
enum                ESExpResultType;
struct              ESExpResult;
enum                ESExpTermType;
struct              ESExpSymbol;
struct              ESExpTerm;
struct              ESExp;
ESExp *             e_sexp_new                          (void);
#define             e_sexp_ref                          (f)
#define             e_sexp_unref                        (f)
void                e_sexp_add_function                 (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         ESExpFunc *func,
                                                         gpointer data);
void                e_sexp_add_ifunction                (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         ESExpIFunc *func,
                                                         gpointer data);
void                e_sexp_add_variable                 (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope,
                                                         gchar *name,
                                                         ESExpTerm *value);
void                e_sexp_remove_symbol                (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope,
                                                         const gchar *name);
gint                e_sexp_set_scope                    (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope);
void                e_sexp_input_text                   (ESExp *f,
                                                         const gchar *text,
                                                         gint len);
void                e_sexp_input_file                   (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint fd);
gint                e_sexp_parse                        (ESExp *f);
ESExpResult *       e_sexp_eval                         (ESExp *f);
ESExpResult *       e_sexp_term_eval                    (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         struct _ESExpTerm *t);
ESExpResult *       e_sexp_result_new                   (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         gint type);
void                e_sexp_result_free                  (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         struct _ESExpResult *t);
void                e_sexp_resultv_free                 (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         struct _ESExpResult **argv);
void                e_sexp_encode_bool                  (GString *s,
                                                         gboolean state);
void                e_sexp_encode_string                (GString *s,
                                                         const gchar *string);
void                e_sexp_fatal_error                  (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         const gchar *why,
const gchar *       e_sexp_error                        (struct _ESExp *f);
ESExpTerm *         e_sexp_parse_value                  (ESExp *f);
gboolean            e_sexp_evaluate_occur_times         (ESExp *f,
                                                         time_t *start,
                                                         time_t *end);



enum ESExpResultType

typedef enum {
	ESEXP_RES_ARRAY_PTR=0, /* type is a ptrarray, what it points to is implementation dependant */
	ESEXP_RES_INT,		/* type is a number */
	ESEXP_RES_STRING, /* type is a pointer to a single string */
	ESEXP_RES_BOOL,		/* boolean type */
	ESEXP_RES_TIME,		/* time_t type */
	ESEXP_RES_UNDEFINED /* unknown type */
} ESExpResultType;







struct ESExpResult

struct ESExpResult {
	ESExpResultType type;
	union {
		GPtrArray *ptrarray;
		gint number;
		gchar *string;
		gint boolean;
		time_t time;
	} value;
	gboolean time_generator;
	time_t occuring_start;
	time_t occuring_end;

enum ESExpTermType

typedef enum {
	ESEXP_TERM_INT = 0, /* integer literal */
	ESEXP_TERM_BOOL, /* boolean literal */
	ESEXP_TERM_STRING, /* string literal */
	ESEXP_TERM_TIME, /* time_t literal (number of seconds past the epoch) */
	ESEXP_TERM_FUNC, /* normal function, arguments are evaluated before calling */
	ESEXP_TERM_IFUNC, /* immediate function, raw terms are arguments */
	ESEXP_TERM_VAR		/* variable reference */
} ESExpTermType;








struct ESExpSymbol

struct ESExpSymbol {
	gint type;		/* ESEXP_TERM_FUNC or ESEXP_TERM_VAR */
	gchar *name;
	gpointer data;
	union {
		ESExpFunc *func;
		ESExpIFunc *ifunc;
	} f;

struct ESExpTerm

struct ESExpTerm {
	ESExpTermType type;
	union {
		gchar *string;
		gint number;
		gint boolean;
		time_t time;
		struct {
			struct _ESExpSymbol *sym;
			struct _ESExpTerm **terms;
			gint termcount;
		} func;
		struct _ESExpSymbol *var;
	} value;

struct ESExp

struct ESExp {
	GObject parent_object;
	gint refcount;
	GScanner *scanner; /* for parsing text version */
	ESExpTerm *tree; /* root of expression tree */

	/* private stuff */
	jmp_buf failenv;
	gchar *error;
	GSList *operators;

	/* TODO: may also need a pool allocator for term strings, so we dont lose them
	 * in error conditions? */
	struct _EMemChunk *term_chunks;
	struct _EMemChunk *result_chunks;

e_sexp_new ()

ESExp *             e_sexp_new                          (void);


#define         e_sexp_ref(f)           g_object_ref (f)


#define         e_sexp_unref(f)         g_object_unref (f)

e_sexp_add_function ()

void                e_sexp_add_function                 (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         ESExpFunc *func,
                                                         gpointer data);

e_sexp_add_ifunction ()

void                e_sexp_add_ifunction                (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         ESExpIFunc *func,
                                                         gpointer data);

e_sexp_add_variable ()

void                e_sexp_add_variable                 (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope,
                                                         gchar *name,
                                                         ESExpTerm *value);

e_sexp_remove_symbol ()

void                e_sexp_remove_symbol                (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope,
                                                         const gchar *name);

e_sexp_set_scope ()

gint                e_sexp_set_scope                    (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint scope);

e_sexp_input_text ()

void                e_sexp_input_text                   (ESExp *f,
                                                         const gchar *text,
                                                         gint len);

e_sexp_input_file ()

void                e_sexp_input_file                   (ESExp *f,
                                                         gint fd);

e_sexp_parse ()

gint                e_sexp_parse                        (ESExp *f);

e_sexp_eval ()

ESExpResult *       e_sexp_eval                         (ESExp *f);

e_sexp_term_eval ()

ESExpResult *       e_sexp_term_eval                    (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         struct _ESExpTerm *t);

e_sexp_result_new ()

ESExpResult *       e_sexp_result_new                   (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         gint type);

e_sexp_result_free ()

void                e_sexp_result_free                  (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         struct _ESExpResult *t);

e_sexp_resultv_free ()

void                e_sexp_resultv_free                 (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         gint argc,
                                                         struct _ESExpResult **argv);

e_sexp_encode_bool ()

void                e_sexp_encode_bool                  (GString *s,
                                                         gboolean state);

Encode a bool into an s-expression s. Bools are encoded using #t #f syntax.

e_sexp_encode_string ()

void                e_sexp_encode_string                (GString *s,
                                                         const gchar *string);

Add a c string string to the s-expression stored in the gstring s. Quotes are added, and special characters are escaped appropriately.

s :

Destination string.

string :

String expression.

e_sexp_fatal_error ()

void                e_sexp_fatal_error                  (struct _ESExp *f,
                                                         const gchar *why,

e_sexp_error ()

const gchar *       e_sexp_error                        (struct _ESExp *f);

e_sexp_parse_value ()

ESExpTerm *         e_sexp_parse_value                  (ESExp *f);

Since 2.28

e_sexp_evaluate_occur_times ()

gboolean            e_sexp_evaluate_occur_times         (ESExp *f,
                                                         time_t *start,
                                                         time_t *end);