
EShell — the backbone of Evolution


#include <shell/e-shell.h>

struct              EShell;
EShell *            e_shell_get_default                 (void);
void                e_shell_load_modules                (EShell *shell);
GList *             e_shell_get_shell_backends          (EShell *shell);
const gchar *       e_shell_get_canonical_name          (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *name);
EShellBackend *     e_shell_get_backend_by_name         (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *name);
EShellBackend *     e_shell_get_backend_by_scheme       (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *scheme);
EClientCache *      e_shell_get_client_cache            (EShell *shell);
EShellSettings *    e_shell_get_shell_settings          (EShell *shell);
ESourceRegistry *   e_shell_get_registry                (EShell *shell);
GtkWidget *         e_shell_create_shell_window         (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *view_name);
guint               e_shell_handle_uris                 (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar * const *uris,
                                                         gboolean do_import);
void                e_shell_submit_alert                (EShell *shell,
                                                         EAlert *alert);
GtkWindow *         e_shell_get_active_window           (EShell *shell);
gboolean            e_shell_get_meego_mode              (EShell *shell);
gboolean            e_shell_get_express_mode            (EShell *shell);
gboolean            e_shell_get_small_screen_mode       (EShell *shell);
const gchar *       e_shell_get_module_directory        (EShell *shell);
gboolean            e_shell_get_network_available       (EShell *shell);
void                e_shell_set_network_available       (EShell *shell,
                                                         gboolean network_available);
void                e_shell_lock_network_available      (EShell *shell);
gboolean            e_shell_get_online                  (EShell *shell);
void                e_shell_set_online                  (EShell *shell,
                                                         gboolean online);
GtkWidget *         e_shell_get_preferences_window      (EShell *shell);
void                e_shell_event                       (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *event_name,
                                                         gpointer event_data);
enum                EShellQuitReason;
gboolean            e_shell_quit                        (EShell *shell,
                                                         EShellQuitReason reason);
void                e_shell_cancel_quit                 (EShell *shell);
void                e_shell_adapt_window_size           (EShell *shell,
                                                         GtkWindow *window);
void                e_shell_set_startup_view            (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *view);
const gchar *       e_shell_get_startup_view            (EShell *shell);
gboolean            e_shell_migrate_attempt             (EShell *shell);
void                e_shell_detect_meego                (gboolean *is_meego,
                                                         gboolean *small_screen);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

EShell implements GActionGroup, GActionMap, GInitable and EExtensible.


  "client-cache"             EClientCache*         : Read
  "express-mode"             gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "geometry"                 gchar*                : Write / Construct Only
  "meego-mode"               gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "module-directory"         gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "network-available"        gboolean              : Read / Write
  "online"                   gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct
  "registry"                 ESourceRegistry*      : Read
  "shell-settings"           EShellSettings*       : Read
  "small-screen-mode"        gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only


  "event"                                          : Action
  "handle-uri"                                     : Action
  "prepare-for-offline"                            : Run First
  "prepare-for-online"                             : Run First
  "prepare-for-quit"                               : Run First
  "quit-requested"                                 : Run First



struct EShell

struct EShell;

Contains only private data that should be read and manipulated using the functions below.

e_shell_get_default ()

EShell *            e_shell_get_default                 (void);

Returns the EShell created by <function>main()</function>.

Try to obtain the EShell from elsewhere if you can. This function is intended as a temporary workaround for when that proves difficult.

