


struct              ECellToggle;
ECell *             e_cell_toggle_new                   (const gchar **icon_names,
                                                         guint n_icon_names);
void                e_cell_toggle_construct             (ECellToggle *cell_toggle,
                                                         const gchar **icon_names,
                                                         guint n_icon_names);
GPtrArray *         e_cell_toggle_get_pixbufs           (ECellToggle *cell_toggle);

Object Hierarchy




struct ECellToggle

struct ECellToggle;

e_cell_toggle_new ()

ECell *             e_cell_toggle_new                   (const gchar **icon_names,
                                                         guint n_icon_names);

Creates a new ECell renderer that can be used to render toggle buttons with the icons specified in icon_names. The value returned by ETableModel::get_value is typecast into an integer and clamped to the [0..n_icon_names) range. That will select the image rendered.

NULL elements in icon_names will show no icon for the corresponding integer value.

icon_names :

array of icon names, some of which may be NULL

n_icon_names :

length of the icon_names array

Returns :

an ECell object that can be used to render multi-state toggle cells.

e_cell_toggle_construct ()

void                e_cell_toggle_construct             (ECellToggle *cell_toggle,
                                                         const gchar **icon_names,
                                                         guint n_icon_names);

Constructs the cell_toggle object with the icon_names and n_icon_names arguments.

cell_toggle :

a fresh ECellToggle object

icon_names :

array of icon names, some of which may be NULL

n_icon_names :

length of the icon_names array

e_cell_toggle_get_pixbufs ()

GPtrArray *         e_cell_toggle_get_pixbufs           (ECellToggle *cell_toggle);