                                                         gdouble win_x,
                                                         gdouble win_y,
                                                         gdouble *world_longitude,
                                                         gdouble *world_latitude);
void                e_map_world_to_window               (EMap *map,
                                                         gdouble world_longitude,
                                                         gdouble world_latitude,
                                                         gdouble *win_x,
                                                         gdouble *win_y);
gdouble             e_map_get_magnification             (EMap *map);
void                e_map_set_smooth_zoom               (EMap *map,
                                                         gboolean state);
gboolean            e_map_get_smooth_zoom               (EMap *map);
void                e_map_zoom_to_location              (EMap *map,
                                                         gdouble longitude,
                                                         gdouble latitude);
void                e_map_zoom_out                      (EMap *map);
EMapPoint *         e_map_add_point                     (EMap *map,
                                                         gchar *name,
                                                         gdouble longitude,
                                                         gdouble latitude,
                                                         guint32 color_rgba);
void                e_map_remove_point                  (EMap *map,
                                                         EMapPoint *point);
void                e_map_point_get_location            (EMapPoint *point,
                                                         gdouble *longitude,
                                                         gdouble *latitude);
gchar *             e_map_point_get_name                (EMapPoint *point);
guint32             e_map_point_get_color_rgba          (EMapPoint *point);
void                e_map_point_set_color_rgba          (EMap *map,
                                                         EMapPoint *point,
                                                         guint32 color_rgba);
void                e_map_point_set_data                (EMapPoint *point,
                                                         gpointer data);
gpointer            e_map_point_get_data                (EMapPoint *point);
gboolean            e_map_point_is_in_view              (EMap *map,
                                                         EMapPoint *point);
EMapPoint *         e_map_get_closest_point             (EMap *map,
                                                         gdouble longitude,
                                                         gdouble latitude,
                                                         gboolean in_view);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

EMap implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkScrollable.



struct EMap

struct EMap;

struct EMapPoint

struct EMapPoint {
	gchar *name;  /* Can be NULL */
	gdouble longitude, latitude;
	guint32 rgba;
	gpointer user_data;

e_map_new ()

EMap *              e_map_new                           (void);

Creates a new empty map widget.

Returns :

A newly-created map widget.

e_map_freeze ()

void                e_map_freeze                        (EMap *map);

e_map_thaw ()

void                e_map_thaw                          (EMap *map);

e_map_window_to_world ()

void                e_map_window_to_world               (EMap *map,
                                                         gdouble win_x,
                                                         gdouble win_y,
                                                         gdouble *world_longitude,
                                                         gdouble *world_latitude);

e_map_world_to_window ()

void                e_map_world_to_window               (EMap *map,
                                                         gdouble world_longitude,
                                                         gdouble world_latitude,
                                                         gdouble *win_x,
                                                         gdouble *win_y);

e_map_get_magnification ()

gdouble             e_map_get_magnification             (EMap *map);

e_map_set_smooth_zoom ()

void                e_map_set_smooth_zoom               (EMap *map,
                                                         gboolean state);

e_map_get_smooth_zoom ()

gboolean            e_map_get_smooth_zoom               (EMap *map);

e_map_zoom_to_location ()

void                e_map_zoom_to_location              (EMap *map,
                                                         gdouble longitude,
                                                         gdouble latitude);

e_map_zoom_out ()

void                e_map_zoom_out                      (EMap *map);

e_map_add_point ()

EMapPoint *         e_map_add_point                     (EMap *map,
                                                         gchar *name,
                                                         gdouble longitude,
                                                         gdouble latitude,
                                                         guint32 color_rgba);

e_map_remove_point ()

void                e_map_remove_point                  (EMap *map,
                                                         EMapPoint *point);

e_map_point_get_location ()

void                e_map_point_get_location            (EMapPoint *point,
                                                         gdouble *longitude,
                                                         gdouble *latitude);

e_map_point_get_name ()

gchar *             e_map_point_get_name                (EMapPoint *point);

e_map_point_get_color_rgba ()

guint32             e_map_point_get_color_rgba          (EMapPoint *point);

e_map_point_set_color_rgba ()

void                e_map_point_set_color_rgba          (EMap *map,
                                                         EMapPoint *point,
                                                         guint32 color_rgba);

e_map_point_set_data ()

void                e_map_point_set_data                (EMapPoint *point,
                                                         gpointer data);

e_map_point_get_data ()

gpointer            e_map_point_get_data                (EMapPoint *point);

e_map_point_is_in_view ()

gboolean            e_map_point_is_in_view              (EMap *map,
                                                         EMapPoint *point);

e_map_get_closest_point ()

EMapPoint *         e_map_get_closest_point             (EMap *map,
                                                         gdouble longitude,
                                                         gdouble latitude,
                                                         gboolean in_view);