Returns :

the EShell singleton

e_shell_load_modules ()

void                e_shell_load_modules                (EShell *shell);

Loads all installed modules and performs some internal bookkeeping. This function should be called after creating the EShell instance but before initiating migration or starting the main loop.

shell :

an EShell

e_shell_get_shell_backends ()

GList *             e_shell_get_shell_backends          (EShell *shell);

Returns a list of loaded EShellBackend instances. The list is owned by shell and should not be modified or freed.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

a list of loaded EShellBackend instances

e_shell_get_canonical_name ()

const gchar *       e_shell_get_canonical_name          (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Returns the canonical name for the EShellBackend whose name or alias is name.

shell :

an EShell

name :

the name or alias of an EShellBackend

Returns :

the canonical EShellBackend name

e_shell_get_backend_by_name ()

EShellBackend *     e_shell_get_backend_by_name         (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Returns the corresponding EShellBackend for the given name or alias, or NULL if name is not recognized.

shell :

an EShell

name :

the name or alias of an EShellBackend

Returns :

the EShellBackend named name, or NULL

e_shell_get_backend_by_scheme ()

EShellBackend *     e_shell_get_backend_by_scheme       (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *scheme);

Returns the EShellBackend that implements the given URI scheme, or NULL if scheme is not recognized.

shell :

an EShell

scheme :

a URI scheme

Returns :

the EShellBackend that implements scheme, or NULL

e_shell_get_client_cache ()

EClientCache *      e_shell_get_client_cache            (EShell *shell);

Returns the EClientCache instance for shell.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

the EClientCache instance for shell

e_shell_get_shell_settings ()

EShellSettings *    e_shell_get_shell_settings          (EShell *shell);

Returns the EShellSettings instance for shell.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

the EShellSettings instance for shell

e_shell_get_registry ()

ESourceRegistry *   e_shell_get_registry                (EShell *shell);

Returns the shell's ESourceRegistry which holds all ESource instances.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

the ESourceRegistry

e_shell_create_shell_window ()

GtkWidget *         e_shell_create_shell_window         (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *view_name);

Creates a new EShellWindow. Use this function instead of e_shell_window_new() so that shell can properly configure the window.

shell :

an EShell

view_name :

name of the initial shell view, or NULL

Returns :

a new EShellWindow

e_shell_handle_uris ()

guint               e_shell_handle_uris                 (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar * const *uris,
                                                         gboolean do_import);

Emits the "handle-uri" signal for each URI.

shell :

an EShell

uris :

NULL-terminated list of URIs

do_import :

request an import of the URIs

Returns :

the number of URIs successfully handled

e_shell_submit_alert ()

void                e_shell_submit_alert                (EShell *shell,
                                                         EAlert *alert);

Broadcasts alert to all EShellWindow<!-- -->s. This should only be used for application-wide alerts such as a network outage. Submit view-specific alerts to the appropriate EShellContent instance.

shell :

an EShell

alert :

an EAlert

e_shell_get_active_window ()

GtkWindow *         e_shell_get_active_window           (EShell *shell);

Returns the most recently focused watched window, according to gtk_application_get_windows(). Convenient for finding a parent for a transient window.

Note the returned window is not necessarily an EShellWindow.

shell :

an EShell or NULL to use the default shell

Returns :

the most recently focused watched window

e_shell_get_meego_mode ()

gboolean            e_shell_get_meego_mode              (EShell *shell);

Returns TRUE if Evolution is in MeeGo mode.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

TRUE if Evolution is in MeeGo mode

e_shell_get_express_mode ()

gboolean            e_shell_get_express_mode            (EShell *shell);

Returns TRUE if Evolution is in express mode.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

TRUE if Evolution is in express mode

e_shell_get_small_screen_mode ()

gboolean            e_shell_get_small_screen_mode       (EShell *shell);

Returns TRUE if Evolution is in small (netbook) screen mode.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

TRUE if Evolution is in small screen mode

e_shell_get_module_directory ()

const gchar *       e_shell_get_module_directory        (EShell *shell);

Returns the directory from which EModule<!-- -->s were loaded.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

the EModule directory

e_shell_get_network_available ()

gboolean            e_shell_get_network_available       (EShell *shell);

Returns TRUE if a network is available.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

TRUE if a network is available

e_shell_set_network_available ()

void                e_shell_set_network_available       (EShell *shell,
                                                         gboolean network_available);

Sets whether a network is available. This is usually called in response to a status change signal from NetworkManager. If the network becomes unavailable while "online" is TRUE, the shell will force "online" to FALSE until the network becomes available again.

shell :

an EShell

network_available :

whether a network is available

e_shell_lock_network_available ()

void                e_shell_lock_network_available      (EShell *shell);

Locks the value of "network-available" to TRUE. Further attempts to set the property will be ignored.

