
EShellView — views within the main window


#include <shell/e-shell-view.h>

struct              EShellView;
struct              EShellViewClass;
const gchar *       e_shell_view_get_name               (EShellView *shell_view);
GtkAction *         e_shell_view_get_action             (EShellView *shell_view);
const gchar *       e_shell_view_get_title              (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_set_title              (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         const gchar *title);
const gchar *       e_shell_view_get_view_id            (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_set_view_id            (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         const gchar *view_id);
gboolean            e_shell_view_is_active              (EShellView *shell_view);
gint                e_shell_view_get_page_num           (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_set_page_num           (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         gint page_num);
GtkWidget *         e_shell_view_get_searchbar          (EShellView *shell_view);
gchar *             e_shell_view_get_search_name        (EShellView *shell_view);
EFilterRule *       e_shell_view_get_search_rule        (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_set_search_rule        (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         EFilterRule *search_rule);
gchar *             e_shell_view_get_search_query       (EShellView *shell_view);
EShellBackend *     e_shell_view_get_shell_backend      (EShellView *shell_view);
EShellContent *     e_shell_view_get_shell_content      (EShellView *shell_view);
EShellSidebar *     e_shell_view_get_shell_sidebar      (EShellView *shell_view);
EShellTaskbar *     e_shell_view_get_shell_taskbar      (EShellView *shell_view);
EShellWindow *      e_shell_view_get_shell_window       (EShellView *shell_view);
GKeyFile *          e_shell_view_get_state_key_file     (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_set_state_dirty        (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_clear_search           (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_custom_search          (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         EFilterRule *custom_rule);
void                e_shell_view_execute_search         (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_block_execute_search   (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_unblock_execute_search (EShellView *shell_view);
gboolean            e_shell_view_is_execute_search_blocked
                                                        (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_update_actions         (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_block_update_actions   (EShellView *shell_view);
void                e_shell_view_unblock_update_actions (EShellView *shell_view);
GtkWidget *         e_shell_view_show_popup_menu        (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         const gchar *widget_path,
                                                         GdkEvent *button_event);
GalViewInstance *   e_shell_view_new_view_instance      (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         const gchar *instance_id);
void                e_shell_view_write_source           (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         ESource *source);
void                e_shell_view_remove_source          (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         ESource *source);
void                e_shell_view_remote_delete_source   (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         ESource *source);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

EShellView implements EExtensible.


  "action"                   GtkRadioAction*       : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "page-num"                 gint                  : Read / Write
  "search-rule"              EFilterRule*          : Read / Write
  "shell-backend"            EShellBackend*        : Read
  "shell-content"            EShellContent*        : Read
  "shell-sidebar"            EShellSidebar*        : Read
  "shell-taskbar"            EShellTaskbar*        : Read
  "shell-window"             EShellWindow*         : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "state-key-file"           gpointer              : Read
  "title"                    gchar*                : Read / Write
  "view-id"                  gchar*                : Read / Write


  "clear-search"                                   : Run Last
  "custom-search"                                  : Run Last
  "execute-search"                                 : Run First
  "toggled"                                        : Run First
  "update-actions"                                 : Run First



struct EShellView

struct EShellView;

Contains only private data that should be read and manipulated using the functions below.

struct EShellViewClass

struct EShellViewClass {
	GObjectClass parent_class;

	/* Initial switcher action values. */
	const gchar *label;
	const gchar *icon_name;

	/* Base name of the UI definition file. */
	const gchar *ui_definition;

	/* GtkUIManager identifier for use with EPluginUI.
	 * Usually "org.gnome.evolution.$(VIEW_NAME)". */
	const gchar *ui_manager_id;

	/* Search context.  Subclasses may override the type.
	 * A unique instance is created for each subclass. */
	GType search_context_type;
	ERuleContext *search_context;

	/* Widget path to the search options popup menu. */
	const gchar *search_options;

	/* Base name of the search rule definition file. */
	const gchar *search_rules;

	/* A unique instance is created for each subclass. */
	GalViewCollection *view_collection;

	/* This is set by the corresponding EShellBackend. */
	EShellBackend *shell_backend;

	/* Factory Methods */
	GtkWidget * (*new_shell_content) (EShellView *shell_view);
	GtkWidget * (*new_shell_sidebar) (EShellView *shell_view);
	GtkWidget * (*new_shell_taskbar) (EShellView *shell_view);
	GtkWidget * (*new_shell_searchbar) (EShellView *shell_view);

