


#define             E_ALERT_NO_SAVE_FILE
#define             E_ALERT_NO_LOAD_FILE
struct              EAlert;
EAlert *            e_alert_new                         (const gchar *tag,
EAlert *            e_alert_new_valist                  (const gchar *tag,
                                                         va_list va);
EAlert *            e_alert_new_array                   (const gchar *tag,
                                                         GPtrArray *args);
gint                e_alert_get_default_response        (EAlert *alert);
void                e_alert_set_default_response        (EAlert *alert,
                                                         gint response_id);
GtkMessageType      e_alert_get_message_type            (EAlert *alert);
void                e_alert_set_message_type            (EAlert *alert,
                                                         GtkMessageType message_type);
const gchar *       e_alert_get_primary_text            (EAlert *alert);
void                e_alert_set_primary_text            (EAlert *alert,
                                                         const gchar *primary_text);
const gchar *       e_alert_get_secondary_text          (EAlert *alert);
void                e_alert_set_secondary_text          (EAlert *alert,
                                                         const gchar *secondary_text);
const gchar *       e_alert_get_stock_id                (EAlert *alert);
void                e_alert_add_action                  (EAlert *alert,
                                                         GtkAction *action,
                                                         gint response_id);
GList *             e_alert_peek_actions                (EAlert *alert);
GtkWidget *         e_alert_create_image                (EAlert *alert,
                                                         GtkIconSize size);
void                e_alert_response                    (EAlert *alert,
                                                         gint response_id);
void                e_alert_start_timer                 (EAlert *alert,
                                                         guint seconds);
void                e_alert_submit                      (struct _EAlertSink *alert_sink,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
void                e_alert_submit_valist               (struct _EAlertSink *alert_sink,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         va_list va);

Object Hierarchy



  "args"                     GPtrArray*            : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "message-type"             GtkMessageType        : Read / Write
  "primary-text"             gchar*                : Read / Write
  "secondary-text"           gchar*                : Read / Write
  "tag"                      gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only


  "response"                                       : Run Last






#define E_ALERT_NO_SAVE_FILE "system:no-save-file"


#define E_ALERT_NO_LOAD_FILE "system:no-save-file"

struct EAlert

struct EAlert;

e_alert_new ()

EAlert *            e_alert_new                         (const gchar *tag,

Creates a new EAlert. The tag argument is used to determine which alert to use, it is in the format domain:alert-id. The NULL terminated list of arguments is used to fill out the alert definition.

tag :

alert identifier

... :

NULL-terminated argument list

Returns :

a new EAlert

e_alert_new_valist ()

EAlert *            e_alert_new_valist                  (const gchar *tag,
                                                         va_list va);

e_alert_new_array ()

EAlert *            e_alert_new_array                   (const gchar *tag,
                                                         GPtrArray *args);

e_alert_get_default_response ()

gint                e_alert_get_default_response        (EAlert *alert);

e_alert_set_default_response ()

void                e_alert_set_default_response        (EAlert *alert,
                                                         gint response_id);

e_alert_get_message_type ()

GtkMessageType      e_alert_get_message_type            (EAlert *alert);

e_alert_set_message_type ()

void                e_alert_set_message_type            (EAlert *alert,
                                                         GtkMessageType message_type);

e_alert_get_primary_text ()

const gchar *       e_alert_get_primary_text            (EAlert *alert);

e_alert_set_primary_text ()

void                e_alert_set_primary_text            (EAlert *alert,
                                                         const gchar *primary_text);

e_alert_get_secondary_text ()

const gchar *       e_alert_get_secondary_text          (EAlert *alert);

e_alert_set_secondary_text ()

void                e_alert_set_secondary_text          (EAlert *alert,
                                                         const gchar *secondary_text);

e_alert_get_stock_id ()

const gchar *       e_alert_get_stock_id                (EAlert *alert);

e_alert_add_action ()

void                e_alert_add_action                  (EAlert *alert,
                                                         GtkAction *action,
                                                         gint response_id);

e_alert_peek_actions ()

GList *             e_alert_peek_actions                (EAlert *alert);

e_alert_create_image ()

GtkWidget *         e_alert_create_image                (EAlert *alert,
                                                         GtkIconSize size);

e_alert_response ()

void                e_alert_response                    (EAlert *alert,
                                                         gint response_id);

e_alert_start_timer ()

void                e_alert_start_timer                 (EAlert *alert,
                                                         guint seconds);

Starts an internal timer for alert. When the timer expires, alert will emit the default response. There is only one timer per EAlert, so calling this function repeatedly on the same EAlert will restart its timer each time. If seconds is zero, the timer is cancelled and no response will be emitted.

alert :

an EAlert

seconds :

seconds until timeout occurs

e_alert_submit ()

void                e_alert_submit                      (struct _EAlertSink *alert_sink,
                                                         const gchar *tag,

e_alert_submit_valist ()

void                e_alert_submit_valist               (struct _EAlertSink *alert_sink,
                                                         const gchar *tag,
                                                         va_list va);

Property Details

The "args" property

  "args"                     GPtrArray*            : Read / Write / Construct Only

Arguments for formatting the alert.

The "message-type" property

  "message-type"             GtkMessageType        : Read / Write

Default value: GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR

The "primary-text" property

  "primary-text"             gchar*                : Read / Write

Default value: NULL

The "secondary-text" property

  "secondary-text"           gchar*                : Read / Write

Default value: NULL

The "tag" property

  "tag"                      gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

A tag describing the alert.

Default value: ""

Signal Details

The "response" signal

void                user_function                      (EAlert  *ealert,
                                                        gint     arg1,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last