This is used for the --force-online command-line option, which is intended to override the network availability status as reported by NetworkManager or other network monitoring software.

shell :

an EShell

e_shell_get_online ()

gboolean            e_shell_get_online                  (EShell *shell);

Returns TRUE if Evolution is online, FALSE if Evolution is offline. Evolution may be offline because the user elected to work offline, or because the network has become unavailable.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

TRUE if Evolution is online

e_shell_set_online ()

void                e_shell_set_online                  (EShell *shell,
                                                         gboolean online);

Asynchronously places Evolution in online or offline mode.

shell :

an EShell

online :

TRUE to go online, FALSE to go offline

e_shell_get_preferences_window ()

GtkWidget *         e_shell_get_preferences_window      (EShell *shell);

Returns the Evolution Preferences window.

shell :

an EShell

Returns :

the preferences window

e_shell_event ()

void                e_shell_event                       (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *event_name,
                                                         gpointer event_data);

The "event" signal acts as a cheap mechanism for broadcasting events to the rest of the application, such as new mail arriving. The event_name is used as the signal detail, and event_data may point to an object or data structure associated with the event.

shell :

an EShell

event_name :

the name of the event

event_data :

data associated with the event

enum EShellQuitReason

typedef enum {
} EShellQuitReason;

These values are passed in the "quit-requested" signal to indicate why the shell is requesting to shut down.




The last watched window has been destroyed.


The program was invoked with --quit. Extensions will never see this value because they are not loaded when --quit is given.


Another Evolution process requested we quit.


The desktop session requested we quit.

e_shell_quit ()

gboolean            e_shell_quit                        (EShell *shell,
                                                         EShellQuitReason reason);

Requests an application shutdown. This happens in two phases: the first is synchronous, the second is asynchronous.

In the first phase, the shell emits a "quit-requested" signal to potentially give the user a chance to cancel shutdown. If the user cancels shutdown, the function returns FALSE. Otherwise it proceeds into the second phase.

In the second phase, the shell emits a "prepare-for-quit" signal and immediately returns TRUE. Signal handlers may delay the actual application shutdown while they clean up resources, but there is no way to cancel shutdown at this point.

Consult the documentation for these two signals for details on how to handle them.

shell :

an EShell

reason :

the reason for quitting

Returns :

TRUE if shutdown is underway, FALSE if it was cancelled

e_shell_cancel_quit ()

void                e_shell_cancel_quit                 (EShell *shell);

This function may only be called from "quit-requested" signal handlers to prevent Evolution from quitting. Calling this will stop further emission of the "quit-requested" signal.

Note: This function has no effect during a "prepare-for-quit" signal emission.

shell :

an EShell

e_shell_adapt_window_size ()

void                e_shell_adapt_window_size           (EShell *shell,
                                                         GtkWindow *window);

This is used to adapt to window's size to be optimal for the platform. The shell settings are used to determine if a window should be set to full screen etc.

This method is best called when the widget is realized on a given screen.

shell :

an EShell

window :

a GtkWindow to adapt to full-screen

e_shell_set_startup_view ()

void                e_shell_set_startup_view            (EShell *shell,
                                                         const gchar *view);

e_shell_get_startup_view ()

const gchar *       e_shell_get_startup_view            (EShell *shell);

e_shell_migrate_attempt ()

gboolean            e_shell_migrate_attempt             (EShell *shell);

e_shell_detect_meego ()

void                e_shell_detect_meego                (gboolean *is_meego,
                                                         gboolean *small_screen);

Property Details

The "client-cache" property

  "client-cache"             EClientCache*         : Read

Shared EClient instances.

The "express-mode" property

  "express-mode"             gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only

Express mode alters Evolution's user interface to be more usable on devices with small screens.