	/* Create, configure and pack a search bar widget. */
	GtkWidget * (*construct_searchbar) (EShellView *shell_view);
	gchar *		(*get_search_name) (EShellView *shell_view);

	/* Signals */
	void		(*toggled)		(EShellView *shell_view);
	void		(*clear_search)		(EShellView *shell_view);
	void		(*custom_search) (EShellView *shell_view,
						 EFilterRule *custom_rule);
	void		(*execute_search) (EShellView *shell_view);
	void		(*update_actions) (EShellView *shell_view);

EShellViewClass contains a number of important settings for subclasses.

GObjectClass parent_class;

The parent class structure.

const gchar *label;

The initial value for the switcher action's "label" property. See e_shell_view_get_action().

const gchar *icon_name;

The initial value for the switcher action's "icon-name" property. See e_shell_view_get_action().

const gchar *ui_definition;

Base name of the UI definintion file to add when the shell view is activated.

const gchar *ui_manager_id;

The GtkUIManager ID for EPluginUI. Plugins should use to this ID in their "eplug" files to add menu and toolbar items to the shell view.

GType search_context_type;

GType of the search context, which should be an instance of ERuleContextClass or a custom subclass.

ERuleContext *search_context;

A unique search_context_type instance is created automatically for each subclass and shared across all instances of that subclass.

const gchar *search_options;

Widget path in the UI definition to the search options popup menu. The menu gets shown when the user clicks the "find" icon in the search entry.

const gchar *search_rules;

Base name of the XML file containing predefined search rules for this shell view. The XML files are usually named something like <filename> <emphasis>view</emphasis>types.xml</filename>.

GalViewCollection *view_collection;

A unique GalViewCollection instance is created for each subclass and shared across all instances of that subclass. That much is done automatically for subclasses, but subclasses are still responsible for adding the appropriate GalView factories to the view collection.

EShellBackend *shell_backend;

The corresponding EShellBackend for the shell view.

new_shell_content ()

Factory method for the shell view's EShellContent. See e_shell_view_get_shell_content().

new_shell_sidebar ()

Factory method for the shell view's EShellSidebar. See e_shell_view_get_shell_sidebar().

new_shell_taskbar ()

Factory method for the shell view's EShellTaskbar. See e_shell_view_get_shell_taskbar().

new_shell_searchbar ()

Factory method for the shell view's EShellSearchbar. See e_shell_view_get_searchbar().

construct_searchbar ()

Class method to create, configure and pack a search bar widget. The search bar differs in normal shell mode versus "express" mode.

get_search_name ()

Class method to obtain a suitable name for the current search criteria. Subclasses should rarely need to override the default behavior.

toggled ()

Class method for the "toggled" signal. Subclasses should rarely need to override the default behavior.

clear_search ()

Class method for the "clear-search" signal. The default method sets the "search-rule" to NULL and then emits the "execute-search" signal.

custom_search ()

Class method for the "custom-search" signal. This is emitted prior to executing an advanced or saved search. The default method sets the "search-rule" property and then emits the "execute-search" signal.

execute_search ()

Class method for the "execute-search" signal. There is no default behavior; subclasses should override this.

update_actions ()

Class method for the "update-actions" signal. There is no default behavior; subclasses should override this.

e_shell_view_get_name ()

const gchar *       e_shell_view_get_name               (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the view name for shell_view, which is also the name of the corresponding EShellBackend (see the <structfield>name</structfield> field in EShellBackendInfo).

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the view name for shell_view

e_shell_view_get_action ()

GtkAction *         e_shell_view_get_action             (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the switcher action for shell_view.

An EShellWindow creates a GtkRadioAction for each registered subclass of EShellView. This action gets passed to the EShellSwitcher, which displays a button that proxies the action. The icon at the top of the sidebar also proxies the action. When shell_view is active, the action's icon becomes the EShellWindow icon.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the switcher action for shell_view

e_shell_view_get_title ()

const gchar *       e_shell_view_get_title              (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the title for shell_view. When shell_view is active, the shell view's title becomes the EShellWindow title.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the title for shell_view

e_shell_view_set_title ()

void                e_shell_view_set_title              (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         const gchar *title);

Sets the title for shell_view. When shell_view is active, the shell view's title becomes the EShellWindow title.

shell_view :

an EShellView

title :

a title for shell_view

e_shell_view_get_view_id ()

const gchar *       e_shell_view_get_view_id            (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the ID of the currently selected GalView.

