


struct              EFilterPart;
EFilterPart *       e_filter_part_new                   (void);
gboolean            e_filter_part_validate              (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         EAlert **alert);
gint                e_filter_part_eq                    (EFilterPart *part_a,
                                                         EFilterPart *part_b);
gint                e_filter_part_xml_create            (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         xmlNodePtr node,
                                                         struct _ERuleContext *rc);
xmlNodePtr          e_filter_part_xml_encode            (EFilterPart *fe);
gint                e_filter_part_xml_decode            (EFilterPart *fe,
                                                         xmlNodePtr node);
EFilterPart *       e_filter_part_clone                 (EFilterPart *part);
void                e_filter_part_copy_values           (EFilterPart *dst_part,
                                                         EFilterPart *src_part);
EFilterElement *    e_filter_part_find_element          (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         const gchar *name);
GtkWidget *         e_filter_part_get_widget            (EFilterPart *part);
void                e_filter_part_build_code            (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         GString *out);
void                e_filter_part_expand_code           (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         const gchar *str,
                                                         GString *out);
void                e_filter_part_build_code_list       (GList *list,
                                                         GString *out);
EFilterPart *       e_filter_part_find_list             (GList *list,
                                                         const gchar *name);
EFilterPart *       e_filter_part_next_list             (GList *list,
                                                         EFilterPart *last);

Object Hierarchy




struct EFilterPart

struct EFilterPart;

e_filter_part_new ()

EFilterPart *       e_filter_part_new                   (void);

Create a new EFilterPart object.

Returns :

A new EFilterPart object.

e_filter_part_validate ()

gboolean            e_filter_part_validate              (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         EAlert **alert);

e_filter_part_eq ()

gint                e_filter_part_eq                    (EFilterPart *part_a,
                                                         EFilterPart *part_b);

e_filter_part_xml_create ()

gint                e_filter_part_xml_create            (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         xmlNodePtr node,
                                                         struct _ERuleContext *rc);

e_filter_part_xml_encode ()

xmlNodePtr          e_filter_part_xml_encode            (EFilterPart *fe);

e_filter_part_xml_decode ()

gint                e_filter_part_xml_decode            (EFilterPart *fe,
                                                         xmlNodePtr node);

e_filter_part_clone ()

EFilterPart *       e_filter_part_clone                 (EFilterPart *part);

e_filter_part_copy_values ()

void                e_filter_part_copy_values           (EFilterPart *dst_part,
                                                         EFilterPart *src_part);

e_filter_part_find_element ()

EFilterElement *    e_filter_part_find_element          (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         const gchar *name);

e_filter_part_get_widget ()

GtkWidget *         e_filter_part_get_widget            (EFilterPart *part);

e_filter_part_build_code ()

void                e_filter_part_build_code            (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         GString *out);

Outputs the code of a part.

e_filter_part_expand_code ()

void                e_filter_part_expand_code           (EFilterPart *part,
                                                         const gchar *str,
                                                         GString *out);

Expands the variables in string str based on the values of the part.

e_filter_part_build_code_list ()

void                e_filter_part_build_code_list       (GList *list,
                                                         GString *out);

Construct a list of the filter parts code into a single string.

e_filter_part_find_list ()

EFilterPart *       e_filter_part_find_list             (GList *list,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Find a filter part stored in a list.

e_filter_part_next_list ()

EFilterPart *       e_filter_part_next_list             (GList *list,
                                                         EFilterPart *last);

Iterate through a filter part list.

last :

The last item retrieved, or NULL to start from the beginning of the list.

Returns :

The next value in the list, or NULL if the list is expired.