Default value: FALSE

The "geometry" property

  "geometry"                 gchar*                : Write / Construct Only

User-specified initial window geometry string to apply to the first EShellWindow created.

Default value: NULL

The "meego-mode" property

  "meego-mode"               gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only

Whether meego mode is enabled.

Default value: FALSE

The "module-directory" property

  "module-directory"         gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

The directory from which to load EModule<!-- -->s.

Default value: NULL

The "network-available" property

  "network-available"        gboolean              : Read / Write

Whether the network is available.

Default value: TRUE

The "online" property

  "online"                   gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct

Whether the shell is online.

Default value: FALSE

The "registry" property

  "registry"                 ESourceRegistry*      : Read

The ESourceRegistry manages ESource instances.

The "shell-settings" property

  "shell-settings"           EShellSettings*       : Read

Application-wide settings.

The "small-screen-mode" property

  "small-screen-mode"        gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only

Whether we run on a rather small screen.

Default value: FALSE

Signal Details

The "event" signal

void                user_function                      (EShell  *shell,
                                                        gpointer event_data,
                                                        gpointer user_data)       : Action

This signal is used to broadcast custom events to the entire application. The nature of event_data depends on the event being broadcast. The signal's detail denotes the event.

shell :

the EShell which emitted the signal

event_data :

data associated with the event

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "handle-uri" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (EShell  *shell,
                                                        gchar   *uri,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Action

Emitted when shell receives a URI to be handled, usually by way of a command-line argument. An EShellBackend should listen for this signal and try to handle the URI, usually by opening an editor window for the identified resource.

shell :

the EShell which emitted the signal

uri :

the URI to be handled

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Returns :

TRUE if the URI could be handled, FALSE otherwise

The "prepare-for-offline" signal

void                user_function                      (EShell    *shell,
                                                        EActivity *activity,
                                                        gpointer   user_data)      : Run First

Emitted when the user elects to work offline. An EShellBackend should listen for this signal and make preparations for working in offline mode.

If preparations for working offline cannot immediately be completed (such as when synchronizing with a remote server), the EShellBackend should reference the activity until preparations are complete, and then unreference the activity. This will delay Evolution from actually going to offline mode until all backends have unreferenced activity.

shell :

the EShell which emitted the signal

activity :

the EActivity for offline preparations

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "prepare-for-online" signal

void                user_function                      (EShell    *shell,
                                                        EActivity *activity,
                                                        gpointer   user_data)      : Run First

Emitted when the user elects to work online. An EShellBackend should listen for this signal and make preparations for working in online mode.

If preparations for working online cannot immediately be completed (such as when re-connecting to a remote server), the EShellBackend should reference the activity until preparations are complete, and then unreference the activity. This will delay Evolution from actually going to online mode until all backends have unreferenced activity.

shell :

the EShell which emitted the signal

activity :

the EActivity for offline preparations

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "prepare-for-quit" signal

void                user_function                      (EShell    *shell,
                                                        EActivity *activity,
                                                        gpointer   user_data)      : Run First

Emitted when the user elects to quit the application, after "quit-requested". An EShellBackend should listen for this signal and make preparations for shutting down.

If preparations for shutting down cannot immediately be completed (such as when there are uncompleted network operations), the EShellBackend should reference the activity until preparations are complete, and then unreference the activity. This will delay Evolution from actually shutting down until all backends have unreferenced activity.

shell :

the EShell which emitted the signal

activity :

the EActivity for quit preparations

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "quit-requested" signal

void                user_function                      (EShell          *shell,
                                                        EShellQuitReason reason,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run First

Emitted when the user elects to quit the application, before "prepare-for-quit".

EShellBackend<!-- -->s and editor windows can listen for this signal to prompt the user to save changes or finish scheduled operations immediately (such as sending mail in Outbox). If the user elects to cancel, the signal handler should call e_shell_cancel_quit() to abort the quit.

shell :

the EShell which emitted the signal

reason :

the reason for quitting

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.