EShellView subclasses are responsible for keeping this property in sync with their GalViewInstance. EShellView itself just provides a place to store the view ID, and emits a "notify" signal when the property changes.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the ID of the current GalView

e_shell_view_set_view_id ()

void                e_shell_view_set_view_id            (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         const gchar *view_id);

Selects the GalView whose ID is equal to view_id.

EShellView subclasses are responsible for keeping this property in sync with their GalViewInstance. EShellView itself just provides a place to store the view ID, and emits a "notify" signal when the property changes.

shell_view :

an EShellView

view_id :

a GalView ID

e_shell_view_is_active ()

gboolean            e_shell_view_is_active              (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns TRUE if shell_view is active. That is, if it's currently visible in its EShellWindow. An EShellWindow can only display one shell view at a time.

Technically this just checks the "active" property of the shell view's switcher action. See e_shell_view_get_action().

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

TRUE if shell_view is active

e_shell_view_get_page_num ()

gint                e_shell_view_get_page_num           (EShellView *shell_view);

This function is only interesting to EShellWindow. It returns the GtkNotebook page number for shell_view. The rest of the application should have no need for this.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the notebook page number for shell_view

e_shell_view_set_page_num ()

void                e_shell_view_set_page_num           (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         gint page_num);

This function is only interesting to EShellWindow. It sets the GtkNotebook page number for shell_view. The rest of the application must never call this because it could mess up shell view switching.

shell_view :

an EShellView

page_num :

a notebook page number

e_shell_view_get_searchbar ()

GtkWidget *         e_shell_view_get_searchbar          (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the searchbar widget for shell_view.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the searchbar widget for shell_view

e_shell_view_get_search_name ()

gchar *             e_shell_view_get_search_name        (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns a newly-allocated string containing a suitable name for the current search criteria. This is used as the suggested name in the Save Search dialog. Free the returned string with g_free().

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

a name for the current search criteria

e_shell_view_get_search_rule ()

EFilterRule *       e_shell_view_get_search_rule        (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the search criteria used to generate the current search results.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the current search criteria

e_shell_view_set_search_rule ()

void                e_shell_view_set_search_rule        (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         EFilterRule *search_rule);

Sets the search criteria used to generate the current search results. Note that this will not trigger a search. e_shell_view_execute_search() must be called explicitly.

shell_view :

an EShellView

search_rule :

an EFilterRule

e_shell_view_get_search_query ()

gchar *             e_shell_view_get_search_query       (EShellView *shell_view);

Converts the "search-rule" property to a newly-allocated S-expression string. If the "search-rule" property is NULL the function returns NULL.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

an S-expression string, or NULL

e_shell_view_get_shell_backend ()

EShellBackend *     e_shell_view_get_shell_backend      (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the corresponding EShellBackend for shell_view.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the corresponding EShellBackend for shell_view

e_shell_view_get_shell_content ()

EShellContent *     e_shell_view_get_shell_content      (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the EShellContent instance for shell_view.

By default, EShellView creates a plain EShellContent during initialization. But EShellView subclasses can override the <structfield>new_shell_content</structfield> factory method in EShellViewClass to create a custom EShellContent.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the EShellContent instance for shell_view

e_shell_view_get_shell_sidebar ()

EShellSidebar *     e_shell_view_get_shell_sidebar      (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the EShellSidebar instance for shell_view.

By default, EShellView creates a plain EShellSidebar during initialization. But EShellView subclasses can override the <structfield>new_shell_sidebar</structfield> factory method in EShellViewClass to create a custom EShellSidebar.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the EShellSidebar instance for shell_view

e_shell_view_get_shell_taskbar ()

EShellTaskbar *     e_shell_view_get_shell_taskbar      (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the EShellTaskbar instance for shell_view.

