
org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.Authenticator — Authentication interface


Ready    (IN  s encryption_key);
Cancel   ();
Accepted ();
Rejected ();


Authenticate (s encrypted_secret);
Dismissed    ();
ServerError  (s name,
              s message);


WithoutPassword  readwrite  b


Interface for an authentication session.

Method Details

The Ready() method

Ready (IN  s encryption_key);

Indicates the client is ready to receive Response signals. If this method is not called within a short duration after the object path for this interface is exported, the object path will be unexported.

IN s encryption_key:

Implementation defined encryption key

The Cancel() method

Cancel ();

Indicates the client no longer wishes to authenticate. Any active or pending authentication prompt will be cancelled, and the object path for this interface will be unexported.

The object path for this interface will be unexported.

This method ends the authentication session.

The Accepted() method

Accepted ();

Indicates the most-recently-passed secret was accepted. If the user wishes, the secret can be copied to a keyring for permanent storage at this point.

The object path for this interface will be unexported.

This method ends the authentication session.

The Rejected() method

Rejected ();

Indicates the most-recently-passed secret was rejected. The client should continue listening for a new Authenticate signal.

Signal Details

The "Authenticate" signal

Authenticate (s encrypted_secret);

Emitted when the user has responded to an authentication prompt.

The client should attempt to authenticate using the provided secret and then respond by calling either Accepted, Rejected or Cancel. The Authenticate signal will not be emitted again until the client has responded.

If at any time the user cancels the authentication prompt, the Dismissed signal is emitted immediately.

s encrypted_secret:

Encrypted secret string

The "Dismissed" signal

Dismissed ();

Emitted when the user has declined to provide a secret.

Any further attempts to authenticate the Source will emit a Dismissed signal without interrupting the user. This state persists until the ResetAuthDismissal method is called.

This signal ends the authentication session.

The "ServerError" signal

ServerError (s name,
             s message);

Emitted when there was a server-side error. A g_dbus_error_new_for_dbus_error() can be used to reconstruct original #GError from name and message.

This signal ends the authentication session.

s name:

a #GError name encoded with g_dbus_error_encode_gerror().

s message:

a #GError::message

Property Details

The "WithoutPassword" property

WithoutPassword  readwrite  b

Whether to try to authenticate without a password first.