By default, EShellView creates a plain EShellTaskbar during initialization. But EShellView subclasses can override the <structfield>new_shell_taskbar</structfield> factory method in EShellViewClass to create a custom EShellTaskbar.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the EShellTaskbar instance for shell_view

e_shell_view_get_shell_window ()

EShellWindow *      e_shell_view_get_shell_window       (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the EShellWindow to which shell_view belongs.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the EShellWindow to which shell_view belongs

e_shell_view_get_state_key_file ()

GKeyFile *          e_shell_view_get_state_key_file     (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns the GKeyFile holding widget state data for shell_view.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

the GKeyFile for shell_view

e_shell_view_set_state_dirty ()

void                e_shell_view_set_state_dirty        (EShellView *shell_view);

Marks the widget state data as modified (or "dirty") and schedules it to be saved to disk after a short delay. The delay caps the frequency of saving to disk.

shell_view :

an EShellView

e_shell_view_clear_search ()

void                e_shell_view_clear_search           (EShellView *shell_view);

Emits the "clear-search" signal.

The default method sets the "search-rule" property to NULL and then emits the "execute-search" signal.

shell_view :

an EShellView

e_shell_view_custom_search ()

void                e_shell_view_custom_search          (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         EFilterRule *custom_rule);

Emits the "custom-search" signal to indicate an advanced or saved search is about to be executed.

The default method sets the "search-rule" property to custom_rule and then emits the "execute-search" signal.

shell_view :

an EShellView

custom_rule :

an EFilterRule

e_shell_view_execute_search ()

void                e_shell_view_execute_search         (EShellView *shell_view);

Emits the "execute-search" signal.

EShellView subclasses should implement the <structfield>execute_search</structfield> method in EShellViewClass to execute a search based on the current search conditions.

shell_view :

an EShellView

e_shell_view_block_execute_search ()

void                e_shell_view_block_execute_search   (EShellView *shell_view);

Blocks e_shell_view_execute_search() in a way it does nothing. Pair function for this is e_shell_view_unblock_execute_search().

shell_view :

an EShellView

e_shell_view_unblock_execute_search ()

void                e_shell_view_unblock_execute_search (EShellView *shell_view);

Unblocks previously blocked e_shell_view_execute_search() with function e_shell_view_block_execute_search().

shell_view :

an EShellView

e_shell_view_is_execute_search_blocked ()

gboolean            e_shell_view_is_execute_search_blocked
                                                        (EShellView *shell_view);

Returns whether e_shell_view_execute_search() is blocked as a result of previous e_shell_view_block_execute_search() calls.

shell_view :

an EShellView

Returns :

TRUE if e_shell_view_execute_search() is blocked

e_shell_view_update_actions ()

void                e_shell_view_update_actions         (EShellView *shell_view);

Emits the "update-actions" signal.

EShellView subclasses should implement the <structfield>update_actions</structfield> method in EShellViewClass to update the various GtkAction<!-- -->s based on the current EShellSidebar and EShellContent selections. The "update-actions" signal is typically emitted just before showing a popup menu or just after the user selects an item in the shell view.

Emission can be blocked by e_shell_view_block_update_actions().

shell_view :

an EShellView

e_shell_view_block_update_actions ()

void                e_shell_view_block_update_actions   (EShellView *shell_view);

Block emission of "update-actions" signal through e_shell_view_update_actions(). The emission si blocked until e_shell_view_unblock_update_actions() is called same times as this function.

shell_view :

an EShellView

e_shell_view_unblock_update_actions ()

void                e_shell_view_unblock_update_actions (EShellView *shell_view);

Unblock emission of "update-actions" signal through e_shell_view_update_actions(), previously blocked by function e_shell_view_block_update_actions().

shell_view :

an EShellView

e_shell_view_show_popup_menu ()

GtkWidget *         e_shell_view_show_popup_menu        (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         const gchar *widget_path,
                                                         GdkEvent *button_event);

Displays a context-sensitive (or "popup") menu that is described in the UI definition loaded into shell_view<!-- -->'s user interface manager. The menu will be shown at the current mouse cursor position.

The "update-actions" signal is emitted just prior to showing the menu to give shell_view and any plugins that extend shell_view a chance to update the menu's actions.

shell_view :

an EShellView

widget_path :

path in the UI definition

button_event :

a GdkEvent, or NULL

Returns :

the popup menu being displayed

e_shell_view_new_view_instance ()

GalViewInstance *   e_shell_view_new_view_instance      (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         const gchar *instance_id);

Creates a new GalViewInstance and configures it to keep shell_view<!-- -->'s "view-id" property up-to-date.

shell_view :

an EShellView

instance_id :

a name for the GalViewInstance

Returns :

a new GalViewInstance

e_shell_view_write_source ()

void                e_shell_view_write_source           (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         ESource *source);

Submits the current contents of source to the D-Bus service to be written to disk and broadcast to other clients.

This function does not block: shell_view will dispatch the operation asynchronously and handle any errors.

shell_view :

an EShellView

source :

an ESource

e_shell_view_remove_source ()

void                e_shell_view_remove_source          (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         ESource *source);

Requests the D-Bus service to delete the key files for source and all of its descendants and broadcast their removal to all clients.

This function does not block: shell_view will dispatch the operation asynchronously and handle any errors.

shell_view :

an EShellView

source :

the ESource to be removed

e_shell_view_remote_delete_source ()

void                e_shell_view_remote_delete_source   (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                         ESource *source);

Deletes the resource represented by source from a remote server. The source must be "remote-deletable". This will also delete the key file for source and broadcast its removal to all clients, similar to e_shell_view_remove_source().

This function does not block; shell_view will dispatch the operation asynchronously and handle any errors.

shell_view :

an EShellView

source :

an ESource

Property Details

The "action" property

  "action"                   GtkRadioAction*       : Read / Write / Construct Only

The GtkRadioAction registered with EShellSwitcher.

The "page-num" property

  "page-num"                 gint                  : Read / Write

The GtkNotebook page number of the shell view.

Allowed values: >= G_MAXULONG

Default value: -1

The "search-rule" property

  "search-rule"              EFilterRule*          : Read / Write

Criteria for the current search results.

The "shell-backend" property

  "shell-backend"            EShellBackend*        : Read

The EShellBackend for this shell view.

The "shell-content" property

  "shell-content"            EShellContent*        : Read

The content widget appears in an EShellWindow<!-- -->'s right pane.

The "shell-sidebar" property

  "shell-sidebar"            EShellSidebar*        : Read

The sidebar widget appears in an EShellWindow<!-- -->'s left pane.

The "shell-taskbar" property

  "shell-taskbar"            EShellTaskbar*        : Read

The taskbar widget appears at the bottom of an EShellWindow.

The "shell-window" property

  "shell-window"             EShellWindow*         : Read / Write / Construct Only

The EShellWindow to which the shell view belongs.

The "state-key-file" property

  "state-key-file"           gpointer              : Read

The GKeyFile holding widget state data.

The "title" property

  "title"                    gchar*                : Read / Write

The title of the shell view. Also serves as the EShellWindow title when the shell view is active.

Default value: NULL

The "view-id" property

  "view-id"                  gchar*                : Read / Write

The current GalView ID.

Default value: NULL

Signal Details

The "clear-search" signal

void                user_function                      (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                        gpointer    user_data)       : Run Last

Clears the current search. See e_shell_view_clear_search() for details.

shell_view :

the EShellView which emitted the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "custom-search" signal

void                user_function                      (EShellView  *shell_view,
                                                        EFilterRule *custom_rule,
                                                        gpointer     user_data)        : Run Last

Emitted when an advanced or saved search is about to be executed. See e_shell_view_custom_search() for details.

shell_view :

the EShellView which emitted the signal

custom_rule :

criteria for the custom search

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "execute-search" signal

void                user_function                      (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                        gpointer    user_data)       : Run First

EShellView subclasses should override the <structfield>execute_search</structfield> method in EShellViewClass to execute the current search conditions.

shell_view :

the EShellView which emitted the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "toggled" signal

void                user_function                      (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                        gpointer    user_data)       : Run First

Emitted when shell_view is activated or deactivated. Use e_shell_view_is_active() to find out which event has occurred. The shell view being deactivated is always notified before the shell view being activated.

By default, EShellView adds the UI definition file given in the <structfield>ui_definition</structfield> field of EShellViewClass on activation, and removes the UI definition on deactivation.

shell_view :

the EShellView which emitted the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "update-actions" signal

void                user_function                      (EShellView *shell_view,
                                                        gpointer    user_data)       : Run First

EShellView subclasses should override the <structfield>update_actions</structfield> method in EShellViewClass to update sensitivities, labels, or any other aspect of the GtkAction<!-- -->s they have registered.

Plugins can also connect to this signal to be notified when to update their own GtkAction<!-- -->s.

shell_view :

the EShellView which emitted the signal

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.